
Cold Exposure Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Gradual progression as the kind of weak version of a protocol is a misconception. In fact, extending the duration of time that people were in cold water, they experienced enormous increases in neurochemicals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure has a very powerful effect on the release of dopamine in our brain and body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure done properly will increase your core body temperature and make you feel more alert."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is why I'm a big fan of things like, cold showers and cold water exposure, which has been shown to lead to long-lasting 2.5 X increases in dopamine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure can increase brown fat stores, these mitochondrial dense fat stores that can, in turn, allow a person to feel more comfortable in cold temperatures, water, or otherwise, and increase core metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular deliberate cold exposure, if done correctly, can in fact increase immune system markers and perhaps even make you much more robust to combating different types of infection through the release of adrenaline."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure and deliberate heat exposure can be used to enhance human metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Plunge uses a powerful cooling, filtration, and sanitation unit to give you access to deliberate cold exposure in clean water."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You don't have to expose yourself very much to the heat or very much actually to the cold to get healthy benefits...you don't have to go extreme."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Ending on cold...forces your body to heat up by itself, and that's going to make your brown fat cells and muscle cells more efficient."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure can induce dramatic positive shifts in mood, alertness, and focus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure can be achieved by getting into a cold shower for one to five minutes... greatly increases epinephrine levels and dopamine levels in the brain and blood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm a huge advocate of cold exposure for the immune benefit. I just feel more alive."
"To me, God is cold, you could say that. I think of the cold as a noble force, it's just helping me, it's training me, it's bringing me back to the inner nature the way it was meant to be."
"Cold exposure contributes to numerous additional long-term benefits."
"The Wim Hof method is a combination of three things: exposure to cold, breathing techniques, and meditation."
"One thing that is genuinely true is, he has many Guinness book of world records for like longest exposure to cold."
"People step into bathtubs filled with ice. Hof's ability to withstand long exposures to cold has been researched."
"Cold exposure is your friend if you want a better metabolism."
"One to three minutes in a cold shower... it's not that it's hard, it's fun, and you benefit."
"One of the huge benefits you get from being cold is the production of brown fat."
"When you're just sitting there, you are not generating any body heat. That's darn cold, plenty cold enough to die in."
"The cold and ice water really bring you into a natural condition of the mind to deal with stress and pain."
"The world's longest ice bath: Wim Hof broke his own world record, standing in 1550 pounds of ice for 72 minutes."
"The cold is going to boost your metabolism in several ways and make your mitochondria more efficient."
"Cold exposure is good for adults too."
"If you start out slow, you get adapted in small steps, and your body will get adapted and your mind will get adapted to the fact that this is extremely cold."
"Every time people succeed going into the cold water and going out again, it's a win."
"Winter swimmers who were swimming two to three times per week had more activation in the brown fat, better insulin sensitivity, and also better glucose balance in the blood."
"Deliberate cold exposure is a very potent tool because of the amplitude and the timing of adrenaline that it creates."
"It's all just about stimulating the body to make more heat. Exposing yourself to cold, you're going to rev up those Pathways."
"Even in humans who are not just healthy, if they were exposed to longer times of cold, they can increase metabolism and insulin sensitivity."
"Going outside at 19 degrees in a t-shirt will activate your brown fat as well. So, you can kind of play around with these temperatures."
"There isn't anyone that I have met yet that cannot experience some benefit from deliberate cold exposure."
"Regular exposure to cold water can increase brown fat efficiency, helping you generate more heat."
"...cold exposure is extremely beneficial and it's pretty easily accessible with something like cold showers..."
"Cold exposure is amazing for you and just leaves you feeling Epic."
"I love this Camp huge sea stack right there sea stacks all on the coast Creek running right down here which I just got a 2-minute cold Plunge in and woke me right back up."
"By exposing yourself to a cold temperature... you could temporarily ramp up your metabolism and that can lead to additional fat loss."
"One of the best benefits of exposing your body to the cold is that it leads to a reduction in overall inflammation throughout your entire body."
"Cold exposure can increase norepinephrine levels by 200 to 300 percent."
"The cold is not actually bad for you; it can actually be really good for you and strengthen your immune system."
"Wim Hof, also known as the Iceman, is a Dutch extreme athlete noted for his ability to withstand freezing temperatures."
"Experience the cold, it has a massive impact on your mental health."
"Cold weather doesn't directly make you sick but it does make getting sick more likely."