
Species Quotes

There are 492 quotes

"Protecting our young is after all one of the primary adaptive drives of our species, and thank goodness it is."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Moral tendencies exist in many species; they can be tested for and have been demonstrated in many species, including people."
"Unpacking this whole situation is crucial to the survival of our species."
"Every species is probably intelligent in its own environment."
"We're literally like a species with amnesia where we don't remember who we are and we don't remember our true past."
"The human species is capable of an unimaginably larger set of abilities."
"They plan on editing their DNA into the closest living species."
"The bird in question was a moa, there were several species of moa with the tallest grown up to 12 feet tall and weighing about 510 pounds."
"What is a Jaglion? Yeah, that's correct. This is a jaguar lion...an extremely rare species."
"We often evaluate a species' intelligence through the prism of our own brain power, and that's not really the best way to go about it."
"Strangest looking fish: a fish that looks like this could be completely undiscovered species."
"The Vex are the most dangerous species within the Destiny universe."
"We as a species didn't come this far by accident, we came this far by letting things take their course."
"The idea that we can have this species that can tell us so much about how to survive, well, that's a whole another subject right there."
"Threshing the earth, leaping between species, hidden in nature..."
"The Reapers leave some species alive so that they can harvest them in the next cycle."
"My favorite species of ant, I would say Camponotus novaeboracensis."
"These ghost ants are such a cool and unique species found in tropical areas."
"He believes there will come a time when the Lesser species will inevitably destroy themselves."
"An incredible species of Australian gecko that you truly don't see very often."
"There's nothing that could be so bad on a species level that it wouldn't be better for us to know."
"I can't help but really admire us as a species."
"The creature closely resembles a plesiosaur."
"Rojo jelly: it's actually a new species of jelly that was discovered by scientists."
"Endling: The last known individual of a species, marking the tragic end of a community of animals or plants."
"Celebrating diversity is kind of the whole point of this species."
"The largest insect in the world is a moth from India called Atticus Atlas."
"We are capable, we are an interdimensional species."
"All of our relationships with animals arise from expressions of altruism for another species."
"Expressions of altruism for another species define the human animal bond."
"We have to make it clear that our concern is really for our species."
"Cats remain cats, dogs each of these bring forth after their kind."
"The idea of them interacting in a non-hostile way with other species and other tribes on tatooine was what was interesting to me."
"Have you ever noticed just how many different kinds of dogs there are and how different they all are? Think about it. Can it be possible that a chihuahua and a great dane are actually the same species? Well, they are."
"One of these creatures was the woolly rhino, a fairly massive species that was able to reach lengths of over three meters."
"Pink fairy armadillo... particularly unusual, known as the pink fairy."
"Now, could you imagine being so cool that scientists would put the word 'magnificent' directly in front of the name of your species?"
"The dream of any archaeologist is to uncover how a species came into being, how they lived, what nature surrounded them."
"They're such an incredibly unique ant species."
"The future of their species depends on it."
"If we're going to have potential survival as a species, we have to extend the wall of life."
"...the sheer kinship between our species kind of is magnetic for them as it is for us..."
"Human beings are a social species."
"The Ospreys are an extremely old species and they've been around for more than 11 million years."
"We are the first species on the face of this Earth to be aware of evolution."
"Whoever heard of a species of intelligent sacrificing mature and productive adults for their young?"
"Species that will never appear again, that is another thing entirely."
"The imminent field reversal will have a radical effect on human civilization but it will also threaten the survival of a number of species."
"No species should be illegal. It's the hubris of humans to think that we can dictate that a species is illegal."
"So one I'll give an example of a species. One species would be at a time--I'll just use Jupiter as an example--where Jupiter meets the"
"I think the most motivating goal we could have as a species is consciousness exploration."
"...I catch just about any species that I'm looking for, and it is small enough to rig up on pretty darn small soft plastics."
"Let's begin with a discovery of a strange lizard-like species earlier this year."
"Evolution happening... You have a species, and a new thing arises that has a different phenotype, a different outward appearance."
"Our strength as a species is in our diversity."
"Human diplomacy has become the bridge across which species have moved to make peace."
"Humans, when their backs are against the wall, survive. As a species. That's what we do."
"It's pretty incredible to go and save a species that's down to two individuals."
"We now have at least one species on the planet producing stuff that produces other stuff."
"The ultimate aim for the biosphere and for any technologically active species living on the planet is somehow benefiting the entire planet."
"One of the most famous color variations is the black panther, which is not a separate species."
"Hundreds of new species had been uncovered that were totally new to Western science."
"Just because they're cheap does not make them any less of an awesome species to work with."
"Looking deeper into it, I think I managed to identify three distinct species."
"In order to save the species, he made an incredible sacrifice."
"The big message of my history is that where one species operating onto different constraints, the differences between us are in some ways laughably minimal."
"The essence of our species: to do what is good for the preservation of the species, not from love, but from an instinct."
"Creativity is essential for any species."
"Protection and regeneration of rare habitats will secure a home for species."
"There's three different layers really that you can work through, depending which particular species you want."
