
Longevity Quotes

There are 17713 quotes

"80% of our future longevity and health is controlled by the epigenetic information, the control systems."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your biological age is the important one because it predicts how long you will live, and it's the one that you can control."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fertility isn't just about people who want to conceive children; it's a proxy for vitality and longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular exposure to sauna starting at about two or three times per week, all the way up to seven times per week, greatly improves, meaning statistically significant improvements in longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sauna exposure... has been shown to upregulate levels of FOXO3."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Those people tend to be 2.7 times more likely to live to 100 years of age or longer."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is useful for aesthetic changes, functionality, and for longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The foundation of a quality life and a long life is most certainly going to come from the basics, perhaps the most fundamental and important of which is to get sufficient amounts of quality sleep each night."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is no supplement or drug for increasing longevity that even comes close to the known improvements in health metrics that relate to longevity that come from getting quality sleep and especially from getting sufficient amounts of quality exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fertility is this variable kind of reflecting longevity and like Health overall."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is the best longevity drug there is. If you don't exercise, you're missing that essential dose."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The things that we can do to optimize our fertility are the exact same things that we should all be doing to optimize our vitality and our longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We have outlived how we were genetically built, and so we're living longer and being forced to like deal with the consequences of that."
"People who had increased happiness scores, positivity, a good sense of humor. Their longevity was increased even when they were living with chronic disease."
"A good sense of humor and not worrying too much in their lives, on average, are traits common among centenarians."
"Having a reliable partner is one of the most important factors for longevity."
"80% of our longevity and our health in the future is in our own hands."
"The single greatest aspect of longevity is social connection."
"New learnings: Lifelong learners added years to their life and life to their years."
"How we live influences how long and well we live."
"This idea of connective flow is a no-tech life hack that can potentially help us live longer, healthier lives."
"LDL promotes longevity and reduces the risk of certain blood-based cancers and infections."
"We want to live a long life, and we want to live a healthy long life at that."
"The only reason we age, we could live for a thousand years otherwise, the only reason we age is that our repair systems become complacent."
"80 percent of your longevity and your health in old age is controllable."
"The centenarian diet shares many features with the well-known Mediterranean diet: they are 95% plants, high in fish, very low in red meat, moderately low in dairy and eggs, very low in sugars, and devoid of processed foods."
"All of this is aimed toward the goal of longevity through putting your longevity genes into... Or alerting your genes, your cells, to a state of adversity."
"The single most powerful activity you can do to prolong your life is eat less every day."
"We've actually known for about 20 years now, as geneticists, that chromosomally humans are designed to live about 120 years on average."
"Why are we dying in our 60s and 70s on average, right? That is literally middle-aged."
"We all have a choice and we all have the power to live healthier for longer."
"The average Japanese person... has a 5-year increased life expectancy compared to the average American."
"Simple things: eating less, eating healthier, moving a bit, not smoking...could give us an extra 15 years."
"We don't just want lifespan, we want healthspan."
"The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life."
"The key to living a long, healthy life is actually free and something everyone has access to, and it all starts in your gut."
"I'm positive you're gonna love how this product makes you feel; I'm certain Gundry MD BioComplete 3 can help you live longer and feel better than you have in years."
"People who are stronger and more muscular on average tend to live longer."
"Strength training is profoundly health-promoting and longevity-promoting."
"The people who had the warmest connections with other people and who made that a priority in their lives, they were happiest as they went through their lives but also they stayed healthiest and they lived longer."
"If you look at what are the most important things that would predict whether a relationship is going to last, emotional generosity is really important."
"They have built an empire that has been able to outlast all of their peers."
"We can't have an amazing relationship, at least long-term, without connection."
"Chelsea are losing 3-1, oh my God, poch out."
"There's no such thing as winning in business; the objective is to stay in the game as long as possible."
"The social connection is as predictive of how long you will live as obesity, high blood pressure, or smoking."
"Scientists believe that the first human being who will live 150 years has already been born. I believe I am that human being."
"You may not be able to live forever, but you can reduce dramatically the years of debility that you have, your vulnerability to infectious disease."
"Art will outlast fighting; you can't fight forever."
"What I'm going for in my design is something that's going to be sturdy and stand the test of time."
"Magnesium holds a pivotal place in the intersection of neuroscience, physical health, and longevity."
