
Success Quotes

There are 148539 quotes

"Most of the things we get recognized for in life, success in life, in every endeavor, whether or not it's school, relationships, sport, creative works of any kind are always proportional to the amount of focus that we can bring to that activity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you implement even a subset of the protocols that we cover today, you stand the greatest possible chance of both setting the proper goal and achieving that goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Winning creates the propensity for more winning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The team that loves each other is going to win."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Really small tweaks to the way that we frame our goals can have an outsized impact on whether or not we're successful at reaching that goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The ingredients for success already exist within us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can go fast if we go alone but if we really want to go far, we go together."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The success is not guaranteed, but the struggle is."
"The overwhelming probability is that you will fail, but a small proportion of creative people succeed spectacularly."
"Success without recognizing the fact that the journey is ultimately what matters tends to be pretty hollow for most people."
"Explosion of creativity plus discipline equals success."
"Don't worry about becoming a best-selling author. Paradoxically, it's the people who don't try to become best-selling authors and focus on writing the best goddamn book that they can, that wind up as best-selling authors."
"Training creativity it's not about art; it's about success in any aspect of life."
"Success doesn't come without hard work first."
"The best predictor for success in a complex enterprise is intelligence."
"Conscientiousness is diligence, dutifulness, orderliness, industriousness; it's the second best predictor."
"The pathway to success is that unidimensional obsessiveness driven by interest."
"No matter what type of circumstances that you have been raised in or have experienced you always have the ability to find a way out and create success for yourself."
"A lot of you are going to have the courage to finally change your career, guys, and this is going to be a successful change."
"The more faith you have and the more belief in yourself you have, the more success you're going to create here on earth."
"To be successful, one you have to be really good at problem-solving but two, you have to have an obsession with efficiency."
"If you have the passion, you'll do well. The money will come automatically."
"The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly get rich, and the riches they will receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude."
"Persistence and resourcefulness will get you there. The plan works as long as you work the plan long enough for it to work for you."
"You need to give value and when that clicks and when you get really good at that and you really are one of the most helpful people to your audience, the money just shows up."
"Failure leads to confidence, and confidence leads to success. So, in a way, failure really leads to success."
"Ease is a greater threat to success than hardship. You got to push through the pain."
"The longer you can delay gratification, the more successful you will become."
"Gratitude in achievements and success keeps us humble and grounded, reminding us that every good and perfect gift comes from above."
"If your goal is to climb the ladder of success, you have to avoid the common traps that devour most people: laziness, drugs and alcohol, porn, nihilism, and things like Doom scrolling that take your time but give nothing in return."
"To be successful, you have to have primarily the quality to focus, to concentrate."
"We are right together, you and I, saving this company."
"The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."
"Being angry and tired and unhappy all the time is not a good way to become successful or to change the game in your field."
"If you want to succeed, you've got to get deeply efficient. That's where habits and routines come in."
"The number one way to not have paper is to chase it."
"You make money changing the game, not following it."
"I always say if somebody in the world has made it, that is, happy and successful, that had your circumstances, your excuse is void."
"As you go up the ladder, emotional intelligence skills matter far more for success than your cognitive abilities."
"It's drilled out of us that we should give up too soon when you really can make it out. I'm proof of it."
"Stacking skills is how you do something great, but stacking skills takes time."
"Focus is the thing that you need to be optimizing for. The more that you can have singular focus on the task that you are trying to accomplish, the more that you're gonna win in life."
"If you want things to change, if you want talent, if you want success, if you want relationships with people, you have to fail, and more importantly, you have to try."
"You're not going to succeed at all unless you want to succeed and you have the motivation to do it."
"Habits are really key. You need to develop successful habits."
"Dissatisfaction, craving, that's what actually causes you to go and create success."
"Stay dissatisfied, and I'm sure that you will start to build more success than ever."
"Fifty percent of success is just showing up."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Not being in the rush, knowing that your hard work will pay off with time if you do this for long enough, you'll get to that point."
"The seeds that you plant now, if you keep working on them, keep watering, keep that energy going, eventually they'll blossom into something."
