
Healing Quotes

There are 40544 quotes

"The body has remarkable powers of healing and recovering from illness and injury."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Love is our greatest source of power, it's our greatest source of healing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pain is a perceptual thing as much as it's a physical thing. It's a belief system about what you're experiencing in your body and has important relevance for healing different types of injury and the pain associated with that injury."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's not time that heals all wounds; it's time during sleep and specifically dream sleep that provides emotional convalescence."
"It's the best! It's literally, it's a medicine."
"You have some incurable disease, and it goes away, and it's not because you got a medical treatment; it's because something happened that shifted the course of the disease that was most likely coming from your own consciousness."
"My body heals quickly and easily; I am perfectly healthy."
"The moment you feel gratitude, your healing begins. The moment you feel grateful for your life, your life is changed. Now, you're causing an effect."
"Awareness alone weakens it; it slackens the strings a bit."
"Laughing can be so healing... It's not that you're forgetting about the pain because you're laughing; it's both and they can co-exist."
"The Sun does an infinite number of things to help heal us."
"The human body can heal itself in so many ways, including from addiction, but it has to have the right external support structure and the right internal support."
"We lean on the people around us to hold us up, who help support us, help us heal."
"Routine has been increasingly helpful in this whole healing journey. If you create structure and know the things that you're going to do as soon as you wake up, it just creates a bit of a safe space for you."
"To get to the root, you've got to help that kid within you."
"Solitude is for me a fount of healing which makes my life worth living."
"The act of forgiveness is incredibly powerful and has the capacity to heal and transform."
"The real superpowers we need are the superpowers to heal our people who are suffering terribly."
"Look at your battle scar, your pain, your discomfort. Honor that feeling... and then try to find the blessing in it."
"Forgiveness will allow you to move forward and heal."
"You are going through a great time of healing and spiritual growth."
"Food is medicine, and quality matters. When you eat the right foods, and you're eating quality foods, you can activate all these healing mechanisms in your body."
"Fasting is without a doubt one of the quickest and easiest ways to rapidly heal your body."
"It's not time that heals all wounds; it is time during sleep, and particularly during dream sleep, that provides emotional convalescence."
"I believe healing our country is going to take what I call radical empathy."
"The wound is the place where the light enters."
"The happy fairy of sunshine brings lots of life-giving energy. She reminds you to shine your light and to reveal anything in the shadows that need to be healed."
"The brain has the ability to heal from traumatic experiences."
"Life is just this. It's living. The pain that you feel, you only can heal by living."
"Psychiatry... is really about restoring the individual to him or herself."
"In a healthy relationship, you're going to have disagreements, you're going to make mistakes, and it is so healing."
"Reiki is not just a tool for healing, it also brings protection, prevention, and personal transformation on all levels."
"Addiction isn't linear... The goal is balance and finding a place where you can be settled without always trying to fill a void."
"One of the only paths forward to healing is getting comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Care for yourself, care for your partner, care for life, care for the planet, and it cures."
"Don't let these people tell you you can't be healed. You deserve healing."
"We're both really passionate about the healing power of food and what it can do for a whole variety of different conditions."
"Awareness is the first step towards healing from narcissistic abuse and breaking the cycle of such behavior."
"This is the time for soul reflection, soul-searching, a period or phase of quiet is needed. Take time off to work on healing and recharging."
"We are all meant to be extraordinary people, the minute we can let go of hurt is the minute we can soar to be extraordinary humans."
"If you want to win and you want to start choosing happiness, you have to start healing yourself."
"Forgiveness is not a requirement for healing... The only thing we have to do is forgive ourselves for the role we played in hurting ourselves."
"Therapy was the gold that was putting me back together, making me whole again."
"Music has always been a great open door. Music is a great way to connect people, music is a great way to have like a healing, type of cathartic experience."
"To the extent that we have relationships that reflect our wholeness, that in itself is healing."
"Awareness is always the first step in healing."
"Our bodies have this remarkable capacity to begin healing, much more quickly than we had once realized, if we treat the underlying cause."
"You need to heal from your past. And when you heal, you will be able to have a greater level of self-worth."
