
Social Influence Quotes

There are 1348 quotes

"Whether or not you are under a particular social challenge or whether or not you're particularly happy will in fact adjust the chemistry of your gut and the chemistry of your gut in turn will change the way that your brain works."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You become who you surround yourself with. And when you surround yourself with people that are average or below average... you tend to take on their unconscious beliefs, their patterns, their level of energy."
"We are the sum of the people we are closest to."
"The fastest way to get rid of this negative social influence is to go it alone for some time."
"Every single facet of your life is going to be influenced heavily by how other people view you and how social you are with others."
"You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
"We all know you around someone negative, it can impact you."
"Don't base your self-worth based on how other people feel about you, how other people see you, and don't try to fill that void with partying and drinking because that's not going to fix the self-esteem issues."
"Your friends are going to be like, 'You haven't been to Mars? You have to go.'"
"The moment that you understand that the people that you have around you are either your number one asset or, to be honest, they could be your number one liability."
"The idea is that social influence can help encourage or promote behavior change."
"The sad truth is that one of the fastest ways to develop self-esteem... is from other people."
"You're like the average of the five people that you surround yourself with."
"Build your circle of positive influence...thinking on a daily basis about the people that you associate with."
"You are the average of the five people you associate with most."
"You become like the people you're around, whether you want to or not."
"Be clear about whose company you want to keep. It has an effect on our mind."
"You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with."
"The fundamental attribution error... means that when people are trying to understand other people and why they do what they do, we have an unconscious bias to over attribute dispositional or personality variables and underestimate social influence variables."
"Indeed one could argue that our minds are rather man-made too, requiring years of careful development by our parents and society."
"Good things happen when you're around the right people."
"The choices you make in content creation, the stories you choose to amplify have a ripple effect that extends far beyond the boundaries of your channel."
"We're always going to need validation; instead of trying to not be validated by others, we should be validated by better people and for better reasons."
"Manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics."
"Together we become powerful. Individually, even if we're famous or whatever, we got nothing."
"Change the world through your rhetoric and through your influence on people around you."
"Social proof is saying that when the course of action is not completely clear, we very often look to other people around us as to what it is that we should do, and we follow them."
"My argument is that men and women can probably both be really good at video games... because social factors are probably pushing them in different ways."
"You are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with."
"You can't be surrounding yourself with people that are eating junk food every day and you're overweight. It's just not going to work."
"The people you mix with have so much to do with the way you think."
"Best advice for a college student that is broke AF: When you're thinking about your friend group, be very aware of who you're friends with because nothing will make your finances deplete faster than trying to keep up with friends that have more money than you."
"Willpower is contagious. You can catch it, and you can also spread it."
"You're the average of the five people that are closest to you. It has a tremendous impact."
"We are only as good as the people we surround ourselves with every single day."
"The people you surround yourself with are really important."
"If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined."
"At the end of the day, although most Americans are not wealthy, the way the wealthy move through the world shapes almost everything around us, from policies to financial wisdom to expectations in job interviews."
"To understand crowds, we should look not at the individual people but at their connections."
"I think you tend to mirror, emulate, and be like those you're around."
"We're very wired to pick up our language influences from peer groups, and slightly older ones."
"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."
"Charisma helps you influence people, it helps you make more money, it gives you higher performance ratings at work, you have more options in relationships, people trust you more, you're a better leader, and you tend to be a more successful researcher and teacher."
"You're the average of the five people you spend most of your time with."
"Don't change attitudes; set behavioral expectations."
"It's not just about taking advantage of influencers; it's taking advantage of everyone who looks up to them."
"You are the five closest people to you... that's who you are."
"I didn't become a conservative because of black people... It was actually white people... that were giving compelling arguments of why they believed I was actually a conservative."
"What media says – what it communicates – is therefore important and not something to be dismissed as 'It's only a TV show.'"
"The argument is not for the person who harmed you; it's for all the people around you who are watching."
