
Childhood Quotes

There are 16202 quotes

"Neuroplasticity is greatest in childhood and tapers off after about age 25, but neuroplasticity from age three until age 12 or 13 is exceedingly high."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The narratives that we hear as children end up being so powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have a strong immune system because I used to play in the dirt growing up."
"I am going to enjoy this period of time where my children are going to look like superheroes."
"The kinds of attention and validation we received as children... shape who we become."
"The demands that we put on like really young kids are just unbelievable."
"It's amazing how much of our childhood really sticks with us."
"Kids are born as an adaptation machine... The goal is to go not that I need to revert to some pure state, it's oh I see beliefs are malleable, values are malleable, identity is malleable."
"Authenticity can't be faked; like when you see someone's real reaction, you know it's not actors."
"I was a Power Ranger when I was a kid... you can be anyone you want."
"What about productivity, Freeberg? My kids aren't trying to be productive. They're using it to burn time. It's called childhood. You don't have a productive childhood."
"I would love for everyone to know that he is a normal 10-year-old kid. He may not look the way you would envision a 10-year-old kid, but he is that normal 10-year-old kid."
"My absolute favorite thing in movies is when someone is looking at a childhood picture of a character, and they use actual childhood pictures of that actor."
"Kids nowadays are growing up so fast... I had absolutely zero shame and that's why most of the kids are the happiest and just do whatever they want because they don't care what other people think."
"Dreams hit a little different when you actually do something you've dreamed about since being a kid."
"When Goku changed, well, the portion of my childhood life, I thought I could do that shit. He screamed his way into a transformation."
"Growing up, I was always outside, like girl, I was riding bikes with no shoes in LA."
"When I was five years old, I played my first video game. It was Mario Bros on the NES, a game that's older than I am by two months. Knowing nothing about video games, I took it to be a cartoon that I could magically control. That was enough to be enthralling."
"Forza Horizon 5 intersects with childhood nostalgia in such a fascinating way because it feels like an update and a resolution of it."
"Have you ever looked at a child in awe of how they have this keen sense of curiosity and adventure, the sponginess of their minds, and ability to be flexible in their thinking with just a little bit of skepticism and humility?"
"Water towers can fly, burned in my brain from the early days of watching you."
"You don't get a childhood back. It's this is it. You know, that's it for children."
"Kylie Jenner wants her daughter to have a normal childhood away from the prying eyes of the media."
"So often, children are punished for being human. Children are not allowed to have grumpy moods, bad days, disrespectful tones, or bad attitudes, yet we adults have them all the time."
"You can teach children to be basically anything; they'll believe you because they're sponges that absorb information and are trying to figure out how to live in this world."
"Every kid is yelling on the inside: please somebody tell me I'm special, somebody tell me they notice me, somebody tell me that I belong in this world, that I'm loved."
"True freedom without boundaries is terrifying for children; it's chaos."
"At 9 years old, your family trusts you enough with a constantly fire-making device that they just perch it onto your shoulder."
"You got the good ending. You got a snack before your parents woke up."
"Going home is not a privilege for a toddler, it is the standard, it is the norm, it is where they are supposed to feel safe."
"When you were a kid, you had tons of energy and rarely experienced digestive pain."
"Being nostalgic for the good old days is fine, but looking at those days uncritically and wanting to go back to them anyway basically means we want to return to the uncomplicated lives we had as children."
"There's a need to invest more in education to pull millions of children out of the streets and into schools."
"The difference why adulthood will always be better is adulthood lets you pick your spots and childhood does not."
"The way that young children adapt to stress early on helps them survive that early stress but in the long term those same adaptations become sources of pathology."
"This happy face is the expression that this kid has when he's made a new friend and they found out they have something in common. This is the expression a kid has when he gets exactly the toy he wants for Christmas."
"A third wheel is always better. I loved riding my tricycle growing up, so much more fun when you don't have to constantly focus on balancing."
"I hope that people can still appreciate the things they loved as a kid for intrinsic reasons beyond it not being the new thing."
"Rubber ducky, you're the one. You make bath time so much fun."
"It's not what you stand for when you're 18 or 25 or 30. It's the values that are imprinted on the hearts of five, six, seven, eight, nine-year-olds."
"Lilo was a realistic depiction of a child, perfectly expressing the awkwardness and loneliness of youth."
"Having this little guy who... he's in there and you can see that his little brain is trying so hard to work and figure out what's going on."
"First thing I want to play hide and seek with all of my friends."
"For kids who are growing up in this environment, it's tough, and I feel for kids who are growing up in this environment because I feel like in a lot of ways, it's worse."
