
Dieting Quotes

There are 1070 quotes

"It's a fact that if you try to do a strict diet right out of the gates, they'll almost always fail."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is really solid evidence from the Gardner Lab at Stanford and from other labs showing that, when you look at different diets, you look at low fat diets, high fat diets, keto diets, intermittent fasting, provided people stick to their particular diet, it doesn't really matter which diet you follow. You can still get a caloric deficit and get weight loss."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're halfway through a doughnut and you put the second half down, that's a victory."
"The number one reason people fail on diets is hunger."
"If you actually have... somebody cooking food for you every day on a well-prepared diet, it's probably really hard to overeat."
"Keep calm and keto on...you just need to be consistent."
"The biggest predictor of eating disorders is dieting."
"The best bang for the longevity buck is to do both well: eat less often and eat the right things."
"If there is any metabolic adaptation or metabolic suppression present, with a very patient approach, you can probably increase your calories at a slow enough rate."
"Any weight loss outcomes are really going to depend on your ability to stick to a diet that creates a caloric deficit."
"It's that time of the year where I've realized that I just ate too much food, and I know I'm probably going to be eating more food in the coming weeks, but I'm always sure that I'm going to start the diet on January 1st."
"The fasting mimicking diet is a five-day limited calorie diet... designed to trick your body into thinking that you're fasting, which is a great way to jumpstart the autophagy process."
"Tomorrow is when we begin doing the diet; today, we're allowed to be as gluttonous as we want because it's part of the aspiration."
"It's honestly comparatively easy to diet for a contest for 12 weeks and be super strict. What's difficult is to be very consistent and focused in the offseason."
"The best diet is the diet that works for you."
"You can destroy an entire week's worth of effort in one or two meals."
"Diets the king of the castle because you can't fast all the time; it's about what you're munching on 24/7, day in, day out, week after week, year after year, decade after decade."
"Intermittent fasting can reverse so many issues because it is much more natural to eat fewer meals."
"Intermittent fasting, you eat whatever you want, but to get the best result and to turn that body into a fat-burning machine, you want to make sure that you're taking full advantage of the sacrifices that you made during that fasting cycle."
"Your body adapts to having, say, just two meals a day; you adapt to this physically... and for that reason, at least to me, it's a lot easier to maintain."
"Intermittent fasting... it's a time-honored traditional way of eating."
"Once my body got in this mode, it was amazing what was happening for me. I no longer had to diet, and no longer had to count calories. I no longer had to portion out my food."
"People are just likely to eat less while deliberate caloric restriction isn't built into the diet."
"Think of a diet as a permanent shift in eating a pattern, not as something I'm going to do temporarily for a few weeks and then get back to what I was doing beforehand."
"Skip the diet, just eat healthy. That has helped me to stop negative thinking."
"A calorie deficit slowly becomes less effective over time, because your metabolism adapts, reducing the deficit and eventually turning it into your new maintenance calories."
"It's important to consider the effect that restricting a diet so much might have on your mental health, because that is equally important as your physical health."
"Don't feel the need to start your diet exactly on January 1. Just start in January when it's convenient for you."
"Start with an easy to moderate goal that you can knock out of the park but will still make an impact."
"If you do lose weight on a diet just to gain it back, there is strong evidence that this is not your fault."
"If you're watching this video, then chances are you've attempted to diet on your own in the past and you likely saw some success with it, maybe lost a few pounds or maybe lost a ton of weight, but eventually, you reached a point where you just got stuck despite working out and dieting as hard as ever."
"Reverse dieting is crucial. You may gain some weight, but you will regain your metabolic rate incrementally."
"There's definitely a game to it as far as your own psyche is concerned, like the dopamine hit of something working and seeing the numbers."
"The first mistake most people make is they don't give their body a break. They don't take a break from dieting."
"Dieting doesn't necessarily make you lose weight...if it does last, you're really just not a fun person to be around."
"Strength, muscle loss, training intensity, performance, recovery, all that kind of stuff because these are very, very real concerns that you should be having when it comes to dieting in general."
"This video is what I wish somebody had told me, so today I'm going to tell you guys basically what to expect during a dieting phase, the reality of it, I guess."
"One bad day of eating is not going to kill you, but what you have to be aware of is the reason why you want to have that bad day of eating."
