
Cellular Biology Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"By focusing on the cellular and molecular pathways that exist in all cells of the body, we can slow or reverse the effects of aging."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I'm saying is aging is caused because cells lose their packaging, and then eventually cells lose their identity, disease ensues, cells check out, they become zombie-like, and then our organs fail, and we die."
"What could happen in the long term if you have mTOR elevated constantly, your cells are constantly going to try to divide. They eventually reach something called the Hayflick limit. At that limit, it's like a dead end. They either die in what's called apoptosis or they become zombie cells called senescent cells."
"Autophagy is where your body breaks down these sort of subcellular organelles and just gets rid of them... it's good for you."
"The majority of energy in the cancer cell is coming from a totally different place."
"We are so regenerative as long as one cell can hear its neighbors and what they need and what resources they have available in case injury happens."
"Once you've stimulated autophagy, there is one goal for that cell and that is survival."
"Coffee... slows down the burn of the telomere and actually lengthens the cap, reversing cellular aging."
"Virus's entire jam is invading cells and twisting them for our own uses before moving on to another cell and doing the same thing."
"What distinguishes cells is not their genes but how these genes are switched on or off by epigenetics."
"When it comes down to longevity, fasting is second to none because of the telomeres and the stem cells."
"Your cells have specialized proteins that turn off and on different genes throughout the course of your lifetime."
"All human disease can boil down to a loss of communication at the cell level."
"Every single cell in the body wants iodine and actively pursues it."
"At the moment of death, there is a burst of energy released by cells."
"These proteins are very, very crucial because we're going to take some of these proteins and move them towards the Golgi apparatus."
"Every single one of your cells was doing exactly this process [DNA replication] all the way back four billion years to the origin of life."
"Its cellular composition is closer to that of a plant than an animal."
"Cholesterol is critical for the function of the cell membrane."
"Fluidity of membranes can be altered by temperature, cholesterol content, and fatty acid saturation."
"Membrane receptors take the extracellular signal and produce intracellular responses."
"The living things are cells; we are communities of cells, about 50 trillion cells making us up." - Bruce Lipton
"The first cells were probably lonely. I mean, they're not wrong."
"It's just literally your body's getting rid of all those old cells."
"We just don't know how, and even if we had all the pieces, we wouldn't know how to assemble them into a cell."
"People think that scientists have made simple cells in the lab like a bacterium, but we haven't even made the simplest of cells."
"Epigenetic clocks are not simply markers of cellular senescence."
"Cellular respiration intricately balances energy investment and production, highlighting the complexity of metabolic pathways."
"Muscles can store glucose as glycogen, while fat cells convert glucose into glycerol for triglyceride formation."
"Autophagy is going to keep you young, healthy, and energetic."
"Myonuclear domain expansion leads to long-term hypertrophy."
"Ribosomes are where information turns into proteins."
"Every second, you make 25 million new cells."
"Cells can do so much more than just contract; there's an entire world of innate behavior and rich biochemistry that could be utilized in cellular machines."
"These senescent cells, they're a driver of the whole aging process."
"Bacteria of all levels of complexity must generate at least a hundred thousand ATP molecules per second per micron squared."
"I was going to do a separate topic after this discussion... about the endothelial cells expressing spike protein."
"Our lifespan is programmed within ourselves, cells cease dividing when we reach the age of 100."
"An increase in the Orion's longevity or lifespan by defying the hayflick limit and enabling cellular immortality."
"The cell is the most complicated piece of machinery in this universe. It's more complicated than your brain is."
"There is a backup copy of youth in our cells, and that is a big deal."
"Low dose Resveratrol was enough to elicit a longevity response by reducing sugar levels inside the cell."
"Single cells are much more computationally powerful and sophisticated than you might think."
"AMPK is the metabolic master switch inside each one of your cells and is critical for regulating cellular metabolism."
"The benefit of locking a cell in a senent state is so that it does not produce new cells that may have DNA damage and may become cancerous."
"Once positive ions like calcium come into the cell, it activates the channels here on what's called your sarcoplasmic reticulum."
"It is the mitochondrial electron transport chain that is the engine of the cell."
"The engine of our cells is the electron transport chain that is sitting in the mitochondria."
"The problem with aging is we accumulate these zombie cells or old damaged cells that linger beyond their useful life."
"Water wants to follow electrolytes; it wants to cling to them."
"One of the things we've done in the lab is to say, okay, so as a therapeutic instead of trying to kill these cells, why don't we try to reconnect them back to the collective?"
