
Aggression Quotes

There are 2925 quotes

"By understanding the biology and psychology of aggression, you will be in a much better position to understand how all emotional states come to be, both in yourself and in others."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Testosterone doesn't cause aggression. It lowers the threshold for the sort of things that would normally provoke you into being aggressive so that it happens more easily."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Offensive aggression is actually rewarding to male mice. They like it."
"Female mice only fight when they are nurturing and nursing their pups after they've delivered a litter."
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... I'm nuking your [expletive] country."
"Feral druids become ferocious, agile stalkers, ripping, biting, and bleeding their enemies dry."
"Humor is a weapon. It can be very aggressive through humor."
"No country should be able to take with force another country."
"You need more scare tactics... We've run out of macroaggressions."
"Launching a war of aggression is the supreme offense against international law, dwarfing all other war crimes because it contains the accumulated evil of the whole."
"Anyone with a functioning frontal lobe should be able to recognize that this kind of childish aggressive outburst over nothing directed at the employees is completely uncalled for."
"I lecture longer and longer about aggression each year because of that guy. What do we do here in our business? We have this general notion that if we are rational, if we are learned, if we are scholarly, if we respect thoughts and truth and all of that, we will make the world a better place."
"The goodness paradox refers to the fact that humans are so extreme with regard to aggression and non-aggression."
"Did you know yellow jackets are a much more aggressive insect than wasps or hornets?"
"Aggression in the gym is not about anger; it's about channeling energy and resilience."
"What's the difference in your mind between assertive and aggressive? Because I find that it's such a fine line."
"Masculine traits can be taken too far. Aggression is a perfect example."
"Adolescent males become hyper aggressive when you put them in situations where they can't win."
"Something bad is going to happen because when you show weakness to our enemies, it encourages our enemies, and they get more and more aggressive."
"Here we have a woman who can be sarcastic, aggressive, even, if I may use this horrible term which is not quite appropriate, maybe even castrating, without in any way renouncing femininity."
"Boxing isn't a nice sport. We're not going in there to be nice; we're going in there to take each other's heads off."
"What if instead of calling for aid, I just freaking killed you."
"Laughter produces physiological cessation of the ability to be aggressive. You just have no muscular tension."
"History has taught us that when terrorists don't pay a price for their terror, when dictators don't pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction."
"Men are not gentle, friendly creatures wishing for love, who simply defend themselves if attacked … A powerful desire for aggression has to be reckoned was part of their … endowment." —Sigmund Freud
"I mean, I think it's not, people are like, pretty excited, and I think ultimately, you got to attack."
"That's the thing about these young players: they're very good positionally, but they're also very aggressive."
"We're gonna talk about how when we only think of men as sexual aggressors, it leaves a lot of other men with the room to act in nefarious ways under the guise of being nice."
"Be aggressive in action, chivalrous in victory, stubborn in defense."
"Failure of willingness to convey your intention, failure to act as an iron wall against the aggression of your enemies, leads to escalation, and then you actually do get dragged into hot wars that involve extraordinary numbers of casualties."
"Whitney's face displays all signs of aggression and frustration, anger."
"You must be aggressive when you see your A+ setups."
"We shall attack and attack until we are exhausted, and then we shall attack again."
"Patton believed that the power of shock brought on by bold and aggressive action is the way to defeat the enemy."
"I didn't come here to stop you. I came here to tear you limb from limb."
"We're gonna be aggressive. We're gonna farm and push. That's what we're doing. That's my specialty."
"We're looking for aggression... dangerous submission attacks... and positional control."
"Bullying is like air being injected into a balloon, and it doesn't matter how strong the balloon is, it will eventually pop."
"Despite being an herbivore, Triceratops is an aggressive animal that doesn't back down from confrontation."
"The entire world sees clearly what Putin and his Kremlin allies are really all about: naked aggression."
"It is clear that Putin feels emboldened to initiate war in Ukraine. That's what it is, war, no matter what lies they tell."
"If you're a bully, screw you, and I hope you experience far more worse than what you do to your victims."
"When you smell blood in the water, you gotta behave like a shark would."
"The best way to kill off this game is to be ruthless."
