
Endorphins Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"We all have within our brain and body the capacity to release our own opioids."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you work out, it releases an endorphin. When you wake up, you work out, you accomplish something. It's like then you're ready for the day."
"Exercising releases endorphins in the brain that make you feel happier and less stressed."
"Exercise releases endorphins which helps to boost your energy and help you feel good and releases stress."
"Evolutionarily, why there's an endorphin rush from understanding this is fascinating."
"A no big deal attitude towards waking up, doing a quick movement session, feeling really good and feeling those endorphins afterwards."
"Exercise is incredible at releasing endorphins and dopamine."
"Exercising is just good, getting up and about, getting the endorphins pumping."
"I was hooked on running because that endorphin hit was Oh down it was good."
"You're getting the endorphins, the dopamine, the rush from pushing yourself."
"Always try to have good positive energy because it completely changes everything."
"Exercise move your body around that will get your blood flowing and will get pump blood to your brain which will have all these endorphins the feel-good chemicals."
"I'm really addicted to fast food, whatever endorphins it gives you, it really hits hard for me."
"I genuinely feel a difference in my endorphins and in my mood."
"It blocks endorphins and then the body thinks is not enough and it makes more."
"What a feeling that is, the rush of endorphins to your head."
"For those of you who go on runs and stuff like that, when have you ever completed a run and not felt amazing afterwards?"
"Love it, the endorphins are doing their thing."
"Running is fantastic for releasing those endorphins."
"You can actually develop a positive addiction to endorphins and to the feeling of enhanced clarity, confidence, and competence that they trigger."
"Exercise boosts endorphins and mitigates the effects of chronic stress."
"Starting with ourselves, every time we smile, there's a little party happening inside our bodies. Our brain releases these happy little chemicals called endorphins."
"Laughing releases endorphins, reducing pain."
"Acupuncture and acupressure have been associated with increased endorphins."
"Essential oils of vanilla and lavender have been shown to increase endorphins."
"Fitness produces endorphins. Endorphins make happy people."
"It's been so good to see you all today. As you can tell I really enjoy doing these kind of cardio workouts. It reminds me of my dancing days when you get this huge kind of natural endorphin rush, this sort of lovely high at the end."
"The amount of endorphins that I just released in that class... it is now 8, have an amazing start to my day."
"I think it's endorphins, I don't know, but it just makes you feel really good."
"When I finish my run, runner's high is the absolute best."
"Endorphins are the chemical mediator of our experience of ecstatic joy."
"There's nothing better than the feeling of the endorphins that you've just done a hard session."
"Honestly, I feel like the endorphins are just like pumping right now."
"...hopefully those good endorphins are coming through. You're proud of yourself for completing that session."
"I never leave the gym regretting it. I never do a workout and then be like, 'Oh, I shouldn't have done that. That was such a waste of time.' No, like I always feel so much better because endorphins, babes. Endorphins."
"The endorphins after are always worth it."
"Orgasm mixed with those endorphins can definitely make things more pleasurable or manageable in labor."
"It's healthy to laugh; releases endorphins."
"That is the best thing about being an active fit couple. When you do stuff like this, afterwards, like the endorphin release is what makes it so much more worth it."
"The endorphins I get from it are immaculate."
"I feel way better than when we started this workout, the endorphins are flowing."
"...exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy."
"What's the most powerful drug you can take? The natural high called endorphine."
"Exercise: moving your body for 20 to 30 minutes is going to get your heart rate up and release endorphins."
"You hear about the runner's high? Man, I got a Walker's high."
"I was obsessed with the rush of endorphins I experienced when facing my fears"
"I've got that heart rate going. I've got those endorphins flowing. I'm feeling really good right now."
"Cry's good. Three minutes. Cry three minutes. I've done it, it's fun. You come out, your endorphins get kicked up."
"Laughing releases endorphins which wakes you up."
"I love getting my workout done first thing because it releases endorphins then you just feel so accomplished."
"The other added benefit is you've got endorphins that are going out, all right, we'll put you to sleep at night, well, helping, can really kind of help your mood, which is awesome."
"A persistence high because it's a common effect in your brain when you get your heart rate up a little bit and you're using your muscles."
"Every little bit of exercise can make you feel good, all those endorphins to make you feel great about yourself."
"For me, the biggest thing is exercise, like the endorphins it gives me."
"Working out makes me feel so good... it releases good endorphins inside your body."
"The feel-good chemicals from exercise happen more frequently when you work out a little every day."
"Endorphins are just released, yeah."
"That is the ultimate endorphin rush of all time."
"The purring is a self-soothing mechanism that actually releases endorphins."
"It produces endorphins in your brain, the feel-good."
"When you go in and your body is rejecting what's happening so hard, and then you don't die and you adapt to it, there's a huge endorphin rush that happens."
"I get it though, the endorphins and serotonin that gets released in your body when you get like a new piercing or a new tattoo is definitely addictive."
"I want to feel those endorphins, you know?"
"It's endorphins, it's definitely endorphins."
"As soon as I'm getting in shape, I get this endorphin lift, and I feel so much better."