"Your brain, your body works in cycles of healing."
"The worst thing you can say to someone who is grieving is time will heal."
"Two broken people don't make a whole relationship."
"You're going to be healing any sort of anxieties or worries that you've had in the past."
"Letting go of some of these feelings is going to be a step forward for you."
"Healing is important because it's the number one thing holding people back from having healthier relationships."
"If you don't heal, you're going to keep hurting yourself and the person you're in a relationship with."
"You have to heal. There's no way around that. Your key to success in every area of your life starts with healing."
"If you have high empathy, if you identify as an empath, you are someone who feels like it's your duty or you feel naturally drawn to wanting to heal people."
"A healed empath is a very strong warrior. This is someone who understands what emotional battle is like."
"Forgiveness is the bridge from suffering to peace."
"You can't base your healing around the potential of someone actually admitting that they did anything wrong to you."
"The perks of being the loner, the wounded healer, is we're gifted. This is powerful."
"Healing but there's a lot of healing that needs to take place."
"Proverbs talks about...your words do cut, but good words could bring healing."
"Healing has to first start with someone being willing to bear witness to your truth, no matter how uncomfortable your truth is."
"Take all of these broken pieces of himself and apply them to these different characters and heal through them."
"If you're not shining light, then you haven't gotten in touch with the light within you, and what will heal you is moving closer to that light."
"The biggest liberation will not come when our patriarchy becomes a matriarchy. The biggest liberation will come when us women heal our unworthiness."
"We don't have to pass our Brokenness on to our children."
"Self-care is imperative for Black people to heal. Don't let anybody shame you out of that. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself and stay here and fulfill your purpose."
"You can go through a physical, emotional, and mental healing."
"Nature is medicine. Back to life. Mother Earth, she is all the medicine that we need."
"It's time to look at that, heal that, by changing the clock and what I mean by changing the clock is adopting a new mindset, claiming what you do desire and starting to take action towards that."
"Hope is a place to heal, relax, be yourself, and be surrounded by those who want to see you blossom and bloom."
"Forgiveness will allow you to move forward and heal. It will create more space for love in your life."
"This connection would be very healing, it's going to allow you to move forward."
"His mother said that this dog saved his life... it set him on a better path and gave him a purpose he so desperately needed."
"If people worry themselves sick, could they not change the way their brains create vibration in the body to create ultimate health or at least start the healing process? Absolutely."
"When you run from your healing, when you deny the truth, you're only hurting yourself."
"Healing starts from within, never from without."
"Every time I'm on stage, I feel like there's a little healing happening for me and hopefully for others."
"No matter if your relationships are broken right now, God can fix relationships."
"A shower can be life-changing when we're struggling with depression or anxiety. It can feel almost like it washes off some of the difficulties that we're struggling with."
"Forgiveness is the needle that knows how to mend."
"What if I'm not broken? What if I'm just covered in layers of mud and silt and abuse and hurt?"
"We need a way to attract people into conversations... to bring people into circles and let them heal, let them ask questions."
"Let's take all the pain, all the disappointment, whatever that is that you've been carrying around with you, and crack it open so you can start living your best life." - Oprah Winfrey
"Sometimes the most healing treatment in the world is simply realizing that you're not alone in your experiences."
"Learning how to handle a painful feeling, a painful emotions, listening to the suffering allowed understanding and compassion to be born and suffer less."
"There could be some deep healing that you're doing around...these certain fears are almost going to become your strength."
"Healing...is about taking action, pausing to reregulate, then taking action again. It's how you climb out of the trauma ditch as many times as you need to."
"Francine Shapiro's life mission became to end the world's suffering, and she believed that EMDR was the answer."
"This connection is going to bring you so much healing and abundance; it's going to be an equal exchange."
"Healing from heartbreak shifts your energy and brings new possibilities."
"Stop waiting for the perfect moment or complete healing, and that's when things happen."
"There is going to be a commitment here; it's going to help you heal your hearts."
"I woke up one morning, and the headache I had every day for a year and seven months disappeared."
"They want to heal the situation between the two of you."