"Your childhood just really shapes who you are."
"Children know best about living in the present, that for them, the present doesn't just exist for the sake of the future."
"Children need to be allowed time to be children and they're not machines to absorb information."
"Basically, I think I just want children to know that the world is deep and filled with variety."
"If you tell the truth, you get in trouble for it. Every kid knows that."
"How beautiful, how wondrous is the world when we see things for the first time, when we look at things through the wonder and awe of a child's eyes."
"All I wanted was the Britney Spears CD for Christmas."
"Genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recovered at will."
"What boys need is horseplay. It's a requirement."
"Children can be so cruel because Nico had eyes that were a different color than everybody else, it didn't take long for her to become the target of the class bullying."
"Some people read Lord of the Flies. We played it."
"I thought it was pretty normal for a child to want to spend time with their parents."
"The summer they were 11, they killed a man and buried his body in a cave; since then, every year one summer night has marked a ritual to never forget and never betray."
"My first birthday party, you're right, and you definitively can like close your eyes and you're in that moment."
"On that last day, my dad was going to build a snowman... Oh, we never got to finish it. That's what's sad."
"It's the same function of a transitional object... a child who has a favorite blanket... is practicing the brain's own ability to offer self-soothing and comfort."
"It takes them a long time to get their bravery up for the waves, but then once they do, they're like running towards them, and you have to rescue them a bunch because they'll just get knocked down with any wave. They're so short. They're so shrimpy."
"I was playing outdoors, you know, we'd climb trees, we'd build dens."
"I was of the generation right when 'Star Wars' hit, so I was that kid who probably 'Star Wars', Stephen, and 'Indiana Jones' and everything."
"Kids just want to have fun, and they don't care about all the important things we do."
"I'm a '90s kid; we didn't have all these screens and crazy toys."
"Why don't kids like to sleep, eat, or bathe? It doesn't make any sense to me."
"I spent half my childhood building little models...my mother said I would amount to nothing."
"Most kids don't want to wear hats and [stuff], he loved the [stuff] hat."
"Any parent that had a van and kids in like the 90s, 2000s, it was just a jungle gym on wheels."
"As a child growing up next to the Chinese border, I was lucky to receive outside information."
"We should be viewing children as pre-adults because that's what they are. They're human beings who are independent and allowed to separate from family of origin and become people in their own right."
"Looking at the world through a kid's eyes is kind of really special and it can give you a fresh perspective and remind you that not everything has to be super heavy all the time."
"Just give the kids three good years, and do everything you can as a society, as a community, to support parents giving those kids those first three years."
"We are born as children into awe and wonder. Adults are nothing more than deteriorated children."
"Ultimately, what children need isn't coolness, but an engaged adult who helps them navigate all the tough things that childhood can throw at them."
"Play is so crucially important to children, and so utterly engaging to them, because it constitutes a microcosm of the expanded adult social world."
"Kids are so forgiving and so gracious to their parents."
"Why would somebody push down their emotions? Because in childhood, it was too dangerous for them to experience them."
"You know, one of the first true freedoms you experience as a kid is that first bicycle."
"We sit there and we think, you know, we're right now facilitating the creation of memories that hopefully, hopefully one day he looks back fondly on."
"Generations of children embrace that character because it's a silly, playful, happy, irrepressible thing."
"My heart bleeds for him as a child; someone took a kid and manufactured a monster."
"As a child, the one person who is supposed to protect you is your parent. And if that parent is the source of fear and pain, then your brain just gives up almost."
"Anything that you love as a child is connected to your inner child, which is directly connected to source."
"I'm so excited that those kids are finally outside playing in the grass."
"All I wanted was just my own little tree house. I could climb up a tree, and I had a little tiny room."
"Trying to find the naive happiness of childhood once again."
"Rediscovering my childhood helped me get back to the real me."
"If you have people in your life that are stuck, they probably don't believe that their behavior can change."
"Growing up, my parents were always really arguing, and it was really difficult to be around."
"Let children be children...preserve the innocence of children."
"This is fruit punch, right? It tastes like childhood right there."
"The year was 2009, silly bands were used as currency on the playground, and I Can Has Cheezburger was the funniest thing that anyone had ever seen."
"We were all kids at one point, and our experiences as such helped shape who we are today, for better or for worse."
"Mom, it's a snow day, the most magical of days in a young child's life."
"It just feels like you're running around like kids in South Park."
"The idea of childhood as a time of innocence is so ingrained in our culture that we rarely stop to think about where it actually came from."
"When we were children, we stood brilliantly in our authenticity."
