
Misconception Quotes

There are 4791 quotes

"Gradual progression as the kind of weak version of a protocol is a misconception. In fact, extending the duration of time that people were in cold water, they experienced enormous increases in neurochemicals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just because someone has been a victim does not mean they will become an abuser."
"People think, 'Oh, it's just her period.' Well, actually for a lot of women, they really do suffer."
"Dopamine is not just about reward; it's one of the biggest misconceptions. Dopamine is about motivation and drive."
"Not all that long ago, I made an episode explaining what the word 'natural' means for the average consumer. After all, cyanide is natural, but that doesn't mean people should be inclined to consume it because of that, you know."
"I'm a big advocate for self-care. It's not all pedicures and treat yourself... Those are not actually forms of self-love."
"Cyclops means 'round-eyed', it doesn't mean one eye."
"I don't know, let's just clear one thing up: we know that Cheney is not Kim Kardashian; she's her own person."
"Follow your passion, in addition to be astonishingly appealing, also happens to be astonishingly bad advice."
"Passion is a really interesting topic because most of us have the wrong definition of passion."
"Acceptance is what we want to avoid in authoritarian parenting style, which is actually not true. In fact, the opposite is right."
"Mental illness is not a thing that we make up; it's not a sign that you're obsessed with yourself or that you as a human being just suck."
"The United States spends per citizen tens of thousands of dollars on social welfare benefits...the notion the United States has no social safety net at all is not true."
"People think he's dumb because he's the class clown, but that cannot be farther from the truth. He's super intelligent."
"The Cuban sandwich or Cubano is not actually even from Cuba."
"Spaghetti and meatballs were actually created in the United States, not Italy."
"Philanthropy is an ancient Greek word that means loving humanity; it doesn't mean rich people writing checks."
"There's no difference between men and women... But this isn't true."
"The definition of competition is not the one we're using today, that's an inaccurate definition... the original definition of competition [is] to strive together."
"The notion that it's completely American to just sort of say, 'I'm not going to do whatever you tell me,' I think is wrong."
"Poverty can't be a natural fact about the universe; we know it's not."
"Not 100 in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is."
"People think that space is a quiet and desolate vacuum of emptiness between the stars and planets. There exists a vast realm of nothingness. However, space is very active."
"Do rich people understand the economy better than the rest of us? No."
"The notion that success is more likely with privilege is bastardized into the assumption that success requires privilege."
"Julia has incredible strength. To think she's weak blows me away. She's one of the strongest female characters I work with."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Not true."
"Allah is not interested in torturing you for everything you do, that's not this religion."
"I think one of the big mistakes that people make--and this relates to what you're saying, is we always equate pain as being bad. And it's not."
"These are not simple misogynists and racists and bigots as they were described in Canada, but unbelievably sophisticated, hard-working people who have excellent businesses in the highest sense."
"The biggest lie of it all is this search for ubiquity of happiness, for the Utopia of this place that we will arrive at, this tropical place called happiness."
"Higher intelligence is not, as we usually think of it, automatically beneficial."
"Contrary to popular belief, the Amish are not really anti-technology or strictly stuck in the past, rather it's more accurate to say they are much more thoughtful and deliberate about technology."
"Everywhere socialism has ever been tried, it's been nothing but a failure. That's a lie, boss. That is a lie."
"An effective gratitude practice doesn't resemble writing down things you're grateful for at all."
"We are not anti-women. How can we react against women when we are women, our mothers are women, our grandparents are women, our grandmothers are women, aunties are women?"
"Internet activity is private when you use incognito mode. That is, in fact, a lie."
"All of your internet activity is private when you use incognito mode. That is, in fact, a lie."
"I think being rich is the least sexy part about entrepreneurship. If you're getting into it to be rich, stop what you're doing; you've made a terrible mistake."
"It's less likely for you to contract HIV from someone who is positive and on medication than you might think."
"Obviously the reputation women had for being inferior and less skilled was false."
"But she didn't give up trying to resuscitate him because she realized that he wasn't a monster but her best friend."
"Rich people can't cheat on their taxes; there are no tax loopholes because people pay their taxes the moment they buy something."
"IQ is not in any way a signifier of intelligence; it's a signifier of that you do well on the IQ test."
"Bitcoin is not a Ponzi scheme; it's not a pyramid scheme."
"Dark matter is a form of matter that does not interact with light. It's that simple. Wrong answer. What is dark matter? We don't know."