"Healing and letting go are possible. How? The best tool that we don't access is meditation."
"Genuine self-love is the only thing that will allow you to rise out of that place."
"While there's been a lot of pain...it also means there's a lot of opportunities for growth and healing right now."
"Once it's exposed to the light, it evaporates. There's so much of our shame that rules our life and that we carry because we're unwilling to look at it."
"Your soul wants you to be aware of this and it's wanting you to heal some of the past situations in order to step into your beautiful, wide loving, accepting generous soul once again."
"I celebrate the artist, the dreamer, the healer."
"Healing starts with discomfort. It is at the root of it the only way to heal is to actually face your pain head on."
"That doesn't mean you're doing healing wrong. That means you were brave enough in the first place to embark on this journey."
"You can only start to heal once you finally accept that you're not completely okay."
"The best first step is to acknowledge that you opened yourself up to another person, you offered up your loving heart and, yeah, it didn't work out."
"It's never too late to start loving yourself and to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing."
"No contact is for you. It's to protect you, to help you heal, to help you grow."
"No contact is like working out; the longer you go no contact, the stronger you get."
"I wish I knew how to heal our connection so we can be together."
"Healing really needs to happen for reconciliation to happen."
"Self-love and nurturing your inner world is single-handedly the most powerful form of medicine for Earth at this time."
"When you pay that debt, it increases your chance of sobriety."
"April for you is going to be a big healing month."
"Generational curses are being broken over people's life."
"Yuki is healed almost instantly and he is amazed by Gina's power."
"Trauma is not what happened to you but what happened inside you as a result."
"Healing is part of the nature of any organism, so it's certainly possible at any age, any stage of life."
"The universe is giving you this gift of love and energy and compassion, and it's just time for you guys to heal that heart."
"The wounds of your past are medicine for someone else's future."
"True healing occurs when I give myself permission to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers."
"My faith has the power to turn trauma into healing, conflict into growth, and fear into love."
"I promise you that if you give those unfair situations to God, He can heal you and redeem you, and not only that but He can give you new gifts and new fruits that you never had before."
"Radical self-care is the foundation of all true health and healing."
"The willingness only comes from the pain and the willingness to change or to go very very deeply into the wound."
"Doc is a healer... he is the quintessential healing operator of this FPS game."
"Nature always puts the cure to the illness right next to it."
"Trust yourself, continue to heal yourself, so that you can stay open to what is meant for you."
"I swear I will not dishonor my soul with hatred, but offer myself humbly as a guardian of nature, as a healer of misery, as a messenger of wonder, as an architect of peace."
"The ego doesn't want to be healed; it wants to be held."
"I invite your spirit where there's logic, where there's pain, where there's a stronghold."
"The gift of healing is that spirit-empowered grace to heal the sick through you and your prayers."
"You have the power to heal and help the world with your decision to buy only products and services that are ethical and environmentally friendly."
"Acknowledging and dealing with personal trauma is a sign of strength, not weakness."
"Healing begins with feeling. Be gentle with yourself and tender with your heart."
"Lots of healing and self-love happens in community. It's very helpful to have people who love you when you're on your self-esteem journey."
"I am loving kindness in action and a healer. My body is whole and healthy, and so it is."
"Let's hope that Eric Smith is an example of how change can occur and how healing can be created."
"You have to feel gratitude in order for the healing to happen."
"Shamanism in general is healing. It's the knowledge of how to do this firstly with aspects of yourself and your immediate community, and then how to apply that knowledge in a wider perspective."
"Forgiveness. You are on the path of light, love, and forgiveness. Father healing is possible at this time."
"How can we best access and heal the wounded inner child? It seems that it will boycott any lasting change if left behind, throwing us back to square one over and over again."
"Acknowledgement is the main aspect of healing. It's the first step of any kind of healing."
"Acceptance is key for healing. Acknowledge it over and over again, relax into it, find the okayness with it, find how it's perfect."
"Sharing about it has given me, you know, has created community for me and healing for others and that's why I share."
"Heal from the trauma that separates you from your femininity."
