
Emotional Intelligence Quotes

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"By understanding the biology and psychology of aggression, you will be in a much better position to understand how all emotional states come to be, both in yourself and in others."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most important thing we never taught our children is how to deal with the emotions inside us."
"This is about learning how to control your emotions and learning how to be strong emotionally."
"Just learning to separate your emotions from you is so powerful."
"We all have emotional fitness; we can all work proactively on that to increase that."
"Self-awareness is a trait of emotional fitness."
"Emotional intelligence is just a different way of being smart. It's being intelligent about emotions."
"Self-awareness, knowing what you're feeling, why you feel it, how it affects what you do."
"As you go up the ladder, emotional intelligence skills matter far more for success than your cognitive abilities."
"What you're talking about is resilience...to get to the place where you can validate your own experience and not need that external validation." - Jazz Robbins
"If we aren't able to have control or learn to navigate our emotion and the way we think, then we're going to make bad decisions which will turn into bad results for our health and our life."
"A crucial kind of emotional insight from an evolutionary perspective is just to accept men and women and their natures as they are."
"Being able to understand where your emotions come from and being able to address them is a process that takes on psychology, mindfulness."
"The memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom, and that's why we're here."
"When you reflect, accept, and act by progressing yourself in the form of movement, you become not only a competent man but an emotionally intelligent and mature man as well."
"If you can just slow down the emotional brain and train the rational brain to work a little bit faster, your whole relationship with fear completely changes."
"Does your anger actually help you? Does it serve where you want to go?"
"The greatest lesson of life is learning how to love and be loved in return."
"We're much better at causing pain than we are feeling pain."
"Negative emotion is a call for awareness just like pain is."
"Empathy is a person's ability to feel another person, to feel what the other person feels."
"Empathy is being able to share in someone else's feelings and emotions and show concern towards that person."
"People always remember how you make them feel."
"Empathy isn't about fixing, it's the brave choice to be with someone in their darkness."
"Nurturing the emotional vocabulary and world of children can prevent narcissistic tendencies."
"Social emotional learning takes the emotional intelligence component — self-awareness, managing your inner life, empathy, handling relationships — and makes it part of the curriculum."
"Science has found that people with high IQ levels are surpassed 70% of the time by emotionally intelligent people."
"One of the great advantages of people with emotional intelligence is the ability to auto-motivate and move forward even in the face of frustrations and disappointments."
"Our emotional intelligence - how we manage emotions, both our own and those of others - can play a critical role in determining our happiness and our success."
"The difference between reacting and responding, that's huge."
"If more people were just more open to it...not so quick to judge, not so quick to anger."
"When people feel heard, they stop hating. Hating comes from a buildup of not being seen, not being heard."
"The understanding part of empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
"It's not just the brain that is the intelligence; it's also the emotional intelligence, the intuitive intelligence, and also the physical intelligence."
"Managing emotions is like a skill, with each person having their natural talents for some emotions and not others."
"Stop taking things personally. It's one of the greatest deteriorators of self-worth."
"The problem with our society is that we don't have these conversations about relationships, we don't have conversations about emotions."
"The more you allow yourself to trust and open up your emotions and experience and perceive things without judgment, the more intuitive you are going to be."
"High levels of self-awareness allow guys to experience you without the countertransference of your own pain."
"There are some areas where you get disproportionate rewards on your time if it has to do with verbal or emotional abilities. I get disproportionate return."
"Never weaponize your partner's insecurities ever under any circumstance, even though you could win an argument by hitting them with that insecurity. You can't do it, not even once."
"Love itself means to acknowledge that there is a self there, there's a physical body perhaps with needs that change in a moment, there's emotions that are happening for you in any given moment that might be different than someone else's."
"Emotions are a natural and necessary part of life, but they can also distort your perception and cloud your vision. In order to see things clearly, you must let go of resentment."
"Equanimity is your ability to experience an emotion or a sensation or any phenomena basically and not be affected by it and not react to it in an emotional way."
"Mindfulness gives you space between the spark and the flame."
"Learning how to handle a painful feeling, a painful emotions, listening to the suffering allowed understanding and compassion to be born and suffer less."
"Emotional reappraisal: the basic idea is that your emotions are really a combination of your physiology and what you're thinking, so changing what you think can literally change the emotion you experience."
"You do not want your money to be driven by emotion."
"Attunement means that one person gets the emotional space of the other and communicates that 'I get it.'"
"I welcome the wisdom that my emotions offer me."
"Emotional mastery isn't about controlling, avoiding, or suppressing your emotions right? It's about being able to accept the fluidity of your emotions and ability to be flexible with them."
