
Mood Quotes

There are 5507 quotes

"The baseline level of serotonin might set our overall mood, whether or not we wake up feeling pretty good or really lousy if our serotonin levels happen to be very, very low."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine's psychostimulant properties appeared to protect against depressive symptoms."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a lot of data out there right now about the importance of gut health for the immune system, for mood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who sleep less than six hours have a higher mortality, they have lower mood, and they are hungrier."
"Dopamine is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter because it's strongly associated with feelings of pleasure and reward and positive mood."
"How does this view not put you in a good mood?"
"Being angry and tired and unhappy all the time is not a good way to become successful or to change the game in your field."
"Loane's sound has been described as otherworldly, with ominous instrumentals alongside his dark ambient voice delivery."
"Color can show off a character's eccentricity, it can reflect someone's mood, or it can show that a character doesn't quite fit in."
"How you wake up matters. How you wake up determines your mood, which impacts your productivity and how you feel about your life."
"Based on science, how you wake up not when but how you wake up and the first few things that you do in the morning will dictate your mood for the rest of the day."
"When you have on a great outfit and you kind of have a great day, you feel good about yourself."
"It's difficult to be unhappy in the right kind of rain."
"I have a friend that is 56, military vet, and is now a karaoke DJ... I've never seen him frown or in a bad mood."
"The environment that we're in has a powerful impact on our mood."
"I would start with the diet because the diet, the ketogenic diet, can have profound effects on mood and energy."
"Some people do not do well on intermittent fasting either in terms of mood or hormone health."
"If you come into breakfast in a bad mood, mom said get your ass back in your bedroom and don't come out here till you see the rose in the vase instead of the dust on the table."
"Although negative moods are known to cause mind wandering, I now see strongly suggested that mind wandering was generally the cause, and not merely the consequence of unhappiness."
"Hotness is no longer in the eye of the beholder, it's a mood, it's a vibe."
"If you're in a great mood, you will produce great results, you will have a great day."
"I get the feeling that people are pretty chill here."
"Tyler, why are you so grumpy? Did your girlfriend call again?"
"I think it's wild how much music can affect your mood. Like, if you pick the right song, it could literally change your entire mood, your day, practically your whole life."
"I mean, if I'm driving home, maybe I had a bad day, and I see the moon coming up, it's so beautiful. Like, how can that not affect your mood, right?"
"A grim picture, becoming grimmer by the hour, explains the edgy mood in Europe and parts of the United States."
"It just goes to show how powerful clothes can be and how they can really shape your mood."
"Without light, you would not be able to create moods, play around with tones. As a photographer, you have to capture that one moment that is magic."
"The happier you are with your choice, the more likely you are to have a good mood and have the energy to study."
"The space that you occupy does affect your mood."
"Procrastination totally robs you of your mood, your excitement, and just the joy of life and your happiness."
"Moods are real. You're not going to always feel like doing things."
"I've realized just in the last few years really that mood follows action."
"I forgot to have coffee this morning... I'm walking around the house particularly cranky, questioning my own existence and not knowing exactly why."
"Fooly Cooly was scored entirely by The Pillows, whose music set a melancholic, nostalgic tone for the show."
"The game is no joke this time, and I hope you're in the mood for a little chocolate."
"Everybody loves a burger, and now his anger goes back down."
"Set the tone with word choices... different words have very different connotations, evoke different kinds of moods."
"If I'm not in a very good mood, put some of that music in and dance around the house."
"Just Peachy. A lot of the time, they feel really happy, very content."
"The whole place is surrounded by water, which affects people's moods positively."
"It is beautiful, man, it's 52°, the sun's out."
"The mood that you have in the morning and the energy level that you have can impact your confidence all day long, it can impact your productivity all day long."
"The flooding of serotonin causes this euphoria, makes people feel better, getting them out of that depression for that momentary period of time."
"Weather does have a significant effect on your day-to-day mood."
"It's the most open relationship, and whatever mood you're in, your twin can see right through it because she's feeling what you're feeling."
"If you do something for someone else, you can lift your own spirits."
"People don't actually tend to be in the mood to love when they're irritated."
"Our hormones do so much physiologically that we don't think about how much they're influencing just how we feel. They really make up a lot of our personality even."
"I don't take my phone off airplane mode or anything. I put on music, I put on Stevie Wonder, and I jump out of bed because how can you listen to Stevie Wonder and not be in a great mood?"
"Your energy levels, your mood is gonna be far more up, and training is going to be more addictive."
"It's not so much about yes it is measurable, but we're actually kind of thinking about it in terms of how it correlates to mood and style and all of these things."
"I don't know if I'm one of those people cheerful always stay in positive."
"Simply wearing one of these scents is not going to get you a compliment; you have to be in a good mood, you have to put yourself out there."
"A lack of sufficient quality sleep significantly negatively impacts health as well as mood."
"My preferred option is to use available light because it captures the mood and the feel of the place that we're in."
"Thank the Lord today is a better day...you know when you just have those off days."
"Whatever mood you're in, that's what the environment will supply. If you have that positive energy in your heart, then it will supply you with that positive environment."