"Super Smash Bros Melee... has been able to stay alive as a game for 23 years now, in spite of seemingly everything trying to stop them."
"God games weren’t just a flavor-of-the-week trend we saw come and go, they’re a beautiful idea, devised to inspire creativity in their players, to stimulate out-of-the-box thinking, and have been innovated upon and reimagined for over 30 years."
"The fear of the Lord is what gives us longevity."
"The Anunnaki were not immortal but they had exceptionally long lifetimes compared to what we are used to."
"The secret to longevity is to keep the game going."
"Eat noodles on your birthday because it represents long life."
"It's been 274 years since he was left behind, and that's a long time, even for angels."
"In my mind, it's an invitation which I decline. These people who are so primed, so unfunny, so tediously repressive in everything they do, don't stand a chance in the long run."
"All of your habits you have guaranteed and gained over the last 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years. So, in order to achieve a different result, you have to break the habits that have got you thinking and behaving the same way."
"Modding is so important to City Skylines; I think it's going to be what keeps this game relevant in the future and it's going to be what brings people to City Skylines right now."
"My waves have lasted longer... I'm a surfer like the way I've navigated through hip hop has been like a surfer."
"The longer you live, the better this technology gets, and the longer we will live."
"The value to the economy of giving people an extra year of healthy life is 86 trillion dollars."
"What if I could live another 50 or 60 or 80 years of vibrant life? What could I contribute? What could I add in terms of value to the world?"
"Longevity research challenges us to think how science and engineering will change society."
"What is optimal and how does it work? One of the things we helped contribute to is that these longevity genes we work on are turned on by fasting."
"What's a long life if it's not enjoyable anyway?"
"We don't want to just live to a ripe old age; we want to live to that age without disability."
"And if you can get to the point where science is advancing faster than you are ageing, then it's really hard to predict how long humans are going to live."
"Skip meals, don't smoke, and exercise, that'll get you an extra 14 years on average."
"Longevity science isn't just about making rich people live longer, it's about making all of us live healthier lives and avoiding premature death."
"What if I told you that you could be just as happy and healthy and satisfied as you are today at age 120?"
"When you think about extending lifespan, the important thing is to realize that you don't live longer in old age, you live longer in a youthful state."
"The best thing that I do is ask myself, 'What do I want to look like next week, what do I want to look like a year from now, what do I want to look like when I'm 80?'"
"If you're making the most of life, you're enjoying your life, have a career that you love, getting out in the outdoors, that will lead to a longer life."
"We actually have in-built defenses, we call them longevity genes, that we can activate in our daily lives by doing certain things."
"These sirtuins they defend against all of those. So while we used to think we'd have to develop eight different drugs to slow down aging, if you just tap into these longevity genes, they take care of everything."
"Antioxidants that typically come from the plant world are engaging the sirtuins and other survival longevity mechanisms."
"Calorie restriction is the most robust way to prevent cancer, heart disease, or pretty much all diseases."
"If you don't have a mission in life, go get one. It'll keep you happier and probably longer-lived as well."
"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and longer-lived, by the way."
"The earlier the better, even before you're born, you should be working on [longevity]."
"The longer you live, the longer you get to live... every year you live, you get another three months extra of life."
"Every year you live, you get another year to live. That's like Moore's law for human beings."
"My name is Rich Roll, I am your host, and this is but a few of the topics we explore today with one of the world's leading scientific authorities on longevity, aging, and how to slow its effects."
"It's not just about living as many years as possible, but more about how to live as vibrantly and as energetically as possible for as long as possible."
"Our goal needs to not just be to extend life as far as possible, but to extend the period of life spent in good health."
"People began to flock towards his grand temple, which the young architect finally completed on his 100th birthday."
"We had lived long and great lives and done many wonderful and terrible things."
"I'll be 80 years old, and this would be a good birthday present. Yes, it will. I've never had a tattoo. Virgin canvas."
"It's about the longevity, man. It's about consistently being great."
"The goal is different, bro. That's what everybody should be aiming for: longevity."
"Why wouldn't you want to live longer and healthier, you know? Why wouldn't you want to live in less pain?"
"Organisms become healthier, disease-resistant, and longer-lived."
"I'm on a mission to help people live a full and healthy life without the diseases of aging and complex disorders."