"The popular conception of meditation as a practice of clearing one's mind in order to relax or deal with stress is quite different from how early Buddhist texts understood meditation."
"Outsiders have accused Yazidis of being devil worshippers, however, this is a completely false representation."
"That's not pistachio ice cream; that's wasabi, and it's spicy."
"The assumption that brains and other physical systems create conscious experiences is false."
"OMG, so Albert Einstein was a real person. All this time, I thought he was a theoretical physician."
"Never confuse education with intelligence. You can have a PhD but still be an idiot."
"Burnout was something that happened to weak people... cut to three years later, I was as burned out as anyone could ever be."
"People that say you have to be with other people otherwise you'll feel lonely are stupid and you're wrong."
"It is a sinister thing to try to convince people that there is not a lot to be gained in terms of your quality of life by getting in shape."
"Video games don't cause violence. We've known this for a long-ass time, you idiots."
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."
"I don't think I ever want to stop because I think the misconception people have often go well when you get cured and you stop going. It's like, 'Yeah, but when do you stop living?'"
"If you are naively thinking that because you have a lot of guns and ammo stockpile that that somehow means security, you're so gravely mistaken."
"People think that I party all the time. I don't."
"Autism is not an illness and therefore does not need a cure."
"The greatest enemy of truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived, and dishonest — but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears."
"Kindness is actually the complete opposite of weakness."
"I just want to know who lied to Millennials who lied and said that Millennials look younger than genen Z who lied I just want to know."
"Being spiritual doesn't always mean being nice."
"It's like calling water dihydrogen monoxide just to scare people."
"The idea that it's all a technology battle is wrong." - Rob Johnson
"The dirty secret of the stock market is that it's not a casino."
"The truth is that sex education has never been associated with lowering the age of sexual activity. Learning about safe sex does not make me have sex. It makes me have safe sex when I do have sex. That's how it works."
"No one wants to be trans, no one is doing that for the lulls."
"First impressions are usually wrong, especially in islands."
"Nobody joins the cult thinking that's what they're doing, and Scientology is no exception to that rule."
"The serpent or the dragon is not a symbol for wickedness, it's a symbol for wisdom."
"Christianity is not just one monolithic block of religion."
"If you dismiss political activism as belonging solely to the easily offended and overly emotional, you've been sold a false narrative designed to neutralize you."
"I'm getting very, very sick of the notion that everybody who is in favor of gun rights is responsible for Parkland."
"The FED doesn't control everything; the belief that they do is an illusion."
"People have this idea that because something was suppressed that that means it was a solution."
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly."
"HSPs can also be abusive it's not like we fall into this angelic category."
"Many of these laws in these discussions were misplaced and they were rooted in a false sense of security."
"While baby carrots are a type of carrot that's harvested before reaching maturity, they grow in inconsistent sizes and shapes and aren't usually what you buy when planning a dip-fest."
"The trouble is... these are identities based on a wholly imagined past."
"It's interesting. Issylra and Vasselheim, you think oh, it's the god continent. No, it's the continent of extremes."
"Being disabled doesn't mean he has no independence anymore. Exactly!"
"There's only horrible things happening in the world and that's just not true."
"You don't have to be a vegan to beat so-called climate change."
"We tend to imagine spiritual awakening as being a very blissful experience, but when we're experiencing instead these deeply disturbing emotions... it's not uncommon to think that maybe we're doing it wrong."
"Does the affiliation with conservative or Christian beliefs make someone a Nazi or a domestic terrorist? Of course not."
"I had heard it was like no lead in it was until we had to drink wine and saw it on the thing."
"Last thing I'm going to say is that testosterone will not cure your depression."
"We think religious wars, these historical Wars are a thing of the past but they're not."
"It's a lie, a major deception to think that keeping the commandments or being on the Covenant path is somehow the slog, the hard, the miserable life."
"Things did not change and in fact I had the complete wrong idea."
"This isn't about the drama. It's really not. I know it's going to be stated all over drama drama drama but Jesus Christ come on."
"Everything has to be done as soon as possible, otherwise you'll miss the opportunities. That's definitely not true."
"If you just hear it, competitive tag sounds really stupid and lame... But it's not just running around chasing each other, it's in a parkour course."
"It's not even remotely the Bert Kreischer show."
"Because it's harmless. It's objectively not harmless."
"If you pan back from the fish he's just a fish he's not a monster."
