
Serotonin Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"The baseline level of serotonin might set our overall mood, whether or not we wake up feeling pretty good or really lousy if our serotonin levels happen to be very, very low."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine really makes us motivated, feel in pursuit, makes us feel good. Serotonin makes us feel more relaxed and calm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is the molecule of peace. It is the molecule of contentness. It is the molecule of having enough, at least for the time being."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is associated with brain and body states of well-being, of comfort, of satiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is the molecule of bliss and contentment for what you already have."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is a reward molecule that is released in response to the subjective experience that we have enough resources."
"Service to another oxytocin wins. Serotonin wins. The more we look after each other, the safer we feel, the more we feel like we belong, and the more we will work together to confront the dangers outside."
"Serotonin system is engaged when we feel rewards for what we have in our immediate environment or we already have in our possession."
"Psilocybin's main effect is to mimic serotonin. But it does it in a very specific way because it activates a subset of serotonin receptors in a very strong fashion leading to neuroplasticity."
"Serotonin is involved in so many different functions that impact our daily life."
"The serotonin 2A receptors is one of, again, many different serotonin receptors."
"In fact, you may be surprised to learn that psilocybin basically is serotonin."
"Psilocybin... mainly works on the serotonin 5H2A receptor."
"Social validation increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, allowing us to let go of emotional fixations and become self-aware more easily."
"The things that increase serotonin are sunlight, sleeping, exercise... when you exercise, the other amino acids go into your muscles leaving decreased competition for tryptophan, and you feel happier."
"95% of the serotonin in your body is produced by the gut."
"Hobbies just really give your lizard brain serotonin. It's like the childlike wonder and whimsy of just doing something with your hands or making something out of nothing."
"Serotonin gets referred to as the feeling of well-being and happiness neurotransmitter."
"Most people don't realize that eighty percent of our serotonin is produced in our gut."
"What this review looked at...is that from the available data, there are not lower levels of serotonin in the brain of people who are depressed compared to people who are not clinically depressed."
"The flooding of serotonin causes this euphoria, makes people feel better, getting them out of that depression for that momentary period of time."
"Depression in psychiatry is a serious disease, a state of mind where patients have low levels of serotonin, leading to profound impacts on their ability to enjoy life."
"Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors means when a person takes this drug, more serotonin hangs out in the synapse and is able to be taken up by the neuron on the opposite side."
"Serotonin is the happy hormone, lifts our mood, makes us feel energized."
"It gives me a lot of serotonin and enjoyment to play it."
"Psilocybin and the serotonin receptor make love together."
"Serotonin toxicity is a real condition and is life-threatening in severe cases."
"The gut-brain axis is real. The gut produces serotonin, influencing your mood via the vagus nerve."
"By the second or third chorus we already were picking up on the words, just like the feeling that that song gives me is just like pure serotonin."
"Exposure to sunlight boosts your serotonin immediately, but also helps to set your cortisol rhythm."
"There is no serotonin like the first sip of an iced latte, especially when the sun is shining."
"Breathing activates a portion of the brain that triggers your zen mode like serotonin."
"Oh, I already feel the serotonin rushing through my body, we love it here."
"I think it's 70 plus% of the serotonin in your body is produced and stored in the gut."
"The most one of the most iconic west coast songs that's correct. I didn't know that."
"MDMA increases the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain and its most notable effects are on serotonin contributing to this intense mood lift and the emotional closeness experienced by users."
"Because it brings me serotonin bro, is it so bad that I feel some serotonin by teabagging your dead body?"
"Serotonin's basically a chemical that can affect your physical and mental health."
"If you boost up your serotonergic drive... all this stuff feels a bit easier to get along with."
"It's just a little jolt of serotonin when I come out here in the morning."
"When serotonin is increased you have that good joyful feeling."
"Depression rarely begins in an outside environment, that may be what triggers it, but it is exacerbated because of low serotonin."
"So serotonin, the happy neurotransmitter in the brain, is actually made from the essential amino acid tryptophan."
"Serotonin calms down the worry center of the brain."
"An act of kindness increases serotonin levels in the body and increases the strength of the immune system."
