
Inflammation Quotes

There are 901 quotes

"The longer that one is consistently ingesting fermented foods on a daily basis, the better the outcomes in terms of the gut microbiome and for reducing inflammation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting anywhere from four or even up to six servings a day of fermented foods can be immensely beneficial for reducing inflammatory markers in the body and for improving microbiota diversity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just to give you a hint of where we are headed with this, just this last week, there was a paper published in 'Nature' from Qiufu Ma's lab at Harvard Medical School, explored how acupuncture can reduce inflammation in the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The nervous system acts as a set of highways between the different tissues of your body, calling into action the immune system, liberating particular molecules that can reduce inflammation and lead to faster healing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Omega-3 fatty acids are going to be a very potent way to reduce pain and to reduce inflammation in ways that can reduce the frequency and the intensity of different kinds of headache."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a huge role for inflammation, the cause of inflammation in depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Once you see someone exhibiting dementia, you could do things to lower inflammation, deal with their symptoms, and you could try to slow it down."
"Food is extremely important because it's directly linked to obesity and obesity itself causes low-grade inflammation."
"Chronic inflammation is the root cause of a lot of different kinds of serious chronic diseases."
"Omega-3s have been implicated in reducing the inflammation response, cardiovascular health, et cetera."
"It could reduce the amount or number of inflammatory cytokines, like IL-6 and so forth, maybe increase the anti-inflammatory cytokines, like IL-10 and others."
"If you're battling inflammation, start adding in more turmeric to your diet."
"The brain's waste management system is primarily active when we're sleeping to reduce inflammation and clean out metabolic waste."
"Activating insulin and all the inflammatory pathways that go with it is one of the main drivers of aging."
"Microglial cells are chock-full of cytokine receptors and are responsive to inflammatory signals."
"Ingesting carbohydrates after exercise can help attenuate some of the inflammation that exercise induces."
"Omega-3 has been shown in clinical studies to blunt the postprandial inflammatory response."
"It was really quite a shock in the 90s when assays got better, and we began to realize that if you measured inflammatory markers, they were actually elevated in depressed people."
"People do get depressed. They get depressed for a lot of the same reasons. Depression was powerfully correlated with increased inflammation."
"If you can affect your inflammation, you're more likely to respond positively to it."
"Carbohydrates are pro-inflammatory, and when you're in a ketogenic diet, it is anti-inflammatory."
"Chronic inflammation and hyperinsulinemia are significant risk factors for diseases, including cancer."
"Inflammation is at the heart of many of the different conditions that we struggle with these days: heart disease, cancer, depression, strokes, Alzheimer's. Whatever it is, we know that inflammation often sits at the heart, right at the start."
"The chronic, unresolved inflammation that's behind type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, a lot of cases of depression, all kinds of autoimmune diseases, is this sort of chronic unresolved inflammation."
"The immune system is a wonderful part of our body, but it's also interactive, and a lot of the way your immune system works is through inflammation."
"It turns out that seems like everything that we're suffering from today is inflammation, even things like depression and autism and cancer and diabetes and heart disease and Alzheimer's."
"A horribly inflammatory diet is number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten probably on the list."
"Obesity is now the greatest source of inflammation in our body and inflammation is the common factor of cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes, and others."
"Childhood trauma elevates the circulation of inflammatory particles in the blood, cytokines."
"Long-term inflammation is now linked to many major diseases, from dementia to heart disease."
"It's the inflammation that we don't see, that we can't feel, that's causing all the chronic diseases that we see today: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, depression."
"Inflammation is probably the number one driver of all the misery we see in the world."
"Vitamin D induces production of antiviral peptides and has anti-inflammatory properties, which could be crucial in combating infections."
"Although it can be uncomfortable, inflammation is the cornerstone of the body's healing response."
"Coronary artery disease begins as inflammation in the lining of arteries... Alzheimer's disease clearly begins as inflammation of the brain."
