
Unhappiness Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"In conclusion, a human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is nothing in your life that has the power to make you unhappy until you turn it into a thought, a negative thought, and torture yourself with it."
"Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want."
"Understanding the neuroscience of pleasure and pain makes us realize that we're unhappy because we're constantly surrounded by pleasure and that pleasure is making us miserable as a result."
"The source of all unhappiness in a relationship is unmet expectations."
"YouTube is a privilege of a job to have but can also breed an attitude that creates relentless unhappiness."
"Although negative moods are known to cause mind wandering, I now see strongly suggested that mind wandering was generally the cause, and not merely the consequence of unhappiness."
"The addiction to unhappiness is actually addictive."
"If you tend only to your own power, you are a disaster. You end up wildly unhappy and unfulfilled."
"A lot of unhappiness comes from comparing yourself to other people...and a lot of unhappiness comes from comparing yourself to a perfect self."
"I pretend that I'm happy without you, but the truth is that I'm heartbroken over you."
"Being unhappy sucks, but at least I can take the situation and grow from it."
"Isn't it a point against me that some of the conclusions I draw are not such as to make one happy?"
"Regret, guilt, shame, and self-hatred will make you unhappy"
"It wasn't only wickedness and scheming that made people unhappy; it was confusion and misunderstanding above all."
"Nobody deserves to end their days unhappy living in a home where they can't function."
"The Coca-Cola culture actually needs people to be unhappy because unhappy people consume."
"Covet is the root of all unhappiness... once you compare, you're on a fast track to unhappiness."
"Rich millionaires are the ones that have huge high divorce rates and things of that sort, and I think it's because they're just genuinely unhappy."
"Your intuition about being unhappy is a signpost to an objective truth."
"I was miserable. I was completely unhappy." - Angelina Jolie
"Success in many areas can still lead to unhappiness, but devotion brings fulfillment."
"Am I gonna spend a month being unhappy? I don't think that's healthy."
"Multitasking is one of the single most prevalent and prominent causes of unhappiness in our society."
"Teenagers know this is making them unhappy. Teenagers feel trapped."
"You're all unhappy because your greed is making you treat each other like..."
"Why are you guys together? You're miserable, like why are you doing this?"
"Why is our generation so unhappy? Oh, where do you want to start?"
"Most people are unhappy, and we all get to be unhappy at some point. But the fact is, when we internalize this hatred, we push it out on others."
"Comparing yourself to the best possible outcome at all times in life is a certain way to remain very, very unhappy."
"She literally just goes, 'Yeah, I'm just not happy in my marriage.'"
"I think that I would be stunted as a person and deeply unhappy."
"If you're unhappy, it's because you're spending too much time with unhappy people."
"Anyone who is unhappy about anything in their life, know that if you take action, you can change it."
"Ever since I sold my soul, I haven't been happy."
"Everything begins with the self. If you are unhappy, it is on you to recognize it, acknowledge it, and then have the nerve to do something about it."
"There is no happiness on this side of the aisle."
"The ego is the opposite of surrender... as long as we're trying to control outcomes, we're going to be unhappy."
"The root of most human unhappiness is the sense that one's life has no meaning."
"Happiness is a skill and it's easier than ever to practice unhappiness."
"Envious people tend to be unhappy, which is perhaps particularly why they find happiness in the misfortunes of others."
"Not happy out here, these women are not happy."
"Over time, this has taken a toll on somebody that they're not living their happy, most authentic life."
"The hail fellow well-met persona... never really been that happy a person."
"Unhappiness is frequently the result of an inability to live in alignment with the calling of our soul. Listen to yourself, meditate, and open yourself to receive guidance."
"Your unhappiness does not arise from life situations but from the conditioning of your mind."
"It did not make me happier at all. If anything, it made me more upset."
"In OCD, obsessions are intrusive, unwanted, and persistent thoughts. They don't make me happy."
"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now."