"They're proud of that part of themselves but to define them as that would be to be missing the entirety of the picture."
"God is not a merciless god. God is not someone who is looking for an opportunity to punish people for their mistakes."
"The Force of Nature: I was seriously wrong about it."
"Men's mental health matters more than women's. Absolutely verifiably false."
"He had the attitude that nobody could hurt him. I think he was wrong."
"It's not poverty, it ain't drugs, it ain't the lack of jobs and ain't the lack of education."
"They just don't get it. I've seen more awesome wealthy people that are really making a difference in life than people that are just greedy guts trying to screw everybody out of everything."
"It's often credited as being the first slasher flick, but that's not really true."
"Relationships especially relationships in general are not as rock solid as people would like them to believe."
"I think people have a common misconception that vegan is healthier."
"Sounding confident does not mean I'm arrogant."
"African American, you have to be from Africa. The only African American I know is Elon Musk."
"It's not lack of willpower that's what these sort of calories people they always say it's all about your willpower no there's so much else to it."
"Always that same LSD story. You've all seen it: 'Young man on acid thought he could fly, jumped out of a building.' What a tragedy. What a dick!"
"Good things come to those who wait. This is distorting the merit of patience into an excuse to do nothing."
"What do you think the biggest misconception is about pierce the veil uh that I'm a girl I think like that's a thing."
"It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble, it's what you think you know."
"The goal of Oneness in religion is not what people think."
"Democracy doesn't mean the same thing as popularity."
"Bali is not a country, it is a province of Indonesia."
"It ain't nothing to do with child pornography, it's a reflection of our struggles."
"They thought Trump was creating the problems, tension, and culture war when in fact he was not."
"Very few people are actually... a lot of people who think they're acting in good faith and get very upset if you say no you're about... you're a bad faith actor genuinely don't know or can't tell that that's what they're doing."
"There's a scapegoating going on here, and China's totally blameless."
"I had someone the other day tell me that they could never seem to get immolate to work and that it's bad. It is insane."
"White privilege doesn't mean it's a privilege to be white."
"Superimposing today's wars on erroneous recitals of acts of yesteryear is a recipe for disaster, both the accused and the accuser." - Albert Watkins
"The biggest misconception is that Martin Luther King was a dreamer who had a dream."
"You're more likely to get hit by lightning than to ever get attacked by a shark."
"Not every man struggles with this... don't think that because you struggle, everyone else does."
"Fats weren't necessarily the bad guy that they were made out to be in the 70s 80s and 90s."
"The biggest misunderstanding people have is that I'm trying to be someone I'm not, when really I'm just authentically being 110% who I actually am without any hesitation."
"Despite what you may have learned about me and my origin, I am not the voice of some phantom or imposter."
"Grief changes shape, but it never ends. People have a misconception that you can deal with it and say, 'It's gone, and I'm better'. They're wrong. When the people you love are gone, you're alone."
"Hannibal Lecter is so popular that some investigators have misinterpreted evidence surrounding murder cases because they assumed the killer would follow the pattern of Lecter."
"Fat loss is not an overly complex process; you've just been led to believe that it is."
"Some people are Arrow Ace and they have neither romantic nor sexual attraction to anyone... Talk to any asexual person they will tell you they are incredibly kinky and horny."
"Just because someone is making a lot in income doesn't mean they're good with money."
"I don't actually believe that Christianity is a religion of violence and hate."
"If you think this world is about you think again maybe you misunderstood something."
"Business is not only not our society's greatest source of evil."
"We're living fat and happy off Ben Shapiro, a guy who has never worked or even seen a [ __ ] manufacturing plant."
"The days of conflating Jewish people with the state of Israel will end."
"Roy Keane is not this erratic bad man who bites the heads off kittens in his sleep."
"Had I known that what was wrong with me was not some sort of spiritual stain or you know just black mark on me that I couldn't see, had I known that this was a matter of biochemistry, it would have framed everything differently."
"I am getting so tired of hearing this lie that black people have it harder because of their skin color."
"Washing one's hands, Klein reasoned, had nothing to do with spreading infection."
"This is not the Jesus that maybe you've been told about."
"We should always try and put our efforts in conveying the message because if we didn't do that how do you expect people to remove their misconceptions about Islam?"
"The only way that someone can genuinely tilt at windmills is if they have an erroneous view of who you really are compared with what they've seen of you online."