"Inflammation is an immune response; it's your immune system getting into action for some reason."
"Chronic low-grade inflammation is associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, and the list goes on and on."
"Virtually all disease that we're talking about is a result of inflammation that is not resolved."
"When you're grounded, your body is full of free electrons, full of this earth energy, so now you can't have inflammation."
"Vitamin D is critically important to regulate inflammation. So if vitamin D is low, inflammation goes up."
"Inflammation, that's what really stirs up the danger; it's like having a quiet troublemaker in the crowd, you don't even see the trouble until it's already upon you."
"Intravenous vitamin C lessens the pro-inflammatory state associated with sepsis and preserves organ function."
"So many diseases are caused by inflammation and disorder of immunity."
"Short-chain fatty acids lower inflammation, help to lower blood cholesterol, and improve our use of blood sugar."
"Inflammation in the body is very helpful when you have it in small amounts, in the right place, at the right time, then it goes away, but if you have chronic leaking overflowing inflammation in your body that goes everywhere, now it's a setup for autoimmune disease, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, vision loss, Alzheimer's, all kinds of really harmful conditions associated with inflammation."
"Your gut microbiome, which is a health defense system, lowers inflammation... like the fire department to help put out the inflammation."
"Short chain fatty acids... they streamline our metabolism, make our body more sensitive to insulin, they lower inflammation, help our body heal."
"Alcohol increases intestinal permeability, making the gut more leaky, which can cause more inflammation and immune reactions."
"By decreasing inflammation throughout your body, and especially in your gut, things start to heal."
"Eating these refined oils constrict your arteries for longer than smoking a cigarette because it is a sustained inflammation."
"A lot of depression, a lot of anxiety, a lot of psychiatric illness is neuro-inflammatory."
"By mitigating the inflammatory storm and its consequences, vitamin D could be considered as an adjunct to any form of therapy."
"Sugar, highly inflammatory, is going to cause a histamine reaction."
"Glucocorticoids... are very potent anti-inflammatory drugs."
"There's convincing evidence for a pro-inflammatory effect of sugar, refined grains, omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, and visceral obesity."
"It may well be that it's through its effects on inflammation that the low-carb healthy fat diet really has its effect."
"Fighting inflammation is not just for those who deal with it regularly; this meal prep is great for everybody because it's super healthy, immune boosting, and can even help reduce bloat really fast."
"To start your mornings off, I recommend drinking a lemon ginger tonic. Ginger is extremely good for fighting inflammation and improving digestion."
"When you actually grow excess body fat and it starts to leak and has it becomes toxic and winds up also becoming inflammatory, we disrupt all of these functions that normally help keep us healthy."
"Inflammation is fundamentally on the cellular level; it is the body being in fear, it is the body responding to a threat."
"It was kind of like this out-of-body experience where I realized like I was treating all these diseases of inflammation... but I didn't really know what was causing the inflammation."
"Most of the people that have dementia don't have the genetic condition. Most of the people that have dementia have chronic inflammation."
"Inflammation is the body's healing process; it's the body trying to heal."
"Cytokine storm: A deadly uncontrolled both local and systemic inflammatory response."
"Giving a patient nutrient supplements that fight inflammation could help ease their symptoms."
"Inflammation is a healing process; systemic inflammation can kill you."
"Inflammation really just means a response to damage... innocent bystanders sitting there and getting caught up like a hand grenade going off."
"Without inflammation in the body, there is no chronic disease."
"Cutting down inflammation minimizes the risk of cancer development."
"Niacinamide is one of my favorite ingredients for skincare. It really helps to calm inflammation."
"If you have any kind of pain, the longer you keep inflammation down, the better you're going to feel."
"Inflammation in the body can make us insulin resistant sooner."
"Ketones have inflammation modulating properties."
"If we control inflammation...our body knows how to regenerate."
"It's going to help you achieve a weight loss goal and heal inflammation."
