
Achievement Quotes

There are 149615 quotes

"Most of the things we get recognized for in life, success in life, in every endeavor, whether or not it's school, relationships, sport, creative works of any kind are always proportional to the amount of focus that we can bring to that activity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All of these creative achievements are nothing short of magic."
"Small simple steps. Little by little, a little becomes a lot."
"You are going to get some sort of recognition for a job well done."
"Getting respect from the ones that you respect, the real Legends of the game, those are the moments that I cherish and really keep me driven."
"Progress has been identified to be a major source of motivation."
"Talent is the ability to hit the target no one else can; genius hits the target no one else can see."
"I felt very accomplished after my yoga Nidra session."
"It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we were able to take down the giga."
"I really want an achievement for being the first one out of Bleak Falls Barrow."
"If you're persistent, you can attain it, but if you're consistent, you get to keep it."
"If we can learn to activate ourselves in a way that generates this incredible emotional charge within, a powerful and vibrant and courageous and loving charge within us, then we have the ability and the energy and the excitement to accomplish anything in the world."
"If you master self-motivation, any feasible dream you have becomes an objective that is separated from you only by time."
"Now I finally can make my own game just because I've been streaming for a long time and can fund it."
"If a little kid from West Virginia who got a C in composition in college can go on and become a best-selling author, anybody in this area here can do anything as well."
"You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you stay focused."
"When you're constantly looking for the next bar to hit, you can blind yourself to how far you've come."
"I finished that 100-mile ultramarathon in 19 hours, 13 minutes, and 26 seconds, which I was very happy with. I was extremely satisfied and proud of the performance."
"Everyone in the world should achieve everything they've ever wanted... just to realize that it's not the point."
"As long as you keep this positive mindset, you will reach a good peak."
"It's absolutely crazy to me that so many of you have decided to watch our show... We now have five million subscribers on YouTube."
"Celebrate those victories...celebrate that accomplishment...it just makes it easier for you to reach your goal."
"People who believe they're capable of doing something are far more likely to do it."
"Don't pay attention to who is getting it right off the bat or who is doing it perfect... literally just focus on what you are doing and get it done."
"It's taken what feels like an eternity, but we've done it. We are here, coming to you from the new studio."
"A genius without a roadmap will get lost in any country, but an average person with a roadmap will find their way to every single destination."
"Instead of focusing on what isn't done, focus on what you have accomplished."
"I graduated from the University of Cambridge with a 2:1 in Psychological and Behavioral Sciences. This is my baby, and I did it."
"This boy from Hackney in East London... I did myself proud."
"Have confidence to dream boldly because you're capable of achieving whatever it is you set out to do."
"Human potential is nearly limitless, but having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it."
"You become what you repeat. So people that are high achievers do not allow themselves to repeat anything that diminishes their sense of self."
"All of your hard work, all of your efforts will pay off, and you will get recognized."
"Everything you're achieving and striving for will work out in your favor and it will be so worth it."
"The medal comes from going out and being all you can be, being everything that you can be with the potential that you were gifted."
"Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings."
"Love yourself. You can achieve anything you set your mind to achieve. And be a go-giver as much as you are a go-getter."
"If you are happy and fulfilled while you pursue your dream of fitness, you would likely get much higher chances of accomplishing whatever it is you want."
"Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."
"You have the strength and you have the willpower and the tenacity to make it happen."
"By some miracle, you've completed a full week on the job."
"Get inspired. You have to really truly want what you want, or else you're not going to get it."
"Your most satisfying personal development and most important achievements will come as your goals open new horizons, as you explore new interests and skills beyond your comfort zone."
"Don't try to do everything at once. The power is to concentrate your focus strategically into just a few, ideally one thing, to knock it out of the park."
"You can't expect to win the gold medal in a week."
"If you're still breathing, you still have an opportunity to be achieving."
"I felt like I've finally fulfilled the promise that I made to myself. I'm a real YouTuber now."
"What is unbelievable is the journey from the non-League to the Premier League with a 60% wage cap and a 10,000 seat stadium. That is unbelievable."
