
Productivity Quotes

There are 37252 quotes

"The brain does not do well with constant context switching. It can do it, but it diminishes our capacity to do meaningful work of any other kind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"While we're awake, working memory is really our superpower because it allows us to translate our knowledge into action by holding this information in mind as we're thinking about what we want to do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm a big believer that you're either consuming or you are creating."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most people find that their level of attention and motivation is going to be highest 30 minutes, 3 hours, and 11 hours after waking up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deep work is a book that has had tremendous positive influence on my work life and indeed my life in general because it spells out how exactly to go about doing one's best possible work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I don't use my phone that much. I don't use the internet that much, and I prioritize it, and a lot just gets done."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What's burning people out is they're now in this state where they're saying I'm spending most of my day talking about work... very little time is left to actually make progress on the work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most all of them are completely zero cost and those tools will allow you to tap into the neurochemistry and the neurocircuits within your brain and body that peer-reviewed science has reliably shown can significantly improve your focus and concentration abilities."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think it brings out the best in people's abilities because it's a shared social experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If there's one area of your life to really focus on and try and optimize, if your goal is to be happier and more productive and just to have a better life overall, I can confidently say that sleep is really the thing to optimize."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The key principle here is that mental focus follows visual focus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most productive workers are those who take breaks effectively; every hour, 17 minutes was a break."
"Near-term, input-based, controllable, and energizing goals get us over that hurdle initially."
"There are little things, little challenges that you can add to whatever job you're doing to just make it more fun by default, which makes it feel good, which makes you more productive, which makes you more energized, which is good for everything in life."
"Productivity is actually more about being creative and thinking broader than it is about just like efficiently cranking out more and more widgets."
"There's so much evidence that feeling good is one of the keys to productivity."
"Gamification, when applied correctly, can help us drive untold creativity, a new kind of creativity one that's pretty different from the creativity we thought of before."
Gabe Zimmerman
"Not only did I become more productive, but I also quit smoking."
"The greatest skill one can develop is decreasing the time between idea and execution."
"It's the relationship you have with it [drugs] and whether that is productive or not."
"Instead, you want to base your productivity on something you can control because when you base your productivity on something you can control, then you can control it."
"Time affluence, being rich in terms of time, is the opposite of what we experience a lot, which is time famine."
"When we're being unproductive and wasting our time, we like to tell ourselves that what's missing is motivation."
"Toxic resilience is productivity at all costs, a mind-over-matter mindset."
"If you want to make the most out of your time, you really have to be very thoughtful about the things you do the first couple of hours after waking up."
"How we spend our mornings can often tell you what kind of day you're going to have."
"I needed to do everything in my power to get the very most out of every single second of every single day."
"Productivity is using our time in a way that's intentional, effective, and enjoyable."
"A lot of people want to be more productive but they don't even take an inventory of their life because they just think of productivity as being just about work or just about hustle or grind."
"You're going to construct what you want your life to be. You're going to break it up into different hours and segments so you know when it's go time."
"I was not willing to waste a day, and when you're willing to waste a day, then your mind will start to listen."
"When you reset your dopamine levels, you start to find that hard tasks and work-related activities start to become more enjoyable again."
"Creating a study schedule is something that I used to do...you take a big thing you have to do and you break it down into smaller manageable pieces."
"Stay dedicated, create a routine or create a schedule for yourself."
"The success in our life is determined by elevating or maximizing our productive motivations and minimizing our counterproductive motivations."
"Motivation, inspiration, and execution are the three things kind of a trifecta all working together for you to actually get your drawings and projects done to your satisfaction."
"Happiness doesn't just make us feel good; it's rocket fuel for productivity."
"Discipline is a mindset, just like good mental health. It drastically improves your work rates."
"Improving your mental health is the single best thing that you can do to increase your productive work output."
"Produce at least two pieces of content per week...full of value for your target audience."
"Dreaming is almost like informational alchemy, where you fuse things together that shouldn't normally go together but when they do, they cause marked advances in your thinking and productivity."
"The four-hour workweek tells you how to heavily reduce your work hours so that you have more freedom."
"You do those things, you're gonna be an extremely high-powered individual."
"Doing a little bit every day is a lot more important than doing a lot some day."
"Creative workers focus on solving the problems that lead to the most results, regardless of the time they spent."
"Time management is a really valuable skill to work on because time is our single most valuable non-renewable resource. We can always make more money, but we can never make more time."
"Employees who answered yes to the following question 'My supervisor or someone at work seems to care about me as a person' were the most productive, contributed more to profits, and were significantly more likely to stay with their company long term."
