
Adulthood Quotes

There are 4276 quotes

"A lot of childhood and school and becoming a functional adult is about learning how to focus even though you don't want to do something."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need more playfulness in this world; we should be wary of adults who can't play anymore."
"By the time that most adults are 40, they have lost the neurological capacity for childlike abandon."
"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
"Self-awareness is the number one ingredient that you need to be a successful adult."
"Only adults can work on themselves; nobody can do that for you."
"No one expects anyone to make their full career choice and stick to it at 18... No one would be surprised if someone worked for something throughout their time at uni and worked to something else from when they graduated."
"In order to move into adulthood, you have to let go of the hope for having had a better childhood."
"Adults devise a plan and follow it; children do what feels good."
"Sometimes the games you swear you loved to play as a child can be an outright chore to play when you're an adult."
"The brain has a science of its own all the time and had the capacity for radical change even in adulthood."
"Let's just not abuse it. We're supposed to be the adults. We're supposed to set a good example."
"You have 100% accountability for what you do about it now as an adult."
"The difference why adulthood will always be better is adulthood lets you pick your spots and childhood does not."
"If you think that you stop playing and educating when you become an adult, that's the problem."
"One of the greatest gifts of being an adult is separating from your parents and deciding how you want to talk to yourself, how you want to change the way that you think, how you speak, how you support."
"To grow into adulthood for a social species, including humans, is not to become autonomous and solitary, it's to become the one on whom others can depend."
"We're adults now and we have so much more power and we have so much more individuality than you think you do."
"You gotta learn how to wash your clothes; you gotta just, you know, grow up."
"Life is probably getting more complicated, but it's also a time to have some celebrations."
"Self-control can really be improved even in adulthood."
"Milk intolerance is just the normal state of being for a grown-up mammal."
"By the time you're in your 30s, you need to be saving 20 to 25%. You are freaking grown up at this point. Act like a grown-up and start saving the money."
"Almost every culture in the world has a Coming of Age ceremony, an event that celebrates a child's passage into adulthood or a test of their skills or their bravery."
"College is not being an adult. We're all giant children, and once you realize that, it makes everything way easier."
"Dreaming big is something that we used to do as kids. As adults, we tend to lose that ability."
"I feel like I am a child in an adult's body."
"I haven't had a job yet nor have I had really any adult experiences, and this makes me feel embarrassed and ashamed."
"It's really important for everyone 18 and older to not necessarily have an advance directive or written one, but have these conversations."
"What being in your 20s is like: you just, you know, like, 'what, I would like the area around me to be nicer.'"
"I'm in the process of learning to be an adult."
"I'm an adult, but more like an adult cat. Like, someone should probably take care of me, but I can also sort of make it on my own."
"As an adult, I've endeavored to get back to that simplicity, and I just can't. I wish I could."
"Adulthood is not some zombie apocalypse that you run from until eventually the zombies get you and turn you into an adult. Adulthood is interesting and you continue to grow and change."
"Adulthood is not some...station that you arrived at. You sit here until you die. Adulthood is interesting."
"I think that we should protect children and their ability to make adult decisions when they become adults."
"Now, me being an adult, I just know how much better my life is now."
"Your 27-year-old liberal becomes a 32-year-old parent with a career or a business, and then their perspective shifts."
"We are born as children into awe and wonder. Adults are nothing more than deteriorated children."
"Sometimes not having children is the most responsible thing an adult can do."
"If you're able to live into adulthood, chances were you would live beyond 60 years old."
"Being an adult actually means having responsibility. A sign of maturity isn't doing whatever you want whenever you feel like it; it's having obligations and responsibilities toward other people."
"If people want to transition as adults, then that's their choice, as long as you aren't hurting anyone."
"You're supposed to do dumb []. That's the only way that you get to be an adult, a polished adult, is to do dumb []."
"Losing loved ones is moments where you realize that you're an adult."
"The adult world with its rules and social pressures and expectations is so immersive that we forget that there is an outside world at all."
"You're a grown man or a grown woman, stop playing victim."