"Changing your physical appearance doesn't delete the thoughts in your head that make you unhappy."
"It's a vicious ending without a semblance of happiness."
"Someone who's toxic and unhealthy, someone who's narcissistic, they can't do that. They don't want you to be happy."
"All the money in the world cannot take away the misery of a dissatisfied unhappy relationship."
"A person who is continuously searching wealth, fame, and power is deep down an extremely unhappy person."
"They're sitting here unhappy, comparing what you said to them versus this nasty friend that's toxic."
"Being unhappy at work makes you less productive, which obviously can hurt your career."
"Every day we water the seed of unhappiness of each other; that is why the seeds go very strong."
"When you're trapped in that [cycle], you don't even really know that you are unhappy because you are the unhappiness. The unhappiness has become your identity."
"The miserable, unhappy people who cause such misery and unhappiness to others are the self-centered people."
"Restlessness leads to a lot of unhappiness."
"They're not even happy in this connection."
"Usually the most unhappy people are the loudest."
"Unhappiness is a survival mechanism. It's your brain telling you, 'I scanned the world around me, and there is something that doesn't seem right.'"
"I still had drug addiction, and it's crazy because I felt like the band as a whole got more unhappy when we got to the top."
"I think the most unhappy period of my life was when I had a lot of money but didn't have the perspective that comes with creating wealth."
"If a situation is unhappy, you're asking for a sign. A sign to get out."
"Unhappiness is a moment where events miss expectations."
"I just want to be done. Why is everybody so unhappy?"
"When you're unhappy and you're a woman, you're not depending enough on others to feel loved."
"15 years is a long time to be back and forth in a relationship when you're really not happy."
"If you're unhappy at home, better just leave. Temptation of infidelity starts to creep in."
"None of us are happy, none of us are content."
"If you're unhappy there's something wrong there's something that needs to change."
"The unhappiness road is real because you don't have anywhere to go after a while you're like i' I've I've mastered this machine I have I have every [ __ ] play on here yeah and you move it like a complete idiot."
"These are people who are not happy."
"Discontentment means to be unhappy not satisfied."
"Their soul is yearning for you, creating this feeling of unhappiness."
"Philosophy is the study that enables people to be unhappy more intelligently."
"But the thing is, those perks still don't keep you from crying yourself to sleep at night if you're just really unhappy."
"The difference between pain and unhappiness is that physical pain is gone when the source is gone, but unhappiness can be generated on demand by your brain."
"Unhappiness happens when events miss expectations. Suffering truly is just a survival mechanism."
"The higher you go in the organization and the more data you touch, the more unhappy you become."
"Why would you want in here? It's miserable."
"They really just want to be able to enjoy things, but they're so unhappy right now that all they can do is focus on trying to get through to the other side of what they're going through."
"The unhappiest people in my high school reunion are the people who were afraid to try what they wanted to do."
"There are things that just make us unhappy if we deny them."
"One of the biggest mistakes that people make in their lives is thinking they're going to get happier by lowering the sources of unhappiness in their life."
"Are you [__] if you're watching this video, if you've subscribed to this, if you find yourself in a position where you're unhappy and lost, this is the step one moment."
"Relationships in general, I think, is one of the top three reasons for unhappiness in the world today."
"You know, it's kind of normal to be unhappy, to not give yourself the gift, the passion."
"There was no doubt the marriage was unhappy and had been for some time."
"If you're unhappy at work, why are you still there?"
"The truth is that it encompasses much more, referring to a range of experiences from dissatisfaction, disappointment, to unfulfilled dreams and every feeling of unhappiness in life."
"I just remember being really unhappy."
"Unhappy women don't cheat sometimes, too, buddy."
"Nothing has been more unhappy, given me more anxiety, more stress than a bad relationship."
"To say I'm not happy is an understatement."
"I think we, the viewing public, me as somebody who knows Quad personally, and the ladies of 'Married to Medicine' really did not have an idea of how much unhappiness was going on in that house."