"If you just go out in the yard and jog in place as fast as you can for 30 seconds, you're going to release some endorphins."
"Definitely feeling the endorphins right now, that workout was great."
"Your brain does two things: it drops cortisol level and causes your brains to release endorphins."
"Exercise gets the endorphins flowing which makes stress more manageable."
"A good old belly laugh will release endorphins."
"Laughter not only makes you breathe deeper but it also releases endorphins."
"I'm pumped full of endorphins this morning and feeling very good."
"Holy smokes, that is releasing endorphins in my brain as we speak."
"Benefits include decreased inflammation, huge rush of endorphins, spikes your dopamine."
"The endorphins you'll feel after a workout, they're there to make you feel good."
"Picking this piece up, a lot of endorphins fired off, it was a great feeling and a lot of fun."
"Endorphins are good for wound healing, cellular differentiation, and pain."
"Sauna use increases beta endorphins in the blood which produces feelings of euphoria."
"When you exercise, you actually release endorphins."
"Our brain releases chemicals like endorphins, positive chemicals that help you feel happy."
"We wanna find that sweet spot where we're pushing the exact right amount to get the endorphins flowing to feel really good."
"When you exercise your body releases endorphins that make you happy."
"I pushed through and I feel amazing. My endorphins are running and I feel great."
"Boost your endorphins and will surely give you a big fat smile on your face."
"Enjoy all those endorphins that are pumping."
"Those days when working out gives you those endorphins, that little extra energy you need."
"You've got to love them. You may not feel great at the time, but afterwards, you've got all these really good endorphins that are flooding through your body."
"Just getting some like endorphins and just like getting those blood white cells working and just like moving your body and stretching, a little bit of sweat on that is always so helpful."
"I feel so happy, like I just have these really happy endorphins in me."
"Deep cleaning your house is a great way to feel good, release those happy endorphins, and have a lovely clean space."
"Move for the pleasure, move for the pride, move for the endorphin rush."
"I need that sort of natural endorphins."
"Just getting yourself moving in some way gets those endorphins releasing sooner, getting some vitamin D."
"Endorphins make our dogs feel good, so long and/or hard exercise can keep them happy."
"Heart opening poses... help release some endorphins and help you to feel better emotionally as well as physically."
"Laughter turns out to be an extremely good trigger for endorphins."
"You got your body moving, you got those feel-good endorphins."
"We're gonna get those endorphins going, those feel-good hormones."
"If you exercise, you're releasing happy hormones, and the happy hormones are called endorphins."
"One of the main benefits of exercise is increased energy, right? And getting those feel-good hormones, those endorphins, serotonin levels."
"The sauna releases endorphins, which are chemicals that your body produces to reduce your stress levels."
"Your body's own feel-good chemical, endorphins, get released as you relax."
"Exercise releases endorphins. It's a good chemical in your brain that makes you happy."
"When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, makes you feel better."
"I'm so excited, I come upstairs, I've got my coffee, I just worked out, endorphins are boosting."
"Fight that little voice and just go, endorphins man, they're free as well."
"Running just gives me such a good high. I don't even run with music most of the time."
"Get out there and get active. Working out or even just walking around the block, if you get your activity in, you actually help your body produce endorphins that are going to make you feel good."
"Visiting the gym allowed me to release my endorphins and give me a feeling of self-worth."
"I feel like I've got all the endorphins right now just running through me."
"Endorphins are something in your body that helps make you happy."
"You get the endorphin rush at the end of it."
"Endorphins... the way your brain can make you not hurt when it wants to."
"Working out gives you endorphins, that makes you happy."
"Walking releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters."
"Our bodies make feel-good chemicals... the natural state of the body is to feel high all the time, but naturally."
"It does feel good, you get endorphins, you know that pump, that feeling, it does feel good and it is addictive."
"The body makes its own opium type molecules, endorphin molecules, which are opioids and block the ongoing propagation of the nerve impulse."
"Something about a workout that just makes you feel good; releases endorphins, releases my stress, makes me feel good, gives me energy for the next 12 hours."
"Fitness makes you happy, exercise gives you endorphins."
"I love being outside; it's like my favorite way to get my endorphins in."
"Meditation increases the natural high of endorphins, the overall happiness neurotransmitter."
"The burning sensation... releases endorphins and dopamine into the body."
"I'm glowing with endorphins; I feel amazing."
"It's an interesting hypothesis that endorphins may be implicated at least in the feeling of well-being in a new death experience but it's basically not testable."
"Get together, have a workout, get the endorphins going."
"The endorphin boost is out of this world."
"Exercise supports our vibrational well-being by releasing endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals."
"Endorphins can bind to opioid receptors and decrease the transmission of pain signals."
"Your brain produces internal morphine, we call it endorphins."
"I feel so much better for it, endorphins man, crazy, it's like they're good for you."
"Release the endorphins in the body, it's good for boosting the immune system, relieving stress."
"You'll feel a little happier, you feel a little bit better about yourself because it releases those endorphins."
"Exercise just makes me feel amazing."
"When you laugh the brain is flooded with endorphins."
