
Positive Behavior Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Leveraging different kinds of social relationships that reinforce positive behavior."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Only be nice to everyone, don't be a meanie, weenie."
"I honestly think that the best way to get involved in the war of ideas and change hearts and minds is to act well."
"It doesn't cost anything to be nice. It doesn't cost anything to smile, say hello, 'Can I help you with something?'"
"I'm proud of your behavior and your brother's, too"
"I want you to be nice. Spread kindness because it can make someone's day."
"Using that behavior for the best is a good thing."
"Lead by example, set a good precedent for our community."
"Just be freaking kind and come from a place of love."
"It's the exact opposite, instead of trolling or treating them poorly, most players cheer them on or offer advice and tips in dungeons."
"Be indiscriminately friendly to every single person that you meet."
"Keep making those good choices. We're in this together, guys."
"There was a lot of consent and talking, which helps, whatever the opposite of Weinstein is."
"ISFJs at their best know that sometimes it's okay or even necessary to make ripples, or even waves, in the social environment to achieve a better outcome for everyone in the long run."
"ESFJs at their best are leaders of a community."
"Be an example for other people in your life."
"You're setting a really good example right now."
"Remember that people respond well to communication, not abuse."
"Helps people be nice to others, yeah, you know?"
"Let's be on our best behavior, our goat behavior. Let's empower one another, and may they find their blessings from way all the way over there."
"You can take people over with love and kindness."
"Choose to be kind to others because as soon as you show kindness, you can show more than life."
"Be kind, life will reward you with enjoyable time."
"I love that they continually take the high road."
"Girl up is a campaign to encourage girls to compliment other girls and make it cool because it is cool to build other women up and not be so competitive and so hostile towards each other."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is be kind to a stranger."
"If you do stuff the right way without hate or negativity, I promise you, that shit will come back to you."
"You just smile and then you see how far it spreads."
"When you do the right thing, it becomes contagious."
"Be praising of others rather than judging or gossiping."
"You need to learn to spread kindness and not hate."
"Kindness is free, so sprinkle it everywhere." - Bambolino
"Be positive, push people up, don't push people down."
"Just respond with love to your fellow humans."
"Act like you believe in yourself before you do believe in yourself."
"Good for the school resource officer for doing the right thing."
"You can always be kind to others, but more importantly, kind to yourself."
"Whenever you start making good decisions, it will always influence the people around you."
"Talk good about people, be kind to everyone."
"Treat people with kindness" - positivity and kindness.
"Let's go do some good stuff, man. Be the real Alpha. Trust me, man, you start doing that, oh, you'll feel good. You'll feel good. You'll feel good. Be Alpha."
"If you're taking a break from your feelings and letting loose, do it in a positive nature."
"I hope people see that kindness can lead to success."
"It's a lot easier to be kind than it is to be mean it's a lot easier to love than it is to hate."
"Practice kindness and let's get kindness into the world."
"Give a GG every now and again, that dude just might become your best friend."
"Lead by example, show grace and show gratitude instead of succumbing to some of the other energies that are out there."
"True confidence is about loving yourself and loving everyone around you."
"Did you also know that scientists have found that games like Sunshine can inspire people to be more helpful towards others?"
"When given the opportunity, people can and will be kind."
"Try today to be kind to someone just for the heck of it. It really does change your entire way of being in the world."
"Smiling does wonders for me... It just uplifts everyone's energy."
"Be nice to people, just be genuinely nice to people."
"Positivity, ladies and gentlemen. Treat people the way you want to be treated."
"You don't have to belittle other people to make yourself better you can just be awesome."
"Be nice, get out there, say something nice to somebody."
"Good on you, Hex community, for being respectful."
"Remember to always keep that kindness foot forward."
"If you want to see more love in your school, be love."
"You never want to be mean to people, guys. Like, you always just want to be nice, never say mean stuff to people."
"Be the person that you want people to be to you because what you get out what you put out you get back."
"Just be kind, you know we don't need to be a-holes here."
"Walk in love toward everyone, folks. Give them a smile instead of a frown."
"OMG, our guy totally could have waited for her to finish, but instead he went ahead and helped her, which is such a green flag."
"Encourage good behavior in yourself and others, and you'll be amazed at how much good it can bring."
"When he feels insecure, he wants to be closer to the human, which potentially can be a real positive thing."
"Reward the behavior you want to see."
"Always, always, ladies, leave a little kindness everywhere you go."
"Be a good dude Jake just be a good guy."
"He was just like a good kid, like we would say, just raised the right way."
"Friendship promotes being nice, it promotes values that are important not only in childhood but later in adult life."
"Rosie's just always a very good girl."
"Be kind, keep a smile on your face when you're outdoors."
"You can see the behavior towards her though; that's really really nice behavior."
"We didn't give dirty looks or say anything stupid or negative."
"Be friendly to people... it's only going to benefit you."
"Good stuff spreads much more virally through social networks than bad stuff, producing greater prosociality."
"Be nice to her, that kind of thing goes down well with us human beings."
"And don't forget to be excellent to each other."
"At the end of the day, if you're nice to someone, they're almost always gonna be nice back to you."
"Acknowledge and write down the times that you saw good choices from your dog."
"Rather than promoting anti-bully, it's just promote kindness."
"We can all benefit by showing and sharing a little loyalty, honesty, generosity, laughter, and kindness."
"Feed and nurture behavior that's good in yourself and others, and you'll see how much positivity each can yield."
"Not fighting meanness with meanness but fighting meanness with peace."
"Be kind to each other, that'll do it."
"Look at that sportsmanship, good call, sports pass it on."
"Right now you're being a bucket filler."
"It's better to err on the side of just being nice and showing your gratitude and appreciation."
"Stay kind to each other, treat people with respect, be happy, spread some kindness right now and today."
"By being confident in yourself, by loving and respecting yourself, from that will stem oftentimes positive behaviors that are very attractive towards other people."
"You kill them with kindness, and that's the ultimate win."
"It doesn't hurt to be nice sometimes, you get rewarded for being nice."
"It's really important to build a community around you that supports and encourages you with the right behaviors."
"I want you to engage in behavior that is most self-loving; that is my goal."
"If you cultivate these behaviors, we can be equipped, and we will be able to do something wonderful for this world."
"I love being really kind to people who are rude and just killing them with kindness."
"The best thing you do is to create social pressures and cultural incentives that lead people towards good behaviors."
"That's something that's commendable."
"He's taking responsibility, he's doing it, so it's good."
"Don't counter bullying with bullying, don't spread hate, don't spread animosity."