"this was so fun this was a good like Sunday boost of Serotonin like in the sunshine"
"Any person who is the recipient of an act of kindness has their serotonin levels increased just because they received an act of kindness and their immune system is strengthened."
"I could, like, weep tears of joy because my brain was not producing the right amount of serotonin to keep me at a level that made me feel good, and I honestly feel incredible."
"Serotonin has an inhibitory effect on the amygdala, so when you increase serotonin from taking an SNRI or an SSRI, it calms down your fear circuits."
"The gut produces 95% of serotonin, affecting mood and energy."
"If I'm having a bad day or like just a a sad day, I could you know use my bubble wand and it would immediately up my levels of Serotonin."
"Serotonin brownies are going in the oven."
"They alter the brain function by altering the neurochemical utilization of serotonin."
"Getting packages is like my number one source of Serotonin at this point."
"Nothing brings me more serotonin than buying books that I don't need."
"If you elevate it for about 15 to 20 minutes that will release serotonin in your brain immediately which is the happy hormone."
"The vast majority of serotonin in your body is made in the gut lining, not in your brain."
"...gambling is very addictive and watching other people play is a way to get serotonin without spending your own money."
"It's deeply misleading and unscientific to say depression is caused by low serotonin."
"Serotonin often is one of those hormones that you want to feel happiness and kind of that bliss out feeling."
"Happiness feels like... is this what serotonin feels like? I don't think I've ever felt happiness before."
"That was such a boost of serotonin you guys, like just the flowers and talking to Tessa about literally creating this company on her own."
"The recipient of an act of kindness has their serotonin levels increased."
"Depression pathogenesis involves impaired serotonin release due to auto receptor overexpression."
"Midnight's... it had this common thread throughout it that was slightly different than all of her other pop albums that was like a drug. It gives me serotonin."
"Serotonin controls our mood and helps us deal with pain."
"Spending time in fresh air and sunshine naturally increases serotonin."
"Gratitude lists and mindfulness meditation can increase serotonin levels."
"Physical contact such as massage can increase serotonin as well."
"Gratitude practice can trigger serotonin and oxytocin release."
"... this idea that depression is caused by low serotonin has been conveyed to people as an established fact."
"... the evidence for the serotonin theory of depression is ... not convincing."
"Sports is pretty much I don't even I'm not even a fan of any team really but I the fact that Sports is going on is like serotonin it's the best the world needs Sports more than it needs stand up sure but like"
"The serotonin that I get from this scene, like, it is unmatched. I want people to inject this scene into my [ __ ] veins."
"Sometimes your serotonin comes in a cup."
"Optimizing for serotonin would probably be a pretty good idea."
"Exercise increases serotonin levels in your brain and helps mood, decreasing stress."
"I desperately need any sort of serotonin."
"...it's pretty much the only content it really gives me that serotonin boost I so desperately crave."
"Every time I say that man's name a little bit of Serotonin hits me."
"The amount of Serotonin that I have from this is like the same serotonin that I would get from like getting a Birkin bag like it's actually insane."
"The serotonin boost I get from the fast results outweighs maybe the fact that I can't eat chocolate chip cookies anymore."
"The amount of serotonin this brings me daily, it's not worth it. It's not worth ever changing."
"The gut contains more serotonin than the brain... our gut function can be affected by bacterial imbalance."
"It sucks to be me," but if you liked the video and you enjoy the things that I make, be sure to like the video, you know, if you liked it, and to boost my serotonin levels."
"Your gut produces 90% of the serotonin in your body. The stuff that makes you feel good, makes you feel happy."
"I mean, it gives you, like, serotonin... that's something that, you know, will make you a little happy."
"Yes literally this is like the burst of Serotonin that I need for whenever I'm editing videos cuz they're so cute."
"Serotonin transmission poor serotonin transmission may cause impulsivity hostility aggression depression and suicidality."
"Poor serotonin transmission in trauma may cause impulsivity, hostility, aggression, depression, and suicidality."
"90% of serotonin in your body is in your gut."
"Serotonin rewards you for getting the respect of others which gives you more access to what we biologists call reproductive success."
"Psychotherapy increases the number of serotonin receptors, potentially restoring good mood."
"Silly, I am the serotonin. Come here, you."