"That's a rude thing to say, I should beat you up just for saying that word."
"Valkyrie: if you are looking for a lot of aggressive Powers, tactical playmaking, and rotational power."
"Bloodhound: if you want the most aggressive properties and also want to be able to gather some info for the squad."
"If this should end with the rejection of aggression and the rejection of the Putin regime's view of the world, then that would be a massive, massive benefit to the whole world."
"In seeking to redraw the boundaries of Europe through bloodshed, Putin has attacked not only Ukraine but all of us."
"The way the West responds to this aggression will have repercussions not just for Russia and Ukraine but for other bullies like China as well."
"Being aggressive is the way to go. If you don't believe in yourself, nobody else will."
"The only thing that he's been consistent in with his foreign policy is that he's gonna punch Iran in the eye."
"Now he needs to die, so I've got this unit of warriors which are gonna unload everything into him."
"Stopping it is not a gentle or painless process. Culturally, we are approaching, if we haven't already reached, a terminal state, which means we have to be all the more aggressive."
"Weakness is always met with more aggression."
"An aggressive style. Hit, hold, push down, lie on him, really make the smaller man blow."
"If men don't have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won't have to be submissive."
"Germany is doing the Anschluss, we want to fight them as soon as they demand."
"I've got far less aggressive as time's gone on. I'm quite good at just letting people just say the things that they don't really want to say."
"Parts of our black ops military have declared war on a land. Nobody should be under the illusions about that. They declared war on us and they are assaulting us daily."
"I'm gonna blow the nutsack of a chin right off your face."
"I'm gonna start beating the truth out of people."
"Calling out of aggression that's the right response to predation."
"When dictators do not pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos."
"If I were a violent politician, I would go into the nation's capital and start annihilating."
"He's a serial killer that spider-man has to pull down that's you know it's not just I'm a big-game hunter looking for the trophy of spider-man although that could be part of it but he's just it for the kill just in it for the [ __ ] kills."
"Pick up Revenant if you want to play a legend that's all about being super aggressive, very edgy, and you want to make some big plays."
"Business is warfare and I'm taking it further." - Vikki Dillard
"It's all about maxing that W and smacking the shit out of people."
"The invasion of Ukraine has proven to the two long-time neutral countries that if Russia doesn't like what's going on inside your borders, it's very likely to invite itself in and change matters how it sees fit."
"My fear is that we're going to rage, rage, and we're going to lash out and we're going to create problems."
"Putin's aggressive attitude towards his own generals managed to shock everyone."
"Don't mess with the mama bear because she'll tear your face off."
"Bull sharks are so named because they are among the most aggressive sharks and the only large shark species that is not frightened of people."
"I'm hoping to get some real damage in this turn. Toski has to attack."
"I feel guilt and I feel shame, and the only thing that I've thought about since all this has popped off was hit something as hard as I can."
"This was an act of aggression, a state-sponsored act of aggression that belongs in the history books alongside the 2003 US invasion of Iraq." - Noam Chomsky
"This was like a lynch mob from people who have political inks and issues with people who have a little bit more conservative esque views."
"They pretty say little homie come for our 17 and 18 year old ho."
"I'm gonna pummel this guy like they stole something."
"This isn't a metaphor this isn't a slow Civil War this is a congressman calling for the real thing."
"To go through them quickly in order we have first Prince Benjamin a highly aggressive and powerful man."
"The Pentagon is not a Defense Department; it conducts aggression."
"Despite being down, Ike still playing very aggressively, his aggression factor is tied for the number one at the table."
"You want to see the aggression, you want to see that... nobody even flying into a challenge."
"I guess [ __ ] yourself, maybe you should go kill."
"Chimpanzees are killing machines if they want to be."
"Listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-nazi or I'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered."
"We must show Putin that he will not be rewarded for this illegal aggression."
"It's so many contradictory statements here. So many nuances and intimate details you have to really know a person to know that they're being aggressive."
"A wounded bear... can be very tempted to strike out."
"Wow, that little [__] almost cut me off, let me get the reveal all."
"I'll give you something, all right? How about a head to the... head?"
"Deciding, you know what just go kill each other just go murder each other."