"I was in a good mood coming here. Being real, I was in a really good mood."
"I don't want to go PKing just to finish the series. I'm not in the mood because I feel it wouldn't really be enjoyable."
"Feminine energy can change the mood of the room."
"I don't feel blue. I'm feeling great. I'm feeling wonderful."
"I'm kind of in a good mood today, do you guys want anything? I'm paying for people's food."
"Look at this place, it's still depressing as hell."
"That's just the vibe around this place right now."
"They turned rock 'n' roll into something really quite dark, and primal, and alluring, and sexy, and sinister."
"If you're not in the mood to talk, would you talk to him? Hell yeah, bro!"
"Sometimes a simple 'hello' can change someone's entire day."
"Peridot as once our arc was completed she mostly became a mood lifter."
"A lesson in vengeance... Dark academia vibes."
"Every time this time of year, I get the seasonal blues."
"Rejoicing in the Lord doesn't mean you have to smile all the time. I mean, I'm usually in a great mood when I'm doing streams, but this is partly because of what I'm doing. Like, I'm not always in a perfectly positive mood."
"The mode of the economy affects people's moods as well. And with the Japanese stock market the way it is, Mother really wants me out of the house."
"I'm straight up not having a good time right now."
"Twilight Princess, purely because of the atmosphere and mood."
"One of the biggest criticisms labeled at fanfallstick is that it's a bleak and joyless experience."
"I was loving all the music... literally all it took was a sunny day for me to be like oh my God I love life."
"Art can speak to you, and the mood through which it does will inform you of its message."
"I just felt like I wasn't achieving what I wanted to achieve in the mood."
"Rain weather at large is a wonderful tool for furthering that atmosphere and mood."
"My only problem is while the mood of the song is very light, Rakesh and sentimental, their obvious affections ring a little hollow..."
"Confidence wise, I'm like, 'Oh, we're good.'"
"The power in food: affecting digestion, mood, and energy."
"Happy Spring! It's warming up, sun is setting later, the vibes are good."
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's just rain for me, I don't feel inside."
"Sex is connection, it's a workout, and it's a vibe."
"Instead you are fortunate that I am in a merciful mood."
"I just woke up and I was just in the mood to be annoyed."
"The real recipe is to cook with love, a good mood, and desire."
"The mood is on a knife edge, and United fans need some kind of positivity."
"Smell is one of the best ways to completely elevate your mood."
"I'm a good person, but I get very snappy when I don't want to be around anybody anymore."
"Aquarius has the ability to change the whole mood of something."
"She's waiting here at the top, looking very cold, but he seems happy. He's vibing, he's vibing and that's the main thing."
"I'm addicted to the scale now and it's like ruining my mood."
"Only positive vibes All Good Vibes well and that's what I'm looking forward to this Friday."
"ASAP Rocky put together a project that is totally moody."
"You don't have to be sad to listen to music. It doesn't make you sad either. Just is what it is."
"Couldn't you at least maybe just do a little bit of an upper before you made the song?"
"Your person's just bummed out, they're bummed out."
"Which is quite a dark ending for such a jovial Adventure."
"I'm in a great mood because the Phillies won last night."
"You can feel it, it's a dark cloud over your happiest moments in life."
"This is a moment where there are restrictions and things, but the opposite of ecstasy is feeling like there's nothing worth feeling happy about."
"What sort of music will we go for let's do the movie one what's the mood and stamp evil I feel good grumpy laid-back blue or hard to say."
"Music does motivate people, it gets people in the mood."
"Communicate a mood and a sense of place rather than just showing the entire room." - Mike Kelly
"I'm excited despite your misgivings about it I definitely want to see the mood there."
"Sometimes we seem to pick up on other people's energies and it can bring us down, but we don't really know why."
"I feel a flow coming. I feel a flow coming too, but it's not a flow of anything good."
"I'm just in this cozy mood... I hope you guys are feeling cozy."
"I'm freaking done with this whole day. I'm out!"
"It's one of those albums that can always put me in a relaxing sort of mood and vibe."
"I'm in a good mood. That's bad news for the Devil."
"This is just a damper man just a big goddamn."
"This one in particular is very, very... interesting because I wouldn't say it's calming, but it does kind of... bring things down."
"It's a mood thing, it's a season thing, it's kind of a music thing."
"The grayness of this game. It feels so gray and so blue, so sad and so empty."
"I need to be like on the floor, I could do it on my bed. I was thinking about that too. I don't know if it's just this Pisces energy, I just want to like snuggle."
"Some people just kind of revel in being in that dark place and it's weird."
"Love those vibes, love those vibes. When it's still dark in the morning and like nobody is out, vibes."
"I'm in a very light mood. Thomas Burton has made me buoyant."
"Snow flipper penguin is in such a great mood."
"The weather has a direct influence on your mood."
"The community we have right now, it's just awesome. So much positivity, everyone's in a good mood."
"Monday is going to be a really weird day. I say cloudy and twisted."
"You are never fully dressed without a smile, so turn that frown upside down."
"The funny thing is, you are so unhappy, so miserable, and now that you have a little bit going on, you are such an eagle."
"Just enough that like, you know what, I don't feel like eating."