"The advantage of having all these different compartments is that you can specialized biochemical reactions in different parts of the cell without interference from each other."
"Cyclin destruction is therefore crucial, one of the crucial jobs of the APC in late mitosis."
"So, here's your activated t-cell. T-cell meets up with its target, the antigen-presenting cell, there's a little antigen there, the t-cell receptor recognizes the antigen, and you have all these other positive interactions that activate the cell."
"The fundamental issue that happens in cells that leads to aging is going to be conserved."
"So if a kinan motor grabs hold of a cargo it's going to move towards the plus end and it's going to deliver that cargo from the interior of the cell to the periphery."
"Wherever these cells deposit themselves, they're going to continue to grow."
"The mitochondria just does ATP, but this says it starts to control cell biology and function, like the decision of life and death."
"These double membrane vesicles are really filling the cytoplasm of these coronavirus infected cells. They're pretty much everywhere."
"The more important question, the more interesting question, is how does the cell make this decision?"
"PKA is localized by kinase anchoring proteins."
"The cell pushes forward, anchors itself on the substrate, pulls its body along and then just repeats that cycle over and over again."
"Specialized mRNA degradation: a multifaceted response."
"Restricting glucose availability... stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis."
"We're dealing with billions of cells that all come from one mothership so to speak, and so everything's the same. But what we're now learning is that every cell can be potentially different."
"Activation of mTOR helps the cell to grow."
"Low-level light therapy does create changes on a molecular, cellular, and potentially genetic level."
"The genome should never change unless there are mutations whereas the proteome of the cell can constantly change."
"Most viruses want to get out of the endocytic pathway before the endosomes fuse with lysosomes."
"The cells respond by increasing gene expression to make more proteins."
"Now, imagine in every cell of my body, I could have an 8-bit counter running, and every time a cell divides, I could increment the counter by one. All of a sudden, I'd be tracking cell division and aging. I could reprogram development. I could study aging as my cells get older."
"How does the property of the cell emerge from the organization of those compartments?"
"Treatments or conditions that result in increased cell death produce increases in the pre-G1 cell population, also known as the pre-apoptotic phase peak."
"We instruct these cells to make an eye and these cells instruct their neighbors to participate in that formation."
"I think this is a seller supercell Allegiant we suggest a single parent attenuation so I'd be thinking of a rat pee but sis which is quite big"
"The sodium-potassium ATPase pump maintains cellular balance."
"Mitochondria are your cellular power plants, producing the primary energy source ATP. They also regulate metabolism and are involved in cell division, growth, and death."
"Our insatiable hunger and our chronic disease epidemic fundamentally is a lot of it's mass cellular confusion."
"Our ability to figure out what is going to the cells is a hundred million times better now."
"Near infrared light is absorbed by cytochrome C oxidase in mitochondria."
"The solution is to have a protein that will bind the viral DNA and recruit cellular proteins."
"Somehow these RNA viruses were permanently changing the cell."
"...autophagy is this natural process where the cells break down older damaged components to maintain their health and function."
"Intermittent fasting benefits: changing cells, hormones, and genes."
"Proteins are very important and all eukaryotic cells have proteasomes, they're basically the garbage disposal for proteins in the cell."
"Set your intention to open up the line of communication with the fifty to seventy trillion cells that make up your body."
"All eukaryotes have mitochondria."
"Autophagy is basically recycling of various components that have gone bad in the cell."
"Some promoters are what we call constitutive; that will express in all cell types but they vary in strength."
"The bystander effect says if a cell is irradiated... the other cells nearby... may speed up their metabolism."
"If adult cells in the body can be reprogrammed to regain a youthful epigenome, it suggests that the information to be young cannot all be lost."
"There's great promise and potential for cellular reprogramming."
"When you make the cells a little bit resistant to these hormones, they roll out the resiliency programs."
"We find that we can regrow telomeres when we reprogram cells to get younger."
"Different cell lines have different dependencies on the linear versus the quadratic component."
"Phosphorylation is the bread and butter of cellular signaling."
"Many diseases in cells are a consequence of proteins not being localized to the right place."
"We can turn old, exhausted cells into youthful, functional cells that are young across pretty much all the hallmarks of aging."
"These were genetically identical daughter cells."
"Mitochondria have their own DNA separate from the nucleus of the cell."
"Endocytosis is the bulk transport of molecules into a cell... it requires energy from ATP."
"Cellular respiration occurs in everything from a bacterial cell to you and everything in between."
"We're not getting damaged; we're getting cellular photoactivation, we're getting therapeutic reactions, and we're below the damage level."