"The ultimate question is not how well you can give love, but how well can you acknowledge love when it's standing right in front of your face."
"Your capacity to regulate emotions is absolutely essential to success in life."
"Talk less, feel more. So, you guys are gonna get more in tune with your emotions and start to focus on how am I feeling. Let's start to feel better."
"Being proactive about the emotions is about deactivating the negative emotions that either are taking place or highly predictable."
"This emotional energy that you feel within yourself... is going to go into multiple areas of your life, your finances, your career."
"The understanding comes in the ethereal plane, in the balance of the pragmatic with the emotional, inside our own professor and our own writer."
"If you're annoyed by something minor your partner's doing, it's better to have the conversation and not bottle it up."
"I think it's okay to ask for that; you're not like in the wrong for saying, 'Hey, can you be considerate with my feelings or make space for my feelings right now?'"
"I think men can improve on being more in touch with their emotions and just like talking about how they feel."
"Feelings are a compass that they tell us they give us information. If you're sad, why are you sad? What needs to change?"
"It's very easy to be closed off and tough and mean, and it's very hard to be loving."
"Using love and compassion with how you speak, how you explain yourself, how you explain your feelings, being in control of your emotions, being in control of your reactions and keeping it in alignment with love and compassion, you are going to notice the best outcomes come from that."
"Noticing your emotional states and their causes is crucial... What is causing these states? It's not just a matter of 'oh yeah, I'm angry', it's also 'why am I angry?'"
"What's more important I've found in practice is this emotional world and how to deal with life as we face it in our modern age."
"Emotions are important. They should be considered in the calculus of your decision-making."
"Knowing your emotional habits is important in understanding why you get stressed or not in certain situations."
"Stress management is all about taking charge of our lifestyles, thoughts, emotions, and the way one deals with problems."
"Once you remove expectations from people, you will remove their power to hurt you."
"Mastering oneself through emotional intelligence can lead to better outcomes in various aspects of life."
"Do not project your past exes' toxic traits onto your new partner. They are not them."
"Noticing, and naming emotions is the first step to resolving them."
"I think one of the dangers of being a critic is that your theories start to control your feelings rather than the other way around."
"The weakest man on the planet is a man that cannot control his emotions."
"I'm not comfortable with the word genius, but this singular thing that I think will allow me to create a lot of success in my life is predicated on emotional intelligence."
"When you fulfill your own gaps through being aware... you become your own source of positive emotions."
"Patience isn't just about if you wait; patience is about how you wait."
"Forgiveness is not a feeling; it's a series of deliberate decisions."
"You don't get to dictate other people's feelings and emotions like that."
"The heart knows things that the mind cannot understand."
"Your brain is replete with emotion and cognition. Our goal is to have those two systems work well together."
"My primary interest in life is to figure out ways that we can infuse these skills into the way leaders lead and all of us are in relationship."
"Emotional intelligence is how you deal with life."
"Forgiveness is not a feeling, it's a decision. Because if you think you have to feel it before you forgive, no. Like I said, it's a journey."
"Not a sucker for love. When you have emotional intelligence, you can love somebody, but you don't fall in love. That's being emotionally weak."
"Survival... I know how to survive. I'll do what it takes, legally, to survive. That is having emotional intelligence."
"Our emotional intelligence matters for the world. It makes us happier, healthier, better leaders, we make better decisions, and we're more resilient."
"Emotional intelligence is about stepping out of your own bubble and now being aware of the people around you and being able to connect."
"Emotional intelligence is essentially what it's all about."
"The RULER method is an acronym that stands for Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating."
"I think an important way to be socially conscious is to have emotional intelligence."
"Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to label these emotions appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide our own thinking and ultimately our behavior."
"Emotional intelligence is the number one factor for success, not IQ. It's your ability to work with emotions that is what's critical."
"Having strong emotional intelligence leads to more successful relationships, happiness, and the ability to execute on what you want because you have the discipline and willpower."
"Emotional intelligence is not about being extroverted or confident; it's about recognizing and understanding your emotions in yourself and others, and using this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships."
"The four pillars of emotional intelligence are understanding your own emotions, controlling your emotions, reading emotions in others, and managing your relationships."
"The higher your emotional intelligence, the better you're going to do in life and the happier you're going to be."
"If you're struggling in relationships or feeling unhappy and stressed, it's a sign that you might be lacking in one or more of the four pillars of emotional intelligence."
"Emotional intelligence affects almost every single aspect of your life, which is why it's so important."
"Understanding emotions and psychology, and learning how to master them, are key to raising your emotional intelligence and achieving success in life."