"Generalized inflammation makes things worse, but it's not necessary for heart disease."
"Everything that we talked about here is bad because it contributes to inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance."
"In three days of getting vegetable oils out of your diet, your inflammation markers will go down."
"To get rid of inflammation, increase omega-3... balance omega-6 and omega-3."
"Inflammation is the way that your body deals with trauma. It's the way that it deals with Invaders, it's the way that it repairs itself, it's part of the process."
"When you have an inflammation of the heart that's a serious thing."
"Visceral fat is the most inflammatory type of fat."
"If we can block interleukin 6 like Tocilizumab then we might be able to decrease a lot of that inflammatory response."
"So the excess of Acyl-CoA, the ethanol and the ROS species activate an enzyme called JNK1 which is the bridge between metabolism and inflammation."
"Ginger, one of the best supplements you could do on a regular basis for fighting inflammation."
"So we test for signs of inflammation and we look to lower inflammation... we also focus on what can we do to strengthen your immune system right how do we strengthen those natural killer cells."
"In short, too much inflammation can lead to organ failure and even death. So flight should be a death sentence."
"And then we look to see is there anything causing inflammation in the body... because we know that cancer likes to grow in the face of inflammation."
"Lemons have bioflavonoids that help prevent free radicals and inflammation."
"The combination of fructose, refined carbohydrate, and polyunsaturated oils creates inflammation in every blood vessel wall and in every cell membrane."
"So inflammation sits underneath every single modern disease... and it's not just heart attacks but it's cardiovascular disease."
"Turmeric helps calm inflammation and keeps our hearts healthier."
"High blood pressure is an inflammatory disease."
"Joint pain would be handled by it, this cycle of inflammation and chronic disease would be broken in general by it, so I think it is interesting to consider LDN after every COVID or in the beginning of any chronic disease."
"Niacinamide: calming redness, irritation, and oiliness, with antioxidant effects for anti-aging."
"Hydrogen sulfide is a key cellular messenger in the body that helps modulate or control inflammation."
"Every single chronic disease stems from systemic inflammation."
"Blaming cholesterol instead of the inflammation is like blaming one of the firemen instead of the fire."
"Without inflammation and damage to the vessel walls... you can have circulating cargo ships filled with triglycerides and cholesterol that never offload."
"There's actual good data in the medical literature to show that PCBs cause gut barrier inflammation."
"Functional medicine looks at all the factors causing inflammation and autoimmunity."
"Physical activity is a very, very effective way to get rid of acute inflammation."
"The thing that I really wanted to to usher in and bring to the forefront because it sounds the most like ghostly it sounds like cast with a ghost like it's not even a real thing is inflammation."
"Nobody's talking about that in these cookie cutter diets that you need to address the inflammation in your brain in order for you to lose weight."
"You might not lose all the weight in a couple of weeks but you can change your inflammation markers your hormones your brain chemistry literally in a couple of weeks of changing your diet."
"Vitamin C can help fight the inflammatory storm in the lungs."
"There's increasing evidence that inflammation can be caused by the mind."
"Histamine is often involved with inflammation."
"Every day, when you move around, there's little bits of inflammation. It's like throwing gasoline on an existing fire."
"Bromelain may inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines."
"Awareness about how inflammation works within your body is ultimately what's going to bring about a level of understanding."
"Very good for getting inflammation down as well, so let's enjoy this and enjoy this meal."
"Omega-3s are going to balance the inflammation within our body."
"Meat being the most neutral food, there's less inflammation."
"Reducing dairy, sugar, and alcohol can help with hormonal acne and chin acne."
"Cystic acne requires reducing inflammation and gentle exfoliation."
"I became aware of this beginnings this hypothesis that chronic inflammation was the root cause of a lot of different kinds of serious chronic diseases and that just fascinated me."
"All the diseases of chronic illness are really related to inflammation."