"The diet you should follow is the diet that you will enjoy, that you can stick to for the rest of your life."
"An excessively strict diet where you take out all of life's joys... eventually, your body fights back."
"High-protein diet is more for being full and not craving food."
"You don't have to count calories, you don't have to feel guilty after you eat them, you just eat."
"I've been keto for 10 years, but after a couple of weeks on it, you start losing those cravings. You don't really crave it anymore."
"That never occurred to me before, to be honest with you, and the effort that I made not to eat, I felt was personally heroic."
"Intuitive eating is about ditching the diet mentality and establishing a healthy relationship with all foods."
"Ketosis is achieved through the restriction of carbohydrate, not the elevation of dietary fat."
"Excluding carbohydrates from your diet is likely not going to give you the ability to sustain whatever plan it is that you're following right now."
"It sounds like there's really quite a big emerging consensus that you'd really like to have 12 hours where you're not eating."
"If your major goal is to fit into the wedding dress, you need to consider your diet rather than simply exercise."
"Time-restricted eating is one of the most powerful things we can do to improve our metabolism."
"Non-caloric beverages are effective at inducing weight loss."
"If you are struggling with your diet or your training... this book will change your life."
"Learning more about how our brains work and food reward can help people better understand why dieting is so hard."
"Compressing the eating window had all of these benefits including weight loss."
"Fasting is the oldest dietary intervention in the book."
"Intermittent fasting has been shown to be extremely effective for reversing insulin resistance."
"Intermittent fasting corrects insulin resistance."
"These are big changes and losing the sugary food altogether is hard."
"You gotta count calories and you've got to move. If you're not counting calories, you have something like my cookbook."
"It's possible to build muscle while cutting."
"A refeed is a structured dieting tool to assist in weight loss success."
"I would encourage you not to do that because the weight loss is as good or better with a healthy low-fat plant-based diet."
"If your diet's so great, why do you feel the need to cheat on it? I include all the same foods that I eat on a high calorie day as I do on my low calorie days."
"Setting your schedule and mapping out which days of the week will be your high carb day, low carb day, and medium carb day is essential for consistency."
"Limiting food intake is actually one of the probably most, I would say, reproducible interventions that's been shown to modulate the aging process across multiple organisms."
"Diets treat the consequence not the cause of metabolic disease and obesity."
"There's nothing wrong with being hungry every now and then."
"Intermittent fasting can be a useful tool for adherence; you can reduce hunger and people find it's just a way for them to eat that's more convenient."
"We didn't make massive changes, we didn't diet, we didn't restrict calories, and we definitely didn't feel miserable or deprived."
"Caloric deficit can be beneficial for humans."
"I've done days where I just don't eat carbs and I play basketball and I feel great."
"Portion control has actually been a recent trend in food science."
"There's no magic pill for weight loss, you burn more than you bring in, you'll lose weight."
"This is the last cheat meal before I'm on my path to 200, road to 200."
"We evolved to eat whole foods and not foods that have been chemically and mechanically separated to an extreme degree."
"The hardest part of this diet when you first start out just getting over the fat phobia as I like to call it because you've been ingrained your entire life with this low-fat craze."
"Calories in, calories out... you're gonna see results."
"If you want to be able to enjoy a carbohydrate now and then you want to be able to just maybe fall off the wagon for one meal now and then the first thing you have to do is commit for six weeks."
"Counting calories simply does not work at all."
"Keto isn't magic. It makes eating the right amount of food a lot easier."
"Compressing your feeding window leads to favorable metabolic improvements."
"As long as calories are in check, it doesn't matter how often you eat."
"Cut out the snacks and make sure you have an adequate fasting period."
"The key to being lean is not being hungry. If you're not hungry, you don't need to cheat, you don't need to binge, you don't have those cravings, and you're satisfied. That is the secret to long-term dieting success."
"Low carb vegetables is a mainstay for the diet."
"Keeping your carbohydrate down to the point that your body is burning fat as a fuel, that's the fastest way to reverse insulin resistance."
"Honestly, this is probably the easiest diet I've ever done in my life and it's working."
"Your body doesn't understand the difference between a diet and starvation."
"It really comes down to intentions and how this way of eating makes you feel about your body, food, and your self-worth."