"Become a master of the basics, and the small wins will make the big wins."
"This is very, very crucial because when you can learn to cohere the heart and mind together, you can achieve very, very powerful things."
"I love that day when you do loot the boss and then you finally get that sick weapon. It makes your whole day."
"I found joy, yeah. There's always going to be criticism, you know, but then I always remember when I was young, I just wanted to be an NBA player. That's it. And now, to be where I am, it's just unbelievable."
"If you do the work and you close that gap and time collapse, you will have that superpower."
"The path that leadeth on is lighted by one fire, the light of daring burning in the heart. The more one dares the more he shall obtain."
"It's been my boyhood dream but they never come true normally. This is the exception."
"You can accomplish more in 10 years than you think, less in a year than you think."
"You're going to intuitively know the easiest way to accomplish your goals."
"Success is a bunch of small victories that then lead to the big one."
"If you've done your best and you've really gone for it, then that's really all you could have asked for."
"Serena Williams...she was still like, like that's when she won the US Open and she was pregnant. That's crazy."
"Celebrate your success, enjoy your achievements."
"Don't tell anyone she's a Forbes 30 under 30 honoree."
"Americans can accomplish anything we set our minds to, and America will lead the world back into the vast expanse of space."
"Kobe Bryant triumphing and winning a title without Shaq, proving he can win without him, is one of my favorite moments in NBA history."
"It's hard to get, again, an undrafted player to win an MVP award. It's just going to be really difficult to do."
"This is like a dream come true. I mean, it's a real dream come true."
"You're going to receive some sort of public recognition for the work that you do."
"You're never ever going to be able to leave a footprint on the beach if you sit in your boat. You have to walk in order to leave these footprints."
"There's no reason why you can't get into the top 20, other than your mindset."
"Emotionally, it was like we were blown out of the water. It was incredible."
"NASA has an amazing ability to do stunning achievements even in the midst of difficult times."
"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
"Making the UAE the fifth country ever to get to Mars at all... even more impressive to do so on your very first attempt."
"For me, the bright spot of COVID was actually seeing the team that we had pull together and actually get it done."
"This is my fifth Mars rover... they're all very, very special, but as of this moment right now, this is the best landing on Mars."
"Success is not just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do."
"I don't know if you've ever carried a dream for a long, long time, and it finally comes true, and it's just like, oh, like this weight comes off you."
"Congratulations, MIT class of 2023. You totally got this."
"Everybody puts their power together to make something great."
"You have a destiny at this lifetime. You are fated to achieve very big things."
"This is a great look just to show how, when we get on code, we can accomplish anything."
"And congratulations, Inspiration 4 crew, the first all civilian mission to orbit."
"We're champions after five years using youth to gold."
"You correctly identified a homicidal maniac and managed to take away her toy. Good job, thank you. It's all in the day's work."
"It has been a complete team effort to beat Jelly Fam, and everybody stepped up when they needed him to."
"We had made significant progress over the past year."
"But there's nothing sweeter than landing a critical hit, healing up your characters, and listening to that heroic music cheer you on."
"I never thought that I would be giving my TED Talk somewhere like this."
"To achieve 100%, I'll need to unlock all 12 tiers of realms, complete all the quests, craft an epic endgame set of gear, guns, and tools, build a respectable home, defeat the highest level variants of all three Apex creatures, and, of course, complete all the Steam achievements."
"Whatever you're going to accomplish, it is going to require hard work."
"Perseverance is how you achieve. It's how you move forward."
"No matter what happened to the rest of this day, we won this game, and I contributed very good."
"This is extraordinary human achievement at its best."
"You're the closest to getting what you want when it's the hardest; people quit right before they get what they've always wanted."
"It still feels surreal. I feel grateful to have won for just being myself."
"After all the hype and anticipation, Overwatch would finally launch... Overwatch is an incredible achievement in multiplayer shooter design."
"Mike Evans, I mean, we talked about it this fall, he is, if he plays another three, four, five years, he will be in the conversation for Mount Rushmore of wide receivers."
