
Time Quotes

There are 27894 quotes

"People who are just going for temperature and time eventually become cold adapted."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But I think that time element, forget everything else, just sharing moments together, that changes everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Become wealthy, but not in the way you think, not in terms of money, in terms of time."
"We have time. Let's start where we are. We have time."
"We will get justice one day for mom, whether it's 5 years from now or 20."
"Life is all about the possibility of having experiences with one another, and whenever you don't take the chance to live those possibilities, then you're just wasting time."
"It can take up to 254 consecutive days for a new habit to take root."
"You have to earn trust, and it takes a long, long period of time."
"Time is the most valuable currency that you will have."
"It's funny, you know, the whole concept of time."
"You can measure your wealth in terms of how much money you have in your bank account, or you can measure your wealth in terms of how much free time you have."
"Making more at the cost of less health, time, and freedom is the trap."
"The worst thing you can say to someone who is grieving is time will heal."
"Over time, everything works out in the way that it needs to work out."
"It's about recognizing that it's not the amount of time, but the consistency of it."
"Don't compare your first year to someone's 10th year."
"The realization here is terrifying and exciting: those who exist there are trapped within this moment of the past."
"The details can and will disappear As Time stretches on, but what's left after everything is gone is the thing that sticks most with us."
"You might have all the watches, but we have all the time."
"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but unfortunately, you can't get more time."
"April for you is going to be a big healing month."
"It could be that when it comes to the Big Bang, the sentence actually doesn't mean anything. It could be that the Big Bang was the place where time itself started."
"If A of T is an expanding function of time, that's called an expanding universe."
"Trust is developed over time and event; you go through things, you experience things over the long haul, greater the trust."
"Let's make each day count, knowing that our time together is a precious gift not to be taken for granted."
"Time holds all the emotional states that one can experience."
"Time is of the essence, but it is also an illusion."
"When somebody has their mind made up about you, it's going to take time for them to either get over it or just leave it alone."
"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
"Time heals all; you just get better at dealing with it."
"I prefer the lonesomeness and the unsolvable puzzle you're given of a world where the weight of time has dissolved away most of history."
"Here where time seems to stand still, it is possible to admire a harsh and uncontaminated landscape."
"We're here for a good time, not a long time."
"What's something you once took for granted that you value now? Time."
"It's been 274 years since he was left behind, and that's a long time, even for angels."
"Over the course of days, weeks, months, years, decades, entire thoughts of a generation can completely be changed."
"Time waits for no one, especially not our Shield hero."
"You see who your friends are, and the people that were my friends then are still my friends now."
"A person with no money and a lot of time is better off than a person with a lot of money and no time."
"Don't even worry about mastery yet. Mastery takes decades."
"Life is a series of moments. Moments pass, that one is gone, get over it."
"It takes a long, long time to break it, but it's a whole lot faster to heal it."
"Time is measured in minutes, but life is measured in moments."
"Whenever we see each other after we haven't seen each other for a long time, we've committed to each other that we're going to have at least 15 minutes of what they called eyeball time."
"The greatest gift that another human has given me would definitely be something around time."
"What if life were given back to me? What infinity! And it would all be mine! Then, I’d turn each ‘minute’ into a whole age; I’d lose nothing, I’d reckon up every minute separately, I’d let nothing be wasted."
"You have to understand that it is time to heal."
"It took 10 years to become an overnight success."
"My dad was a watchmaker. My son's birth time was nine o'clock. And that's like when the time really became important."
"We reap what we sow, more than we sow, later than we sow."
"Success is simply doing the same thing consistently over time."
"I'm not getting another two years of that height. That's not to say it won't happen, but it feels like this year would be it if it's gonna happen."
"It's just a tricky road to go down because there's never anything that you can truly say to fix it. You have to prove that you're sorry and realize what you did was wrong over time."
"The most valuable things in life compound over a long period of time."
"Each hour has its color, but color exists only where there is light."
"This year, I really had to realize like this is it. I will never get this era back."
"It's not time that heals all wounds; it's time during dream sleep that provides emotional convalescence."
"Time is the most powerful part of the equation."
"Time is a bit more mysterious despite the word time being the most used noun in the English language and most other languages."
"It feels like my life is one big day, it just gets dark sometimes."
"Time flows like a river, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, flown over pebbles, around big rocks, or smooth sand, but it always moves on."
"By giving each other the most precious thing that we have, which is our time and our presence, you're helping each other shift your neurochemistry to enter a powerful state."
"What I always try to remind myself is that right now is just one moment in time. If you're committed to growth and development, then this moment is fleeting."
"The concept we call time begins with the universe."
"Use this precious time...as part of the awakening consciousness of humanity."
"Memory is the bridge from the past to the future."
"It does feel like we just started, but it also feels like we've been doing this forever, but in a good way."
"You don't just have the requirement of satisfying the immediate need of the single individual right now, you have the problem of iterated needs across vast spans of time in a complex social environment."