"It's not just to look good, but it releases endorphins, which is pretty much the happy chemical."
"It's so important mentally because it will just lift your spirits and release endorphins and make you feel a lot more positive."
"Laughter releases endorphins, feel-good endorphins, and she associates that with being with you."
"I'm obsessed with those hit endorphins, those really sweaty but quick endorphins."
"Laughing produces as many endorphins as sex."
"There is an elevation in the pain threshold during pregnancy due to increases in endorphin and enkephalin levels."
"You're gonna feel so good by the end."
"One of the best things that you can do for yourself is go take a 10-15 minute walk, get some sun, get those endorphins going."
"Endorphins are internal body chemicals that make us feel good, that can help decrease pain."
"This is why you like bread so much. Bread stimulates endorphins, it gives you this fork feeling."
"Endorphins are natural neurotransmitters that inhibit neurons and cause us to feel relaxed."
"It's like going to the gym, you work out, create those endorphins, you feel good the rest of the day."
"It's encouraging because when you're done, you have the endorphins... and the knowledge that you accomplished something, you didn't quit."
"Working out does release good endorphins, so like it does make you feel good about yourself and make you feel better."
"It's also great in terms of making you feel good, releasing endorphins, and actually just encouraging you to keep training hard."
"It boosts the hormones in your body, the endorphins, and those are what we call the happy hormones."
"Endorphins... act as natural opiates, reducing the perception of pain."
"I always feel so happy like the endorphin rush after you work out is so crazy."
"The endorphins you get from a hit workout are like nothing else."
"Exercise regularly; endorphins are released which has an antidepressant effect."
"Exercise lets off certain endorphins."
"There is nothing better than the rush and endorphin high after a really good spin class or a solid swim interval session."
"Just get in the cold water; your endorphins will flow again, and you'll feel good after."
"Nothing beats the feeling of endorphins running through your body."
"Singing releases endorphins in your brain. It's a very beautiful thing."
"Exercise to release endorphins to feel better."
"It's so many happy endorphins are released when you're constantly laughing."
"I love Fitness because endorphins are free and they feel good."
"When you hug somebody, it releases endorphins, it's stress relief."
"The harder you push in a workout, the greater the endorphins."
"Exercise releases endorphins, which elevate mood and also reduce stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, over time, and this can lead to better sleep."
"I feel so good, can you tell I'm on like an endorphin rush right now?"
"You're actually giving yourself a little boost of happy hormones, some awake, some alive, some feeling really confident hormones in your body."
"By getting your body energized and doing a little bit more rigorous activity, it can help to increase your endorphins and help you feel better, feel happier."
"Your body releases natural painkillers and endorphins for like five or six hours."
"...we're creating a super normal stimulus that utilizes our ancient adaptations but then we get a super normal hit of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin."
"Exercise endorphins cannot be overlooked."
"Physical activities activate the feel-good hormones which are a great trigger."
"The endorphins, the energy, the mood you want, the feelings you want, the motivation is at the end of a workout."
"You get that endorphin rush... it's a mental spike too because you know you're doing something that's going to benefit you."
"When you exercise every single day, start out the day in a beautiful way, you're going to release endorphins, you're going to feel better."
"There's a reason you feel so good right now, it's because exercising is a natural stress reliever, endorphins are the best antidepressant."
"I've got those endorphins rushing."
"When you exercise, it releases endorphins, it makes you feel good, it makes you feel happy, gives you an energy boost."
"Anytime we have that level change, we're increasing the cardiovascular load, which is good for our heart, good for overall fat loss, and good for spiking those endorphins."
"We release stress-busting hormones or endorphins when we exercise; this makes us feel happy."
"Some of the same endorphins that are released when we have our favorite food or when we enjoy our favorite movie... are released when we listen to our favorite music."
"I'm glad that I'm on the mat today and I'm getting that sweet endorphin rush, baby."
"Let these endorphins that we're about to take over come in and give you a more positive, joyful vibe."
"I felt so amazing afterwards, had the endorphins like kicking in."
"Working out is going to release endorphins; it's going to help clear your mind and keep you focused."
"The result has been massive endorphin rushes and that's exactly what we'd hoped for."
"Get those endorphins going, feeling good, more energy."
"Sweating releases endorphins, which is the happy chemical that goes to your brain."
"I feel so good after you work out."
"Laughing releases natural endorphins."
"It's not something I'm doing to look a certain way, like personally, I like to feel strong and I can tell when I'm working out because of the endorphins and all that stuff, it literally feeds my soul."
"I love my workout time; it gets my energy out, gets my mind right, gets the endorphins pumping."
"Through physical activity, you are releasing endorphins which are incredibly powerful for boosting your mood as well as decreasing cortisol, your stress levels."
"I'm feeling so good, I can feel the endorphins flowing."
"That is the greatest endorphin rush I've experienced in a long time."
"Now when I work out, it's mainly just to get my stress out or like feel the endorphins and like feel good."
"Remember how great the endorphins feel after your workout, that's today's motivation."
"Exercise gives you like a natural high."
"The most intense workout this week, I loved it, I feel so good, the endorphins are raging through my body right now."