"Fear is real. You can't control the feelings that are going to rise up in your body... but you can always control what you think, and you can always make a decision about the actions you're going to take."
"Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand that your emotions do not define reality and therefore should not dictate every action you take."
"IQ matters, of course, but Daniel Goleman has based his career on the argument that IQ is only a part of what makes people succeed in their work and personal lives and not necessarily the most important part either."
"Skills such as self-awareness, emotional mastery, motivation, empathy, and social effectiveness have a greater impact than raw intelligence on career success, outstanding individual performance, leadership, and the creation of successful teams."
"Emotional intelligence is a tool for change."
"With enlightenment...you're going to be able to feel and experience emotions more richly because now you're in the present moment."
"Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically."
"Emotional intelligence is an absolutely critical skill because we have more than 400 emotional experiences every single day."
"Emotional intelligence is your ability to understand your emotions and to respond to them effectively to produce the behavior that you want."
"Emotional intelligence isn't about erasing these emotions but instead learning how to manage them when they arise."
"Emotional intelligence, defined in 1997 by psychologist Peter Salovey and John Mayer -- no, not, not that one-- is the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions."
"Empathy is the skill and practice of reading the emotions of others and responding appropriately."
"Emotional intelligence... encompasses self-awareness, understanding your emotions in real time... social awareness... empathy, understanding what it feels like to be in their shoes, and then relationship building."
"Daniel Goleman... in the 90s coined emotional intelligence as the single most important trait or intelligence to have."
"Psychological safety... that's what made the most effective groups... people felt safe and trustworthy inside of a group; they performed better. What is that? It's high EQ."
"I can't control the stimulus but I can control the response."
"Mind you speak about reflection, introspection, self-control, discipline; emotions left on their own are impulsive, reflexive, reactive."
"The truth is in a healthy society the way you would measure a successful society would be how emotionally intelligent people are."
"Emotional intelligence tells the mind it's not just about who's right and who's wrong; sometimes your child may be wrong, but they need your sensitivity, they need your empathy, they need your care."
"Emotional intelligence is your power and decision over the heart or mind in every situation."
"Thought and emotion is the most lush way to live because then you're adaptive to stress."
"There's a huge difference between wanting someone and needing someone, and learning to recognize that is one of the most important things you can do."
"You are meant to observe and perceive the information that is being given to you by your emotional system, by your mind and by your body, so that with that information you can, with your free will, make a conscious and more objective choice about what the right thing to do is in any given situation."
"We as old world primates, much like other primates, are very dependent on faces and facial expressions in terms of registering our own place in life and our emotional state."
"Imagine Logan Paul, the guy who ripped off and scammed his fans, telling you you aren't emotionally intelligent."
"If you're aware that you're feeling a certain way, that in and of itself is sufficient to conquer the thing."
"If you can't think greater than how you feel, your life will stay the same."
"IQ is about know-how. EQ is about know you. And I'm going to add something else: knowing people."
"The difference between the CEO and you is not IQ, it's EQ."
"EQ, not IQ. The world is not run by people with the highest IQ."
"If society is going to get any better, we are going to have to get out of our feelings and we are going to have to move forward into something a little bit more stable."
"Caring resentment is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill your enemies."
"It's time for people to notice the emotions that arise for them and to really question: 'I have this emotion; the crisis is new, but are these emotions really novel, or do I kind of know them from the inside already?'"
"Empathy is the last step you need to complete."
"Love decisions must be spiritual and cerebral more than emotional and hormonal."
"A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger."
"Rage can be an incredibly effective tool channeled correctly, but channeled incorrectly, it just splashes around everywhere and nothing happens."
"Emotional availability comes down to a couple of things: first is awareness of your emotions, the ability to regulate your emotions, the ability to communicate your emotions, the ability to set aside your emotions for the sake of empathy, and the last is to be aware of how your emotions influence your behavior."
"Different styles of learning are going to favor different people from children into adulthood, and we ought to think about learning in terms of our emotional systems being our guide for what we learn and the information that we retain."
"Negative emotions, in small doses, are elegantly adaptive."
"There's no such thing as a good or bad emotion, there's only good and bad responses to emotions."
"Our feelings, pleasant or unpleasant, are information for us... They can be used to make decisions, to express ourselves, or to take action."
"Luffy's emotional intelligence is rivaled by none."
"Our job as adults is to give children the message that no matter how Intense or difficult their feelings are, they can work through them without dissociating from themselves to become a different person."
"Identifying what the feeling is... 'I feel disappointed right now, how human of me.'"