"Imagine if we found this concept of working hard, being productive, being on self-improvement, becoming masculine, and joining a community like this when we were young. Where would we be in life right now?"
"The 80/20 Rule... 80% of the result that you want actually comes from just 20% of the actions that you take."
"What you do in the morning before you go to work will determine the rest of your life."
"Your whole entire life will get much better when you move from the mentality of more work to the mentality of better work."
"Creativity and productivity are more likely in people who have a diverse network of connections that expose them to opposing ideas."
"Struggling to fit everything in is this sense of struggling which is actually showing that you're doing the right things."
"Juggling it all while maintaining balance can be a challenge, but there's a few things that have helped me maintain sanity and be productive while also loving life."
"I find it massively helpful to write out my list of things that I want to get done for the day and check them off as I go."
"There is value in focusing on just one thing at a time."
"Wake up an hour earlier and do the thing that you find hard."
"People who actually work on their work with the outcome and the intent in mind as they work on it produce much higher quality work."
"Rather than focus on a lot of my negative stuff, I would just find ways to make it productive and focus on how to enrich my life."
"Making habit trackers putting them up on your wall is a fantastic way to hold yourself accountable."
"I guarantee your screen time on your phone will drop by like an hour."
"Don't waste your time on tasks that aren't even important."
"Whether it's Tim Ferriss telling you that nine-tenths of your work week is unnecessary, or any slew of productivity bloggers promising to somehow quintuple your productivity overnight with nootropics."
"There is no magic pill. If you want more energy, go to bed before two o'clock in the morning."
"Cutting out TV might be the single biggest personal development gain that you can make in your life."
"Without action... nothing will happen. You must take action for all things work."
"Our ultimate goal is to be more productive today than we were yesterday."
"I hope you use video games to accomplish something that's actually important and productive and adds value to your life."
"It's okay to work hard, it's okay to hustle, it's okay to be productive. All those things make you a better person in my opinion."
"Done is better than perfect when you're starting."
"The greatest failure you should be scared to death of is just sitting around and squandering your time and achieving nothing."
"I'm very fascinated by how much time people spend dwelling and debating, I think we glorify strategy and we underestimate execution."
"What an awkward, but hopefully, productive conversation."
"Foster joy and squash cynicism because as long as we stay cynical and pessimistic, nothing gets done."
"Making music sober has given me so much more time on my hands. I've been making beats again, falling back in love with it. I'm having more fun now than I was before."
"Innovation causes increased productivity and efficiencies and creative solutions to problems that many companies are facing."
"If you're constantly a people pleaser, it will erode at your own ability to get things done for yourself."
"Sometimes the most productive thing that you can do for your mind and for your body is to rest."
"Your mindset is critical to your health, it's critical to your productivity, it's critical for your dreams, it's critical for your happiness."
"The undeniable connection between your happiness, your productivity, your sense of control, the mindset and mood that you have all day long, and how you wake up."
"There are some areas where you get disproportionate rewards on your time if it has to do with verbal or emotional abilities. I get disproportionate return."
"Your mindset and having a powerful mindset and being deliberate about what you're going to think about begins the moment you wake up."
"How you wake up matters. How you wake up determines your mood, which impacts your productivity and how you feel about your life."
"Your time is money. At a certain point, you got to know what your time is worth."
"Treating each page as precious can give you anxiety...the best thing you can do for yourself is draw a lot."
"Best case scenario, you wake up and you fast... then you do your work."
"Reserve your brain power for those big, needle-moving activities."
"Whether you ran a marathon, read Moby-Dick, or continue the ambitious project of organically fusing your butt to the couch, you might be thinking not nearly enough."
"Lately it seems like everyone feels pressure to be more productive."
"Perhaps it's time to think a little less about getting things done and a little more about getting things right."
"You've got to value your time because that's how you get stuff done."
"Everything else that you hear about sounds more directly related to your productivity... but the thing like setting up your calendar and knowing exactly what time you're gonna eat, that's huge for your productivity."
"If you develop a habit of starting and completing your most important tasks, it will transform your life."
"Before you do anything, ask yourself, is this moving me toward my most important goal or is it merely a distraction?"
"If you are looking for a productivity monitor that can provide unmatched color accuracy for your professional work, then the ViewSonic VP 2771 is the right choice for you."
"The Philips Brilliance 499P9H can replace your dual monitor setup easily and enhance your productivity with seamless viewing experience."
"The CJ890 can be the perfect monitor for a workstation that can greatly enhance your workflow and help you increase your productivity."