"Play is the royal road to childhood happiness and adult brilliance."
"George's childhood was spent playing on the bomb sites of depressed post-war Merseyside."
"Judson was a child who was failed by the system."
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are."
"You have to think of what Barbie allowed little girls to imagine in the first place."
"The fundamental flaw in human design is that when something happens to you as a kid, you don't say what's wrong with that kid or what's wrong with my dad. You say, 'What's wrong with me?'"
"ADHD or Attention Deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder which means it develops early on in childhood."
"The keenest single pleasure of his childhood: his understanding of a non-mathematical proof of the Pythagorean theorem."
"That's like a really kind of cryptic message for you to be reading as a kid."
"Teaching your kids the value of money should come at a young age."
"If you tend to go into a stress response when you try to communicate your emotions or what you need, it may be that you're showing signs that you weren't listened to as a child."
"Sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful, but because they are fleeting."
"Children see magic because they look for it."
"To incentivize creation, his mother would provide a piece of chocolate for every completed work of art."
"Oakley was special. She wanted everyone to feel loved, everyone to be happy, even at such a young age."
"She was super active, so we played a lot. We went to swim lessons... and she took dance."
"She was genuinely just a happy baby, happy kid. She loved us, she always had her arm around us or she was hugging on us."
"My family was very happy for the most part when we were all children. We went to church, we had fun, the community at church was always very great."
"It's sad... that when you have a little boy who likes dolls and a little girl who likes trucks, it is assumed that they must belong to the opposite gender category rather than just being a child who happens to like the things that they like."
"I'd also like you to know not to have any regrets, as I had a really wonderful childhood with really loving parents."
"Santa Claus is only going to come if you go to sleep."
"You got to go to sleep so when Santa Claus comes to give you presents."
"Can we stop saddling kids with these concepts that are way outside of their realm of understanding?"
"I think like every kid should go through thinking that there's a Santa for a while. Like why not?"
"What's wrong with having a little bit of childhood magic?"
"Like many little girls, Rylee wanted to be a teacher when she grew up."
"I think we should probably be a little bit cautious or reflective before we kill any passion that appears in a child."
"If children live in an unfair environment, it messes them up. They grow up twisted."
"Victoria was like most children; she just wanted to be loved and wanted to have parents who were proud of her."
"When I'm talking to a four-year-old, often I'll ask her what she's excited about for tomorrow or the week ahead. I think for most people, it's really hard. The world is a heavy place, and the way that we navigate it is that we have things that we're looking forward to."
"All children are artists, and the challenge is how do you remain one when you grow up."
"I was created to comfort the Orphans of play care; they often had nightmares, you see."
"I want to see her be a child. I want to see her be the kid that I had."
"Truly, we are the dichotomy of man here in the fourth grade."
"At 8 years old, all of a sudden being in a shelter, having no clue what's going on, that's hard."
"Filming your kids doing cute things is totally fine, but forcing cameras non-stop in their faces during their most vulnerable formative times in life is another thing; it's abusive, Full Stop."
"Can you take this broken boy and put the pieces back as one? Though he has all of his toys, he is never having fun."
"All my favorite people are all—they all came from a very tumultuous childhood."
"As a kid, I have loved the moon. It's always there and has continued to inspire humanity. That is why I could not pass up this opportunity to see the moon up close."
"Being grounded... back then, in the '90s, was 'Oh, you can't go outside.' Now it's like, 'I'm going to take your Xbox.'"
"My chance to have an earthly life was taken way too soon. No chance to learn to ride a bike, to learn to fish or play baseball."
"I really, really wish I could go back to being a kid."
"There is no age too young to talk about pretty much anything. If they know about it, they're ready to learn about it."
"Love is not difficult for you. The first examples of nurturing and love that we were given or we're not given as children might of shown us that love is hard for us."
"When we're kids, we're told to be the greatest of all time."
"This is the food of my childhood. When she was cooking, she always had you next to her, and you see how she's doing it."
"It's joyous to see little kids learn how to swim."
"Your inner child is basically a part of your consciousness that embodies all of your childhood experiences."
"Often times, how we feel about kids... has a lot to do with our relationship with our inner child."
"If you were a 12-year-old kid, how would you fight a big scary demon? Just and prayed up and maybe have a little holy water in a backpack."
"I had a very important effect on me, a positive effect on me growing up."
"Magic Spoon is like getting in a time machine and hitting the accelerator. Just one spoonful and it's like you're a kid again, sitting in front of the TV, eating your favorite cereal, watching your favorite cartoons."
"Imagination as a child was really the ultimate escape."