"Sometimes the cloud layer helps with that, yep, yep, you know."
"Moody and dramatic spaces are in. Embrace dark, bold colors for cozy, stylish interiors."
"I don't mind rain like this, at least when the Sun is out."
"So much of horror is about this mood of dread building dread, you know something terrible's gonna happen but you don't know what yet."
"Happy Saturday, I mean I'm in a good mood, you know the vibes."
"Can we talk about something that makes us feel good please?"
"It makes sense why a lot of people that are haters are miserable."
"Capturing the feel and the mood and the tone are the big things for me."
"My vibes are immaculate as the young kids say."
"Your surroundings really influence how you feel."
"If I don't have my fermented food every day I'm not in as good of a mood."
"I don't make streams when I'm not in the mood. I refuse to do it. I will not commit to that. That's why every time you guys get a new live show from me, it's random."
"That's a frown, but we're gonna turn that guy's frown upside down, baby!"
"Currently nothing. No thoughts, brain empty, just vibes."
"I really feel like we're lacking some edginess in here."
"I am just not... I'm just in a bad mood. I'm depressed."
"Altitude strange because you have this sinking feeling."
"Your habits create your mood and your mood is a filter through which you experience life."
"Honestly, I'm just kind of tired and just kind of want to chill and vibe with all of you."
"It's all right, hopefully now that this weather's getting better, we won't at least have so much tension in my bloody."
"The point is, like the 2018 Halloween reboot, the goal of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake was to capture the same mood and feel of the original by applying the necessary provocativeness."
"Lighting a level is not about technology and progress; it's about understanding the mood and atmosphere each light source creates."
"I was so relieved and so in such a good mood that I couldn't even go back to sleep."
"It's meant to be that sweet spot between bittersweet and melancholy."
"This is actually a pretty amazing environment it's like it's very peaceful feeling except for that creepy angler fish that also makes me think of nick at night."
"You can manifest more positivity and happiness in yourself and certainly in others. Moods rub off on people, some people are magnetic."
"I wonder if your perception of how well you sleep actually influences how, you know, what your mood is like on a day-to-day basis."
"I finally feel alive, I feel like I just needed some food, some iced coffee, and meat."
"I'm not gonna lose though that's the thing like my mood will be great because I'm not gonna lose."
"That four minutes changes the course of my day."
"The gut-brain axis is real. The gut produces serotonin, influencing your mood via the vagus nerve."
"It's super dark, but that's the story we're telling."
"Despite its bleakness, it gives a feeling of hope."
"I'm in a really good mood today. Here we go."
"Listen, I don't want to sound too doom and gloom... I am happy that Manchester United have won the game."
"When I dress in happy clothes, I feel happier."
"There's just nothing else like it. It's dark, it's Moody, it's theatrical Rock listening to it takes you on a heart-pounding Sonic Journey deep into the shadows and then back into the light."
"Honestly, I am so [expletive] relaxed right now."
"It's starting to sound like depressing music."
"So while everybody else seems to be upset today and this week I'm looking at the bright side of things."
"No matter how down you feel, that cat can always cheer you up in no time."
"The music gets you in the mood to just chill."
"Why were you in such a bad mood on morning combat this week I think I was was that bad no it's two weeks ago because I had I had no sleep but that was my fault so what are you gonna do..."
"Some of you are in this very benevolent mood."
"Moving your body just puts you in a good mood."
"I thought I was gonna get to turn him from the sad face to the happy face."
"Just chill and smell the roses. Y'all are feeling damn good."
"Food is information. You can control your mood and your mind, even your memory, by the food that you decide to eat."
"It's just this incredible mood throughout the whole thing."
"Bieber's music has only gotten moodier and more downbeat."
"They wish they could just, so it's, it's, it's cool, it's cool."
"I think that's very important for this team to have good mood overall."
"Let's just accept that sometimes it's going to be darker days."
"There's an atmosphere of disengagement... it has migrated to a mood of Menace."
"I'm in a really good mood because I am ahead of schedule."
"I mean, it's properly sunny, so welcome back."
"There is no serotonin like the first sip of an iced latte, especially when the sun is shining."
"Bottom line guys...feeling all pey and zesty about it."
"Neil, seriously, I'm trying to get into this, and you're ruining the mood. Totally worth it."
"I'm feeling fantastic. I really have a lot of energy right now, probably the most energetic I have ever felt in my life."
"I'm human guys, I'm not perfect. I don't always have this happy-go-lucky attitude."
"Whoever directed this movie made it weird and creepy."
"It becomes a different movie, one much spookier but also more poignant."
"All I do is vibe. They call me the vibe sir, the vibe stuff, vibey. 151 ability to just vibe."
"It depresses everybody. It leads to... I agree with that."
"He created a certain kind of a gray look to the whole thing."
"Have you ever had one of those days when you woke up on the right side of the bed?"
"I am just so much happier as a person when there is nice weather outside."
"Overall I am in high spirits, I'm also in a good mood because I've done a bunch of work."
"The prisoners are upbeat, by contrast the guards are fat and miserable."
"The fog and rain rolls in and the dark coast truly lives up to its name."