"It just goes back to the power of relationships."
"Drag queens are kind of looked at as community leaders and mouthpieces."
"I'm not going to join a cult...no one gets into a cult because they think it's a cult; they get into it because they think it's just great."
"The environment affects you... that's why in Islam we always try to stick with good pious people."
"Culture is at the core of this. Comedy, humor, music, entertainment - that's the way you do it."
"Look at that shot! Who had more social impact than Tiger Woods?"
"Show me your friends and I will show you your future."
"Hilariously, toothpaste advertisements shamed women by inventing fake medical terms like halitosis."
"Claims of hypocrisy are shockingly effective at dismantling credibility and stymying action."
"People get brainwashed; it's a very real thing."
"You're the average of the five people you associate with most."
"When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other."
"The Solomon Asch conformity experiment... shows how social pressures from a majority group could affect a person to conform."
"Social influence can help encourage or promote behavior change."
"You're an average of the five people you spend the most time with."
"Not giving a shit is an immense power. Once we care what other people think about us, they control our lives. It's got to stop."
"It rekindles his ability to have healthy relationships at all, something the alt-right has estranged him from."
"You're not like the stereotypical popular person; you're popular because you include everybody."
"Culture is a vast and ephemeral concept that wields immense power in influencing our individual lives and broader social structures."
"Who you're friends with determines so much of your life."
"Surround yourself with good people, not bad people. If you're in a position where those around you are influencing you negatively more than you're influencing them positively, I think you need new friends."
"It's weird when um when you have these uh these people who kind of leave these huge stamps on on in your life or just people in general it actually helps me refocus why I do the things that I do."
"Surround yourself with people who make you more ambitious, more inquisitive, and shift your perspective." Perspective shift is invaluable but gets harder with age.
"Public sentiment is everything. He who molds public opinion and public sentiment... has more power than judicial decisions or enact statutes."
"Thank God for people like Katherine Engelbrecht."
"Stop trying to fool us into liking things just because you want us to like them because we won't."
"Humans Inspire other humans not information."
"Sims are happy when others around them are happy, and they seem to improve the world."
"Creators using their fan base to fill a social void may lead to inappropriate relationships."
"Scientific results often reflect the biases of researchers."
"You feel pressured to say/do the right thing because you know you have such influence."
"She speaks facts, and she's absolutely right. I just hope that people actually listen and do something about it."
"We can do what government cannot: force compliance."
"Telling people they have value is a message I'd like to help amplify as well."
"It never ceases to amaze me how easily hatred can be used to bend people to your will."
"It's simple, when someone's in a cult to get them out of the cult you have to separate them from cult members and deprogram them. But with the existing woke cult, it's right there in the palm of their hands."
"Be careful of the company you keep because if you're hanging around people who are conditioned by the Matrix and they're easily programmable or they're easily manipulated, they're the first people who will turn on you."
"You are who you surround yourself with, that's so [__] powerful."
"You're really the average of the five people that you surround yourself by."
"Let's find the best way to empower people, in a way where we can earn our pride."
"Every single individual that you come in contact with has programming like we do."
"Sooner or later when we get that effect where there's enough people doing it everybody starts to become entrained."
"Pop music can be powerful because it's a way of documenting social history."
"The only way you actually effectively cancel someone... is when you convince their audience to leave."
"But I'm quite sure that many young overweight women look up to Tess. Actually, I'm sure of it, I can literally see them in her comments section."
"As a YouTuber, I naturally aspire to become a cult leader."
"I've never seen people say to get something so much in my life, so I have to do it now."
"The power of public shaming is losing its influence...if you don't apologize...then they tend to melt away."
"Who you surround yourself with matters profoundly. Ideas seep into your consciousness, values seep in."
"My worry is that there are a ton of young men who are desperately searching for something and are finding it in the manosphere when in reality what they actually need is... they need a confidence boost."