"It's important to choose your role models carefully. Try to choose guys who are actually succeeding at something other than just giving advice."
"Success in any endeavor is very closely related to how much focus we can bring to that endeavor."
"The success in our life is determined by elevating or maximizing our productive motivations and minimizing our counterproductive motivations."
"Falling in love with the process is essential for success."
"Winning is not what I once thought it was. I have found it to be much more complex than our traditional definitions of success."
"Do not get complacent. Success may look like failure if you ease up. Sacrifice must be progressively overloaded."
"Success is not how much money or how much power you have. Success is how well do you do what you do when no one else is looking."
"Whatever success I had came more from my knowing how to deal with my not knowing than from anything I knew."
"The real success in life comes when you find a good quality group of friends."
"Every old school success book, which changed millions of lives, will tell you about the value of positive thinking."
"If someone else has done it, you can probably do it too if you dedicate your life to it for the next few years."
"Confidence is the key to your success. The only thing that's going to get in your way is you doubting yourself."
"Believe in yourself. Confidence is the key to your success."
"The winner is going to be the one who works the hardest, who makes the most beautiful videos."
"Work smart and hard because lots of people are working smart. If you have five people working smart, and the one who works hardest, he's going to win."
"You need to work on the right thing and work smart first. Working smart puts you on the starting line, then you got to work hard to win the race."
"If you don't have the ability to project your thoughts to other people, I don't know how you're going to be successful in life."
"I've never seen anybody who genuinely tried their hardest for anything and never got it."
"Consistency is key. There's no secret formula."
"I think the most successful person is a person who's happiest because that's the point of life is creation and also to live the happiest existence and live the fullest life possible."
"If you want to be happy and successful...there's no cap on how many successful soccer players there can exist at the same time or how many books are out in the world."
"It's not about winning, it's about being the best version of yourself."
"You could win but didn't do your best and you really failed, and you could lose and do your best and you were truly successful."
"The worst thing you could possibly do in life is strive to achieve someone else's definition of success and only to arrive there and realize that it's not yours."
"It's not so much being a champion that I love, it's more about the person I've become in this journey."
"The mark of your success isn't going to be which mountain you climbed, the mark of your success is going to be how good you've become at climbing whatever mountain presents itself in front of you."
"Being successful in life is not what really matters. Being significant in life is really the core root of what matters."
"Hard work leads to success, but success does not always lead to happiness. We prioritized wrong, and we got what we prioritized for."
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
"Successful people aren't happy; happy people are successful."
"We don't see our differences as disqualifying or dangerous, we see them as foundational to our success."
"Your ability to focus and pay attention to just one thing will determine your success in life."
"Success is not a destination; it's a journey."
"The secret of success is determined by your daily agenda."
"To make a million dollars, you have to become confident, creative, a hard worker, and a leader. You have to be someone that adds massive value to other people's lives."
"Incremental improvement, repeated, is virtually unstoppable."
"The first part of being successful is your mindset."
"Successful people do what failures won't do."
"Growth happens in here, success happens out there, and let me tell you, real growth is much harder than success."
"There's one thing that correlates with any kind of success you want... it's mindset."
"Listen, don't get me wrong, money ain't bad. Money is really good. In fact, I often talk about making a lot of money and doing a lot of good with it. But money alone does not make you successful."
"Many of them, I would say over 80 percent of the men, go, 'Hey, I am successful,' and then they go, 'But I'm depressed. I'm successful but I'm anxious. I'm successful but I'm alone. I'm successful but I'm not happy.' And I realize that, 'Oh, wait a minute, bro, you're not successful after all.'"
"Success and happiness could be two very different things. What I want to do is bring them together."
"The person who has the highest level of success and happiness is the person that has the relationships squared away."
"Success must be a byproduct of purpose. If you're making great money, you have an awesome relationship, you are fit, but you feel like you are not living your call and your purpose, shouldn't you start developing what that purpose is?"
"Create success and happiness in every category of your life, and if you have all four of those squared away—family, faith, fitness, and finances—then you are truly successful, and you will have happiness and fulfillment."
"If you want to succeed more than you want to watch TV, then you'll be successful."