"A part of adulthood is just moving in and out of different phases that people are just not gonna always relate to."
"The creative adult is the child who survived."
"The tragedy of adulthood is that your romantic understanding of the world ultimately becomes a tragedy."
"I live a real life like the rest of y'all. I work a 9 to 5, I got a girlfriend, I just got my first apartment, I'm 22, I'm living up."
"When you're in your 30s, your friends are just people you know. They're not even people you like, really."
"I think I understand and appreciate these games even more now as an adult than I did when I was a kid."
"The best option is still to get up, be an adult, control your emotions, be stoic, and do the things you're supposed to do day after day."
"I have been an adult since I was 16. I definitely feel like I've transitioned into a better place mentally."
"Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm the adult in the room."
"In recent years, we've seen a lot of attention given to quarter-life crisis stories as financial precariousness and bleak world news have made hitting adulthood for Millennials and Gen Z uniquely challenging."
"Adulthood is not gonna look the same for everyone financially or professionally or romantically or even in the basic day-to-day life choices we're all gonna make."
"Forget the imaginary deadlines and do what makes you feel like an adult."
"Being an adult is learning how to serve, learning how to find joy in service."
"The venom of adulthood slowly sinks into my veins, and with it comes new passions and new habits." - Logan Paul
"Is marriage the cornerstone of adulthood or the capstone? The advantage to it being the cornerstone of young adulthood is that you're building a life together."
"You become an adult when you decide to act like one. You don't become an adult because you turned a certain age."
"The most important thing adults can give you is wisdom and you're not getting it."
"A lot of what we mean by adulthood is 'I can control my dopamine. I've learned to never trust the dopamine and I've learned to control it.'"
"You can be the big smart-ass all you want, you can be the funny guy, but at the end of the day, you got to be an adult."
"You have the power to keep the things that you're passionate about in your life through adulthood."
"We're all just trying to protect ourselves and we're all just like adult versions of our childhood self."
"Honestly, the worst parts about growing up is probably the best parts about growing up."
"Being a teenager means coming into your powers, but being an adult means learning to control them."
"You don't become an adult by age; you become an adult by accepting your responsibility."
"There's no such thing as adult. We define when adulthood begins and is completely or mostly arbitrary."
"We should let people work their way through these things and make decisions as informed adults and not force them into boxes early on."
"You're not an adult until someone else matters more than you do, and you know what it is to make real sacrifices."
"The thing about gifted kids is that, you know, we kind of grow up and then especially once we reach adulthood, there's a certain stickiness to being gifted."
"I don't want to become an adult. Oh, you'll be fine, don't worry."
"Growing up often felt lonely in a way that no one talked about, and I kind of feel that way about adulthood too."
"I wish I could go back to being a kid. I mean, adults are just kids, but older."
"I help my mom out like every week, and that's fine because I'm grown up now, and she took care of me, and I took care of her."
"Here's the thing, adults will preface things that they do by undermining it because it's not at an expectation that they have, but it's arbitrary."
"Living with his parents, maintains an emotional attachment to his childhood possessions, and doesn't have a love life... He is a millennial, after all."
"I'm married, a businessman, a daddy to my kids, respectful, I'm grown up now."
"People need a call to responsibility because they need to mature; they need to want to be adults."
"It is very useful as an adult that I periodically run into things that surprise me."
"It's not what happened to you as a child that matters most, it's how you deal with it today."
"No one prepared us for our 20s being this hard."
"You're a responsible adult, so if you want to wear a hat, wear a hat."
"I think the U.S. people expect that you are a responsible adult who is able to make your own decisions."
"This is all it is. It's basically taking adolescence and dragging it up into adulthood."
"Children hour is over. It's time for the adults. Because we have actual problems."
"Our brain seems to never grow up; it seems to experience continuous integration even into adulthood."
"Freedom is scary, yeah. Freedom is dangerous. For those of us that are adults, we're okay with that."
"Nothing quite makes you feel grown up like being able to prepare a nice meal for yourself and your loved ones."