"Yes, the passing of time continues. There is not much, if at all anything, we can do to slow or thwart the stopping of the passing of time."
"Greatness takes time to develop. You can't just run in your room and come out great."
"This is our time, boys, best believe this is our time."
"Time is sort of the progressive doing of computation, the progressive changing of the world by virtue of the application of rules."
"We took personality tests... they needed time to crunch the numbers."
"As I always say, I'm no body guy at all, but I mean, right there, it was never a perfect, perfect. I mean, come on, we're talking 1971, though."
"What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?"
"You know how stars are so far away, if you're at any one of those stars and you're looking at Earth, technically speaking, you're not going to see what's happening right now. You're really probably going to see like the dinosaurs."
"I can see the future and the past and the present."
"Time is always the runner at the start of that race in first position the whole time, and they just don't stop, they don't tire, and your job is to try and keep up with them."
"No amount of money or success can take the place of time spent with your family."
"Investigators have an arsenal of forensic techniques and all the time in the world to catch the killer."
"The power of consistency compounds over time."
"It's not about time that heals all wounds or creates something different, but what you do with that time."
"Different observers would measure the passage of time differently according to their relative motion."
"You have to learn to trust yourself. This comes with time."
"Do you believe in destiny? That even the laws of time can be broken for a single terrible purpose?"
"When Heaven invades Earth, whenever God is going to do a miracle, he suspends time or he turns it back, or he supernaturally accelerates it forward."
"It's mysterious, and the whole question of how we define time comes into play."
"The only time we ever surely have is right now."
"I am so grateful because I know how valuable your time is."
"Time is our most precious resource. Use it wisely."
"Gold, which we are pretty limited in finding, and time, an ever-shrinking wallet constantly having its budget drained by mysterious forces."
"You still have a lot of time for compound growth. You have a lot of decades left."
"When you've gone so far in, if you're 41, you've lived 41 years of your life in something, it's like, 'Well, I've gotten this far.' It would take a lot to say to yourself, 'Maybe I've wasted a lot of time.'"
"No amount of money ever bought a second of time."
"There is no future. There never was a future. There never will be a future. The only time zone we have is the present."
"In my 20s, a lot of things happened that seemed like they took forever and seemed, you know, now in hindsight, twenty years ago, they happen very quickly."
"To everything, there's a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
"Hope everybody is having a joyous month. The year is flying by; we are almost in May. It's crazy, it's Taurus season."
"It takes time to really discover the timeless."
"Preparation takes time; we just can't see the clock."
"Remote viewing not only penetrates through geographical distance but also the dimension of time."
"Please let me go. This has taken literal hours."
"All good things take time, and this is a very good thing in my estimation."
"You only have one family, y'all, and we only have so much time together."
"The longer you invest in something or someone, the longer it takes to heal from it, but it's okay; it just takes time."
"Time literally flies so quickly, and just remember to always hang out with your family as much as you possibly can."
"We're kicking off a journey, an experience that's going to evolve month to month, season to season, year after year."
"Release the past. You will grow from the situation. Time heals all wounds."
"Everything takes time; nothing just happens overnight."
"The stars we're seeing have been dead for billions of years."
"The fact that nothing travels faster than light... opens up an amazing possibility, namely authentic insight into the past."
"Hopi time...they have no general notion or intuition of time as a smooth-flowing continuum in which everything in the universe proceeds at an equal rate."
"Antimatter could be viewed as ordinary matter traveling backwards in time."
"Regardless, within a few years, you'll see growth... It could be in the first year, it can be in the third year, but regardless, it will happen."
"It was just going to be a two-month thing, turned into 15 years."
"Time passes by, I have no idea when I'm out on the street...I just lose myself and I think that to me is beautiful."
"Life is essentially all of the time that you have combined."
"We have experience of past futures but not of future futures, and the question is: will future futures resemble past futures?"
"To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted."
"People change over time. Doesn't mean they were never [that thing]."
"You will have every reason to celebrate come December."
"It was time to go. I wish he had gotten one more summer."
"The Most High has looked upon His times, and behold, they are ended, and His ages are completed."
"The main thing that heals the wound of rejection is time. Time literally is the most important thing because with time, you get perspective, you get closure."
"We who have glimpsed into the flow of time see that it is exactly such a vast confluence: paths crossed and re-crossed, all are swept along."
"My wild conceptualization involves the weaving of Fate, foresight, and the nature of time in the Galaxy."
"Time is such a valuable commodity, especially time spent with people who need it the most."
"Is time even a concept that we can trust in our bubble, as the days bleed into one another?"
"Time and truth go hand in hand. Let's see if this bears real fruit in keeping with genuine repentance."
"I've been here 35 years. I've watched it change from dilapidation to a grand forest."
"Being great and amazing, having something incredible, it takes time."
"Time reveals everything. It reveals people's true colors, their true intentions. Just be patient."