"Recognize that you are on a path to being in a position where you've been able to control to some level where you are. You've been successful in your business, in your work, in your interaction with others, with the family that you're in."
"Success is your kids wanting to be with you when you're an adult...it won't be like the size of the inheritance that you leave them, it will be, you know, are you still in each other's lives."
"I spent many years of my life chasing what I thought was success."
"Will be successful, you have to know these things: that deep belief in yourself."
"Have faith that whatever it is you're launching will be successful; you've got luck on your side."
"When you get the Wheel of Fortune, it means that anything you turn your hand to is going to have a positive outcome."
"This is a card of aligning yourself with success but also internally you're blossoming."
"You have everything you need, and I wish you all the success in the world."
"Momentum is one of the secret keys to success."
"The more successful people become, the more humble they become because they realize how much they don't know."
"The best life that you could possibly think of is when you become rich, become wealthy, get lots of money but then you also do it when you have a vibrant social life of people around you that you love."
"Ultimately, there's this weird relationship between your mindset and your execution."
"Only execution matters. Meaning, you could have the worst mindset in the world, but if you do the right things to be successful, you will be successful."
"Feeling like I'm on the highway 'cause everything's been going my way."
"I think one of the reasons that you've been so successful is you genuinely care about people."
"He is the embodiment of perseverance and hard work and believing in self."
"You're taking accountability for your success because you know that if you sit there and do nothing, nothing's going to happen."
"This is your pinnacle month of success, reward, acknowledgment for all that you do."
"Surround yourself with five successful people, you're going to become the sixth."
"Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development."
"This is a card of success; it's a card of hope for the new year to come."
"Speed of implementation is one of the key traits of successful individuals."
"Struggle is not an impediment to success, it's a requirement."
"Do you want to win on your terms, or do you really want to win?"
"To surround ourselves with the right group of people is very important to the success of our lives."
"Every time you do one of these visualizations... it feels good to be a winner. I feel the feeling of what it would be like if I was there right now, having accomplished this."
"It was okay to fail. People like them, who had no talent, couldn't succeed without facing failure."
"Success is one of the most fluid, non-rigid classifications we've arguably ever had as a species."
"The happiest people are not the richest nor the poorest but rather those with a slightly above average level of wealth and success."
"People who are happier tend to be more successful not because they are happier but because they engage in behaviors that lead to success."
"Sacrifice creates paradise. Truly becoming successful is sacrificing today for a better tomorrow."
"Success is a byproduct of personal development. Your success will never exceed the level of personal development you have."
"The wind always blows the strongest at the top of the mountain."
"How do you handle success? Everybody handles losing the same way; they're pissed and they work harder."
"A lot of guys don't handle success well. They cash out, get their Bentley, their second home... But the defining characteristics of most great anything—Tiger, MJ—is resiliency."
"It doesn't matter how much money, success, or fame they have, they work insanely hard. That's a defining trait in every industry."
"If you're not willing to pay that price, you don't deserve to be successful."
"Authenticity is key in the lifestyle area, and those that succeed tend to be willing to share their whole lives."
"Help other people get what they want; they'll always give you what you want."
"Confidence is very attractive and usually with confidence comes success in life."
"Reading is the strongest signal for success in the future."
"Finding joy in your players' creativity, success, and victory is a big part of the learning curve of a Dungeon Master."
"50 Cent's gangster was unquestionable, and his backstory combined with top lyricism on the mic made him one of the most successful rappers in the history of the genre."
"Success is not a destination; it is a journey."
"The breakthrough for me was to accept that I was hopelessly average, and that that was still going to allow me to be successful."
"Your success doesn't count for anything if you're not fulfilled."
"You're literally addicted to doing and you're addicted to success."
"You will achieve Freedom within a few years if you're doing the right thing if you're on the right path."
"Real success for ambitious men should be up here; we want huge success, huge money, but we want it whilst improving our health."
"I always felt like I was faking, like I was being someone I didn't like in order to get a group of people who didn't want to see me succeed to like me."
"No one doing better than you will ever criticize you; they'll mentor you."