"Sensuality plays more to a guy's emotions for a long-term commitment."
"That's God's Gift of Love, quit thinking of God as a mean vengeful judge."
"People thought... sugar... it's not bad for you... now we know it's really bad for you."
"Kentler and many of his fellow scholars believed that stopping the sexual repression of children would fix society. They were wrong."
"Diana wasn't the airhead she was sometimes portrayed as."
"White privilege isn't white people keeping black people from doing things."
"Just because I'm shiny doesn't mean I'm here."
"Cults aren't necessarily religious in nature. We actually need to separate this idea in our minds that cults are inherently religious or they are religious groups because cults can actually exist in multiple facets of unreligious groups."
"This notion that tagging someone doesn't get a message to them is really lunacy."
"We have got God all wrong. Not only do we have God all wrong, we've got ourselves all wrong."
"Science is often presented in schools as if it was a collection of facts about the world."
"Drowning doesn't usually look like drowning on TV."
"You can actually experience more and more as you go. People think Morgan Freeman just started acting when he was in his 40s or something. The dude's been acting the whole time."
"The reason people think PC gaming is a bad idea is because overconfident idiots build outrageous PCs."
"Let's stop this myth right now. The pinky bear doesn't know what he's doing. He was exactly what he's doing here. There it is, here it is. See, that's what that second verse beats. Drive-by at the beginning."
"When you hear the word cartel the stereotypical violent drug cartel comes to mind but in reality all a cartel really is is a group of companies coming together to fix the price of a product."
"We think we need someone's approval to live our own lives and make our own choices, but it's a lie."
"Money and fame does not necessarily equal happiness or sanity."
"Young people had heart attacks before the covid vaccine."
"This dance too is a reference, but not to The Mickey Mouse Club like you might have heard online."
"A lot of people will tell you this story starts with a murder but that's not quite true."
"Don't let the death card scare you. It's talking about permanent transformations."
"False accusations are extremely rare, much rarer than they're represented."
"There's a misconception that because I'm pro-gun...that means I don't care about safety. Nothing could be further from the truth."
"I don't like it people emphasize the part where you die and people look at it as like rope climbing super dangerous and you're like no."
"Pokemon Sword and Shield aren't necessarily as easy as everyone says they are."
"This guy right here, that's not Bruce Wayne, it's Jack Napier, it's the Joker."
"It is wrong to believe that Metatron is seated beside God."
"Spies and intelligence? It's a bunch of boring bankers and scammers."
"The biggest mistake people think make is thinking that just by wishing for it, it might come or that it's serendipity, that it's just kind of good luck. And that's not true. You've got to do the work."
"Computer security is not a set it and forget it. Okay, I hate it when people are like, I've got an antivirus running, I'm safe forever now."
"Lemmings don't suicidally yeet themselves off of cliffs in real life."
"Anybody who thinks Joe Rogan is a racist either doesn't know the first thing about the man or is an idiot."
"The real story, the actual factual evidence-based story, does not fit in a box."
"That's why like when they were saying man uh vlad is a fed I go for asking you a question of things he's seen on youtube already I said he just does research."
"Mental illness can take on religious themes, but that doesn't mean that religion is a mental illness."
"Jerry and I thought you were just some politician. You are a genuine leader."
"People confuse true happiness with pleasure."
"A lot of people believe that Brian was indeed on the plan, but he wasn't in on the plan in a malicious way."
"The belief on Earth is that the universe was created 6,000 years ago unfortunately."
"Just because someone wears hijab and prays, doesn't mean they're religious."
"Pre-workout is like incognito mode when you live alone: you might think it's necessary, but it's not, it's just a habit."
"Everyone remembers a very specific scene that just never ever existed."
"Space doesn't work unless they smoke, in other words ignore of God falls in love with you but he falls in love with you with the imaginary person he has of you in his mind."
"With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, however, parts of Europe did experience a resurgence of Flat Earth belief during the Middle Ages."
"I think it's such an important question because it's easy to talk about stranger danger; however, only 7% of all cases of childhood sexual abuse are perpetrated by a stranger."
"Anyone who calls it a crime-infested hellhole is dead wrong. No way hell has such great pierogis."
"We're talking about the American worker, but here's what's interesting about that: I thought Republicans said that they were the party of the working class. Hmm, that's sort of wrong."
"It's a health issue, not a political issue." - Louis Black
"The worst thing for me is to have a nurse think she's protected, she's not."