"It's a light switch. It's either on or off—you're either going all the way and committing to carnivore, or you can't be saying, 'I'm going to have carnivore and have a little bit of carbohydrates here and there.'"
"Cheat days won't increase your metabolism enough to make up for all those extra calories."
"Fat loss occurs because of a caloric deficit... consuming less calories than you're burning."
"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't build muscle in a calorie deficit. You absolutely can."
"Losing weight and burning fat is simple on paper: you just consume fewer calories than you burn."
"For fat loss, you must burn more calories than you consume."
"Pumpkin is a great low-calorie food that is super filling, so this can be very helpful to keep you full."
"Combining diet with resistance training was one of the most effective fat loss methods."
"It's just calories in, calories out. Like it's simple in theory, it's hard to stick to it."
"If you start a diet just after ovulation, you are going into the toughest time to restrict calories."
"Intermittent fasting is simply a style of dieting that concerns itself most with when instead of what you eat."
"Calories make up the underlying foundation of the entire fat loss process."
"Slow and steady is always the best way to lose fat, but there can be a place for more aggressive cutting phases."
"Enjoyment matters, I promise there's a diet out there that you can enjoy and lose weight. I promise."
"It was really empowering for me to get to see how much fun I get to have with my diet but like still get incredible results."
"Just structured regimented food intake, regardless of tracking, will actually lower calorie intake."
"Let's keep my Weight Watchers this time around, you know, let's keep them in the sky."
"Eat to uncomfortability... the weight on your scale will change."
"I don't eat perfectly... I'm never going to eat perfectly. Let's be realistic."
"Anything that broadens a careful diet when you're trying to keep your thighs from looking like bridge supports is fine by me."
"Either it's delicious or I get to lose five pounds either way I win."
"One huge key to losing weight is to eat more unprocessed foods."
"I discovered flexible dieting because it was a way for me to do better for me to be better for me to improve more."
"Your diet is a budget... If you want to lose fat, you need to eat less calories than you burn."
"If you don't eat, you're going to lose weight. What's simpler than that?"
"If you want to lose body fat, you actually need to extend the period of time that you're not eating... It will be healthier for us."
"Losing body fat while not being hungry would be the ideal situation, right?"
"A perfect diet is a diet that works for you and you're able to maintain for a very long time."
"Be open-minded and find the diet that works for you."
"Net carbs shouldn't exceed 5% of your total calorie load."
"You can get absolutely shredded off McDonald's. I don't care what nobody says."
"Intermittent fasting can enhance the benefits of ketosis."
"The best diet is the one you can keep doing for a long time."
"People stress about it, and we are the only animal that counts calories."
"We were never meant to count calories for a lifetime."
"You may likely get all of the results that you want in your body composition, your health, and your performance without ever having to track a single number."
"Following the ketogenic diet helps a lot of people."
"The best 'diet' for you is the diet that you can eat and sustain for the rest of your life without feeling like you're deprived."
"Narrow your eating window down to about eight hours a day...you're probably going to derive most of the benefits from that."
"Eating processed food, if you control calories, you can still lose weight."
"Restrictive diets in an effort to lose weight often sets one up for a future binge."
"It's the little things that make a big difference... avoid the keto snacks altogether."
"Something is better than nothing... just do low carb."
"Choosing a diet is like choosing a spouse—you gotta live with it for the rest of your life or you're gonna deal with the repercussions."
"Training big, fasting long - that's the formula for staying shredded and eating carbs."
"Eating routine is dual fuel - carbs for gym superpowers, fasting for fat burning."
"You control body fat percentage with fasting time - that's the most important part."
"Even just intermittent fasting or time-restricted feeding can have a sweeping impact on people's health."
"What's the best diet? The one you'll follow."
"You don't have to get fat in the off season to grow...be a little bit of a surplus."
"Just because I'm bloated or just because I eat something that's off of my diet doesn't mean that I have to use that as an excuse to keep eating stuff that makes me feel like crap."
"By making these shifts in my habits it's not only made it easier to stick to my diet... but it's also made such a huge difference in terms of my digestion."
"You do not bomb your diet, you get back on the horse and you keep going."
"Dieting is kind of like riding a bike. Once you learn what to do, it becomes easier each time."
"Fad diets are out the window for me... I'm focusing on longevity, optimizing health, and achieving my next level."
