
Thinking Quotes

There are 1262 quotes

"The ability to think about what is not happening is a cognitive achievement that comes at an emotional cost."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine acting in one network directly underlies divergent thinking. Whereas dopamine in another brain network underlies convergent thinking."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We should think a lot more about thinking. We should talk more about it. We should model it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can transform our brains with what we think and what we do."
"We're so into thinking but not so much into being aware of what we're thinking."
"The same level of thinking that's created the problem won't solve the problem."
"All thinking is basically dualistic. You cannot think, speak, write, communicate, do science, philosophy, or any other kind of intellectual human activity without creating dualities."
"Thinking is a skill which can be learned, just as we learned skills such as typing and playing the piano."
"Our destiny is to rise above thinking... We transcend thinking in the sense that we are no longer trapped in the movement of our mind."
"The less you think, the more you are spontaneous."
"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." - A good quote from friend of the stream, Albert Einstein.
"You can't do much carpentry with your bare hands, and you can't do much thinking with your bare brain."
"Money is a catalyst to open up thinking space."
"Einstein said, 'You can't solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that got you there in the beginning.'"
"We become what we think about. It's our reasoning factor that enables us to think."
"Thought is the preamble to everything. You think on frequencies."
"Once you start thinking about the intricacies and the possibilities, it's transformative."
"Effective living is a product of effective thinking."
"We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that we used to create them."
"Writing is a protracted form of thinking, and the advantage to writing as thinking is that writing makes you smarter than you are without the paper and pencil or without the computer."
"The more you think about things, the more depressed you will get. But that doesn't mean you should give up all hope."
"Thinking is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions."
"You can become the true master of your own thinking within that domain."
"Thinking isn't just saying that what I think is right. Thinking is questioning whether or not what you think is right, is right."
"Be careful how you think because your life is shaped by your thoughts."
"If you want a good idea of that, it's somehow the smartest people...actually have some of the most backward thinking."
"If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don't bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking."
"Thinking about something with different constraints brings interesting ideas."
"Using our thinking, our person, our communication skills, we can solve just about everything."
"You're going to have to break up the meal; you're going to have to do something that allows you to see differently and think differently."
"To open your word is to step into a book that's far deeper than we are, and we are exposed to a mind that empowers us to think in a way that is spiritually guided."
"Dream outside the margins and solutions will appear out of thin air."
"The purpose of thinking is to let your thoughts die instead of you."
"Let's not limit ourselves to one-dimensional thinking."
"Your writing is a reflection of your thinking."
"Being lost in thought, without knowing that you're thinking, is really the string upon which all of our suffering is strung."
"2% of the people think, 3% think they think, and 95% would rather die than think."
"We got to stop compartmentalizing and start thinking on a macro level."
"I want people to be who they are and I want people to think for themselves."
"I swear I do my smartest thinking once it reaches like 4 a.m."
"There is a difference between thinking and paying attention and of the two, paying attention is much more important."
"You see, Christianity is not about checking your brain at the door, it's about starting to think."
"The most valuable and highest paid work that you do is thinking."
"Some things just require a rudimentary thought process."
"Your mind is always buzzing with unexplored ideas and plans."
"The computer was much more successful because it was not thinking like a mathematician."
"His life is an illustration of how deep, focused thinking about the problems that really matter can change the world."
"To be nailed down to that level is an example of reductionist thinking. It's just so narrow, and it's all trees and no forest."
"If everybody's thinking the same thing, then somebody's not thinking."
"It's chess; it's a thinking man's game, not an emotional game."
"You think so that your thoughts can die instead of you." - Alfred North Whitehead
"The reason you're learning to write is because there's no difference between writing and thinking, and the reason you're learning to think is so that you don't die or end up in Hell."
"Thinking is a skill, and I don't think people really understand that."
"If you've changed no opinions you ever held since you were 17 years old, it's because you haven't been doing any thinking."
"That's a good quote man, it makes you think."
"You have to be creative, imaginative, to think different."
"That's why you guys gotta always think outside the box, bro."
"Wonder about a hundred things a day, not needing to know the answer."
"You cannot use the thinking that created the problem to solve the problem."