"When I was younger, I had this dream... I was flying around and everyone else was just like, 'Whoa, that's so cool.' And I remember just wishing it was real so bad."
"Eli deserved to grow up and have a safe and happy life."
"No child walks away untouched despite how it might seem or despite how it might look."
"Every child growing up in trauma comes up with their own version of survival that actually serves them well."
"It's strange because when I look back at my childhood, I think of this amazing childhood I had, and I think that is a testament to my family and my friends and the people around me supporting me through it all."
"Reading journal entries from a 10-year-old, from an eight-year-old, from a 12-year-old, from a teenager, and reading how like my problems then, even though now they seem so stupid and small and like, oh my gosh, I'm so dramatic that I thought that was such a big deal... I remember feeling it being like the weight of the world."
"Ever since I was a kid, I've always just loved making people smile, and that's something that I feel I was doing very well for a very long time."
"For the first 15 years of my life, I lived among members of a doomsday cult that believed with all their hearts that the world would soon be ending."
"Sometimes as a kid, you need somebody else to model what it's like to be a successful version of yourself, especially if the adults in your life aren't doing it."
"I was hyper as a kid, and I always say, like, bicycle riding was my outlet."
"It's a perfect time capsule of what was important to the people who made it when they made it, and it's nice to see a game aimed at children that doesn't pull all its punches and trusts them to learn and overcome everything thrown at them."
"A time that helped shape my childhood, a time that saw the birth of my wonderful sister Maya, a time that made such an impression on my mother."
"I was already playing the bass at the age of three. When my dad used to practice, he would put his headphones on my ears, and I started tapping the right tempo."
"We're making kids useless before they even have a chance to become useful."
"The number one predictor of future wealth is access to healthcare when you're a child."
"It's great to ask kids, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' But one thing that might be added to that question is, 'What five things do you want to be when you grow up?'"
"I am seven and I'm playing in the sun, making rainbows is my idea of fun."
"For Barcelona, it's going to be possession with purpose. We know that they're a team that likes to keep the ball."
"As a kid, my first video game experience was when my parents got me a Game Boy Advance when I was five. I would lay on the couch sideways to be under the lamp so I could actually see the game because otherwise, it was like playing nothing."
"It seems like childhood is all about trying to launch your body as high as possible."
"My son started crying as well and said that he didn't want to hit the kid."
"My mom was a very loving mom. My dad was in and out of jail... but my mom always instilled love."
"Instilling in our children that they can achieve what they want in life with the right attitude and the right work ethic."
"Depression is something that absolutely dealt with in my life...virtually everything that happens to us later on in life begins as a coping mechanism in childhood."
"All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it."
"Life before the internet, life was more simpler, it was less complicated to be a kid."
"I'm sorry. I was never a child. I was born a man." - Theodore
"Most children grow up praying to God, Willow's talking to Tupac."
"A moment to remember the joy of simply being a kid again."
"We've created this idea of a childhood where kids romp around and play and do no real work."
"Around the world, thousands of children from different backgrounds and religions have described a life they have lived before."
"I can't imagine the pressure as a child of feeling like God is watching you at all times right like I used to get stressed out on Christmas."
"Hell is real demons are real the devil is real like that's scary for a kid because you're gonna believe them they're your adult."
"For these kids, recess is more than a brief break of sunshine. It's a break from war."
"Unfortunately societally we've bubble wrapped our kids a little bit too much to the point that they don't have... we've created this pathology bubble because we've overreacted to things that we should have not have done."
"Children need beauty and truth, they learn through what they see."
"The fun of being a kid is getting away with something."
"Kids who grow up being told they can't have something because it's bad are likely to become adults with problematic relationships with these forbidden foods."
"It's the entire reason I had kids was to be there with them when they were young."
"I think the right thing to do is to let your kids play with what they want because, guess what, that's who they are."
"Why the skyrocketing rates of mental health diagnoses in children? Is it us, them, or the iPhones?"
"Favorite cartoon growing up? Probably Dragon Ball Z."
"Getting your child to go to sleep is a victory that will exceed the highest points in your life to that point."
"Have you forgotten what it's like to hold a balloon, to be a child?"
"Being an obese kid is not only unhealthy, but really hard."
"He's a little boy with this humongous imagination. He has a way of being able to help people go back to being children."
"This is a kid who has gone through some trauma, okay? There is no doubt about it."
"Thanks to Colleen for creating my childhood because, well, I didn't know you were a VA when I was younger."
"I made the funny voices and did the impressions not just to make people laugh, but to soothe myself. And I had anxieties as a kid from the world, and I would try to be funny to make myself laugh."