
Failure Quotes

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"It's a fact that if you try to do a strict diet right out of the gates, they'll almost always fail."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Failure is in fact one of the key ingredients for releasing those chemicals to create neuroplasticity and therefore learn faster."
Justin Sandercoe
"It's not the worst thing in the world to fail math class, but it's about learning from it and moving forward."
"Be brave, even if with Jupiter in the third house some of your ideas fail, or you feel like you failed so many times, be brave and keep pursuing your passion."
"The reason why communism fails is because it's based on a failed understanding of human nature."
"Surviving failure is different from failing."
"Confidence comes from surviving failure, from knowing that you're actually alive at the end of the day."
"Embracing failure looks like choosing the things that are going to make you feel like an idiot. That's how you build confidence."
"Failure leads to confidence, and confidence leads to success. So, in a way, failure really leads to success."
"Say thank you for your failure, setbacks, and pitfalls because they help you revise your plan and pointed out a lot of your flaws."
"I like failing. I like finding out where I'm limited because I know that that's the road to the next segment of progress."
"If you want things to change, if you want talent, if you want success, if you want relationships with people, you have to fail, and more importantly, you have to try."
"Sometimes you're going to fail... and that's okay."
"The first thing that you guys need to let yourselves do is fail."
"If you're allowed to fail, there's no reason for the voice to yell at you because it's an acceptable outcome."
"Each failure in your life is gaining XP. It's about learning, not about performance."
"There's no such thing as being a failure. You guys are just where you are on your journey."
"Without the foundation to build your health on, you're going to fail every time."
"What happens after you mess up, make mistakes, have failures? The way that we process those failures, the way that we process those setbacks, that's so, so important."
"The only people in life who never fail are the same folks who never try."
"The biggest bar that I can give anybody listening... is understand whenever you want to do something new... the only way that you can fail is not starting or giving up."
"Failure is the most information-rich data stream on planet Earth."
"In the end, it's gonna be a terrible failure or a brilliant victory on my part."
"This taught me how to never give up in the face of failure."
"It was okay to fail. People like them, who had no talent, couldn't succeed without facing failure."
"It's better to do stuff and fail at it and realize that it's not right for you, than to just sit back and be paralyzed not doing anything at all because you don't know what to do."
"How do you handle success? Everybody handles losing the same way; they're pissed and they work harder."
"The problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective."
"Failure is not final. If you can see failure differently, then the whole game changes."
"I want to fail at something I believe in because failing at something I didn't believe in would suck more than any pain in my life."
"You have to accept risk. You have to take a tax for failure and treat it as an opportunity for learning."
"Failure is part of the process to achieve success."
"The capacity for failure is more important than the vision of success for successful entrepreneurs."
"Don't be afraid to fail. I learned so much more from my failures than my successes."
"In order to discover what it means to work smart, you have to work your ass off. You have to really fail a lot, and failure feels like hard work."
"Failure is okay. It's just a start. You can always try again."
"Non-action is the fundamental reason that most of you will fail."
"Nobody remembers your losses. George Lucas had movies before Star Wars."
"We learn by failing first and then adjusting behavior and then growing."
"Failure is the only way to success. If you can't fail, you can't succeed."
"The difference between successful people and non-successful people has to do with what they do when they fail."
"Don't be afraid to fail. I'm just telling you, when I fail, I fail forward. I'm not afraid. And feel so many times, people say, 'Oh, well.' I'm like, 'This, I don't like that.' That's good. Keep trusting the process. Feel forward, get back up, keep running."
"Seeing him at 18 fail, then come back and become a champion...was something I've never seen before and probably something we'll never ever see again."
"Frame those failures and slips like a video game, and not only will you learn more and do it faster, but it will make all the successful jumps along the way that much sweeter."
"Failing is wonderful if you learn and share, because it's how we learn from mistakes and enjoy life."
"To be great at something, you have to be willing to take huge risks. You have to be willing to fail terrifically on grand scales."
"To be a creative person, you need to disabuse yourself of that. A creative person needs to steer into mistakes, failure, and fear enough that you're not only unafraid of them but comfortable with them."
"Rejection is redirection, failure is another chance to try again."
"When failure happens, you have to lean into it."
"Learning from our failures as well as our successes is how we ultimately get to the best position."
"Everyone is going to fail at some point, and the real question is whether you learn from your failures or not."
"You have to let them brush up against the guardrails of failure from time to time."
"Every time that you fail, you're gaining knowledge and experience."
"Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure."
"Here's failure: a few errors in judgment repeated every day."
"You are going to fail in life. Everybody does. You must be able to start again."
"Nature continuously renews itself year after year. You can renew. Just because you failed at something before, you can renew this year."
"Forgive yourself because everybody messes up. Everybody fails all the time."
"The greatest teachers are ones that probably failed a lot in the beginning because that's how you learn."
"Every time I've embarked on a project where I thought 'I know how to do this,' I have screwed it up."
"Your success or failure does not define you."
"I'm here to talk about failure and specifically about how failure has played a really important role in my search for passion."