"My cool Throne is friend of the program, Dan Hurley, after winning the Big East title regular season, he went out to the bar and celebrated with fans and students."
"To look at the Moon every night now and know that we have new hardware there, that we had a hand in building in our lifetime, something I couldn't say before, really was a magical day."
"In the 50th year of hip-hop, to have made the best hip-hop album means the world to me."
"To me, Faker for almost every statistic you say is number one. Best player of all time, undoubtedly."
"We are here to make a mark, and all the women in the back can get you some."
"Only Faker was so explosive as a rookie, so dominant, so game-changing that within his first year as a pro, he had not only become a world champion, but the best player in the entire world."
"I think all great things are created from love. I really believe it's the ultimate emotion for creativity, for achievement. I actually think love is the highest form of achievement."
"Every child would be proud. So dramatic and compositionally great."
"Fully appreciate where you're at and all that you do have; you made it. That's the making it."
"I got a million views... I really did it, you feel what I'm saying? Like, I kept going for him."
"It's through that struggle and that effort and that dream and the desire that you get there."
"Self-esteem is earned by you doing something difficult for you."
"We just got the holiday cloak. This is like a 3% chance of getting this, and we actually got it."
"What Bruns is doing with this Nick Squad, especially with all the injuries...keeping them in the top four, got to be taken into consideration."
"Based on the body count around you, I'd say you've done more than enough learning for today."
"The crushing gears of fate were broken by Ichigo; his wish to receive a blade strong enough to shatter fate was fulfilled."
"The real proof of what we have done is in the results."
"If you think with your heart, you're going to lose most of the time. If you think with your mind, you will achieve everything you want."
"It's time to relax, so there you have it, another 100 days of Mega modded Stardew Valley has just flown past."
"This is going to lead you to so much more success."
"Ronaldo came in, lots of excitement about it, but he dealt with it well. He did his role, he scored his goals."
"The key to achieving anything you want in life is summed up in one word: Faith. So get in faith and stay there."
"Everything in your life right now was impossible or a dream or things that you did not imagine were possible for you, but they still happened."
"Persist until you get the result that you desire."
"What you gain in spiritual life is the greatest gain. There is no greater gain."
"Oppenheimer won and becomes the highest-grossing movie to win best picture since 'The Return of the King' won back in 2004."
"We're actually doing it. We're making history."
"The Blood Loa accepts your generous offering. That is epic, dude. That's really cool."
"We got two fantastic teams now. We're already sending one team to Madrid, congratulations to Loud."
"Adequate has made it... what a champ. Ain't nothing but a thing, just an ocean to swim across."
"Anybody can get there if you work hard, and they also need good teaching."
"Always believe in yourself and know that you can achieve."
"Your dedication to whatever this is, the time, the effort, the study that you've put in, is really, really paying off."
"Be confident. Just trust that's because you've earned it. You've worked really, really hard."
"You'd be surprised how far you can go in life if you just are relentless and you show up for yourself repeatedly."
"Goku showed that he could indeed go further beyond."
"China has come a long way with its adventures in space, including its lunar program missions."
"You guys are not only hard workers but you have what it takes to achieve your dreams."
"The crown is so powerful; it talks about huge success where we feel on top of the pyramid, we feel on top of our life."
"This game winning the outstanding achievement in animation at the DICE Awards this year was absolutely warranted."
"You have more of an ability to achieve what it is that you think that you want than you realize."
"Celebrate the progress that you've already made."
"Toit R strikes the first 100 of the 10th edition of BPL, what a knock he's played."
"So close he had, so far away of immortality."
"In the moment, you want the win to be easy, but at the end of the day, when you go back and watch the video, it's always sicker if it's done in a cool fashion like that."
"Super Bowl MVP once again, Pat Mahomes, and this is why he is the MVP."
"Find a community. With the right people in your corner, there's a lot you can achieve."
"Congrats on a million. I remember you had 2,000 subs."
"If your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve."
"If you shift from hard to hard to hard to hard and you never push through the hard, how can you ever get anywhere?"
"How can a goalkeeper save four penalty kicks out of five? That tells you that they have put a lot of work on the training ground."