"When you stand up in your own authenticity, you empower everyone around you to do the same."
"That's how you get people, it's a bandwagon effect."
"In the annals of all people, we find certain men and women who've been willing to stand any appreciable distance from the herd in order to speak the truth to their own people and to the world."
"If you're an Arizona vote, bring three of your friends with you."
"I love this community I love the community that I've cultivated I believe that there are plenty of people that have changed their attitudes over the course of the many years that I've been streaming"
"There's nothing more contagious than laughter."
"The primary ways of programming and conditioning and controlling the minds of the people."
"We're talking about a single company having the power to shift the opinions of literally billions of people, without anyone having the slightest idea that they're doing so."
"People want to be influencers. This is why you hear so many people standing up and saying AI is the most dangerous thing that can happen to the world."
"Me putting that same energy and good things and positive things things that I feel like it helped people and if you see what's happening you know all right."
"My influence was a great tool to spread positive energy."
"Always be humble and be grateful because you would not be where you are without your followers."
"Your enemies are jealous of you over how much people like you and how influential you are."
"When you're surrounded by people talking about their progress, you'll be more inspired."
"Children often build off stereotypes and patterns they pick up on from adults, mimicking behaviors and beliefs seemingly without understanding."
"We need to win people's hearts and minds and have conversations about issues that matter."
"We need people like him because he is speaking the truth."
"People who are good at speaking get so much further in life."
"We need not panic, the fear out there has been accentuated by three factors."
"But everyone has influence, that's why they call us influencers."
"The actions that take place are the actions that benefit the powerful because that's what power is."
"It was remarkably uninteresting and I realized in that moment that the only reason I thought this bag was going to be so special is because everybody tells me it's going to be so special."
"Should he be allowed to have a platform on YouTube where we are speaking right now? Absolutely not."
"Every single person that you spend an extended amount of time with influences you whether you like it or not."
"Do you want a friendship that's just halal people around you that simply don't make you do haram?"
"I always get excited when I convince any of my friends to pick up a series I enjoy."
"Research shows that people you hang out with have a bigger effect on how your life goes than just about anything else."
"I think one of the greatest gifts of dealing with personal tragedies like that is knowing that you can come through it and knowing that your experience can help other people."
"When you change your behavior you change the world around you simply because the people you're navigating now."
"The mob mentality has dragged me down to the point that even my closest friends can't defend me publicly without backlash."
"I bought everything that Instagram told me to buy and it's [expletive] fuego."
"Cults want to recruit high functioning individuals. They want people with money and they want people with connections."
"Encourage people with a public platform to be better, own up to mistakes."
"The vast majority of those who have opted to de-transition did so due to external factors."
"If you don't listen to your elders and or you, what are you doing with your life? True. You must not be very open. Yeah, I'm gonna guilt you into clicking those buttons every time."
"I think it's just terrible to be pushing that kind of content and a viral sensation towards a bunch of young impressionable people."
"The biggest way people give up power is by not knowing we have it."
"That's the point of the book I don't expect this to be 1941 Germany where people are gonna literally burn the book but a new form of book burning is when mobs ascend on these retailers just to wreak reviews so that someone else won't buy the book."
"I just try to be myself... just enjoy the moment, enjoy every minute of it."
"We value what celebrities value, that's why we value the Met Gala."
"Your income will be within ten percent of the average income of your 10 closest friends."
"But the stuff that's being pushed is, it's, that's the part that just bothers my spirit that just does not sit well with me."
"Your social network makes or breaks you, your family, and your nation."
"There's power in numbers, and it's power in congregation."
"It's complicated. I was on the fence about making this video but if i don't talk about it who will?"
"When you have men role models who are openly and vocally feminist... I think that's the men we need."
"The impact of their efforts continued to mark American social and political disputes to this day."
"Attention is what gives us power. If someone threatens that, you have to put a stop to it."