"Productivity is not about blasting through your to-do list and doing more, it's actually about doing less. Productivity is the ability to make progress in the things that matter to you."
"I realized for that job...every aspect of this job will be massively improved, and productivity will go up by 10x with these goggles."
"What about productivity, Freeberg? My kids aren't trying to be productive. They're using it to burn time. It's called childhood. You don't have a productive childhood."
"The shift from working at home during the pandemic may have also yielded efficiency gains."
"It's so darn liberating to know that we're not machines wired to produce maximum results around the clock."
"Productivity is more about doing more of the right things."
"Your brain is for having ideas, not for storing them."
"Having a decent system is a massive cure for burnout because you just trust the system to do stuff; you don't have to have that low level of anxiety running in your actual brain."
"Building a second brain...ends up acting as a thought partner for you."
"Nobody gets paid according to their productivity. This is a made-up ascription that you are making to post-hoc justify the exorbitant wages of the one percent."
"Productivity is about using our time intentionally and effectively."
"Success doesn't lead to feeling good. Feeling good leads to success."
"Feel-good productivity is a simple method, but it changes everything."
"Productivity equals useful output divided by time multiplied by the fun factor."
"A healthy approach to productivity is just spending time well."
"Productivity is doing more of the things that matter to you."
"Productivity equals output divided by time, multiplied by focus, multiplied by forethought, and multiplied by fun."
"The classic productivity equation is output over time. But I think the way for you to be the most productive...is to add three Fs: focus, forethought, and fun."
"How do we strike a balance between being productive and relaxing, taking a break, giving ourselves the time and space to do absolutely nothing?"
"Don't forget to love the other things about yourself that aren't tied to the hours you put in working on something."
"Productivity is not an end goal but a byproduct of direction, mental clarity, and living a balanced life."
"The core idea of the book is really that the secret to productivity is not discipline, it's joy."
"If you can make your work feel good, then your productivity takes care of itself."
"What's the point of productivity if we're going to be miserable at the end of it?"
"What if the secret to productivity isn't discipline, what if the secret to productivity is joy instead?"
"The secret to productivity is not discipline, it's joy."
"I want to give y'all some lessons on how to stay focused and accomplish things."
"Productivity is not hours worked; it's about the economic value of the output."
"You should work hard with everything that you're doing; you should be passionate; you should have goals. But the idea that you need to be productive at like max capacity every day of your life, otherwise you are lazy, you're failing...that is toxic."
"Sometimes the most productive thing that you can do is rest."
"Resting when you need to rest is productive and it is something that you should be putting in your normal schedule because that is literally what allows you to continue on working towards whatever it is you're doing."
"It's okay to not be productive every day. You shouldn't be productive every day. You're a human being, not a robot."
"Humans are energetic beings. They have a certain amount of energy, and that energy can be applied to a myriad of things."
"Productivity is part tool, but way more habit change."
"Strong productivity gives you faster economic growth, it gives you a faster increase in living standards."
"Your mind is made for having ideas, not holding them."
"Could you do 25 minutes of the most important thing for your future self every day?"
"It's not crazy to do 25 minutes of work on something that will benefit you in five years every day."
"If for every single day of the year we could actually just do the single most important thing that we want to get done that day, that genuinely would change the needle for our productivity and also for our life."
"Focusing on systems...is actually an amazingly useful productivity tip."
"Enjoying the journey is the ultimate productivity hack because when we're having fun doing the stuff that we need to do or that we want to do, then productivity just magically takes care of itself."
"Great love is worth taking the steps you're guided to take."
"There is actually some reasonable evidence that having greenery around you boosts your creativity and makes you feel good."
"Net productivity rose 69.6% while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated, increasing only 11.6% over 39 years after adjusting for inflation."
"If there were a democratic choice, the majority being workers, you can bet would use productivity to produce leisure for themselves rather than profits for the minority."
"Prioritization is about doing more of the things that are truly important to you."
"Follow through is the skill of actually doing what you say you're going to do."
"The whole philosophy of time management is kind of based around this idea of intentionality and then time blocking."
"The bottleneck is energy... I could choose to approach my work in a way that made it much more energizing."
"It's what we do with the hours of our day after we wake up that make the difference in how much we get done."
"The more focus we bring to our work, the less time we have to spend on it."
"It doesn't matter how busy or efficient we are; what matters is how much we accomplish at the end of the day."
"Productivity is the confluence of managing our time, our attention, and our energy."