"Just chill bro [ __ ] smack some other [ __ ] ass and then get in your car and drive away."
"China has become increasingly aggressive in the Indo-Pacific."
"We ain't going to win anything with smiling, we got to get ruthless aggression."
"Everybody a great day and see you in the next one."
"Protect your neck because we coming for your head."
"Bring them down, bring them down, bring them down!"
"This is way more aggressive than my YouTube video, holy [ __ ]."
"The solution is to be aggressive. You see that when you play the demo. It's more like something that's worth your time to master."
"Now's your chance; end him with everything you got."
"In the grips of a primitive beastly bloodlust, Grignard acted in the only manner he could perceive, giving vent to a hoarse, throat-rending battle cry."
"The establishment wants compliance, not unity. We will primary them aggressively."
"I advise a proportional response, which means we should take them out."
"It simply took a few seconds of watching him on television, I think he was at one of his rallies, saying something like, 'he will pay all the legal fees if you knock the hell out of somebody.'"
"Someone whose behavior is aggressive and violent will tend to have aggressive thoughts as well as consistent patterns."
"They're playing aggressively, they're not camping."
"So have we also had this pressure against reactive aggression, have we somehow domesticated ourselves by perhaps slowly removing the most violent amongst us from the gene pool?"
"Shock needs to be more aggressive, bumper's not being as aggressive."
"It's easy to argue that being the one pushing into your opponent actually makes you less susceptible to ganks if you play well."
"He's mad now and I think he wants to attack."
"I'm gonna kill him. Let's go. I'm gonna go get him."
"Mama bear is not nice. She sees weakness, she eats you."
"Aggression is key, but clear effective communication can lead to unexpected teamwork and victory."
"You disrespecting my forefathers... I will knock you out over my flag."
"I'm violent, I'm down for a fight and whenever I see blood, I want to see more."
"If you always fight, man, invade in solo queue it works 70% of the time."
"It wasn't that necessary for you to get that aggressive."
"Liverpool, they're just so aggressive, you know? They want it bad."
"Whoever starts the fight probably wins the fight."
"When we meet the enemy we will rip their skulls from their spines."
"The audacity! A melt a gun to the face of Fabius Bile."
"When I put those gloves on, I'm gonna crack his skull."
"The KTM had this attitude like it wanted to punch the other guy in the face... like it wanted to get into a bar fight and just brawl and be nasty."
"Epic absolutely epic and he gets more aggressive."
"It has been reported to have swallowed entire canoes hole and run onto the nearby shores to devour and attack any tribes passing by."
"You give him an inch, he goes for your throat."
"Think of this as acquisition, hostile acquisition perhaps, but still acquisition."
"China is pursuing its global ambitions more aggressively than ever before." - Former Vice President Mike Pence
"The goal of a narcissist is to dominate and be perceived as right at all costs, resorting to provoking, bullying, and intimidating tactics."
"She stares down aggression with empathy. She looks beyond the mask beyond the faces we put on to see the pain we may be feeling underneath."
"Russia's attack on Ukraine is tantamount to an attack on the U.N and every member state in the chamber."
"Russia is implementing its plan and attacking a neighbor to whom it has decided to deny existence freedom, the land dignity, and life." - Albanian Ambassador to the United Nations
"A larger more powerful military and army was able to actually lose a war while being the aggressor."
"Dude, this is like the meanest, most aggressive fruit. This fruit is so aggressive, bro."
"Big thank you babe like heretics is so aggressive."
"He lost his temper, picked up a picture frame that was next to the bed, and struck her three times."
"Doom's AI responds to the player's actions, rewarding continued aggression towards specific demons."
"The war started because the United States was isolationist and let aggression go."
"China's trying to put out the notice that as it gets more aggressive in the South China Sea."
"The peace doves were attacked when they call for peace and safety because something is coming."
"He's strong, he's pushing forward, he's controlling the center, and aggression and forward control scores."
"It was shocking to witness such aggression over a simple harmless act."
"When angry, it's easy to become aggressive towards others."
"Putin is an aggressor, and Putin must pay the price."
"I'm gonna go in there and try and rip his face off on the weekend."
"Any invading forces that come to Chicago guess what we got bullets and they shoot right through your your your head."