"Failure sucks, it hurts a lot, but eventually, you find a joy and a passion from that failure."
"We learn more from our failures than we ever do from our successes."
"The people who succeed the most are also the people who fail the most because they're the people who try the most."
"Something that failed for me could mean everything to you, and that's kind of beautiful."
"It's like we fear what may happen, and we fear the repercussions of failing or we fear the repercussions of putting ourselves out there."
"Most people have a graveyard of failures behind them."
"Motivation of this channel is to truly help you by the most effective teacher on planet Earth: failure."
"Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as has occurred here."
"Failure seems to mean submission to an unacceptable fate, but actually, it amounts to self-acceptance; which makes change possible."
"Every time you fail, it's not even failing if you get up. You're getting better every time."
"Losing happens way more frequently than winning."
"The key to failure is trying to please everybody."
"You took away the 'do it right or you failed' by saying, 'do it the way you can,' giving me no way to fail, which made it easier to try."
"You haven't failed. The truth is, you haven't failed unless you stop trying."
"Most startups don't die from homicide, they die from suicide."
"Expect failure... Failure is just a learning opportunity."
"Nobody remembers all of Jordan's missed shots."
"Failure is always an option. In fact, it's often the easiest and most readily available option."
"Whatever you do, failure is not humiliating; it's humanizing."
"Accepting the fact [that sometimes for no good reason we fail] is really the first big step in breaking through perfectionism."
"Your personal threshold for failure in a given field is something that you have absolute control over."
"The cost of failure is as close to zero as it's ever been right now."
"Remember that the cost of failure right now is the lowest it's ever been in the history of the world."
"Failure itself is not the end. See, giving up, I define giving up as when you've reached your personal threshold for failure."
"Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm."
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
"Failure is an option. I'm not gonna lie to you. I go a step further and say not only an option, it's a very possible outcome."
"Success is simply many failures that add up to a win."
"Failure is not the end of the road; it's the beginning. Right, so now you can really start to live your life."
"When your esteem is being built, you even have a right to fail."
"It is impossible to succeed without failing first, and usually without failing many times."
"If it means failing at something for staying true to who you are, then I'm happy to fail."
"You build muscle during the times that you're failing, and then you're ready to go and execute the next time around."
"If you're failing to plan, you're planning to fail."
"Honestly, just keep trying and keep trying and don't be afraid to fail. I think that's so, so, so important."
"Do not be afraid to fail... just keep trying and don't be afraid to fail."
"Every successful person I've met has failed time and time again."
"To succeed, you must fail. In failure and in suffering, all the answers are in there."
"A multi-billion dollar ATC system designed to keep planes apart had failed to detect two planes on a collision course."
"You will fail your way to success. Fail early, fail often, fail forward."
"Success is achieved through failure and the learning that comes of it."
"Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit."
"Every time you fail, you don't die, you actually gain knowledge and experience, and that's the gift of failure."
"When you're in the midst of failure, it's easier to do. But you did it in the midst of success."
"You would rather fail with intention and clarity than the pain of having no idea why you're failing."
"The CEO tells the managers there's not been a lot of success with the current EN branch and that it's the fault of the managers for not making the talent succeed."
"If I'm not failing, I'm not trying hard enough."
"One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat."
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success."
"Don't be afraid of failure because that is the way to succeed."
"Confidence does not come from an expectation of success, it comes from a comfort with failure."
"The only failure is not trying. The only rejection is not asking. The only mistake is not risking anything."
"My business journey was simple: I tried everything and failed. But as we all know here, failure is a blessing. It is a data point that reveals what can be improved."
"Reframe our belief about failure. Reframe it and put a different story behind it and watch it empower you."
"I failed that thing probably a dozen times, dude, but I kept coming back every week."
"What are you going to do about that unfairness? Are you going to say, 'oh, give up' because once you've given up... you've doomed yourself to failure."
"You should seek failures. If you're playing it safe, you're not going to win."
"The more you fail, the more you learn. One of the ways that I've shifted failure in my experiences is I never fail."
"What you do after failure is what matters. Everyone's going to fail if you're trying a new thing."
"It's okay to fail; it's kind of how you bounce back from failure."
"If you try, you're not going to die. You're just going to learn something."
"It's not about failing; it's how you handle failure and how you learn from those lessons."
"Everything will fail a million times. You have to be able to just take failure to the face because it's gonna happen and you've got to be ready for it."
"The key differentiator between people that succeed and people that fail is tenacity."
"When you're willing to try to do something, not trying is failure."
"Doing wrong is one thing, insisting on doing the wrong is where the wrong is. You are not a failure because you fell down, you are a failure because you decided to stay down."
"Feedback is very important, and you're going to fail without it."
"Failure is the most information-rich data stream in the world."
"The right question to ask is, 'What would I do and love every day even if I were failing?'"
"You've got to make a decision. What's it gonna be, failure or success?"
"There is less shame attached to failure because, in business, it's okay to fail and start again."