"Concepts will change the way we think about it. It's not just a hope."
"The same level of thinking that's created your problem won't solve your problem."
"If it leaves you thinking, then it's done a good job."
"Curiosity is about exploring the way you think."
"Put a crack in the dam, give them something to think about."
"Hopefully inspire people to think outside the box just a little bit."
"Creativity requires out-of-the-box thinking."
"The worst creatures of all are those who don't think."
"Being able to think for myself has always been crucial."
"You're gonna be having a sacred important power when it comes to your way of thinking."
"Thinking is the foundation of willpower and knowledge."
"Not everyone thinks and learns the exact same way that you do."
"We gotta think and use our brains, you know."
"The point is to add some kind of problem solving skills that maybe make you think a little bit."
"Controversy stimulates thinking out we call out of the box."
"There might be this possibility, this possibility, this possibility because they don't want people thinking."
"If we can understand our thoughts and change our thinking, we can change our reality."
"Thinking is part of the human process. How we got here, why we're here, what it means to live."
"So we can think about other angle rules while we're doing this."
"Surely the question we need to be asking runs deeper."
"I thought I did think about this, Rob, and if there had been anyone who'd said volcano, I would have put them together."
"It teaches you how to think rather than what you think."
"That's the kind of innovative thinking we need in this company."
"Most people are actually capable of thinking for themselves and want to do so."
"Without concepts, there can be no thought, and without analogies, there can be no concepts."
"All of our concepts are formed and applied through analogies."
"Without concepts there can be no thought... without analogies there can be no concepts."
"You are thinking man. You're an intelligent man. You are thinking."
"You think with your brain, you don't have a choice. Ideas are not floating in air, they are physical."
"It's all about thinking outside the box, guys. Be creative, man."
"We need to grow up and think outside the box."
"It's very nice, right? That's the type of thought I like to betray - with respect."
"Is the point of a reviewer to be right or is it to get you to think in new ways?"
"I'm excited to see how my thinking evolves in the future."
"I'm always trying to think of ideas, trying to be innovative."
"You can't think your way out of bad thinking."
"Using your imagination, using your creative thinking abilities..."
"Physicists like to think in terms of fundamentals."
"I seem to be thinking independently for the first time."
"Abstract is fun. It gets you thinking outside of the box and flexing those creative muscles."
"Spend long periods of time just thinking, it is invaluable."
"Contradictions force you towards a more complex and nuanced perspective."
"What must you say? Even a teeny tiny itty bitty deduction can drag your brain into a new space."
"Simple principles can lead to generative thought."
"Join me as we attempt to connect the dots that were never meant to be connected."
"You thought outside the box when there was no box."
"It's our ability to adapt and to think more broadly."
"Nature stimulates accurate thinking and intuitive understanding."
"Thinking outside the box is the mark of an intelligent guy"
"The same level of thinking that created the problem won't solve the problem."
"Creativity is in part about asking small questions and big questions at the same time."
"We really have to put on our effective theory hats."
"A failure of imagination. You've got to be able to push beyond the boundaries of what you conventionally think."
"Your mind is free to think and question and reflect."
"It never ceases to amaze me how bass-ackwards people's ways of thinking are."
"My primary goal when I speak is to make people think."
"I've always been very scientific in my approach."
"Think outside the box, embrace unconventional thinking."
"Disruptive thinking changes the way we grow."
"Hey Legal Eagles, let's think like a lawyer."
"It leads to things you're not even thinking about."
"Journalists are betters. We should aspire to think like they do."
"The most intelligent and efficient form of thinking is non-thinking."
"Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard solid thinking. There's an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"You're also probably the sort of person who appreciates leveling up their own thinking and problem-solving skills."
"It's time to get weird with it. It's time to think outside of the box."
"It's cool to see the wheels turning and the light bulb moments."
"You don't realize you're basically doing the same thing as programming a computer. You're programming the universe to respond to what you're thinking."
"Skepticism is a process by which we want our internal model of reality to match reality."
"Open your mind to fresh perspective, fresh thoughts."
"No problem can be solved from the same level of thinking that created it."
"It's hard to state how much one extra use of each of your runes changes the way that you think about them."