"You gotta figure out how to let that primal guy out because how the [__] you're gonna scale and lead a team."
"Nothing that a little bit of violence can't fix."
"Even for Donald Trump and his movement, the blatant call for racist violence is something we haven't really seen."
"Putin certainly triggered this war, isn't evil human, and is the face of Russian aggression against a sovereign state, but that's not the full picture."
"Iranian rebellious revolutionary hearts... hate Israel destroy America soccer."
"Flippy at this point is only going to have a taste for blood."
"Leafy's relentless spamming made few enemies while also developing the obvious rage tactic towards anyone he mentioned."
"I'm coming to kill you. You're on your last words."
"Putin would rather wage war and conquer Europe."
"Many papers have shown that just the presence of other female rivals, particularly attractive ones, increases incidents of female versus female indirect aggression."
"An aggressive Woodley is one of the absolute best fighters in this division."
"No one likes a lurker. Well, I'm not gonna be a lurker. I'm gonna be a stab people in the face kind of guy."
"You can't punch down on them, but you could beat the [ __ ] out of them. That's not cool."
"The Russians are clear, really intent on pushing further west."
"There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded caged animal."
"In other words: take the initiative; attack first; attack fast; attack where the enemy is weak and prevent him from concentrating his forces."
"Hope is not a strategy. This is a blood sport. I am ruthless."
"Part of the reason we've seen such remarkable unanimity... is just how brazenly indefensible and unprovoked this entire military attack was."
"I declare over you that you will prosper and be in good health."
"You better damn well make sure that you're sending somebody that can fight for themselves and fight for you up against Donald Trump, because you know that he's not gonna play nice."
"And when they say go, expect violence. I am one of the athletes who can beat Michael."
"The media's more aggressive approach to the story is the unusual part of it."
"If you're playing Morgana and you know the enemy jungler is cross map from you, you can just trade flash for a flash or kill."
"Narcissism is clearly associated with aggression."
"The association between narcissism and aggression supersedes all the protections of a collective cultural bias."
"Burnout 3: takedown: aggressive racing at its peak."
"The game funnels you into being a bit more aggressive."
"Elsewhere you see all of these Red Rifle icons; this means Russia is on the attack now."
"Who talks [expletive]? I don't wake your [expletive] up."
"Jasmine Allure delivering some aggressive right hands."
"The AI has been reworked in this and they are aggressive as hell."
"We're going to come in here, we're going to take everybody out, we're going to evict everybody."
"Don't be afraid to cycle aggressively with this deck, it's a bait deck, it's a chip deck, that means it's inherently an aggressive deck as well."
"Silver's character arc... essentially what starts as a character lashing out for these odd reasons becomes clear and you begin to see why a person in his shoes would believe that using others and putting on an aggressive act all of."
"You know us fans like to see aggression in the heavyweight division. You have to say Vitali Klitschko is bringing that tonight."
"The gates of hell are not coming against the church. We are taking them down."
"Dictators do not pay a price for their aggression; instead, they cause more chaos."
"Spitting on another person, you should be prepared to be murdered by them. Spit's such a weird thing to do, that is an act of hostility my dude."
"He was just like kicking him in the face over and over again. That's not a love gun, that's just you kicking a guy in the face."
"Dust is able to transfer form into a cloud of sand or dust and even act as a violent Sandstorm literally stripping the flesh from her opponents when she couldn't properly control her powers yet."
"You go after them hard because the facts demand it."
"Fear and love. When people come at you with aggression, that's fear. When people come to you with an open heart and you feel really damn awesome, that's love."
"Dogs that bark don't bite. When it becomes quiet, watch out as it's getting ready to bite."
"If something is built on aggression, it's not going to go anywhere."
"There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand."
"Every time I see an archaeologist, I'm just going to kick them right in the balls."
"Knock his ass out and that's what tank did knock this ass out."
"When you're at a deficit, you have to try to even up the odds... when you have man advantage, you play way too aggressive."
"In order to stamp out fascism, you have to do it aggressively, early, and with overwhelming force."
"Primate was consistently one of the most ferocious Pokémon in the tier."
"Mac is our bulldozer, and you came in fast and furious."