"Rooney explores the ways in which we interact with other people and what it means to keep trying after failing to understand one another."
"It's also okay to fail and not meet your goals. Those are just learning lessons."
"The only way to progress is with experience, and to have experience you need to fail many times."
"If you're not failing 20% of the time, you're not risking enough."
"You can learn a lot about success by studying failure."
"I started to think of failures as lessons. I started to think of them as puzzles rather than develop emotional reactions to those failures."
"When you try your best but you don't succeed."
"Too many people see failure as a bad thing. If someone never fails, they're never getting out of their comfort zone, and they're never learning."
"Every failed experiment is one step closer to success."
"You have to be willing to let your learner succeed and fail."
"I was taught that failure is an opportunity to learn."
"Western liberal capitalist societies...reward success but we do not punish failure because we understand that failure in economics is punishment enough all on its own."
"The only way you can guarantee failure is by quitting. If you never quit, you will never fail. Keep going."
"Every failure, every mistake, every major mess up can be the best thing that ever happened to you if you learn from it."
"Losing is a sensitive topic, but it's part of the learning process."
"What I've come to understand is to try something and fail is not failure, but to not try at all, that's failure."
"It's the lessons we learn by watching them fail that are the point of the series."
"If you knew you were gonna fail, what would you do? That's worth doing. Go do that."
"You can accomplish anything and everything in life if you dream big and dare to fail."
"You have to have a willingness to fail. You have to have a willingness to be misunderstood for long periods of time."
"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."
"You might have failed, but you are not a failure."
"Failure is simply the ability to start again, this time more intelligently."
"Failure is the process by which you become better."
"If you don't take the risk in your life you've already failed."
"Failure is perhaps more painful than success is rewarding."
"Failure is an option, except in failing on the same thing repeatedly."
"In this game, dying is not a failure; it's the process."
"I personally feel like failure, and even the concept of success, is kind of what you make of it. You can choose your own parameters that define success for you."
"That feeling of putting your time and tens of thousands of dollars and months and passion and work and excitement into something and telling yourself like this is going to be like a turnaround for me... the pain you feel when that thing fails... is like an ego hit."
"This is a story about one of the most valuable tech startups to ever exist, worth about nine billion at its highest, and how it all collapsed to be now worth zero today."
"The biggest success that I've had in my life is from having so many failures."
"Just because you've failed to make a change doesn't really mean anything because you can come back next week, next month, next year, and attempt to make the change again."
"Failure is temporary, but regret is permanent."
"Something you have to embrace failure as a caster."
"Action without thinking is the cause of every failure."
"There's no such thing as failure, except when you fail to learn from your experience."
"Failure is never a lack of resources; it's a lack of resourcefulness."
"Talking about your feelings and talking about your failures is an extremely, extremely powerful thing."
"Each time I make a failure, I know something that I didn't know before, and that's an advance."
"The surest way to fail at life is to allow yourself to be crippled by fear and to not be bold but to be meek and to make choices that are run by fear."
"Poor decisions, neglect, and just plain bad luck torched what should have been one of the biggest sports in the world, leaving everyone disappointed."
"Don't ever underestimate the value of a failure."
"Predict your failure even though it's really nice to imagine success, really get interested in the process of how you fail."
"Don't pursue entrepreneurship out of greed of money; you will fail for sure."
"I would rather fail in faith than succeed in fear."
"You have to learn how to fail also and what to do with failure."
"Failure must be seen as a detour, an interruption in your life, even an attempt to cancel destiny, but you can get back on course."
"Your destiny is not canceled by failure; it's canceled by your inability to deal with failure effectively."
"Success is short-lived...it's the losses and the failures and the perseverance that you need."
"Finding your core, it's okay to feel the pain, it's okay to accept your failures."
"Failing is a part of the entrepreneurial process."
"It's perfectly okay to fail, but you're going to be a real failure if you just quit and give up because it gets harder. Because it's getting harder, you could actually be getting closer to your goal."
"You can't have stunning science without failure."
"I don't think we can afford to fail. I don't think failure should be an option."
"Failure has to be part of the equation. You can't have stunning science without failure."
"The people who have success without having failure don't appreciate it nearly as much as those of us that have lived through the failures."
"Consistent failure to attain goals throughout life results in defeatism, low self-esteem, or depression."
"What am I doing wrong? And then I had to really kind of analyze what was going right on the way up, what was I doing wrong on the way down."
"A theme park with so much potential to become something so great that sadly, due to so many poor choices, ended up closed, abandoned."
"The mindset to have during your 20s is really so take risks and don't be afraid to fail."
"If you fail, you're going to see and truthfully know why you failed and then be able not to repeat that in the future."
"If chaos is a ladder, right now the Fusion, they have fallen off that ladder, and they hit their head on the way down."
"It's a game of, in a sense, giving up, failing."
"You don't learn from your success; you learn from your failures."
"When you get rejected in life, when you are facing the next obstacle or next failure, consider the possibilities. Don't run. If you just embrace them, they might become your gifts as well."
"Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again."