"This is about more than staying fit and healthy into old age with a good diet and exercise. This is the pursuit of a much longer, healthier lifespan using science and genetics to achieve it."
"Things you can do today and going forward to increase your wellness and to potentially live a much longer healthier life."
"If you could truly reverse your age every year by one year, that means you're not going to age."
"We call these longevity genes, do not call them anti-aging genes. We don't talk about anti-aging, we talk about longevity and healthspan."
"And what we've discovered is that when you go for a run or you're fasting, the reason that those are beneficial actually is because they trigger those longevity genes to repair your body and make sure that you don't get as old as you would otherwise."
"According to Antor, their heat batteries will be able to be used for 30 years or more without degradation."
"The best bang for the longevity buck is to do both well: eat less often and eat the right things."
"The shangri-la is perhaps less about trying to elongate lifespan and more about prolonging people's health span."
"The real secret to longevity isn't the secret; it's about what we're creating here and now."
"You are teaching people how to understand reverse aging really, and how to live longer, how to live younger."
"Imagine a world where you could extend your life... It's not about living forever, it's about living healthier and longer."
"The best predictor of your long-term longevity is your blood sugar levels."
"Muscle is not just about fitness; it's the organ of longevity. It is responsible for the way in which we age."
"The goal of this expedition is to visit all the amazing spots in the world where people live much longer than usual."
"When you enjoy your life more, I think you do a huge amount for your own longevity."
"Your body's metabolism and the processes linked with longevity are impossible to disentangle from your body's circadian clock system."
"If you can solve or treat each one of these eight [hallmarks], then we'll live longer."
"Only 10 to 20 percent of our longevity has to do with our genetics."
"Legumes... the number one superfood... they're gut health foods and they're longevity foods."
"His longevity, which we've never seen, is all-inspiring."
"He never got hurt, he played minutes that are now considered insane...and doing all of that while being a top five scorer for 15 different seasons."
"We may not live forever, but I'm one of those that believe that science can really push the boundaries."
"Longevity isn't the right question; it's quality of life that's the right question."
"Our minds really play a role in our longevity, and if we don't get that straight, we're screwed."
"If you're not authentic and you're not real, nothing's going to last."
"Muscle as an endocrine system is completely missed in the majority of the context of what we're talking about for aging and longevity."
"A message must be bigger than the messenger, otherwise, it'll die with the messenger."
"Greatness is consistency, or greatness is longevity."
"If you want to live a very long time, you look at those four things and make sure you don't have too much stress, and you don't feel afraid all the time."
"Their love story was a testament to longevity and commitment."
"We couldn't have done it without you for the past, what now, nearly two decades."
"For almost 30 years, Splash Mountain has been one of the top attractions at Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, and Tokyo Disneyland."
"Exercise is the number one factor for our longevity."
"The early treatment is initiated, the better, and one can definitely still live a long, healthy life with proper and consistent treatment."
"Close relationships with other people have more of an impact on our physical health and longevity than even our genes do."
"A satisfying relationship life can extend longevity by up to 22 percent."
"The live attenuated virus vaccines tended to increase longevity; they decreased all-cause mortality."
"Our human longevity is going to go through the roof. We will be living well into our hundreds, healthy, active, our brain will be sharp."
"She asks him to stay with her forever and he tells her he'll be with her for as long as she wants him."
"The most important thing that you can do in your life is to sweat and get physically active. Like there's nothing that is going to be better for you. No aging drug, nothing."
"Using saunas has been shown to improve cardiovascular health and also improve overall longevity."
"For people that are involved in philanthropy, you're likely to live a longer life and you're likely to have a special place in heaven reserved for you when your time does come."
"LeBron's greatness and the longevity of LeBron."
"The miracles of exercise are profound on the length of your life and the quality of your life."
"Noodle symbolizes longevity in China, and it has the meaning you'll live a very happy life together."
"Longevity and health are the best proxies for a high standard of living."
"People who eat oatmeal live longer, that's a fact."
"We want this game to be something that you can play forever."
"We've identified two additional regions of super longevity."
"By unlocking the secrets of a renewed gut, we could find a sort of master key to better health and a longer, happier life."
"Perhaps her sustainable training regimen is at the root of her continued longevity."
"I believe we've discovered a master key that unlocks your body's health and longevity."