"Now that you're an adult, you have the power and the ability to change your life."
"It's just embarrassing, it's stupid. I'm a grown woman and I really, really want to change."
"All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it."
"You gotta learn how to act as an adult. You can't blame all your behaviors today on what happened to you as a child."
"I'm sorry. I was never a child. I was born a man." - Theodore
"Having the kid, getting the house - two really fun pieces of adulting for sure."
"Once you get past 22 years old, everything you do in life is going to be based on your reliability."
"The second you reach maturity, you exit adolescence and become an adult. You start dying."
"That's part of being an adult, treating people with respect."
"This ain't Chatty Patty time. We got some grown man business to handle."
"I didn't mind explaining photosynthesis to you when you were 12 but you're adults now and this is an actual crisis."
"You know you're an adult when you get real excited over a measuring cup. Stop it."
"He's a mature man, he's an adult male. That has nothing to do with maturity."
"I want clarity. I want clear communication exchange of information clearly like adults do."
"I'm glad that she's doing well, she's an adult now."
"Being a grown-up is when you're so happy to have a knife on your person."
"There's something weird about parents in this particular bubble where they think that the children are adults."
"Malcolm's relationship with his mother is afforded the rare opportunity to grow."
"Seeing his parents as adults as he enters adulthood himself."
"Look, if you're an adult and you want to do that and you understand who you are and what you are and this is how you feel, you should progress. You're an adult. This is a free country. You should be able to do whatever you want."
"The hallmark of adulthood is the capacity to make your own decisions."
"Looking back and realizing everyone you thought was an adult was just a clueless scared child."
"You're never gonna live a full life if you are staying inside of your parents' home."
"I joined the Marine Corps when I was 17 years old, and when I came out I was a certified full-grown man."
"We have the power now as adults to really take hold of our own future."
"One of the markers of adulthood is actually being willing to seek out intellectual and emotional challenge."
"It gives you a sense of more responsibility thinking about your life."
"Once it's over, you're never getting it back. You'll have nowhere to run when adulthood comes knocking."
"Let people become a goddamn adult and then make these inalterable life-changing decisions."
"It's really hard coming out of loneliness I'm 28 and I broke up with my BFF when I was 19."
"I'm 25 and sometimes I still try to parent myself."
"It's a tough thing that halfway point between responsibility and enjoying life."
"so there's like there's somewhat of a responsibility that we have as adults to not want to steer children you know down the wrong path"
"Ignorance bothers me to no end... just making everything worse... if you're not going to be an adult and take responsibility for your actions you're always gonna be that little kid throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store."
"True freedom comes in living like an adult where you bear the consequences of your actions."
"Once you become an adult, there's so many other things you gotta worry about."
"You ain't got time to babysit; you're a grown-ass woman or a grown-ass man."
"I can't believe I'm living my dream, I'm getting whatever puzzle I want 'cause I'm a big boy now out of high school just buying whatever we want with adult money, right? Am I right?"
"Don't try to raise great kids, raise kids to become great adults."
"Once you leave college, guess what? You gotta pay your own bills."
"We were together for so much of... we became adults... we became different people."
"It's just been really nice to learn again. I feel like when you become an adult sometimes it becomes easy and comfortable to kind of drop learning, drop hobbies, and find that in all of your off time you're just relaxing."
"As grown people, we are supposed to look back and have a critical gaze at the things that impact our culture."
"I swear that once you're out of school time goes so much quicker."
"Now I'm grown... you know now I'm grown... you can have those real conversations."
"Everybody needs to just be grown, take responsibility for the choices you make."
"How do you get back to where you came from as an adult?"
"Each one has a unique reward trait that will kind of follow you into adulthood and help you through the rest of your teen life as well as your adult life."
"We've got a serious adult deficit, serious lack of adults willing to say things that 95% of adults know to be true."
"Real recognize real, and it's cool to be an adult."
"You're an adult. You're responsible. You're a conscious sentient being. Act like it."
"Adulthood doesn't mean you stop drinking juice pouches and eating fruit snacks."