"Your emotions are valuable - they always have something important to convey."
"The best things that one can do is reconcile one's subconscious emotional self with one's intellectual self."
"The key to personal transformation is creating heart and mind coherence, allowing the emotional and intellectual aspects of our being to align harmoniously."
"Both of you know how to love, how to give love, and how to receive love."
"Changing the emotional relationship you have with objects is really helpful for reducing unnecessary spending."
"Heartset is the missing link to personal mastery."
"When I first started, I was nowhere close to my level of mindset and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is so key in every aspect of life, not only trading."
"These ideas about how to avoid emotional manipulation are not the same thing as not having emotions."
"The more you think about and understand anger, the easier it is to control it."
"The best arguments need to be used, not the best emotional appeals."
"A lot of you are hurting your own feelings... because I expected too much from someone who couldn't give it to me."
"Acknowledging feelings and sitting with them allows you to hopefully move through them instead of trying to push them down and suppress."
"Being able to sit with the emotion. Feelings don't go away just like that, like flipping a switch."
"Recognition that feelings are there for a reason is the first step towards addressing abandonment anxiety effectively."
"Emotional intelligence is really important to me."
"Your heart will always be wiser than your head."
"True love is an action, not an emotional feeling."
"People remember how you made them feel rather than what you said."
"Listen to your vulnerable feelings as they contain wisdom and inspiration."
"There is strength in a man who knows how to handle all of his emotions."
"Being a man is you could have some sort of emotional intelligence, you can be vulnerable."
"Everything contributes to the development of your own wisdom, and while you can apply logical wisdom to the navigation of life’s many hurdles - emotional wisdom is just as important."
"It is a weakness as a man to be unable to...deal with your feelings in an open and honest manner."
"You don't master emotions by controlling them, by suppressing them, but rather you allow them to be, as you sit with them, to hold space for them."
"These conversations make it possible for you to be human. These are the entryways to emotional intelligence."
"Learn to identify and consciously ask yourself how do you feel. Am I sad right now? Am I depressed right now? Am I not happy right now? Am I really angry or frustrated right now?"
"Women are much better at understanding and communicating their emotions, much better at having intuition, meaning that they can feel how somebody else feels when communicating with them."
"The first thing to do is find an emotional space in yourself where you can be comfortable knowing the truth as you see it."
"Most humans don't have really good emotional maturity or relationship skills."
"Learning to master our emotions is like learning to become a powerful magician."
"If you're truly in the present moment and you know exactly what you want, and you begin to teach your body emotion, start practicing opening that heart; it's amazing what happens."
"If you look at the second aspect of this parallel relationship revolutions, it's the role of emotions."
"Love restores reason and not the other way around."
"We all have emotions and feelings too, that's how we got to...calmly talk to each other, respect each other."
"Empathy is being aware of where people are at emotionally, spiritually, their sense of reality."
"Every emotion you experience serves a function."
"Instead of reacting to the fear or anger or hatred, I'm going to step back and try and analyze where it comes from."
"Relational intelligence is what we are cultivating together."
"You don't have to act on every impulse or emotion."
"Empathy feels so good, like if you feel mercy towards a suffering child, it's like that is kind of an indication that you're an ethical person."
"Emotion and reason should be in balance in everyone's life."
"The people that can manage their emotions can make the most money in the stock market."
"It's only when you can control your own emotions that you're able to take a potentially negative situation or person and turn it into a win for everyone involved."
"It's incredibly easy to get there when you start in a state of compassion. Compassion is a much different energy than empathy."
"The biggest takeaway I was gathering was how vital it is to sit with your feelings and experience them. Feel your feelings, sit there and let the feeling be in your body, let it flow through you, observe it, don't judge it."
"Letting go isn't always easy, but for a lot of people, it's absolutely necessary."
"Disney knows how to tell a good story and they really know how to tackle these emotional and complex issues."
"Detachment is the art of experiencing our feelings without letting them control us."
"I think when people are at their best is when they can compartmentalize."
"There's this hypothetical person who is mature, never emotional, 100% logical all the time...this person doesn't exist."
"Affirm what they're feeling. Super important because if you don't affirm what they're feeling, what you're teaching them is 'Well, my mom or dad doesn't understand, so I'm not even going to tell them.'"
"The argument is that it's not that we are either rational or emotional beings; it's that you should activate the correct system at the appropriate time."
"Yeah, and it's okay to have emotions because emotions are part of life."
"Imagine being friends with your emotions, right, and feeling like you have a good connection with your emotions rather than disliking feeling things."
"Empathy isn't a blindfold, it's our ability to understand and share the feelings of others."