
Epigenetics Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"80% of our future longevity and health is controlled by the epigenetic information, the control systems."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It does suggest that there are ways of resetting your epigenome."
"By some estimates, only 25% is determined by your genetic makeup, and the rest is how you live and your epigenome control."
"Epigenetics is what gives cells their identity; it's what makes a skin cell different from a brain cell and a young cell different from an old cell."
"The evidence at present is poor for transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals."
"Mounting research tells us that you can decrease your odds by working on something called epigenetics. You may have terrible genetics when it comes to breast cancer, but if you do the ten things below... then you can actually flip the proper epigenetic switches that effectively turn off your genetic risk of developing breast cancer."
"Epigenetic control [means] you are the master because you can regulate the environment that will then manifest the genetics to conform to the environment."
"Epigenetics... you're born with some genes but your environment, how you live your life, that shapes and that determines whether those genes are switched on or switched off."
"The idea of reversing aging through epigenetic reprogramming is a powerful scientific advancement."
"Epigenetic control literally says control above the genes. This is the new science."
"Vitamin D is epigenetically involved; it's involved in the switching on and off of at least 300 genes, most of them associated with the immune system."
"What distinguishes cells is not their genes but how these genes are switched on or off by epigenetics."
"Your genes are sort of the keys of a piano, and your epigenome is the piano player."
"Epigenetics is essentially the phenomenon by which animals are born with one set of genes but potentially have parts of their DNA that are locked at birth."
"Epigenetics goes way beyond just the Eevolutionary family."
"Your DNA is not your destiny because what really matters is the epigenome."
"Epigenetics is the environment controls the genes."
"Genetics may load the gun, but epigenetics pulls the trigger."
"Epigenetics is our controllable variable. It empowers us to influence our own health and experience of life."
"The environment has the ability to dramatically affect the epigenetics, influencing how DNA functions."
"Can parents pass on environmental responses to their offspring?"
"Forgiveness and spiritual energies may influence our biochemistry at the epigenetic level."
"Healing epigenetics is very valuable in mental health and emotional health."
"There are things in the box propensities maybe but they're expressed in a wide variety of ways epigenetically depending on how they interact with the rest of the environment."
"Blame it on your mom: Epigenetics tags the baby's genes."
"Epigenetic clocks are not simply markers of cellular senescence."
"These epigenetic clocks have really linked development to tissue dysfunction in a direct manner."
"Induced pluripotent stem cells reset the epigenome."
"High-fat diet accelerates epigenetic age in mice."
"Offspring of centenarians have a genetic advantage manifested in the epigenetic clock."
"We are going to review a new study... 'Potential reversal of the epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention.'"
"Epigenetic changes may hold the key to reversing biological aging."
"Epigenetics is basically the idea that we're born with a certain genetic makeup, but then the environment plays a role in turning on those genes."
"This is the power of epigenetics, which is the environment influencing the expression of the genes."
"Stop worrying about your genes; you can actually fix the gene expression by changing the way you live and what you eat."
"I feel that I'm actually going to past generations and healing some of those epigenetic changes that were passed on to me."
"The genetics definitely can play a factor and confer a slightly higher risk for people but it's really all of the epigenetic factors that are happening with our diet our lifestyle our illnesses our infections our hormones."
"The new story is epigenetics, where consciousness is controlling the genes."
"...these epigenetic changes are reversible...you can also pass on your recovery..."
"What we eat can influence the tags that influence gene expression patterns. So even when we don't see changes in the genome, we can see changes in gene expression."
"The epigenetic clock can identify the most effective anti-aging interventions."
"Epigenetics controls gene expression."
"Epi genetics is above the genes. Consciousness is the master of our genes."
"Epigenetics empowers us to think about change more profoundly."
"We can signal our genes to rewrite our future just by changing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."
"Just by changing our thoughts, feelings, emotional reactions, and behaviors, for example, making healthier lifestyle choices with regard to nutrition and stress level, we send ourselves new signals and they express new proteins without changing the genetic blueprint."
"there's a whole field of study trying to understand how these epigenomic effects can be transmitted between generations."
"The omega-3s are telling those genes like a little trigger. They're turning off the gene expression, they're changing the epigenetics."
"Even the field of research around epigenetics shows that if you think in a different way, act in a new way, give up lifestyle behaviors that are actually holding you back from being the best self that you can be, you can actually change the expression of your genes."
"You are not a victim of your heredity because epigenetics reveals that you are controlling your genetic and behavioral activity."
"Epigenetics is the gift that keeps on giving."
"The epigenetic clock is an attractive biomarker of aging."
"Epigenetics is this concept that whatever genes we were born with, these genes can be turned off or turned on depending on our lifestyle."
"My name is Carol I'm a pharmacy student and I have special interest in the field of epigenetics."
"These deer are much larger, much healthier now due to the very positive epigenetics."
"What this farmer is doing is producing profoundly positive epigenetic effects."
"Epigenetics plays a huge role in development."
"Most epigenetic modifications are wiped out when gametes are formed."
