
Alertness Quotes

There are 1469 quotes

"Deliberate cold exposure done properly will increase your core body temperature and make you feel more alert."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Alpha GPC...has a focusing and an alertness promoting aspect to it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nicotine is such a powerful molecule. It's making people feel motivated and good. It's making people feel focused and it makes people feel alert when they would otherwise feel a little bit sleepy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure can induce dramatic positive shifts in mood, alertness, and focus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Performance gets better when you are alert and when you're a little bit stressed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can remember things better if you increase your alertness, AKA your level of epinephrine and cortisol after, immediately after something that you want to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fear is a natural human emotion... it's an alarm bell that I need to pay attention to."
"Fear is a fighter's best friend. Fear keeps you sharp, it keeps you awake, it makes you want to survive."
"You darn well better have one because this is now 2023 and what's really happening underneath the surface actually puts all of your wealth at risk."
"Your Spidey sense needs to start tingling at certain moments."
"The M314 motion tracker...allows the colonial marines to monitor perimeters and stay alert of any impending attacks."
"Therefore, let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober."
"Had the green parrot not repeatedly yelled 'Anton,' he probably wouldn't have known until the smoke detectors caught on."
"Why do people drink coffee? This is pretty obvious. It boosts their productivity, increases levels of alertness."
"It's all real alarm bell stuff going on right now."
"I use spy point cell cameras...it'll send an alert to my phone. I know when that raccoon is coming and going."
"It might not boost energy, early research shows that it might help improve cognitive performance and make you feel more alert."
"Caffeine also enhances the levels of adrenaline in the blood and increases brain activity of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, promoting a state of alertness, arousal, and focus."
"Early coffee drinkers felt dramatically improved alertness and coordination by swapping the alcohol for caffeine."
"Coffee's effect on our brain: It acts as a block so that the normal tiredness cycle is altered."
"You have to be alert when you're suffering; you have to be alert to the beauty in life, the unexpected beauty in life."
"Watch out, fertile Myrtle, so you may hear news about pregnancy."
"When you're in a state of relaxed alertness, it's like pushing the off switch on overwhelmed, desperation, and anxiety, and pushing the on switch for confidence, resilience, and control."
"We're kissing the walls... it's something that can bite you quite quickly."
"A little bit of that anxiety is useful. It keeps you on your toes."
"Did you hear that? Pay attention, he's quick, I heard it."
"Too many of us are just totally checked out and we're asleep at the wheel."
"Perfect timing and had the presence of mind to clear this spot."
"We walked side by side, each alert for anything that might pop out at us."
"If you sleep through your life, you'll end up in a disaster. It will be worse than a crime."
"Not all that glitters is gold is gold gold is not all that glitters is gold do not let them take advantage of you do not see this new change so we're gonna change the beauty community there might be ulterior motives there be mindful of that."
"Once this agenda narrative is over... I think we have to be alert for the next one." - Chris Martenson
"Alert is one of the most underrated perks in the entire game. It lets you know where the killer is almost at all times, and it's really easy to identify where the killer is with alert."
"The guard, if he's not paying attention... can be suppressed."
"Alert: great perk that helps you make better decisions."
"Vinpocetine is known for increasing cerebral circulation, taming inflammation, and boosting alertness."
"Don't be afraid, but get prepared y'all. If y'all not paying attention, yes, you gonna be paying for deep in something is coming for you."
"Nothing goes over my head, my reflexes are too fast, I would catch it."
"Wake… up!" "Wake up!" "Wake up, wake up, wake up. Up you wake, up you wake, up you wake, up you wake."
"The markets are in turmoil... if you're not paying attention you're going to get wiped out."
"Never ever ever go against that feeling the first one when you go something's wrong get the [ __ ] out."
"The complacency is at levels that are off the meter."
"Please don't ignore this warning. Let's get it right this time."
"We need to raise the alarm. There are disturbing signs of complacency in our party."
"You were right," said Powell. "They've crossed the border."
"I think it is the length of time you have to stay alert, you know, four years of constantly being on point." - Cory
"Low voltage qrs complexes really be on high alert."
"Someone from your past is gonna try and get your attention."
"You remember Dr. Li, rest in peace, was basically raising the alarm."
"When you see me coming, making the first catch, you must be paying attention."
"That's actually pretty, I better pick those up before I like DC."
"Dogs that bark don't bite. When it becomes quiet, watch out as it's getting ready to bite."
"If you sleep one second, you're gonna get punished for it."
"I ran through the park and I swear over the sound of my heart beating fast, I could hear the sound of twigs snapping and leaves crunching."
"If you are the first to see the money, then you're going to be the first one to get the money."
"There's something in the environment telling you something isn't right here."
"It was the first clue that something was wrong."
"We're almost there, it's just up the hill. Eyes up and hands on hilts, people."
"Tyranny's coming in, and people are starting to listen."
"It's irresponsible for a man to move and not be alert, especially when he has people to take care of."
"What okay I know I heard somebody coming down these stairs I'm out."
"The orangey red ceramic bezel looks really nice, has that warning alert vibe to it."
"This is a serious situation, and I think someone needs to call it out."