"For example, hyenas lived well into Europe during the Pleistocene."
"Living by the belief that any problem can be solved with their fists, they may not be the wisest alien in the galaxy, but when it comes to fighting and wrestling, they are cut above other species."
"...for the sake of your kids and if you're like well I don't know if I want kids okay how about for the sake of our species continuing on right because there's not going to be a species if we don't keep keeping up with the 2.1 burst but the fundamentals you have to care yeah..."
"White pine has been one of the bellwether species that has changed forestry in Minnesota for the better."
"To preserve one species, we have to understand how it behaves."
"Catch snook, catch redfish, catch jack, we catch 'em tarpon, varieties of snapper."
"They're a wonderful species and there's all different types throughout their expansive range in Europe and even parts of Asia."
"Humans are more intelligent than all other creatures that have ever existed."
"Mangrove Snappers are probably one of the best species you can practice on."
"Zygons are best known for their ability to shape-shift into other intelligent species."
"As a species, we can't consider our past present or our future without acknowledging our drive for exploration."
"With CRISPR, we can completely change entire species on our planet."
"We may be able to create a child that combines the best of both species, a living symbol of the unity and connection you have fought so hard to promote."
"You are a young species, but you possess a surprising wisdom."
"Famed as the smallest cat species in Africa, black-footed cats are adorable killers that eat at least 3,000 rodents yearly."
"I think these species that they're finding that are 300,000 years old...they're our ancestors, our direct ancestors along that branch."
"...they're separate created kinds. You're not going to cross them. You're not going to breed meerkats to look more like lions. It's not going to happen."
"We identified this as a new species previously undiscovered. We named it Homo naledi."
"What makes our species special is that we can adapt and live in so many niches."
"We are the only species that instead of learning from people ahead of us, we're distracting them."
"This species is so sniveling, they stay laughing at themselves."
"...all the remaining species as of now are descendants of the two we previously had on the southern island."
"What I'm trying to understand is what is it about us that makes us fundamentally human and what are what are the achievements of us as a species as a people all people."
"The idea that these intelligent species were assigned like dogs is crazy."
"Rasboras include some of the tiniest and most well-liked species in the hobby."
"it's observed in the data that the larger a species is the shorter its lifespan is in the fossil record"
"Big mule deer are a really special species, one that breaks the mold in a lot of ways."
"That's what distinguishes us from other species."
"Homo sapiens sapiens, that would be us."
"I like the different patterns and colorization for the different areas of the same species."
"The world's most aggressive tortoise species."
"These technologies have given us the tools for the first time as a species to think and act as a species."
"If you think about evolution, it operates on the species."
"What species have we caught so far on our trip? Perch, muskellunge, walleye, Tamale. Oh, and pike."
"Anything from microscopic up to a whale will be around these weed lines. They’re really neat environments."
"A species is when two organisms are able to produce fertile offspring."
"Understanding how so many species evolved has been a major quest of biology and biologists."
"These lizards are providing fresh insight into both how new species form and why our world is filled with so many creatures."
"Why don't we have more than 9,000 species are yet to be discovered?"
"Why do animalistic Cybertronians exist and why do many resemble Earth creatures?"
"Until we can really point out what is unique about us as a species and what is unique about each one of us as individuals."
"Life is amazingly adaptable. The main fragility we have as a species right now is in terms of economic stability and the number of people we have."
"Species rise and fall alike to the dawn and setting of a sun cresting the horizon, yet none last eternal but the true inheritors of the galaxy."
"That's the target species right there: largemouth basses."
"The oak leaf hydrangea is a great native species."
"Every species has its own unique pollen and images from modern microscopes show how some is spiky helping it to cling to insects."
"Truly remarkable. Your species will make the annals of our history. What a joy, what an honor."
"The green birdwing belongs to the Papilionidae family and is found only in the tropical rainforest and the nearby areas."
"The Green Dragon Tail is a specie of swallowtail butterfly, found in parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia."
"destroying species at an enormous rate, perhaps ourselves not too far in the distance."
"Our goal is to catch as many species as we can... I think this is a great start."
"Each species has made its home in an environment suited to its own needs."
"That's why I'm all for space exploration. I do think that it's important for our species to be interplanetary and not be stuck just to this one planet."
"It happens quite often out here. We have had many days that we shoot all three species."
"That's a ripper species, Mangrove Jack. That's what we're targeting right now."
"All the different animals, think about all the different species of animals."
"You can't just base behavioral status on the entire species based on a certain incident."
"Just because they are the same species doesn’t mean they will get along."
"What's the most successful bird species? Is the chicken."
"We have over 40 species from every continent except Antarctica."
"An endangered species worthy of preservation."
"There is a ton of extremely credible information out there about this species."
"I really think this is going to be a nice dwarf species that'll fit in a lot of people's tanks."
"Humans are of the same species because as a group we have the ability to breed and produce fertile offspring."
"This is not a species native to Vietnam. This is the spotted ribbon tail ray."
"So this debate is fun because I don't think there's one answer. I think we have to look at every situation circumstantially and also genomically in terms of how common the species is."