"Inner work uplevels your DNA. That's literally epigenetics at play."
"...your DNA is but the other caveat with that that I want to say is that um we are finding that epigenetic modifications probably matter more than your your DNA written code so the good news is that you you have a lot of power."
"...trauma can induce epigenetic changes for genes related to mental health, obesity, drug addiction, immune function, metabolic disease, and heart disease."
"Epigenetic information can be influenced by the environment."
"Epigenetic information can be passed on from parent to offspring."
"Epigenetic inheritance of a fear response."
"Epigenetic information can be passed on through multiple generations."
"Epigenetics frees us from genetic determinism in many cases."
"Epigenetics is awesome. It's just weird and wonderful and changing our perceptions of biology all the time."
"Cells lose their identity and malfunction; chaos ensues. The chaos materializes as aging. This is the epigenetic noise that is at the heart of our unified theory."
"I thought about the time of COVID so much and how so many conditions have accelerated and been amplified because of epigenetics."
"Methylation has the power to turn gene replication on and off like a light switch."
"...epigenetics will provide a scientific platform for us to better understand historical trauma, how it gets passed from one generation to the next."
"Here is a neat point: you could get quantitative traits over modifying the epigenome without invoking lots of individual variants."
"So, addiction is roughly half genetic and half non-genetic, further emphasizing the likely importance of these epigenetic mechanisms."
"The more we look at epigenetics the clearer it will become."
"Epigenetic inheritance is a way that information about the phenotype is propagated."
"Epigenetic modifications occur in the genome without altering the nucleotide sequences."
"The flexibility of the epigenome is really important."
"Every single fig, even though they could be very similarly genetically or they may even share the same exact genetics, they're different because of epigenetics."
"The good thing about the epigenome is that it is changeable."
"If adult cells in the body can be reprogrammed to regain a youthful epigenome, it suggests that the information to be young cannot all be lost."
"The epigenetics are like the piano player, and your genes are like your piano keys."
"I think that the best path to this is to work out how to reprogram the epigenome and that'll actually take care of things."
"Is choline the secret to what they call anti-aging, or to put it another way, epigenetic reverse aging? Let's explore that."
"You can have two people that are genetically identical with drastically different phenotypes because they have epigenetic differences."
"However you live your life changes how histones are shaped, which changes whether or not DNA is wrapped around that histone tightly or loosely."
"You can inherit this histone arrangement from your parents, which affects your gene expression."
"You can change how your DNA is packaged which can affect gene expression."
"The best epigenetic aging reversals were up to four to ten years, and the best plasma pheno age reversals were up to 9 to 11 years."
"The physical environment in which people live has an epigenetic effect on their biology."
"Your DNA is not your destiny, and scientists know this today; it's your epigenome that matters."
"The epigenome is like the piano player, the genes are like the keys on a piano."
"We literally can use the epigenome to measure how someone's aging."
"Methylation and acetylation of histones can lead to different parts of chromatin being open and closed."
"Epigenetics... is when we have modifications on these histones that allow certain DNAs to be open or closed."
"Epigenetics is the study of mechanisms that cause changes in gene expression but that are not encoded in the DNA sequence itself."
"Epigenetic control can be used in the treatment of disease."
"Epigenetics is simply a process by which you get chemical switches which can turn your genes on and off, a bit like a light switch, without altering the DNA structure."
"Epigenetics... looks at which genes are turned on and off based on your experiences."
"Epigenetics shows us that we have the capacity to start to interrupt some of those familiar neural pathways as well through our environment or through the experiences we're having."
"Epigenetic state is extraordinarily important."
"We're going to talk about how to actually analyze epigenetic state."
"What is the histone code? That is, how can we unravel the different marks present in the genome and understand what they mean?"
"What your parents do in their lifetime can change their gene expression and some of that gene expression can get passed on to you."
"If you're curious about it, you can read more about the epigenome."
"With epigenetics, you are an empowered individual and have more control than you think over your health journey."
"Epigenetics... your behaviors and your environments can actually change the way your genes work."
"Epigenetic modifications can regulate gene expression through the addition of methyl groups on specific DNA bases."
"It's really cool you want to talk about molecular epigenetics."
"Epigenetics is the field of study that your entire lifestyle... plays the major role in your demise or your well-being."
"Epigenetic inheritance is the inheritance of traits not directly influenced by the sequence of DNA."
"These changes that happen epigenetically can be passed on to the next generation."
"Epigenetics is the fact that your thoughts and choices impact your physical brain and body, your mental health, and your spiritual development."
"Imagine the piano is your DNA, and the piano player is your epigenome."
"DNA methylation is one that is particularly interesting because it is known to be preserved in mitosis."
"DNA methylation is really as important as a sequence or genomics, and this is an area called epigenetics."
"Epigenetics, the study of heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the DNA sequence, has opened up a fascinating realm where environmental factors including sound and vibration can dynamically modify gene activity."
"The new science of epigenetics teaches us this: if we change the environment which is ourselves, our consciousness, then we can completely change our genes and our life beyond description."