"Oh, hello, don't strain baby! Whoa, we're on a supercritical time!"
"Jump scares are guaranteed with this title so you have been warned."
"Dusty PC alert! Let's make our customers happy."
"Stop missing the boat, get on the boat. Pay attention to what we're talking about here."
"You mentally there. This is about... being switched on and focused."
"Good investment opportunities almost always come when you're looking for them."
"Yo, if you think this is normal and we're not headed for some kind of kinetic chaos you are not paying attention."
"Take a deep breath and buckle your seatbelts."
"I still can't believe my girlfriend spotted him from so far away and I'm so thankful she did."
"They're on their game. They're on their game."
"Trust me, you won't be disappointed. She is expensive but trust me, it is worth it boys. Make sure to say hi YouTube so you guys can get involved as well."
"That's why I always tell people to stay on their toes."
"This is a big deal, you got to be spiritual, you got to be sober, you got to be vigilant."
"Thanks to Elon and all of the revelations over the past few weeks I'm on high alert when it comes to mainstream media."
"Using sounds...extra layer of protection...against completely derping out."
"It was moving through a slow patch of rocky hilly forest like it was running on a track."
"When things get quiet, you have to pay attention."
"This is huge. Pay attention. There's been events prior and there will be events post this event."
"I don't want them to fall asleep at the wheel, you know?"
"This is not a drill, and this is not a normal news alert."
"The signs are here, my friends, it's clear, it's all about a war on freedom of movement."
"Keep your eyes peeled, keep watching cuz we're just getting started."
"Let's keep watching, but let's stand up as a nation. This is what's going on and don't be tricked by the media, by the lies, and the deceit."
"Be sure to subscribe and hit the Bell so you don't miss out on any of the new content."
"Hide your wife, hide your kids, they scamming everybody up in here."
"It's when I'm my most alive, it's when I'm my most alert, it's when I'm the happiest."
"It's a very critical point for sure, be ready."
"Buckle up your seat belts, keep your eyes out in front of you, and most importantly, don't blink."
"They're the truth sires. They're the canaries in the coal mine. We should be listening to these people."
"When people start trying to shut it down in the government, that's when my ears prick up."
"You're gonna think you're gonna feel very sus like something something's not right here."
"Air Jordan 3 Pine greens, don't sleep, got that black, it looked like a Concord box."
"But right as we start to dismantle his fence in almost absolute silence, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye."
"Keep your head on a swivel, the dollars are going to be flying."
"I think something's about to happen. I can feel it. You're about to do something. Start closing all the curtains."
"Stay alert and see how you can help Dad bot if you're able."
"If you want to be scared of what your government is doing, this is the time to be scared."
"He's basically just caught you mid see the [ __ ] up owner because you're losing your spot."
"When you're out in the middle of nowhere, your hackles go up when you see something out of the ordinary." - Jessica Schultz
"Seconds after takeoff from Saint Louis Missouri the engine of an American Airlines md-82 erupts into flames, alarm bells ring loudly in the cockpit."
"Should something say like a bear suddenly take an interest in your leisurely ski, your ski game better be 100."
"The honey badger is everywhere - do not throw near him."
"When he invites you to go on a trip with him, you will have to walk fast and think hard."
"Stay sharp, stay focused, and question everything."
"My sister violated my trust. She's on notice now. Watch your back."
"The church better wake up and begin to occupy the culture."
"I felt good low-key, it helped me be so much more awake."
"Krakatoa: the geological equivalent of a fire alarm."
"That's skeletons... we're on high alert gamers."
"You've always sounded the drum... but your warnings are more dire, louder, more direct."
"This is going to be an important moment... to pay attention."
"If it seems like everyone's gone loopy around you and something looks fake or feels odd, it probably is."
"Listening to English while exercising at the gym is a great way to stay awake!" - AJ Hogue
"I just got scammed, I tell you, big baby boos, oh no, I got scammed, I tell you, can you believe it? I got freaking scammed!"
"We're living in very dangerous times right now, I can tell you."
"Wow, cool, all homeroom teachers are advised to be aware of this situation."
"You'll hear them coming, important messages are on the way for you."
"Guys, keep your eyes peeled like some bananas."
"You cannot be tired at War because if you're tired you're dead."
"Damn dude, quick, watch the bugs in here! Get ready for a fight as soon as she rises!"
"Makes you far harder to sneak up on during our self-titled series, Jean Grey."
"The signal is coming through loud and clear that we are on a wrong course."
"My antenna are up all the time because there's always another edition of the book. This the one that is just published is the newest edition and so I'm adding information adding new ideas even a new principle so I'm always alert to incoming."
"Listen to what people are saying, don't switch that off. Don't switch off the part that you care, listen to it, show respect, take it not as truth but as opinion."
"Prepare accordingly, the tsunami has just arrived but it is going to get much more intense."
"I would rather be safe than sorry. I want people to be alert, on guard, and proactive as opposed to being reactive five years later."
"Unexpected surprises are on the horizon, keep your eyes open."
"I thank God that I noticed the door slightly open and locked it shut. This story could have had an awful ending otherwise."