"The time is on, the pressure is on, the clock is ticking."
"It's really just a matter of time at this point, you know, the benefit of time is always on the side of law enforcement in a situation like this."
"Age and time... are also constructs... I believe that you can change your life at any time."
"You have 20 summers, you should really cherish that."
"Let go of this idea of trying to be perfect... A perfection of sorts is achieved over time."
"The life we are given isn't short but we make it so."
"We just didn't realize it was going to be the last time."
"The other infinity that we've got is the infinite time ahead, and we want to know whether or not that is the true end of the universe."
"Architecture does not happen in a day; it evolves over a period of time."
"I loved The Slow Rush because of the concept of time."
"Time can't be replaced, and as you get older you realize that."
"If you look at how a black hole affects the passage of time, as a clock gets closer to the edge, it ticks off time ever more slowly."
"I'm the proudest man alive sitting at this moment in time. We've only got moments in time, that's all we will possess of any value."
"Seasons are not necessarily cycles; seasons change with time, cycles change with us."
"Time is going to pass. There are still grieving phases to go through."
"It takes 20 years to become an overnight success." - Eddie Cantor
"Time is nature's way of ensuring that everything doesn't happen all at once."
"The most hopeful thought I had was: four years to 2020 and 13.8 billion years since the Big Bang, so everything's going to be just fine."
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."
"Does the past still exist? According to Einstein's theories, the answer is yes, the past exists the same way as the present does."
"The slogan that we've used for many years, 'Time flies at Old Warden,' applies just as much to the people who work there as it does to what happens."
"Time is the only non-renewable resource that we have."
"The single greatest power we have as investors is time arbitrage."
"Death is now. Death is the ticking secondhand on your watch. The time that passes belongs to death."
"Let's start over at University. Three years we've lost, plus one year is the interest. Let's spend the best four years on campus."
"It’s precious. And once it’s gone, it’s gone forever."
"Now, far back in the midst of time, when I originally posted the first part of Dark Origins, I tried to lay out, as best I could, some understandings of time and how this could impact our perceptions and interpretations of the warp."
"It's not time but it is causality which is responsible for allowing us to see what we observe as time."
"I give my time, the most important thing we got, and I pour into children in a way that I know they'll understand."
"He's been there for what, four years now? Yes, that, uh, almost almost five actually."
"Clocks are just a progress bar turned into a circle. They're great."
"Don't be too hard on yourselves; things take time and that's okay."
"It's the 11th hour, but it's not midnight yet."
"History records, but history may be changed. This incident proved that time is a mighty force and history's twist in its flow."
"Sometimes, in order to save the future, you have to go back and heal the past."
"Thank you for today and the last couple of days."
"It feels like it's been an eternity since we last sat down and talked like this."
"The idea of time keeping and time tracking is a uniquely human concept and it's also something that, in a sense, defines human civilization as a whole."
"Eternity stretches things out over a long time, but each moment within it becomes all the more fragile."
"Everything changes, fades, disappears. That's true over the passage of time."
"Past and future, and both are indispensable."
"This will take time, but eventually the future will bring healing to the scars of the past."
"In the equations of quantum gravity, the theory which I'm working, brings together quantum mechanics, general relativity... there is no time variable at all."
"Black Ops 3 has been out long enough now where you can definitely consider it nostalgic."
"No matter how much time passes, it remains dark outside. Perhaps this isn't reality."
"Perhaps in the end, time's lack of mercy is actually a gift, compelling us to make the most of the days that are left, to live fully in what lies ahead."
"Time can be a great engraver should we use it to lead by example."
"Time is an illusion. Our past lives and our future lives are running together simultaneously in the now."
"Time reveals a lot of things; time reveals a good friendship, a good relationship, a good economy, time reveals a bad policy."
"What I really want, which is far more valuable than money, is your time."
"People choosing to spend time on you is the most valuable currency next to money."
"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
"You can never take time for granted, and life really is too short."
"Life only moves in one direction... you can never go back in time."
"Time is the critical component for evolution."
"Ah, tempus fugit. What does that mean? It means time flies."
"The Bible tells us clearly that there is a time appointed for every purpose."
"Patience is key here... everything does take time to grow."
"Yesterday's just a memory away, does tomorrow really come?"
"There's decades in which nothing happens and then there's weeks in which decades happen."
"Heartbreak is something that no one can describe, other than you just feel empty, you feel worthless, you feel nothing. But I promise you, that goes away. Time heals everything."
"Time. These things take time. You need to give yourself a realistic amount of time to heal."
"We all travel through time, slowly and ever forward."
"Kang is nothing more than a guy who exists out there in time and has experienced a broken heart an infinite number of times."
"The best you can do is to be as good as you can in your time and place."
"Change needs time, and it's a matter of accumulation."
"Love grows over time and your relationship with someone grows over time."
"Loving yourself takes time, and not only does it take time, but it's a daily thing."