"The mind is like a parachute, it has to be open to work." - Analogy for using discernment
"College will teach you to think for yourself."
"Don't worry about original ideas, make unique connections."
"Life requires effort, thought, ideas, and effort."
"Yo, I'm a person I'd like to think outside the box."
"Challenges us to look beyond conventional perspectives."
"Talk about thinking outside the box or in this case Inside the Box."
"Keep this little riddle at the back of your mind."
"Anyone who spends a good deal of his time thinking is going to come up with a good idea once in a while."
"Think outside the box... knowing how to go outside the box."
"It's about getting a different perspective on things."
"I've been doing a lot of thinking about the feminine dynamic."
"You want to challenge your preconceptions expand your horizons become a better thinker go-to thinker."
"Thinking is hard work, that's why so few people do it."
"Thinking is the most important value that you have."
"Encourage everyone to think as much as I can."
"Stay crazy, stay party, and never stop overthinking it."
"That's what the collective brain is all about: helping us all to think in new ways."
"Think, make time to actually sit and think in your day. It's your idea, your time."
"Most people don't really think, they just absorb."
"Some of the greatest minds out there lived in their heads... It's a good thing to overthink sometimes."
"It's always good to see that there's many people out there that can think for themselves."
"This is a great time for creative thinking of all kinds."
"Hopefully it's promoting people to think about things differently."
"Every now and then put on your special hat for thinking."
"Once you lose nuance, that's really the definition of black and white thinking."
"This show is about teaching you how to think."
"At the end of the day, this got a lot of people thinking, using their brains, and finding like-minded individuals."
"You're very transparent, you're not the type to play games, even though you're a big thinker."
"Inspire great thoughts, tickle your creativity."
"It's the absolute best I can do to get people thinking in a different way."
"The point is, in order to use your head, you have to go out of your mind."
"I hope you got something out of that or at least maybe I got your wheels turning a little bit."
"Throw yourself at problems and be better at thinking."
"Now that's thinking outside the box."
"The more words that you learn and understand, the better you can think, the better results you get, the better life you pass."
"It's not just what you know, it's also how you think."
"We are constantly told to think outside the box, but really you need to be creative in the box, or else you won't meet the brief."
"The choices we make for our thinking either motivate us or they don't."
"Your thinking is going to be more disciplined, and that's a good thing, and more focused."
"We've got to be willing to remove the headset and really think outside of that box."
"It's more important that we think creatively."
"The base level of your thinking is not language, it's something else."
"I don't think in English or Japanese, I just think in raw concepts, just raw ideas."
"Sometimes they're thinking outside the box literally or being creative."
"It's very, very impressive and very, very clever thinking."
"If you control a man's thinking, you don't have to worry about his actions."
"Thinking is the most valuable work."
"Find the truths like cash dog, I just need you to think."
"That's positive thinking, that's the right mindset."
"Think outside the box and stretch the boundaries of what could be."
"I've always found philosophy as a systems thinking tool."
"It allows you to structure your ideas, it makes you a better thinker, it makes you a better communicator."
"When your religion does not allow you to think beyond a certain point, it controls your mind and thinking."
"You can't think your way into right action, but you can act your way into right thinking."
"When you read Plato, it's not about Plato being right point by point by point. It's about Plato making us think."
"Ego is basically a self-identification with the stream of thinking. Ego is the story of 'me' that people identify with."
"Strategic depth is about thinking and acting with a deeper layer of understanding and foresight."
"The moment you remember your problems, you're thinking in the past."
"I'm just thinking," said Paddington distantly. "I'm just thinking."
"In mere Christianity, Lewis sort of invites us to share in the way he actually thinks and to think through these things along with him."
"Thinking is a power that you and I have. It allows us to symbolize, to remember, to plan, to define ourselves."
"What you pay attention to becomes true in your life. It's about taking the time to actually think that's important."
"Fiction gets into your thinking invidiously, eroding or changing your thoughts for the better or for the worse."
"Thinking is a skill that ought to be developed."
"The most powerful human trait is thinking. Learning how to think constructively, positively, methodically separates great people from mediocre people."
"Don’t think deterministically; think probabilistically."
"Teaching people to write is teaching them to think."
"Computational thinking is invaluable."