"More serotonin hanging around improves mood."
"Using SSRIs that pump up serotonin in your synapses can improve depressive symptoms."
"I get like literal serotonin just from looking at this organized wall."
"Chia seeds offer a boost of tryptophan, an amino acid that the body converts into serotonin, often referred to as the feel-good neurotransmitter."
"The show served as a bomb for viewers seeking one single ounce of Serotonin it was a Beacon of Hope for the Hopeless."
"It gives me so much serotonin I can't even."
"I feel like I'm in Disney, this is giving me so much serotonin."
"My top says serotonin, and there's a goat on it."
"If you're feeding yourself just that stuff it's gonna make it more difficult for my brain to produce serotonin."
"Green Day's iconic five-part song 'Jesus of Suburbia' never fails to deliver serotonin straight to your bloodstream. The perfect pacing sells you the news of the world of Saint Jimmy and What's-Her-Name."
"I feel like I'm just like full of Serotonin from the weekend but now I'm just feeling like calm School mode"
"Find things that really make you happy and give you serotonin."
"Material items... you get the serotonin right away... but it goes away after a week."
"This do not give you so much serotonin there all pink shades."
"Seeing anything new is just... yes, there is a massive serotonin drop the second you see that this is out and this is a thing."
"Serotonin and endocannabinoid systems regulate body temperature, feeding, sleep, arousal, energy, and emotional processes."
"Genuine happiness, I'm having a rare serotonin uptick."
"The bacteria in the gut can activate lining up epithelial cell for enteroendocrine cells to release serotonin or other factors."
"Despite altering of serotonin in the synapse within hours, these drugs take weeks to reduce symptoms."
"Eating a low animal protein diet causes the production of neurotransmitters serotonin in the brain and the spinal fluid that actually relieve depression."
"The boost of serotonin that you get from just seeing a happy little face."
"Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that is calming, quieting, problem-solving."
"As soon as the sunshine hits, my serotonin levels through the roof, absolutely through the roof."
"Increasing light exposure has been shown to increase serotonin levels."
"People with adequate serotonin levels tend to make great neighbors because they care about others."
"The serotonin, there's so much of it!"
"There's a chemical called serotonin in people's brains that makes people feel good; some people are naturally lacking it."
"Treatment with probiotics may improve symptoms associated with major depressive disorder by increasing serotonin availability."
"It also helps produce serotonin, which is like the happiness hormone in the brain."
"Sunlight on pain, stress, and depression: Serotonin levels are much lower in the winter than they are in the summer."
"The amount of serotonin that this thing has brought me this year is just truly unmatched."
"BDNF stimulates serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter."
"There's never been a study that actually shows that people with depression consistently have lower levels of serotonin."
"This medication is as you might expect a serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor."
"The mechanism of action is quite similar, we're going to be blocking the serotonin reuptake pump as well as blocking the norepinephrine reuptake pump."
"Many of these which increase serotonin can be very beneficial for people. It can elevate their mood. It can make them feel better."
"This is my serotonin for the year."
"This album is serotonin in music at least for me."
"5-HTP... it's sort of like a catalyst for that same process that you get from prescription antidepressants."
"This literally gave me so much serotonin; I've never unboxed this many albums at one time."
"The gut actually produces a majority of serotonin."
"Tend and befriend... increases serotonin, it increases oxytocin, it allows us to bond."
"Doing something nice for someone else boosts your serotonin for a longer time and it also gets your mind off yourself."
"90% of all the serotonin in your body is made and produced in your gut."
"The serotonin in my heart and in my head right now from all of this is just like, it's off the charts."
"By blocking the serotonin 2A receptors, you're going to decrease the hallucinations that are occurring in schizophrenic patients."
"Vitamin D actually helps to stimulate our happy hormone serotonin in our body."
"People in the limerent state have more dopamine and less serotonin."
"Remember that no neurotransmitter works on its own, and dopamine works closely with serotonin."
"Serotonin is a chemical that makes you happy, makes you feel better."
"Serotonin releases when you have good open conversations with others."
"The brain is designed to save serotonin, which is so important it cannot be directly obtained from our bloodstream due to the blood-brain barrier."