"A phosphorylation cascade amplifies the signal from receptor to response."
"Regulation of the cell cycle is crucial; without it, that's what leads to cancer."
"The G1 checkpoint gives the go-ahead signal for the cell to divide."
"Reduction of glucose... reduces signaling through the mammalian target of rapamycin, known as mTOR, which usually promotes cellular growth and protein production within a cell."
"Mitochondrial biogenesis is where the mitochondria replicate or increase in mass."
"Intermittent fasting has the perks of autophagy, it's the cellular cleanup helps keep our cells functioning at the highest capacity."
"Antioxidants are basically drugs which either mop up or reduce the production of what's called free radicals from cells."
"Your cells represent the health of what you've eaten in the past."
"The fundamental unit for generation of circadian rhythms is the cell."
"Everything that goes on inside of worm cells is very similar to what goes on inside of human cells."
"How does a cell know how much of a given protein to make?"
"These mRNA are now happily inside the cell in the cytoplasm, so that's how lipid nanoparticles work."
"The entire life on Earth is still the first cell, just split up and differentiated by having different code written inside of it."
"Mitochondrial biogenesis is something that seems to be enhanced in the presence of ketones."
"The water inside the cell is negatively charged and in fact, I think it's the negatively charged water that's responsible for the negative charge that people measure inside of cells."
"So now instead of throwing away all that energy, the cell is extracting energy out of it by taking advantage of this principle of the proton gradient."
"We were able to switch fat storing cells into fat burning cells by changing a single nucleotide back and forth."
"Conversely, if you have a high amount of spliced reads and a low amount of unspliced reads, that means the gene is likely being turned off."
"Autophagy is the process by which our cells get rid of damaged or unwanted parts and recycle them into new fuel or new proteins."
"The sodium potassium pump uses ATP and carrier proteins to move substances against their gradients."
"In endocytosis, the cell takes in macromolecules by forming vesicles from the plasma membrane."
"Each cell in our body has its own clock which controls how that cell behaves."
"ATP is the cellular currency of energy."
"The Golgi apparatus is involved in the processing, packaging, and modification of proteins."
"Our cells will literally help us actually glow from a small micro level."
"Biochemistry is actually the study of cells and essentially you're figuring out what makes a cell and how it operates."
"The equilibrium potential is a particular voltage at which there's no net current into or out of the cell."
"Every single cell within an organism's body is going to contain the same genetic code."
"The true secret to life does not lie within the DNA, but rather within the mechanisms of your cell membrane."
"In the presence of oxygen, pyruvate enters a mitochondrion in eukaryotic cells where the oxidation of glucose is completed."
"Our cells can only use this strange token called ATP."
"All health and disease comes from either cellular function or cellular dysfunction."
"A specialized series of cells that sit in the middle of this snowflake commit a purposeful cellular death such that the snowflake can break into two parts and grow out new fingers."
"Genetics can have a huge impact on a cell's ability to adapt or change."
"Cells... self-assemble and it has a programming language: DNA."
"The book suggested that not only is the water inside the cell structured or organized, but that the transition between structured and unstructured water is a trigger for so many important biological events."
"Another great example of how the study of viruses has really shed light on cellular mechanisms."
"There's something about the way charged atoms move in and out of the cells that's different in bipolar disorder."
"Cells are not on vacation getting a suntan and drinking pina coladas; they're actually very active during the interphase doing their normal cell things."
"All cells need oxygen and glucose for a process called cellular respiration."
"Your cell needs ATP to survive and fulfill all the physiological functions that that particular cell needs to do within the human body."
"We owe almost all we know about simple cellular biology to bacteria."
"The magic that happens inside of cells happens because of macromolecules."
"Our intracellular compartments contain a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphates, organic anions, and a lot of protein."
"Understanding the complete mechanism of cellular uptake allows us to target specific cells and release drugs to increase therapeutic efficiency."
"The structure of the chloroplast is where the chemical reactions happen."
"Positive gene regulation is more a sense of how much transcription do we want to take place."
"We're dealing with the very basic cellular responses, and because most diseases are founded in that, it works very well."
"Cells receive signals or information from the rest of the body in a variety of ways."
"ATP is the energy molecule or currency of our cells; all cells must have an available supply of ATP."
"Autophagy is where you have cellular recycling that occurs, the cellular recycling is awesome during any kind of fasting but with dry fasting, it's accelerated."
"Having membranes fluid is important for ourselves; when our membranes solidify, the cell will largely die."
"We started at the point of trying to identify that part of our cells that is symbolically identified by the name Moses."