"Every day, fast forward to the end of the day in your head and ask yourself: by the time the day is done, what three main things will I want to have accomplished?"
"The fewer things we try to do at the moment, the more productive we become."
"The reason productivity is so crucial is we only have so much time... and most days we feel that."
"Productivity, in the sense of making better use out of what limited time we have every day, so we have more time for the things that are actually meaningful to us."
"Managing our attention is so difficult, especially today when we have so many objects of attention that we can focus on."
"It's work when we know it's productive, we should work, and when we know there's a brick wall, we should let go."
"Actually, sometimes self-care is meeting that deadline that you're currently not on track to meet, but actually respecting your future self and your goals is getting the fuck up and doing the work that you need to do for that."
"Self-care isn't always running a bath. If you're running a bath and you're about to miss three deadlines, and that's your paycheck for the week, self-care is not running a bath. I refuse to believe that self-care is running a bath."
"Knowing your boundaries and getting to know how you're most productive and how you're happiest, the happiest is really really important and that all comes then into your time management."
"Every single day I will write three non-negotiable things I'll do that day. Like a year is literally just 365 days, and I know that's so obvious, but it's also that accumulation."
"If you can make your work feel good, then you become more productive by default."
"Every single day, ask yourself what is the actual most important thing you want to get done that day and then make time for that thing in your calendar."
"Healthy productivity means not hustling, not doing too much, not spreading yourself too thin, and not taking pride in overworking yourself."
"Having a strong and good enough 'why' will help motivate you to stay productive and stay on your plan."
"Productivity to me is living a life that has equal and balanced amounts of work, play, and rest."
"Batching is one of the top productivity tips out there because it's so effective."
"Solving productivity is the only dial that I think we can actually move now."
"Prioritizing other people in a lot of situations is actually the best thing in terms of your productivity and success."
"It's a well-known principle that if you keep steel in one drawer and Flint in the other, you're not going to get much of a fire."
"What is the one thing where if this was the only thing I did today, it would be a win?"
"When you're having fun, productivity takes care of itself."
"Productivity is efficiency, but the other part of it is living intentionally."
"To me, productivity is am I having fun along the way because the more fun I have, the more productive I naturally am."
"If you can learn to enjoy the journey, if you can learn to have fun, journey before destination, then productivity takes care of itself."
"The truth about productivity is that it's not really about the apps, it's not really about having a perfect system or about being disciplined or motivated more than anyone else."
"Productivity, to be honest, isn't really about getting more things done, it's mostly about learning joy the journey."
"Meditation is starting to be thought of, now, as a productivity tool."
"The value that Americans have been putting in our productivity has been rising for decades, right, and our wages have not been keeping pace."
"I was able to change my routine, break free from the grip of procrastination, and managed to build a successful YouTube channel."
"In a society based on speed and productivity, moving slowly is a radical act."
"We're human, we can't do everything and anything in one day."
"Where attention goes, energy flows and if you don't use it, you lose it."
"Time is of the essence. Time is money, baby."
"We expect swift results as the workers are highly motivated. The true nature of the... has been revealed. Good riddance."
"Never mistake habit for hard work. That's my favorite because people think because they do something over and over they're working hard, but the majority of the time they're doing it out of habit."
"One immediate action is worth a thousand good intentions."
"I thrive on deadlines. If I don't have a deadline, I don't get things done."
"Being productive is definitely a commitment that takes a degree of thought and effort...but then over time, it does become automatic."
"I have immense energy to do whatever is next, whether that's exercise, learn more, prepare a podcast, write a grant, or work on a paper."
"It's empowering, it's encouraging, and it removes the ambiguity of nonsense things that's going to distract you."
"It's hard to feel overwhelmed when you're kicking ass every day."
"Nature is very useful on many levels... if you're feeling stressed, all you have to do is walk somewhere where there is more oxygen or ions in the air and your whole brain has the possibility to relax and be more focused and more productive."
"Rest is productivity. Rest is what really helps us step into this powerful energy like the king of wands."
"Productivity is the still mind. Productivity, the ultimate of productivity, is to be in stillness, to be in perfect alignment, to be in joy, to be in happiness."
"All of us have been raised with this unconscious belief in productivity... it's all ego-driven."
"When you start accomplishing, and the value starts to return, you'll find inspiration to do the next one."
"Thursday and Friday should have Thanksgiving rules; absolutely, people pretend to work on Thursday and Friday."
"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us."
"80% of your success... comes from just 20% of your work."
"You shouldn't sacrifice yourself to the point of being a martyr because that becomes counterproductive."