"It's always the best, the serotonin levels are just up at the top levels when you use your legs."
"The bright light through our eyes stimulates serotonin production."
"It's the serotonin in the brain making you feel good, and it's there every time you do a workout."
"Magnesium is instrumental in alleviating stress, anxiety, and depression as it is linked to the production of serotonin."
"The light is physically seen by the retina and leads to increased production of serotonin in the brain."
"Serotonin, 85% of it, is produced by the gut, by your gut flora."
"It was like just serotonin coursing through my veins."
"Light signals received through the eye regulate production of melatonin and serotonin for circadian rhythm control."
"Depression as a serotonin problem in that way, stimulation shouldn't be the answer; it's really a circuit problem."
"The majority of some of these feel-good chemicals like serotonin are produced in the gut."
"Oh my God, this gives me so much serotonin."
"Serotonin is your feel-good chemical."
"People who are struggling with some depression, they just don't have enough serotonin."
"Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that contributes to our feelings of happiness."
"The healthy gut produces neurotransmitters and actually manufactures about 95 percent of the body supply of Serotonin."
"SSRIs block the reuptake of serotonin."
"It's scientifically proven that it kind of boosts the serotonin levels in your brain."
"Sugar helps the transport of tryptophan, helps the serotonin production, it helps dopamine."
"Rhodiola has been shown to enhance serotonin uptake by the brain by roughly about 30 percent."
"Insulin helps the amino acid tryptophan to enter the brain, which turns into serotonin, and in turn is converted into melatonin, the hormone which helps us go to sleep."
"90% of our serotonin, which is our happy hormone, is in our gut."
"Serotonin is hugely important for many different functions in the brain, but for happiness, for flexibility."
"Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, they stop the reuptake of serotonin."
"Serotonin comes from the gut, and if you've got your serotonin going, that's going to help low mood."
"Sunlight boosts a chemical in the brain called serotonin, which can improve your mood and help you get better sleep."
"Serotonin has been coined the brain's feel-good chemical."
"St. John's Wort prevents the reuptake of serotonin so you have more serotonin... and so you feel better. So that's one of the arguments for it being an antidepressant."
"Feeling safe allows the release of serotonin, which improves mood and fulfillment."
"I think the serotonin boost I just got from driving by myself and singing throwback jams was insane."
"Some studies show strong serotonin activity which could be partially responsible for the effects on mood, pain, and sleep."
"I find a lot of solace in exercise actually, I really feel like it helps my serotonin levels."
"Some people are serotonin deficient and 5-HTP can help build the serotonin levels."
"About 90% of your serotonin is in part produced in your gut through the action of bacteria."
"Vitamin D affects serotonin production which I believe has very far-reaching implications."
"95% of the serotonin in the body is synthesized by the gut."
"Serotonin has a very important element to a feeling of well-being in humans."
"I really strongly believe that serotonin plays a strong role in resilience."
"Playing sports regularly could have an effect on the serotonin release, making immune systems stronger to better cope with certain diseases or to prevent them from appearing."
"Look at how happy I am, look at that serotonin flowing through me."
"We know why people feel this way; there's this chemical called serotonin in people's brains."
"I do like cute things. I mean, as I've been talking with the other members of Niji, I get an absurd amount of serotonin from that one video where the lady has a tiny little microphone and she puts it up to a dog."
"Serotonin is the happiness hormone."
"The actual sunlight will release serotonin levels in your brain that make you feel good."
"Serotonin in your brain is important for mood, it's important for a lot of functions."
"When you're depleted of your brain serotonin levels, you become very impulsive, your long-term planning shuts down, you get aggressive, irritable, moody."
"When you take SSRIs, it basically gives you a lot of serotonin. When we have a lot of serotonin in our body, we feel good."
"Ninety percent of our serotonin is produced in our gut."
"This gives me so much serotonin just looking at this."
"Thank you so much, that gave me so much serotonin."
"It just gives me so much serotonin."
"In the evenings, it's relatively low protein and high in carbs to maximize the serotonin and tryptophan."
"Exercising has really helped with my energy levels, it has helped give me a boost of Serotonin."
"I'm truly in the actual best mood ever, like total serotonin overload."
"This outfit is sending so much serotonin through my body."