"Look at that fish, beautiful species."
"Is there any notable species that do not require sleep?"
"Think of Madagascar in South America, where you have all kinds of beautiful species."
"Absolutely nuts. Fantastic again if you're going after larger species. But I mean, don't get it twisted. Crappie going to eat that up too."
"We train them to be comfortable around people so they can come out and do programs and teach people about their species."
"A Chic is a lush Homeworld to the Wookies, a forest planet covered in gigantic trees large enough to hold small cities."
"If we as a species are going to continue, we are going to be thinking about millions even billions of years into the future."
"Even the big ones can be just as harmless."
"The ark could safely carry 18,000 species of mammals, which is interesting because there are around 15,000 plus species of mammals catalogued today."
"For the first time anywhere in the Americas in 35 years, a team of scientists from the Smithsonian have discovered a new carnivore species."
"It still boils down to an angler's ability to determine what the target species will bite on."
"Kong is the last survivor of his species."
"This lizard-type gecko found lurking on cliffs in Vietnam is a brand new species."
"The face though is not as prognathic, it doesn't stick out as much as you would see in those earlier Australopithecus species."
"Humans are and have always been a species that have expanded their gene pools when possible."
"This species defies logic and reason and calls the very concept of what it takes for life to form into question."
"...the Dhole, known as Cuon alpinus, is a wild canid native to central, Southeast, and Southeast Asia."
"The last recorded species to inhabit this planet were known as Vlads."
"The Denisovans are an older, more archaic species than the Neanderthals, and they split from our common ancestors' line of evolution just over one million years ago."
"When it comes to the cruiser class, you have to look no further than the Mon Calamari, an underwater species known for their deep space exploration ships."
"...perhaps having children to make my species prosper would be the correct path for me."
"If we want to survive as a species beyond the estimated age of our planet."
"And so we would like to know did our species die on the day or did they linger on and if they did for how long."
"Green tree pythons are easily one of my favorite species of snake."
"Green tree pythons are a small to medium sized arboreal python."
"When we look at his account very carefully, we never find species changing into other species. They always stay to their own, they produce their own type of seed, their own type of offspring, which is according to its kind."
"It's difficult for you to get our diseases or for us to contract yours."
"Not to be confused with the contradins or the l201s, these fish here stay a lot smaller, reaching an average maximum size of around three inches."
"Charles Darwin's successful application of his ideas of evolution accounts for the origin of different organic species."
"The species had gone extinct in the wild but thankfully due to the ongoing cultivation of the species for Botanical collections it survives today."
"I worry about the way that it still seems to establish humans as superior to every other species."
"I know that you all know this because you're familiar with the term that we use to refer to ourselves as a species, Homo sapiens."
"Macro-evolution traditionally means evolutionary changes at the species level and higher. We're talking about the accumulated differences and the accumulated amount of time."
"Nothing compares to being able to communicate with your own species."
"They become a new species almost."
"It's so cool when a new species is described."
"It's the only floral kingdom wholly contained in a single country and is made up of some 8,700 different plant species."
"...he doesn't let it hurt his feelings and defends his actions stating that he just wants all of the species to get along with each other."
"The future for this species is right here in this tank."
"To be able to prevent this species that's been around that long from being completely lost is really something special."
"She's a common snapping turtle from Florida, so she's Chelydra serpentina osceola."
"We shouldn't be considering ourselves as a better species than any other just because we have the language we can communicate in between us."
"The idea of finding not one, but perhaps innumerable rational species scattered about the universe... would seem to attribute to our species and to our little planet a central position in cosmic history which is not credible."
"Truly a remarkable species that I recommend everybody should have."
"Just an incredible species that I highly recommend to people."
"There's a lot of complexity in determining what species are and what the difference between two species is."
"Every species has a first contact war, but the first contact war belongs only to terror."
"The species always lives, and in the consciousness of the imperishable nature of the species and their identity with it, the individuals cheerfully exist."
"The will to live manifests itself in an endless present because this is the form of the life of the species."
"Every idea, that is, every species of living creature, remains quite untouched by the continual change of its individuals."
"Out of its eyes, there shines the peace of the species, which that death does not affect and does not concern."
"The definition of a population is a group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time that can potentially interbreed."
"We are one species, we're the same animal, we're Homo sapien sapiens."
"The lineage of this fish species dates back 200 million years; they truly are living fossils."
"That's really cool, they look different species."
"The only two species on planet Earth that go through menopause are female humans and killer whales."
"A species is organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring."
"These ancestral animals split off into two, and one side of the family tree went towards reptiles, the other side would ultimately go towards mammals."
"And in under 200 years, these feral species wiped out many of the small native mammals from the land."
"We are the most highly social species in the world."
"This super intelligence, for lack of a better description, would allow a species that only has a few thousand such beings to invent and innovate rapidly," Owen explained.
"What a privilege that is, one of the most endangered species on the planet."
"It lived from the early Miocene to near the end of the Pliocene, making it one of the longest-lasting species in Earth's history."
"Respect is something that is about holding all beings in things, including all species on this earth, in equal regard."