
Universality Quotes

There are 7084 quotes

"Creativity resides in everybody, and that's because the neural circuits that underlie creativity have been somewhat defined."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Disability impacts everyone... at some point, almost everybody is going to experience disability in one way or another."
"There's a process that is static within the physiology of a human that takes custom information but runs it through the same exact process that everybody else uses."
"By not treating its female empowerment angle at face value and instead dressing it in a smarter, more universal form, the enjoyment of it is made non-dependent on what the audience has or hasn't got between their legs."
"Everyone has highs and lows at different times."
"The universal power is everywhere, in every person, place, and thing."
"Effort is the universal currency of respect."
"Excellence is always respected across cultures and across times."
"The same rules of evolution apply, whatever the solvent is."
"The idea of universality is the most beautiful idea in computer science."
"The main postulates, main values are very similar, not to say the same, in all world religions."
"Laughter is the universal language of resilience."
"If murder is wrong, then it has to be wrong for everyone because murder would be a human action that would be consistent across all humanity."
"If you're going to claim something is true for all human beings, then it has to be true for all human beings."
"At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth."
"Awakening is realizing that you are larger than the entire universe."
"Wisdom reaches from one end to another mightily, and sweetly doth she order all things."
"God is real, and God lives inside of me and inside of all of us, and it doesn't matter where I am, I know that, and I feel it."
"The only truly universal language is mathematics."
"We work on a physics-based and physics is the same across the globe."
"Are there truths, things that are true that transcend our subjective experience? Are there moral values and obligations that transcend us all and therefore obligate us all to align to them?"
"Good stories are never going to change, the need for people to gather together and exchange their stories and to talk about the things that feel universal, the idea that we all feel a compelling need to watch stories, to tell stories, to share stories -- sort of the gathering around the campfire to discuss the things that tell each one of us that we are not alone in the world."
"Islam is universal and reasonable for all times, and the proof of that is that here we are after 1,400 years, still practicing it the same way."
"We get [rights] by being human. We're born in."
"All things were made by God according to number, measure, and weight."
"Emotions are universal... regardless of the country in which you were born... we all have these same sort of building blocks of emotions."
"Love is the most powerful thing in the universe."
"The values of the Declaration of Independence are in fact eternal and they do apply to all Americans."
"When you hear somebody calling for their mother, they're calling all the mothers."
"Skincare is for everyone. It doesn't matter what skin tone you are, everyone can use skincare."
"Adversity is universal, that is, it plays no favorites."
"Existing studies of human biology and psychology show that these two liberal values of freedom and equality are actually universal and they're endorsed in all human religious and cultural systems to some extent."
"Religion's your ultimate concern. So everyone's got a religion, meaning there's something that's an ultimate value to you."
"The truth about what is good and useful is true whether a particular religion survives or not."
"The truth is truth regardless of who it comes from."
"I don't care how smart, how rich, how powerful you think you are, I don't care how young, how old, this virus is the great equalizer."
"At the end of the day, toxic workplace cultures exist in nearly every field, and that's not an okay statement."
"It's okay to cry, everybody. It's okay to cry."
"Spirituality doesn't just exist in one part of the world or in one part of our lives; everything is spiritual because everything is energy."
"Feeling alone is not an individual character trait; feeling alone is a part of the human condition."
"Aliens should at least have the same math as us, right? Maybe different symbols, but the core could be the same."
"Physics is the way our particular universe works, and I got kind of interested in the question of how could any possible universe work."
"The principles of corporate finance are unchangeable across continents, markets, and types of businesses."
"Self mastery is available to all, no matter where our quest begins."
"Strength increases your performance in absolutely everything."
"Black Lives Matter is a truly universal claim. It covers all racism."
"Everyone's going through it. It's all shit. But that's the formula."
"The real growth comes when you start to connect to the vast number of purposes for which that singular principle can be used."
"As you actually become truly more loving, your love becomes universal and not very partial to your particular tribe, family, friends, your own body, your own personal possessions, your own ego, but your love extends to the entire universe and all sentient beings."
"God's love is completely unlimited, unconditional, and universal."
"Great art is great art; it doesn't matter who makes it."
"If you treat somebody nice, and you're courteous and respectful, that applies to everybody."
"It's not about the language; it's just we find a way to communicate. That's a beautiful thought."
"Ultimately, there's no way for me to offer a universal advice that applies to all situations."
"Even if it's a musical set in space, hopefully, there's something there that's still just as personal."
"This film did what all my favorite films do: it takes something so personal and specific, and through that specificity, you're able to talk about these universal themes of identity, immigration, or belonging."
"Grief is a universal experience that reframes everything in our lives."
"Reason is the only thing that takes us out of who we are and scales to some universal point of view."
"Almost anyone, it seems, can be loved: the ugly, the stupid, even the exasperating."
"Scientific truth is more profound... the idea that protons are real is fundamental because no matter what span of time and space that you pick, you're going to encounter protons."