"Spirit is wanting to bring new love, new life, new energy, new friendships into your life to heal you from this sadness."
"It hurts because they meant something to you. It hurts because you saw a future with them because you shared memories with them. Of course, it's going to hurt."
"When you believe that you deserve full, whole, clear, open love that's without condition, that's when you can truly begin to heal."
"The star is about hope, healing, and inspiration. I'm really feeling the inspiration message from this."
"The rice can cure tier 3 diseases and even cancer."
"The path of the wounded healer: We go through these things so we can help other people."
"Give it to God. Take a deep breath and on the exhale, release the situation to God for healing and answers, period."
"Be gentle with yourself. You have been through a lot and need time to heal and recover."
"A man being able to be honest with a woman that won't judge him is one of the most healing experiences a man can have."
"Energetically, you have really done the work. You have gone inward and done a lot of healing and self-reflection."
"Healing means to make whole and to accept all parts of myself, not just the parts I like, but all of me."
"Time heals all; you just get better at dealing with it."
"How good is the Lord, how good is the medicine He wants to give us, if we'll just take it."
"I help guide you to heal past painful experiences, mostly about rejection and abandonment."
"You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy."
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
"Healing is not an event; it's a process of integration."
"We're just trying to heal, basically. That's what comedy is supposed to be doing."
"Lean into the change and focus on personal healing."
"I think it's good for our friendship. We need some healing."
"The pain might not be your fault, but the healing is your responsibility."
"The album starts upbeat, slows down, and gets personal, then ends up being... That's the flow of healing."
"Connection is the only thing that heals; otherwise, we're all just lost in the fog, alone."
"Remember, friends, take care of your daughters so they don't have to spend a lifetime healing wounds created from unhealthy choices that you're making today."
"All of those experiences in the darkness and challenge is what creates the healer within us."
"You are deserving of putting that healing energy towards yourself without feeling guilty."
"Confronting fears and memories from early childhood can lead to healing and emotional liberation."
"It's possible that God has given to you a gift of healing, and you may not even know it."
"The person you're attracting into your life is going to be a healer as well."
"The real healing and growth happens when you look in the mirror and start taking ownership for your part in the failure of that marriage."
"By confronting the past, we learn to face the future."
"I am a powerful creator who can use my mind to heal my body."
"I am receiving the blessing of healing right now in this moment."
"I allow myself to believe that I deserve to heal."
"I am the essence of miracles. I embody complete healing now and every moment forward."
"I am now welcoming all the ways in which my mind and body can heal."
"I am grateful to my body for its healing abilities. I am now embodying total wellness."
"We waste so much energy trying to cover up who we are when beneath every attitude is the want to be loved, and beneath every anger is a wound to be healed."
"The growth and loyalty displayed by Raftalia contribute to Naofumi's healing process, helping him overcome his past trauma."
"Healing is a holistic process that encompasses mind, body, and spirit, requiring balance and inner harmony."
"Heal yourself so you can attract a healthy relationship."
"Intuition is one of our greatest gifts, guiding us toward healing and self-awareness."
"Nature provides the ultimate medicine, offering healing through plants and elements that resonate with our bodies."
"The comments, the feedback, which was so overwhelmingly positive, I think that was the start of the idea that brutal honesty has some sort of healing power to it."
"We need to come together to rebuild a heaven on Earth for those people who have experienced a hell on Earth."
"The Quran is a healing for society's diseases, the Quran is a healing for our emotional diseases, the Quran is a healing for our relationship diseases."
"It takes a long, long time to break it, but it's a whole lot faster to heal it."
"Committed couples who have fallen out, divorce, and there's a misconception that somehow guys heal faster. It's not. They actually heal slower, and it's more painful."
"If the country's ever going to heal from this anti-democratic spasm, we need to explore accountability beyond just the legal kind."
"Your support continues to go a long way towards helping people heal and hopefully also you've been able to maybe learn something in your own situation and own life to help better protect you."
"People start to heal the moment they feel heard."
"Learning how to forgive is learning how to release people from the hurt and offense that they bring into our world."
"Forgiving stops the reruns of the pain and heals your memory."