"One of us is going to be unhappy, I just don't see why it has to be me."
"Nostalgia for the past and attempting to change each other are major reasons for unhappiness in relationships."
"In unhappy relationships, conflict arises, turning the partnership into a war zone."
"Cheating becomes common in unhappy relationships, as intimacy is the first victim."
"True Believers are miserable in their compromise."
"We are unhappy because of ourselves."
"We're unhappy because we're bored with ourselves."
"It's the thought, not the event, that makes you unhappy. Pain is physical; suffering is psychological. Suffering is a choice, mainly because we're taught to suffer."
"...I was just not happy anymore. I was, again, falling down to that place I know I wasn't created to be in."
"The people who have the most to say usually are the most unhappy individuals."
"...if you gave them like $10 million or whatever like they would find a reason to be unhappy about that."
"If you want a recipe for unhappiness, be selfish."
"You're never gonna happy, you're never gonna happy."
"Why are so many young people depressed, unhappy, and angry? It's not capitalism or income inequality"
"...it's one thing for a short, very short season of struggle, it's another thing for prolonged unhappiness, being miserable, struggling, and letting it deplete you and drain you."
"I'm Illmatic, I'm rich and still savage, I'm rich and I'm unhappy."
"Cheating is a selfish move. You do it because you're not happy."
"The problem is that if you practice unhappiness while you're going towards the mediator so like if you work too much or you ignore your kids because you're too busy then you were practicing qualities that train your brain in patterns of unhappiness."
"I felt like this pressure in my chest, like not being happy at all."
"I was completely unhappy with the person I was becoming."
"Maybe unhappiness is rooted deeper than just a crappy job."
"Like Diana, part of his charm seemed to stem from personal unhappiness."
"To have a mean mindset is miserable."
"It bothered me that I couldn't save her. It was then that I realized I wasn't happy."
"Why would you say that? Like you put me at such an uncomfortable situation. Like you know I'm not happy. You know I'm trying."
"The sole cause of man's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room." - Blaise Pascal
"The doubter who does not seek is not only unhappy but very wrong."
"Secrets just make people unhappy."
"Mental ill health makes people profoundly unhappy like depression anxiety etc. It's extremely debilitating in their effects on people's lives."
"Resistance is the most toxic force on the planet. It is the root of more unhappiness than poverty, disease, and erectile dysfunction."
"And it goes, Ali Fisher beats So Saa, and a very unhappy Saa as well, and rightly so."
"Guys that were in the really unhappy marriages... all that went to an early grave."
"You're unhappy because, tell me, what are the things you're unhappy about? You feel like the back doesn't look like nothing, right? Exactly."
"Connie probably looking back didn't know that Richard was cheating but she was also far more unhappy in their marriage than she let on like other people didn't realize even her closest friends didn't realize how unhappy she was in her marriage."
"There is so much unhappiness, so many unhappy players."
"When you're unhappy you want what you can't have."
"The world didn't know, the media didn't know, but behind the facade of smiles and waves on that palace balcony, there were two deeply unhappy young women."
"The reality is we have so many unrealistic expectations on ourselves that makes us really, really unhappy."
"I did confide in him that I wasn't happy either."
"There's no surer way to be unhappy than to make it about yourself."
"The biggest unhappiness actually comes from human relations."
"Unhappiness is a tendency to blame something, someone, a location, the past, anything."
"If you're angry, you're still unhappy; you still have doubt; you still worry; you feel this and that."
"If somebody's gonna hate on you, they're usually gonna be unhappy in their own lives."
"I did have a great family... but you can't get up every morning in an unhappy situation and know that will never end."
"I can't make you happy. Any more than you can make me happy, any more than you can make me unhappy, or I can make you unhappy."
"Unhappiness personally in my life, outside of wrestling, and then professionally, things weren't really going good. I was miserable to say the least."
