
Puberty Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Puberty is the fastest rate of maturation that you'll go through at any point in your life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If men are going through puberty earlier, the earlier one goes through puberty, the longer length tends to be."
"Girls who go through puberty early have a faster aging clock; they're literally older."
"The decision to not transition is not neutral. Going through the wrong puberty leaves permanent effects on the body."
"Young women today have to be told that being a woman is a great thing. That being uncomfortable in your body during puberty is completely normal."
"Puberty is a process which matures the brain."
"Sexual selection in humans: human girls develop breasts at puberty, and they persist throughout the woman's life."
"You cannot possibly say that there aren't irrevocable changes that happen to your body when you go through puberty as a sex you don't identify with."
"95% of dysphoric people grow out of it in puberty."
"Girls that are now hitting puberty much earlier so around age six."
"It's extremely important for trans youth to be able to transition at puberty."
"Puberty blockers are basically a medication that says hey, let's just put a pause on puberty."
"Transition before the age of 12 or before puberty."
"Puberty is life-altering, and puberty blockers could have positively altered my life."
"Hormone blockers allow people who haven't fully gone through their birth puberty to think about what they actually want to do with themselves."
"Puberty doesn't just precede the development of your primary and secondary sexual characteristics, but your entire body, your bone structure, your organ structure, and your gray matter."
"We're pumping kids full of drugs meant to prevent the completely natural process of puberty."
"Puberty is a cure for dysphoria...now you've got all these ideological actors...telling kids to stop puberty."
"Girls are going into puberty earlier than ever."
"When you go through puberty, you don't really know what's happening to you... you just have to figure it out."
"It's a puberty thing. I don't know why I said that; I'm not going through puberty."
"It's completely normal and natural to start your periods and nothing to be ashamed of."
"...young women going through puberty often struggle with body image..."
"His version of hitting puberty and going through life experiences."
"I truly just loved this story conceptually. To portray that hormonal, emotional, pubescent time in a kid's life as this actual massive monster that emerges. The fluffiest puberty Hulk."
"For all my mamas out there that have girls coming into puberty or they're trying to figure out like a nice soap to get their daughter, get baby dove."
"You're the a-hole. You do realize your daughter could start her period any day now, or anytime in the next two years, and all your wife did was pee on a stick and talk about hormones and fertility cycles."
"It was as though when the angel of puberty came, it had a beef with me, and to enact his revenge, he skipped me."
"Graceland is turning 11 soon and we just like them to be prepared especially when they're kind of in like the middle of the puberty which is like a Graceland out right now."
"Puberty blocker is like this minimizing name for it. It's like talking about top surgery when actually it's double radical mastectomy."
"By the time I hit puberty, I had already hated my body enough that I wished I was either non-existent or ‘a man’."
"Puberty, stuff everything is annoying."
"A lot of young girls are aging four to 5 years earlier and hitting puberty four to 5 years earlier than they should and there's major health consequences from this."
"Dude, I was like a late bloomer to all this [__] for real. Like, I didn't even pleasure myself until like middle school. But right when I found out about all that [__], I just started going ham."
"It's just a really profound message on puberty and growing up."
"Puberty and periods are totally normal."
"First, visible sign of change of puberty in a girl: thearch; last sign: menarche."
"I mean like what happens if you get a boner"
"I always say that puberty is perhaps the most massive transformation and rate of aging that any of us go through in a short amount of time. An individual, their cognition changes. Their worldview changes. And that's largely hormonal-driven."
"There's nothing worse than experiencing testosterone in your body but realizing you're still a boy."
"You'll probably start growing facial hair very soon."
"Puberty is not a disease, it's a normal part of life."
"Humans are unable to learn a foreign language to a native speaker-like standard after the age of puberty."
"If you go through puberty on social media and you're a girl, you will probably be damaged by it."
"And it's not necessarily just that we are generally taller or healthier or have more access to nutrition. I think premature puberty is also something to be really wary of because that's happening a lot more frequently."
"Gaining weight during puberty and keeping it on afterwards is a totally normal part of growing up but because there's no room for that awkward stage in Hollywood both the teen actors and the children watching at home are shamed."
"Learning about your dick when you're young is a journey."
"You will learn about periods, you will learn how they're important."
"One of the first things that happens in males during puberty is their testicle size increases."
"Puberty had hit me hard, changing my appearance drastically."
"Testosterone, which released into the blood in huge amounts at puberty, effectively turns boys into men."
"Puberty is more than just your genitals changing, it's your mind, it's a socialization."
"The transformation into a werewolf is a metaphor for female puberty, making the entire movie a commentary on female maturity."
"Normalize puberty, stop expecting developing teens to look like adult actors playing high school kids."
"Puberty is an exciting and confusing time for teens and parents."
"Sex education in middle school should include puberty education that is medically accurate and comes from credible resources."
"During male puberty, testosterone drives the development of bigger muscles, sturdier bones, and a larger heart and lungs, all lifelong advantages when it comes to speed and strength."
"I think it's really helpful for you guys because I know a lot of you are young and like starting school and going through puberty and stuff."
"This book isn't like that at all; it doesn't talk about boobs as an aesthetic thing or an attractiveness thing, it just talks about them in a direct way as this is what's going to happen to your body."
"Menopause is in many ways the same thing as puberty in reverse."
"Soon you boys will get your true voices."
"During puberty, girls' voices drop only about three tones, whereas a boy's voice will drop an entire octave."
"Puberty gives you awesome facial hair."
"Vitamin D is critical for long-term bone health, especially since bone formation peaks during puberty."
"There is some good effects of the ramp up approach, specifically if you're trying to mimic the natural development which cis females go through in their puberty."
"DHT is important for beard development during puberty."
"Having a period is not the peak of puberty, it's a part of puberty."
"Hey James, this is James from the future. I just wanted to give you a call and let you know that puberty can be tough, but you can get through it."
"All of the changes you go through with puberty is due to our sex hormones turning on gene expression during puberty."