"I truly believe in making people live longer and have a longer health span rather than a longer lifespan."
"Preventative maintenance is always a great idea, but there is potentially a lot to gain on some of these cards that have been in the field for five, six, seven years."
"Robert is currently 69 years old and he has been in prison for 48 years, making him the longest serving prisoner ever in the UK."
"The data are pretty unambiguous that people live longer, better lives with an ALMI north of the 75th percentile."
"It isn't just about extending lifespan, but extending healthspan."
"If you want to live a longer life, you almost need to have fasting in your life."
"Intermittent fasting is... one of the most powerful things we can do to increase longevity."
"I want to live as long as humanly possible, and in good health, and this is the man that has it. He's putting it to the test."
"Fasting is used to help increase healthy life expectancy, not just life expectancy."
"That's a good recipe, standing over a thousand years."
"People who eat legumes live longer with less heart disease and less cancer."
"If you can just tie a great percentage of capital into the companies that are already dominating, you'll be able to live a lot longer."
"Three tips for living longer: Number one, get good quality sleep... Second, eat healthy... And then the third thing really is to stay physically active."
"People with more willpower are happier in their relationships, their marriages last longer, and they even live longer."
"This death of cells is really supporting our ongoing health and longevity."
"It's good to be inspired this many years later."
"With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation."
"I think the three of us are gonna be friends for a while."
"They've defied all odds. A lot of artists, when they come in, they only last maybe a year, some lasting ten years, which is a good long run. But these two have lasted for three decades."
"Your career is not gonna be hopefully just a year long. It's gonna be a long time, and you can go on different tangents, you can take different paths."
"Remember your career is not just gonna be one year or two years in length."
"I can tell that we are going to have a very, very long friendship."
"People who actually learn are happier, they live longer."
"Physical activity versus mortality: benefits start with as little as five or ten minutes per day."
"Oh no bitch, I intend to live as long as possible out of sheer spite."
"People who are socially connected are more resilient, they get through hard times more easily, they live longer."
"The key to great, long-lasting sex is connection."
"Everything about this guy's development screams longevity, it screams ability, it screams scaling championship runs."
"The only true competitor in an infinite game is yourself."
"Invest into the products that I think have real longevity and I don't really care so much about this year. I'm talking about two, three, five, ten years down the road kind of like a generational wealth type of thing."
"I don't for a moment believe Bitcoin is going to die... I think cryptocurrencies are here to stay and I think ultimately cryptocurrencies will be successful."
"The impact of the economic world will be larger, longer-lasting, quantitatively higher, and maybe even higher from a humanitarian perspective than the shooting war."
"Positive views of aging can lead to a longer life because it encourages healthy actions."
"A high-quality bespoke shirt, if it's laundered properly and taken care of, can last a long time."
"The longer you live...you really have the opportunity and the potential to start coming up with new solutions, and those new solutions to problems are what we call technology."
"The interactions that you have with other people really are a key driver for your health and for longevity."
"If it gives you a great deal of joy, that is good for longevity."
"The Mediterranean diet... tends to lengthen telomeres."
"Clothing is an investment. It is something that when it's well made, when it's made of decent, good quality materials, and when it's made to last, will last you a significant portion of your lifetime."
"I want to build something real with you, something that lasts for a lifetime."
"If you're able to live into adulthood, chances were you would live beyond 60 years old."
"Thank you for adventuring with us for nearly 50 years. Here's to 50 more."
"With long life, He will satisfy us and show us His salvation."
"My career-long interest has been doing everything possible to add years to lives and life to years."
"There are things you can eat that can help extend your life and decrease the risk of dying and look more youthful."
"Moore and his wife Betty Irene Whittaker married in 1950, 72 years ago, and are still together, a feat I’d very much like to duplicate."
"The only ways that we know, research-wise, that increases human lifespan is to reduce overall calories."
"We've been using UltraPro for almost our entire gaming careers. I still have one of their playmats under my computer, my desk mat. I've had that there for so long, like a mouse pad."
"Once we begin to repair the body quicker than it decays, eventually, the body will be able to sustain itself."
"Stomach 36... if you stimulate and massage stomach 36 every day, you will live over a hundred years."
"I want to see the future. I'm going for a hundred and fifty and beyond."
"All the long-lived people in the Blue Zones eat beans and peas and lentils."