"Plenty of us will make life-changing wealth... if you're asleep at the wheel, don't be asleep at the wheel."
"Smells like a bank run guys cuz Bank runs are on the menu right now and you can't avoid it."
"There's a storm warning that something is going to happen very quickly, very suddenly."
"Showing us the killers aren't actually drinking as they would need to stay sharp for all the slicing and dicing they're about to do."
"Every time you see him move, you just think any second it's like he's carrying a hand grenade that's gonna go off at any second."
"Make sure and again watch for the teleport and then watch for ads because they could be around."
"The battle is going to come to your town, your state, your household."
"It's literally the aircraft is literally the canary in the coal mine."
"Doing something unusual is a great way to quickly wake up your sleepy brain."
"Wake-up call. Something is being announced to you."
"When everything goes red, it's time to run for cover."
"Should I be concerned? Yes, you should definitely be concerned."
"All sides are engaged in the same tasks, and everyone had to be alert at all times for the crystal spawns, the deception spawns, who had the buff, and more."
"Full course yellow now... Full course yellow."
"This is not a game... Another wave of attacks coming."
"Break out of this trance, stop this paralysis, wake up, wake up!"
"Everybody needs to prepare. This is serious what we're facing today."
"You travel along the way with that philosophy, hearing out for birds... Something has either just run through here or is here, and that means that there is trouble afoot."
"Detecting changes in color shadows or even small movements can mean the difference between life and death."
"Sometimes the best sound alerts come from your community."
"Lulu, the pig, ran for help when her owner had a heart attack, saving her life."
"I woke up to my dog Lucy barking she was upright on the bed where my husband and I was sleeping with our 22-month-year-old daughter staring at our door like an unknown stranger was out there rummaging around."
"Watch the fig tree, that's Israel, and all the trees."
"Somebody's coming to your house, guys. Somebody's coming to see you."
"Wake up, I don't know what's happening and I hope nothing comes of it."
"The Lord is shouting out right now: 'Danger, heads up!'"
"If any southerner is still sleeping, if any southerner I see dreaming of 2023, I think it's the most foolish man or foolish woman at academics."
"We are in the window when an invasion could begin at any time." - Jake Sullivan
"It's a wake-up call to all of us to be a bit more prepared to think ahead about what we might need in the coming weeks or months."
"If someone walks through that doorway you're gonna know about it."
"There's just something about it that is off and it's not sitting right and my gut's telling me that there's some sort of red flag present here."
"Coffee blocks adenosine receptors... that's why it prevents us from feeling tired."
"I heard a whistle that sounded like whoever or whoever was whistling was still there on the edge of the woods and was looking right out." - Sincerely, Roger L. Colonel United States USA retired.
"Stop playing. Don't fall for what is ultimately a giant trap."
"But like any good herd animal, somebody has to sense, call it the predator."
"Shit is real out here. Twilight Zone, full effect."
"I wanted to un-alive myself, I think that's a red flag."
"Spidey senses are telling me there's something amiss here."
"Hold the question in your brain as you're reading. Be alert for keywords and signals."
"I think it's better to be nervous because it keeps you on your toes."
"When sword rolls into town, you know to drop your fudge and get going."
"Most higher ranked survivors will be pretty attentive... unless you plan your approach carefully."
"Guys, watch out for sauce stuff! Go get a little bit suck here we go."
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on a second this is not right."
"This is fear-mongering and I hate to be so blunt but that's essentially what it is."
"Keep your eyes peeled, boys. Oh, they're so open."
"You have to have an extra level of alertness when you're in a war. You need strategy."
"I thought I saw something move at the corner of my eye."
"Let's not have any distractions. We can't afford to be like zombies, following every loud sound."
"Open your eyes, we got company, that's a lot of guns."
"Watch out for opportunities, they're here, they're here all around us."
"So, either way, we are overdue, that is what multiple sources are saying."
"The short answer to should we be worried is yes."
"Honestly, I heard it go off. I managed to keep a distance. I was in the storage room looking for the banner. I found a plain white banner, and that's all I saw."
"I think you're going to land on your feet... there's a situation around you... and I think to the point where maybe you've been a bit on high alert..."
"You should have known immediately something's off here."
"The Daedric Lord may sit back in battle, allowing his otherworldly thralls to deal with the majority of the threats, but he is still on high alert."
"What a cool way to show hey something's up if you're paying attention."
"Make sure to interrupt the storm bolts and lightning lashes from the storm lashers."
"I saw something that made me sit up straight."
"A path to freedom... keeping your eyes and ears open for just random different opportunities."
"Is that smoke? I should probably investigate that."
"This ain't no game. This is not a situation where somebody almost was gone."
"Ultimately, this is about growth and expansion this month and you have a lot of opportunities so stay awake and stay aware so you don't miss them."
"Party in the front and on guard in the back."
"Welcome to Paris, find the target and eliminate, they are on high alert."
"I just heard a tiger, not a monkey, not a hog, not an elephant."
"The truth is out there, people! Wake up! WWE has a chequered history with celebrities."
"Fran senses something nearby and immediately goes to help people under attack with teacher's help."