"The moral intuitions that are universal are deeper than the stories themselves."
"Everybody has a sense of humor... but people go, 'I make people laugh, there's a man or a woman on stage making people laugh, but I'm funny too.'"
"We believe mental health is an essential part of overall health and well-being, and that it affects everyone."
"Rejection is universal, ubiquitous, and unavoidable."
"This movie cemented it in a really universal way... It's a perfect movie."
"Sometimes as a comedian, a line will come to you that is so beautiful, so perfect, that you think, 'I did not create this line; this line belongs to all of us.'"
"If you're funny, you're funny. I don't care what you are."
"The story takes place in a distant land but copes with themes and emotions common to all of us."
"The truth is it [social media] affects all of us... pretty equally."
"We are building this sort of universal learning principle that can be applied to many different things."
"The core to any form of writing is always going to come down to stories about people being people, even if you're in some sort of weird Star Wars universe."
"Quantum mechanics should apply to the entire universe, but it becomes unmistakable when you look at little tiny things."
"Life is incredibly hard for everybody in different ways, and to different extents, and at different points in time."
"There are a surprisingly small number of truly universal human experiences."
"But the good thing about all this is that this truly is a universal concept, which means none of us are facing it alone."
"We want the worlds we are creating to extend to anywhere people play games."
"Music really is universal... it's been found to be part of every known human culture."
"The Bible is timeless... it fits every culture, it speaks to every age, it speaks to every generation."
"The very processes that created life on your planet created life on many. Life is created naturally from the processes from the elements that you all enjoy."
"Great art can be understood by everyone. It speaks to all of us without knowing any of us."
"I think leadership skills are so valuable, and for everybody."
"Movies appeal to children as well as adults, across lines of social stratification, across differences of gender, across differences of age, across differences of race."
"Prayer changes everything... there's no government, no situation, no economy, no country that is off limit to it."
"A symphony must be like the world; it must embrace everything."
"Therapy's not just for boys in Los Angeles. Therapy can be for anybody."
"Quality time...this could apply to friendships, this could apply to romantic relationships."
"Kendrick Lamar's greatest strength is not just how he can show us his truth but how his truth applies to everyone who hears it."
"Greatness is something that truly exists in everyone."
"Life is difficult for everybody; nobody escapes this life unscarred."
"Heartbreak is as painful at 44 and 64 and 84 as it is at 14."
"It never ceases to amaze me how many of the fundamental questions parents have about their kids are the same across cultures, socioeconomic, and geographic areas."
"Nothing in the universe is different from Brahman; Brahman is non-dual."
"Disney's films are not made just for kids; they're for the entire family."
"Music just doesn't have a language; it breaks all the barriers."
"Laughter is a musical instrument that any one of us can play."
"I thought I was lonely globally... but it's something everyone can relate to, feeling so alone."
"Love, after all, is the most magical thing in the universe."
"I love songs. I love great songs. It doesn't matter where they're from."
"Don't do anything just for money; that's not just for Black people, that's for anybody."
"Life is everywhere, and maybe the universe is alive."
"So it’s important to keep in mind that, yeah, we do have certain things that are almost certainly universal for life."
"This story is human and it is universal. Of course, it celebrates an American achievement. It also celebrates an achievement for all mankind."
"Send not to know For Whom the Bell Tolls; it tolls for thee."
"Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio from the spiral of seashells to the spiral of a galaxy, and everything in between, Fibonacci numbers are everywhere."
"The All must be all that really is. There can be nothing outside of The All, else The All would not be The All."
"The human experience is struggling, man, woman, child, old people – we all struggle."
"It's almost like there's hypocrisy in the world, and it's universal."
"Thereís something about horror films that can transcend national and cultural boundaries."
"Climate change will affect everybody, Democrats and Republicans alike."
"What is universal and perennial through our philosophies is love, kindness, unity, and oneness."
"Science democratizes knowledge... Science is true for everybody."
"It's extraordinarily popular, popular books often are rooted in something specific but have a universal message."
"I think the desire to have friendships or partnerships that grow throughout your whole life is universal."
"All of us experience jealousy from time to time; it's a universal human emotion."
"Life can just be overwhelming no matter who you are. It's just part of being human."
"It's a staple in everyone's life at some point."
"The love and passion for film is so universal worldwide."
"Music is music. If it makes you really feel something, then it makes you feel something regardless of who made it."
"Truth always scales horizontally, vertically through all systems because it cannot be separated from any other element of nature."
"Funny is enough no matter what background you're from, what your race is, gender, money... Funny is funny."
"The universe is not something abstract; it is in everything and everyone."
"It just felt like yo, it's not like, 'Oh man, she was just.' No, like, that could be any of us."
"Let us recognize that shared motifs, cultural cross-pollination, and the universal truths that emerge from these diverse narratives."
"There's so much human suffering and pain in the world that it's inescapable. It touches all of us."
"One thing that all countries seem to have in common is politics."
"We need to have a moral standard that transcends time, place, and culture."
