
Maturation Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Puberty is the fastest rate of maturation that you'll go through at any point in your life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Lord Jesus will truly glorify Himself, and we are going to see the hand of God and we are going to mature dramatically and profoundly in the truths of God."
"Carrie's powers would be fully unleashed when she herself reaches the age of her budding adulthood, so there seems to be a comparison going on between sexual awakening and telekinetic awakening."
"If I may, I'd describe the film as a maturation."
"Your souls started out on equal levels, but someone has matured more."
"Even plants can have their immature and juvenile growth and then that can change over to something a little more mellow and subtle as it gets older."
"Maddie is growing up and moving past people like Nate."
"Thank God I was able to mature and not be held accountable for some of the reprehensible things I did as a kid."
"We all became who we needed to while still keeping our inner child alive and that's important as we grow up, you know?"
"You're really maturing, evolving, and stepping into your fuller power."
"I stayed aggressive my whole career but I got smarter as I got older."
"The brain does not finish developing until about age 24."
"Morty at last achieves some independence from Rick."
"She has matured... from a slightly naive schoolgirl into an adult."
"Liturgy grows over time, just like a human being grows and matures to adulthood."
"This forced me to grow up, to look in myself, to become a better person. It forced me to become something I couldn't have been before."
"Ava completes her maturation quest after becoming a queen... through the looking-glass."
"This is like growing up, coming out, moving on."
"Saturn in Capricorn: it's time to get real, it's a reality check."
"I like to let compost age for a year."
"Watching my girls become the women that they were meant to be."
"One of the things that was unique about Harry Potter was the fact that you get to see young children grow into adults."
"No, no, I'm the complete evolution, constant inspiration, the maturation inspired, bro."
"The story of a boy who becomes a man."
"I feel like I kind of grew up with them in a way."
"You feel the butterflies when you first get started, but now you're maturing in your love."
"I thought this Olympic run was huge for his maturation."
"Microglia are involved in synaptic development, synaptic maturation, and synaptic plasticity."
"It's weird, you grow up with it. Like, to a point, there's a lot that you could grow out of. I'd say I'm not as hyperactive as I was, obviously, as a young teenager."
"Life isn't one coming of age story, it's a series of coming of age stories."
"I hope that they've aged with me. It's kind of cool to see the progression."
"I feel like they're scared that it's almost like you're growing up too fast."
"But eventually they get their shrimp together and emerge as a juvenile."
"They really started to come into its own after about two or three weeks."
"Intervention works. That's really what you're saying is that there's maturation, but there's also intervention that really works."
"I'm just not the young 21 year old girl 22 year old girl fresh in Atlanta anymore"
"The archetype of the wounded healer is in many ways an ideal model for understanding Jung's theory and for understanding the process of individuation as a structured psychological maturation."
"When it comes to fragrances, quality source materials, they age like a fine wine, right? They really do."
"There's a Coming of Age quality to this story."
"It's kind of like Swiss cheese: young fresh cheese is delicious and has its place, but often the aged cheese is more flavorful and valuable."
"It's just amazing to watch them as they mature."
"I pay attention to the process... it's a beautiful thing when you see yourself maturing and getting better."
"It's just growing up, just growing up."
"Finn's entire journey throughout Adventure Time has been him growing up both physically and mentally."
"It's gorgeous, some really well-made guitars as they get older the wood matures and the sound matures."
"Game development is like a fine wine."
"The longer you keep it, the more your cacao will evolve."
"It really has aged like fine wine."
"The greatest thrill was watching a boy grow up to be a man."
"New leaves frequently on a lot of plants come in a paler duller color and then as they harden off they turn into that final very beautiful brilliant color."
"Matured in Spanish Sherry butts, non-chill filtered."
"Homestuck is a story about growing up, but the actual story grows up as well."
"The character of Kiki has developed so well, and the process of figuring out just what kind of person you are and leaving childish things behind is a tale that I cherished."
"You're growing up but you're also outgrowing your whole reality."
"It will get better with time; it will mellow even more, the flavors will all come together really nicely."
"Each stage in your life is the keen opportunity to level up into the next stage in your maturation."
"His body is maturing into a pure and spotless bride. Jesus will have his reward."
"It smells more mature than it did before pasteurization."
"It's an incredible journey... for us to source the malts, to mature it, and to watch all this happening over years."
"We're also now going to think about maturation in bottle."
"What you see as vacillation, God sees as a process of maturation."
"If you let it sit, the individual components will start to marry together."
"The body by Stephen King... focuses on friendship and coming of age."
"...as kids grow older, they kind of begin to push barriers..."
"They're starting to look like little adults."
"It's been proofing very slowly and coolly all night, that's allowing it to develop a really nice mature flavor."
"The longer this sits, the better it gets."
"Once the Mayacamas Cabernet Sauvignon has been harvested and fermented, it matures in neutral oak for an impressive 32 months."
"We mature and we learn to trust God; we don't do it all at the same time."
"We need to be growing up into Christ; we don't suddenly bloom in Christ."
"That's growing up and finding out about the world."
"Almost all olives, even if they're green, can actually mature into black olives."
"Adolescents experience a two to three year growth spurt, an increase in muscle and bone growth, and body changes."
"This is good, this is part of the maturation process."
"Growing, growing, you're getting big and it is showing."
"I like the way he matured and let us hear his maturation process as an artist."
"You are growing up, you are leveling up."
"A great thing about wine is that after it's bottled and shipped out to the world, it continues to mature for years to come."
"The combination of fortification and maturation/oxidation really does give Madeiras remarkable longevity."
"As I get older, I feel like my love for breakfast is growing."
"Late bloomer quirks lay dormant inside the body for longer, they have more time to develop before they fully awaken."
"It's about time for the enlightenment tea to mature."
"People do not really change, they go through different stages of rapid maturation."
"This is one drink that when you let it sit, the more it sits, the better it gets."
"Witnessing the father's limitations allows the child to grow beyond the family and into the world."