"Responsibility is what defines an adult; it's intertwined with freedom and authority."
"When you become an adult, you take on adult responsibility towards your parents."
"Is it too late for me to learn to skate at 24?"
"You are in real-time showing these babies what it is to be a grown-up, what it is to be a woman, what it is to be like a being with your own hopes and dreams and desires."
"I'm 24, I need to learn that this is what it comes with, people get homesick, but they power through it."
"I love spending time with these characters and their dynamics together as adults."
"These kids were little kids when I came on the show and we watched them grow up to be excellent adults."
"Your appearance should not dictate your readiness for adulthood."
"Just wake up. Be an adult and get up. It's not that difficult."
"You're entitled to be a little silly, and 21 is a silly age."
"Having a group of friends like on TV shows doesn't exist; making good friends as an adult is hard."
"Make sure you handling your business as a man, make sure you making the right decisions, make sure you vet properly all of that [stuff] is important."
"Responsibility and paying your bills and dealing with reality is important."
"By the age of 30, almost everybody recommends that you have the equivalent of one year of your salary saved and invested."
"I first felt successful when I moved out of my parents' house."
"It's time to face the world, time to adult. The good news though? At least you don't have to do it alone."
"If they're two legal adults of sound mind, then I think they can do whatever the [ __ ] they want."
"It's for inducing the psychological profile of somebody who doesn't know how to be an adult, who's psychologically and emotionally broken."
"Adulting is about going to the gym three times a week and ordering water first."
"I'm graduating high school so soon, I'm going to be an adult, and I'm going to be thrown into the real world."
"We live alone now, scary but liberating. No parental figures telling us what to do."
"There's no place like it, you know? You're grown up now, Stormzy."
"You know what, we're all adults here, just communicate."
"One of the weirder things about being an adult is having a favorite stovetop burner."
"My childhood did not prepare me for the fact that the world is full of cruel and bitter things."
"It's their right. They're an adult. They're a citizen. They're not a subject."
"If being fat is your number one biggest fear you are going to have a rough time being an adult."
"Being single in your 30s isn't bad luck, it's a global phenomenon."
"Adulthood is a big old conspiracy and nobody on earth actually has their life together."
"If you're a kid that plays video games all day whatever we all did that but if you're an adult nothing will make time go faster than a video game."
"When you were a little boy you would pray to Jesus but as an adult you didn't know how."
"Turning 18 doesn't mean everyone is ready to take on adult responsibilities."
"Can we do this already? Oh, adult italics, of course we did."
"It's because Aggretsuko talks about all the same stuff that a 20 something like myself is going through, and marriage, ah dude, these are the questions you wonder about, is it too late, like my parents met in college and what am I gonna do?"
"This is a point in your life you realize you're not a kid anymore."
"Have you tried talking to them like a goddamn adult?"
"Adults complaining about having to do normal adult things."
"At the end of the day, you gotta put your big boy or big girl pants on and get to work."
"Parents helped shape who you become as an adult."
"Shared interests are the best way to do it as an adult."
"That's the meme, you grow up thinking you're SpongeBob but then you actually grow up to be Squidward."
"There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction. The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you."
"Growing up is telling yourself no one knows what the hell they're doing. We're all just winging it."
"Relationship as an adult child is really predicated on how much you can see your parents in the fullness of their humanity."
"The day I turned 30 something switched in me and I suddenly felt kind of like an adult."
"The essence of the distinction between a child and an adult is the ability and the expectation to decide when and where and in what context to show certain emotions."
"Adulthood, getting super excited over chairs."
"Help people understand why it's necessary and important for them to grow up and adopt responsibility."
"We're at an age where we're allowed to explore as adults."
"It's a huge card... You're an adult now type of energy."
"The difference between men and boys is indeed the price of their toys."
"Adulthood, fulfilling dreams, planning for retirement and midlife crises await."
"Society teaches us that when we reach the age of twenty-one we are free to live our lives as we choose."
"I am an adult woman who feels empowered to make my own choices."
"Not all friendships last into adulthood... you're the [__]."