"Once you can enjoy intimacy with everything all the time, loneliness is no longer an issue."
"Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else."
"When you take any religion, you remove the actual human element of it, they're all the same."
"The laws of physics should be the same for everyone."
"Luck and bad luck are sprayed in equal measure in everybody's lives."
"If you learn the way broadly, you'll see it in all things."
"Family violence happens to everybody, no matter how nice your house is, how intelligent you are."
"What makes a wife happy and a husband happy was the same no matter the background, no matter the religion, no matter where you were raised, how much you have in the bank. The principles were the same."
"The point of all the best and most universally and eternally appreciable works of fiction and film is precisely their universal aspect."
"Life is a phenomenon that is universal in nature, indicating we are divine manifestations."
"Quantum mechanics applies to everything because it's the underpinning of the physical universe."
"I think all the decisions in any society are made by a small percentage of people... it's up to those people... to make sure that principles are applied universally not simply to my enemies or to my friends but to everybody."
"There's not enough of those stories being told, and in movies, you know, in the way that we love and friend in a universal way, in a real way."
"Who can benefit from vitamin C? Everyone and anyone."
"It's not that easy to make humor that everybody can enjoy."
"For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man."
"Domestic abuse, violence, emotional violence, emotional abuse does not discriminate. It can happen to anybody."
"It's helped me as well in my own life to the way I look at things and thinking, you know, this could happen to anybody."
"Everybody likes jokes. I don't care who you are. So if you got jokes, even if you're not that performy, the jokes are good enough hopefully to stand alone."
"Life is hard. It's very hard. And sometimes it's so hard it's almost unbearable. But that's true for everybody in the human race."
"Grief is the emotion commonality between all of humanity."
"He is father to us all, whatever religion we are. We are all created by God. We are his children."
"Unfortunately, the desire for power is a sin shared by many species, including humans."
"Science is a method, Claire. It works in forests, labs, classrooms, space stations, wherever it is applied."
"If you could just sit for a moment and imagine the greatest thing you could ever see... there's music in the universe and you're hearing it."
"Nobody is exempt from this. This could happen to anyone."
"If it can happen to me, it can happen to you."
"Love has no boundary based on ethnicity or religion."
"Prayer is the greatest power in the entire universe."
"All religions are more or less on the same path to God."
"It's a timeless story that can be told to anyone and anyone can grasp it very quickly."
"Humans have commonalities of experience, no matter the culture."
"Because when you call upon the name of the Lord, whether you're five or five hundred, all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
"Luckily for me, laughter transcends language."
"The major pillars that make humans humans, we actually end up sharing all those same things."
"Music is a language, it transcends all other things."
"We need a universal conception of human values."
"Stupidity knows no creed. It goes with any group."
"Bourbon is for all seasons and for all the people."
"If wrong is wrong, it should be wrong for everybody."
"The part that people forget is that the human mind and an extraterrestrial mind can discover the same laws of the universe because the laws of the universe are universal."
"Superman is like Mickey Mouse, a universal theme."
"The only viable approach to making welfare meaningful and effective is through universal programs."
"Every death is a tragedy, no matter how it happened."
"The great equalizer was the story repeated across time and borders as each embarked on the same hero's journey."
"If your beliefs hold up, like in gravity for example, it doesn't matter where I go or who I speak to."
"Jesus loves all of us, His mercy endureth forever."
"Music is such a beautiful thing, it connects people around the world without even knowing."
"The web is the only truly universal platform."
"The Illuminati themselves, a universal concept." - Rob
"Try to not get stuck in the concept of 'oh she's talking about relationships' because I'm not. To me, personally at least, everything is or should be about love."
"Everybody's got a story to tell, absolutely everybody has a story to tell."
"War sucks period whatever side you're on it doesn't matter it sucks."
"Conservatorships are a huge concern not just for celebrities but for everyone."
"The immigrant experience is relatable to everyone."
"What bothers me isn't that people act from their bias because we all do that."
"Music is actually the truly the only universal language."
"Math is basically the language of the universe."
"The love of the father can flow through anyone."
"A good idea is a good idea regardless of where it comes from."
"Love is the only thing that transcends all dimensions."
"Music, the definitive universal language of feeling."
"Ultimately, the internet is everything, you know? Everything is on the internet."
"Flashing recovery is specific for this device, but the process is universal."
"Being a coward, having integrity, having moral compass, that's universal."
"Rich people die. Poor people die. Young people die. Old people die."
"Music is universal, anybody supposed to any and everybody mute dance, the music is life."
"Death is a powerful concept in the multiverse that humans, stars, universes, multiverses, and even gods have to face at one point or another."
"The beauty of mathematics is that there's mathematics in everything... in the cryptoverse."
"God our Savior desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
"It doesn't matter who you are... It's got to be repeatable."
"Everything is political, so everything needs to be."
"Great music is timeless, it doesn't matter where it came from, it's about the soul."
"Solidarity should be universal not just within the United States."