"People with huge platforms, whether they have an intention to cause harm or not, the impact of their words can still have a huge and negative effect on large groups of people."
"How did a cisgender woman become a go-to source for Turf groups and other people on trans people?"
"Empire was old hat, Influence was the new hotness!"
"People's government actually makes a huge difference in their lives."
"I need you boys to understand how privileged we are that people are waiting for us to talk just random stuff."
"Choose who you spend the most time with carefully."
"Surround yourself with others who burn; bad company corrupts good character."
"They're already catching obsession. Everybody's getting that same thing."
"Take it from Karen: Luminaries, check it out!"
"You've always been surrounded by great people. That's because you yourself were a great person and they wanted you in that group."
"Steph Curry having Dr. Fauci on his Instagram feed was amazing."
"Take care of your circle, that's gonna be what has the biggest impact on getting people out to vote."
"Show me your friends, I'll show you your future."
"I think our generation and the younger generations have no purpose, and that's creating two kind of like pockets. The people who are attracted to Jordan Peterson's message are looking for purpose."
"If they think a song is good, does that mean it's good? If they think a person is uninteresting, does that mean they are?"
"All political power is backed by the mandate of the masses. Public support is what matters more than anything else."
"Celebrity is a line of credit to be exhausted in the act of telling the truth."
"It's like taking the external action of maybe leading by example and showing you're following your community your family whoever."
"He was a voice of reason, he was an instigator, he was the life of the party."
"Clout wasn't everything. Integrity prevails over everything."
"You need the locus of control to be within you. You could be happy, make yourself happy, and that's good for the people around you."
"I'm sure my pal kg will do it, and bit by bit we're gonna change the public sentiment on this."
"If you're watching this and you agree with what I'm saying it's not enough to agree advocate for it that's what I'm doing right here and right now."
"Why is your vibe so important in this world?"
"Hair dye company Clairol marketed blonde hair as attractive and desirable."
"Many of the most admired women of the era rocked blonde strands."
"Footballers have a powerful platform to be inspirations and leaders in society."
"And this is not me canceling her she'll always be around she'll always I'm sure she'll be fine just publicly disavowing any association I have with her."
"Speak up because you know somebody might not like it, but we have to swing the bat for Jesus."
"Stay away from negativity and the people that hold you back."
"When you continue to show up as authentic, you're creating space for them to do the same."
"I'm hoping that it sticks around because of that community." - Jake Baldino
"almost to make it cool to know what your status is."
"I like the challenge of just trying to piss off as many people as possible."
"I think it's important that you choose who you hang around I think it's important that you learn to invest in yourself."
"Venus represents the good things of life; it's going to make you more charming, increase your charisma, and make you a much more pleasant person in the eyes of other people around you."
"Sharing the show and the video with your friends just to help spread the word and maybe have an impact on culture."
"I think the most important thing we can do in these closing 12, 13 days is for us all to model and advertise that it's the cool thing and the right thing to do to vote."
"I've got tons of people telling me they downloaded this game because of my videos and actually that's awesome."
"You don't need to get 100% of people on your side to make a difference."
"Peer pressure is the most dangerous thing in the world, bro."
"What really happened? Videos like this try to provoke this sort of sentiment that you see in America among some evangelical Christians."
"You positively affect people and they positively affect other people."
"Keep company with people that you see are trying their best to be men."
"Personal lifestyle changes are significant primarily in this fight to signal to others."
"We have the power to reach a whole lot of people so this week for example our subscribers sent out are shared 180 million voter engagement messages."
"He who walks with the wise will be wise, association can produce wisdom or foolishness."
"I don't have opinions that I require other people agree with."
"Giving people platforms, showing different narratives, commending people when we think they did something great."
"So, sometimes, something as stupid as telling the right joke to the right person at the right cocktail party can drive big political decisions."
"It is the will of God that every single one of His children live in such a fashion that you and I impact other people for good."
"What kind of influence and impact are you having upon the people who are the closest to you?"