"What is unbelievable is the journey from the non-League to the Premier League with a 60% wage cap and a 10,000 seat stadium. That is unbelievable."
"The greatest environment for the success of a child is a two-parent household."
"Science has found that people with high IQ levels are surpassed 70% of the time by emotionally intelligent people."
"Our emotional intelligence - how we manage emotions, both our own and those of others - can play a critical role in determining our happiness and our success."
"Follow your bliss does not mean get addicted to pleasure. It is to pursue excellence and ignore success."
"There's 10 years of quiet iteration behind that big breakthrough success."
"Making money is a byproduct of doing the thing that you're really passionate about."
"True success comes from self power. True success is defined as the progressive realization of worthy goals, the ability to love and have compassion, and to be in touch with the creative power inside you."
"We spend all of our time dealing with people. You can't succeed in this world if you don't understand people."
"Self-awareness is the number one ingredient that you need to be a successful adult."
"Materialism is not the only game in town, and in fact, success is not the only goal and it's not even the most important goal."
"Behind success isn't really magic; it's always cause and effect."
"There are so many different paths to success, but there is only one path that is uniquely for you."
"I love teams. I love team sports. I love celebrating success with other people."
"You have to be an independent thinker in order to be successful."
"There's a lot of success...isn't necessarily linear. It's not a straight line. There's a lot of adversities, a lot of different challenges and learnings and growth and evolving."
"The capacity for failure is more important than the vision of success for successful entrepreneurs."
"I take a little pride in just being a little bit delusional with my success."
"My parents were originally alcoholics and addicts and they kind of got out of the life and got sober into recovery and became pretty successful individuals."
"First and foremost, let me say thanks to the military and the service members who conducted this dangerous operation. They achieved the tactical success that was asked of them to achieve, and they all returned safely."
"I used to, I still have the number one Us Weekly cover that ever sold."
"I prayed so hard over it and I'd be like, 'God, please, I just pray your anointing over this cover that it would be the best seller.' And it really was the best seller."
"The Bible is a simple book of principles. If you follow the principles, you will be successful."
"The greatest success is to endure hardship, struggle, and challenge while also allowing joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction."
"If success changes your identity, it wasn't strong."
"If you're going to win, you must be willing to shoot your shot."
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
"They have built an empire that has been able to outlast all of their peers."
"If you can discipline yourself to do the things that you know you have to do to create success, your success is virtually inevitable."
"You have to heal. There's no way around that. Your key to success in every area of your life starts with healing."
"The struggle is guaranteed, the success is not."
"Sometimes, it's not about overnight victory; it's about later victory that comes with hard work."
"If you're surrounded by people who are more successful than you, instead of envying them, maybe you could interpret it as, 'Hey, this is a great sign because this means more success and more happiness is coming my way now that I'm able to surround myself and attract these people into my life.'"
"Nvidia is just on a killer track of beating triple beating."
"If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anybody else?"
"It's about failing and going again, and failing and going again, never giving up."
"Once I pushed out all of that, realized in my head these people's opinions don't actually matter, that's when I started succeeding."
"Success is a bunch of small victories that then lead to the big one."
"The most successful people are not the most egotistical; they're humble."
"Your capacity to feel into the inner dynamics of anything brings data and insight that gives you an advantage in achieving happiness and success."
"Some people define success differently; some don't need the big house, the cars, and all of the things that we talk about when we identify with success."
"Cardi is now one of hip-hop's biggest stars, headlining major events like Rolling Loud."
"Success doesn't come from doing some specific formula externally; it comes from understanding how you work as a person."
"The very reason and rationality that many atheists celebrate, in fact, points to God."
"The effects of meditation on health are important, and that's why tens of thousands of doctors recommend you do your meditation."
"When you succeed, we'll be there to congratulate you."
"The creative is the absolute variable of success."
"Non-action is the fundamental reason that most of you will fail."
"Nobody remembers your losses. George Lucas had movies before Star Wars."
"You're capable of intense, prolonged focused energy. Embrace your passions. You will triumph."
"Healing your shadow work and healing internally is actually what's going to manifest more success for you in the material world as opposed to more effort."