"Happy is nothing without unhappy, the way pleasure is nothing without pain."
"You never actually know what somebody's going through. If somebody's going to hate on you, they're usually going to be unhappy in their own lives. It has nothing to do with you."
"If you're doing something that isn't making you happy and you don't change to try to make yourself happier all that does is make you more unhappy."
"We have spent our entire life learning to be unhappy."
"I was so deeply unhappy in my life and I couldn't figure out what it was that was making me unhappy and I realized it was kind of all of it."
"Most of the unhappiness or conflict in the world is the result of disappointed expectations."
"Nobody's happy when that happens."
"I was very unhealthy and unhappy when I got out."
"Money makes you happy. Lack of money brings unhappiness."
"If you feel unhappy, what really helps me feel happy is helping other people."
"One sign that you don't have riddha, that you don't have contentment, is that your heart's heavy with your child and you're unhappy with your child."
"If you're unhappy with one thing in your life, it can throw everything else out of whack."
"It's just like no matter what I do, I'm not happy. Like, I'm not happy."
"...there was a real feeling of unhappiness in the place. I have never felt like that since nor do I ever want to."
"She's just looking genuinely miserable and not happy with life."
"All the misery or unhappiness that we experience is caused only by our desires."
"Guilt is the number one cause of unhappiness."
"I think you're a lonely person. I saw in your eyes and I saw the way you carried yourself that you're not a happy person."
"The separate self is always unhappy, always seeking happiness."
"Being unhappy is having an unhealthy relationship with yourself."
"This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time."
"When you're not happy, you need to judge your leisure because when you're unhappy, your leisure is your escapism from your unhappiness."
"The first step to unhappiness is trying to please everyone else."
"You're miserable because you've forgotten who you really are."
"We have more distractions than any generation that's ever lived and we're the unhappiest."
"In fact," said Mustapha Mond, "you're claiming the right to be unhappy."
"All right then," said the Savage defiantly, "I'm claiming the right to be unhappy."
"I had everything anybody wanted, except personal happiness."
"Unhappiness is wishing that things were another way."
"An alternative to this unhappiness is purpose."
"I was miserable. That's what stands out."
"It's usually because they're unhappy with their own lives."
"This planet has a problem: most of the people on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time."
"People can be married and be really unhappy."
"There is other stuff happening that's causing this unhappiness that will follow you."
"Kids don't think about running away from home when they are happy."
"She had made it up in her mind a long time ago that she wasn't happy."
"I became a miserable person I didn't even recognize anymore."
"Dying," he suddenly said, "is only one thing to be sad over, Mitch. Living unhappily is something else."
"Living beyond our means paves the road to unhappiness."
"I think computers make people unhappy fundamentally, and one of those is there's really a deep sensory deprivation that happens."
"If you are so unhappy, do something about it."
"I wonder if anyone has ever been this unhappy while drinking champagne."
"If you have a chronic mental illness, you can feel unhappy or displeased or dissatisfied with life even if there is nothing specifically wrong or happening in your life to cause you to feel that way."
"At the very moment craving arises, it brings along a certain feeling of dissatisfaction, a tension causing pain and unhappiness."
"We refrain from blaming anything that happens for our own unhappiness."
"The Stoics believed that unhappiness and evil in the world are the direct result of ignorance."
"I have never been happy and I don’t think I will ever be."
"I was completely the angry chef that threw pans. I was... psychotic and not a happy person."
"If I'm so unhappy, why don't I just leave?"
"You are the architect of your own unhappiness."
"For the doubting man, there is neither this world nor the other world, nor happiness."
"The worst kind is sanchya atma who is has sort of congenitally doubtful, skeptical, suspicious."
"This person will not attain to any kind of pleasure in this life; everything is tainted by suspicion and unhappiness."
"We have to admit we're unhappy, then we have to say okay, the unhappiness isn't necessarily there's something wrong with us."