"South Africa will be in the next round for the first time since 2000; they will be in the semi-final."
"B is astounded when he learns that reaching the foundation establishment realm will extend his lifespan by 100 years."
"This run is all about getting the full, revitalized Master Sword on your save file."
"There is no such thing as overnight achievement. If it comes easy, it goes easy."
"I swear to Sir Alex, when my house is done, you will all be jealous."
"We've learned over time is if we work together and we cooperate and we combine assets and combine resources, we can do much more."
"Show the world that when you do things for the people you love, you can do anything."
"If you do not have self-worth, you will never be truly fulfilled, no matter how much you accomplish."
"It was a double hat trick for the Manchester City fans in the form of Harland and Phil Foden which was brilliant."
"We've done it. We have secured our third Premier League Crown in a row."
"Bro, this is actually getting crazy now, Haaland's now won his fourth consecutive Ballon d'Or."
"This mom ended up receiving a lengthy standing ovation for what she's been doing."
"Kane didn't score but Ajax have won. Yo, Kane's taking home the trophy, his first ever professional trophy."
"This is literally my Balon d'Or, and it's because of you guys we've made it possible."
"At least we've gotten Bellingham to a 99 overall. That was the main goal."
"Something he couldn't achieve in real life, he's done it now: a Ballon d'Or for Neymar."
"Encouragement will get you there, discouragement will not."
"You are not behind, you are perfectly where you're meant to be to achieve your desires."
"Not only have I completed many Fallout games to 100%, I am now 100% winning rate on game nights."
"I might be the first person ever to die by shark in GTA V. Well, that's probably true. I finally achieved something with my life."
"You can't move towards the fulfillment you want until you become the person that's able to achieve those goals."
"An STC is more than just a database of technology; it is a gateway to our understanding of all things, and they are arguably humanity's greatest singular achievement."
"There's only one team that's happy at the end, the team that holds up that trophy."
"Something along the line, there was a Shannon sharp that said, 'Yo, I've done this, I've achieved this, and with that came great responsibility.'"
"You've done a lot of work. I do feel that, you know, teamwork makes the dream work."
"We've managed to get flights to the Maldives for two with a morning's work."
"It's tough to win a treble; it's even tougher to retain it."
"It's a phenomenal achievement to be still in this situation at this stage of the season."
"Achievement is your card of blessing from Lord Ganesha."
"Years of hard and arduous training had led her to this very moment, the athlete does not hide emotions and there is no need to do that, she did it all right."
"Free Enduro World Series titles back to back after having won pretty much everything in downhill."
"Rachel Atherton, 35 years young, going for 41 wins today. Just an unreal competitor."
"If you're gonna do something spectacular, you have to take the risk."
"Hope is necessary as a force for achieving tasks."
"He goes aerial, he's got hold of it, it will go all the way, first maximum of this innings."
"When you start accomplishing, and the value starts to return, you'll find inspiration to do the next one."
"Hard work gets you places. I think if you work hard enough, you can achieve anything you want."
"The achiever chooses how to proceed based on one's own critical examination of what works and what is important."
"The achiever is driven to improve the world."
"Have a day where you really treat yourself and really celebrate how far you've made it."
"You really deserve to take some time to celebrate your achievements, to celebrate your accomplishments, and have gratitude for how far you've already come in life."
"I'm the greatest, best Liu Kang ever to touch the game."
"My new form is just impeccable, bro. I'm sorry, I don't know what you want me to tell you."
"Nobody is going to give you anything that you have not earned."
"Despite us doing the mission in the hardest way possible, we did end up getting it done."
"It's surreal to be here, and I'm absolutely humbled."
"You're not supposed to be rooting against people. You're supposed to be rooting for guys to come up and do big things. That's what this is all about."
"You guys are heading into great career success where you will experience stability."
"The framed photo is the ultimate trophy of how well you take care of your villagers."
"Consider it a flex, especially if you're able to put it on a table right outside that villager's home."
"You cannot be denied if you get good enough."
"I know it's... an accolade for me but it really does feel like more of an accolade for us as a community together."