"Food that's high in cholesterol doesn't cause you high cholesterol in your blood, inflammation causes high cholesterol."
"If we're using inflammatory fats, fats that produce more inflammation, inflammation is going to inhibit healthy thyroid hormone receptor activity."
"Putting patients on an anti-inflammatory elimination diet, you know, 80% of the time doesn't matter what they come in with they're gonna actually they'll actually get better."
"Inflammatory ingredients are the root cause of most diseases."
"Your ultimate risk is because of inflammation. So you are increased risk of heart attacks, stroke."
"Here's the deal when you're talking about inflammatory foods oils and fats can be good for you and non-inflammatory but they could also be really bad for you and inflammatory."
"Sugar in addition to being inflammatory has some really horrible side effects."
"Fasting and it affects people differently but to some degree does appear to lower chronic inflammation rates."
"Fibromyalgia is actually a chronic inflammation at the cellular and the tissue level."
"Let's dive into this first study because it's been long known that inflammatory visceral adipose tissue is a problem."
"Antioxidant Scavenging harmful free radicals in the body inflammation can wreak havoc on the body especially as we age..."
"Inflammation is how the body heals itself, it's vital."
"Inflammation is not evil it is a repair process anti-inflammatories are evil."
"Plant oils are very high in omega-6s, promoting inflammation."
"So what is inflammation anyway and why does it make us sick and fat well inflammation can be a good thing right it's part of your body's own defense mechanism if you have a cold or an infection you bang yourself inflammation helps your body heal."
"Chronic diseases are on the rise. What are the root causes of these trends? Could there be a few things that are causing inflammation in the Western world?"
"The name of the game: sickness and disease live in what influences inflammation."
"Ninety days beef, butter, bacon, and eggs as an Elimination Diet, perhaps there's something you're still eating that is causing you inflammation."
"Inflammation is the basis of all autoimmune diseases, which can lead to things like lupus, fibromyalgia, MS, hives, rashes, eczema, and psoriasis."
"Depression could be the body’s response to chronic inflammation."
"Higher blood sugar translates to inflammation inflammation as we've talked about means poor choices it means increased risk of alzheimer's coronary heart disease diabetes obesity and it means disconnection syndrome..."
"Magnesium is anti-inflammatory, especially it modulates the innate arm."
"So anyone who says this think about it for a second this is relatively reducing inflammation which is a good thing in case of sarskov 2 and Spike protein problems because the problem is the cytokine storm the problem is Runaway inflammation."
"Chronic inflammation prevents erections; it's the basis of everything that's bad."
"Inflammation is the trigger to many of our chronic and life-threatening health conditions."
"Ketosis is an anti-inflammatory diet don't add inflammatory compounds to it guys."
"It's not about the cholesterol, it really is about the inflammation."
"Virtually all chronic disease, when you go right down and say well why does chronic disease happen, the answer is chronic inflammation."
"Propolis works well for inflammatory skin conditions like acne and hyperpigmentation."
"The mainstream diet is strongly pro-inflammatory; it gives us all the wrong things and not enough of the right things that are protective."
"Good quality carbohydrates help to reduce inflammation and give not only you energy but feed your gut microbiome."
"Inflammation keeps us healthy because it clears out foreign invaders and it allows for us to clear damage and heal."
"By healing inflammation in your gut, we can heal inflammation in your skin."
"Leaky gut can also present as outward inflammation on the skin."
"Gut health is crucial because of nutrient absorption, but also because when your gut is unhealthy, this can increase inflammation throughout the body."
"Inflammation is really kind of an enemy of all things; it can greatly impact our health, the quality of our skin, but also our hair."
"Dysregulation in the barrier of your gut can lead to systemic inflammation and autoimmune disease."
"Acne is not just a skin problem, it's caused by inflammation which is often present on the inside of the body."
"They eat lots of Omega-3 foods which is good for your heart and good for inflammation."
"Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a condition that causes swelling and pain in joints."
"The main issue is not having regular bowel movements. And if you don't fix this underlying issue, this condition will return and can specifically cause autoimmune inflammation."
"Even one day of bad rest can lead to several days of increased inflammation."
"For those with RA, a timely diagnosis by an RA specialist along with rapid control of inflammation through early and aggressive treatment are the key to managing this disease."
"Restricted eating can reduce inflammation, having long periods of the day when you don't eat."
"An anti-inflammatory diet is one that is generally good for your gut microbes."
"Short-term acute inflammation is a good thing."
"Inflammation is not a bad thing; it's just basically sending immune soldiers to where they're going to likely be most needed."
"Our diet is a major, if not the major, factor contributing to our inflamed society."
"It's very unlikely that there are tons of different causes for these diseases. I think that inflammation is the common denominator in the microbiota and our diet is really at the heart of this."
"The only biomarker that was indicative of successful longevity in every cohort was suppression of inflammation."
"Gamma-delta cells act as a first line of immunological defense, and even better, natural killer cells kill cancer, and the shiitake did all this while lowering markers of systemic inflammation."
"The body has a language it's always speaking to us, and one of those languages is inflammation."
"...what we do to our bodies can affect our brains so this idea that if we can reduce inflammation in our body that can also reduce inflammation in our brain or certainly help symptoms in our brain."
"Inflammation is bad if it's runaway and you can't stop it."
"As the steroids wear off, which they typically will in about three months, the inflammation and the pain doesn't return."
"Reducing fructose intake is one of the primary ways to reduce systemic inflammation."
"It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects"
"That extra body fat is like a toxic mess that our body stands in, that gasoline that overflowed gas tank is like, it's flammable, it's inflammation which is like flame inside our body that sets us up for a big problem."
"Ketones blunt the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. We're blocking that activation."
"If you lower inflammation in your blood vessels, the pressure against the walls of your blood vessels would be lower, and that's going to make your blood pressure go down."
"The gut microbiome produces metabolites that cross the blood-brain barrier and reduce inflammation in the brain."
"Inflammation is a huge driver of most of our mental health issues."
"Omega-3 fatty acids lower inflammation and support hormone function."
"The lymphatic system isn't pumping as much due to inflammation, and the lipedema fat tissue is actually pushing the fluid down through the lymphatic system."
"Inflammation is in the gut, and the goal is to control the inflammation."
"Obesity is actually a state of chronic inflammation."
"The higher your omega-3 to 6 ratio, the better it is for reducing inflammation in your body."
"Fish oil helps to lower inflammation in your body."
"You want to get inflamed, eat sugar. Essentially when you eat a lot of sugar, it raises insulin levels, it causes fatty liver which creates more inflammation."
"Inflammation in the body is not good for hair growth."
"Inflammation is one of the biggest root causes of heart disease."
"Moreover, saffron's anti-inflammatory effects contribute to its vision-protective benefits, potentially mitigating the impact of inflammation on the development and progression of eye diseases."
"Sugar is so inflammatory on the body, so I typically recommend keeping your sugar intake to under five grams per day."
"Our goal is to reduce the TPO antibody level, which means less inflammation in your thyroid gland."
"Juice cleanses deprive the body of important nutrients and can increase inflammation."
"It's important to think about inflammation as well."
"So treat the disease, treat the target, get rid of the inflammation is the bottom line."
"One of the central features of aging is inflammation or 'inflammaging'."
"Foods high in trans fats, saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, sugar, and smoking cause inflammation in blood vessel cells."
"High sensitivity C-reactive protein is probably one of the most important biomarkers that has been put on my radar about 10 years ago."
"Ketones actually will bind to cells and inhibit something called the NLRP3 inflammasome."
"Ketones will bind a particular type of G-protein-coupled receptor and act like a hormone, initiating a series of events that result in the inhibition of key inflammatory signals."