"Life is for living, not constantly cycling through diets."
"If you want to lose more weight, I don't recommend men going below 1500."
"You don't have to think about food all the time."
"These wraps make keto easier... some costs you have to pay for good adherence."
"You don't have to fast 20 hours out of the day."
"There's truth to if it fits your macros... but quality of calories is important."
"I don't bulk in the traditional sense of the term. I maintain a clean, healthy diet."
"There is nothing intuitive about denying your body food when it's begging to be fed."
"If you're trying to lose weight you're not just about to go to a bunch of junk food places you're probably gonna end up eating junk food."
"Classic diet mentality: we will always fantasize about the things we say we shouldn't have."
"I am absolutely not against intentional weight loss; I just want to flag that intuitive eating shouldn't be labeled as."
"Fasting is zero carbs during the time that you're fasting, so that's the fastest, most powerful way to reduce insulin."
"Intermittent fasting can help reduce insulin levels, increase growth hormones, and increase the release of the fat-burning hormone norepinephrine."
"Eat the foods that you love, just make them lower in calories."
"The diet you should follow is the diet you can stick to for the rest of your life."
"Because you are cutting out the carbohydrates in your diet you're going to lose a lot of weight really really fast so that was really motivating for me to see."
"I lost 10 pounds in 10 days on my wife's diet."
"Many diets and particularly crash diets are unhealthy."
"A lot of diets last for about two years, I think it's at the two-year mark that you see most of them fail."
"You really don't have to go on a diet to eat healthily."
"You absolutely can control your appetite; it's going to be hard, but you absolutely can."
"There's no perfect diet. I think we take what we like to eat and we tweak it."
"Common judgment doesn't imply good judgment in the same sense."
"Crash diets are bad for your long-term health."
"Not one chip, not one chip in a whole month including all my gardening."
"At the end of the day though, it's your health, your decision. Diets are incredibly personal."
"Don't try to do crash diets or crazy diets that you know you're not going to maintain."
"You do not have to calorically deprive yourself all the time in order to maintain a lean physique."
"Over exercising and under eating is not the answer."
"Anyone can crash diet for a month or two, lose the 10, 20 pounds. But then, can you keep it off?"
"If a diet program doesn't require you to exercise or diet or change your lifestyle at all, then is it really doing anything for you?"
"It's all about portion control and making sure you don't have like a whole pizza and things like that."
"You can eat whatever you want but it's all about portion control."
"Built Bars are the secret to eating healthier food while also eating tastier food."
"My body is at its best when I don't eat a ton of carbs."
"If you're considering volume eating as a weight loss strategy, it's worth evaluating."
"You can do clean keto, still have a couple treats, still have some fun stuff on an absolute budget."
"In ketosis, it's the visceral fat that actually goes away first."
"There's no such thing as a one size fits-all diet."
"It tastes great but it actually helps you burn fat faster so the title of the book is fast burn it's because we're trying to get that fat off who does not want to off fast during summer and so this is what it's all about let's make it happen."
"Early time-restricted feeding may optimize physiological function."
"Triglycerides show improvement with alternate day fasting."
"No magic bullet: Fasting all that not that great."
"Intermittent fasting helps with weight loss, anti-aging, preventing cancer, reducing inflammation, and all kinds of other health benefits."
"Never do something drastic when you're trying to make changes to your diet or be in a calorie deficit."
"The calorie deficit is a mandatory requirement for losing fat."
"Intermittent fasting is definitely not for everybody... if it works for you, perfect. If it doesn't, I mean it's good enough if you just simply manage your macros."
"Seeing our diet as something to be cheated on is usually a sign that it's unsustainable and unnecessarily restrictive."
"I find it very difficult to maintain a good physique whilst doing anything close to a hard intermittent fast."
"Calories: the numbers that haunt you more than your middle school ex."
"Do not forget your ancillary diets... prevent you from keeling over."
"Intermittent fasting can aid in weight loss and energy regulation."
"Calories in, calories out. That's the number one thing you need to do to lose weight."
"You need a diet and a lifestyle you can do for life."
"If you eat 500 calories a day, you're gonna lose weight."
"I've definitely gone through like an emotional transitional phase over the last month or so and there are parts of this apartment that actually make me want to cry."