
Attention Quotes

There are 8976 quotes

"Dopamine creates a heightened state of focus. It tends to contract our visual world and tends to make us pay attention to things that are outside and beyond the confines of our skin."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If people can consciously override the desire to blink, at least to the point where they feel like they have to, or else their eyes would dry out, that actually can increase attention even further."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Focusing on a goal line allows people to move more effectively toward that goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's really about an ability to pay attention." - Rick Rubin on the essence of creativity.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can really enhance your ability to taste and taste the different component parts of different foods simply by paying attention to what you're trying to taste."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Working memory and attention collaborate at a neural circuit level and at a neurochemical level to allow you to move through your day in an adaptive functional way."
"Where you place your attention is where you place your energy."
"What you pay attention to is what defines you as a person."
"The kinds of attention and validation we received as children... shape who we become."
"Paying attention to people that you love... that's not really love, is it, if you're half paying attention?"
"The art of learning is the art of attention."
"Presence is giving your full focus to someone... great presence comes when you're entirely focused on the other person."
"Your attention is the most valuable thing that you have."
"The attention he showed me was very different than anything I'd ever experienced."
"A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention."
"It's very healthy to be in love with someone and they look at you and they don't see anyone else."
"Life is constantly teaching us; we just simply need to pay attention."
"Whatever it is that we pay attention to recalibrates the entirety of the way the brain operates. That's pretty powerful."
"Attention ends up being like you said a superpower in that it moment by moment can transform the way that our brain operates."
"So today I'm going to speak briefly a little bit about Attention, Mindfulness, and Brain Systems."
"We can think of attention as the leader of the brain. Wherever attention goes, the rest of the brain follows."
"Pay attention to your attention and incorporate mindfulness training as part of your daily wellness toolkit."
"The first thing you encounter when you try to meditate... is that it's so damn hard to pay attention to anything because you're thinking every moment of the day."
"Wherever attention goes, the rest of the brain follows."
"If attention is indeed the case that our attention is the brain's boss, is it a good boss?"
"It is the practice of giving full attention to the thing we're with because at the end of the day, there is no such thing as multitasking."
"The average person is more interested in his or her own name than in all the other names on Earth put together."
"The fight is in entertainment, where people's eyeballs are actually affixed."
"How you attend to the world depends on that depends what world you find. The qualities of the world that comes to your attention is determined by the quality of the attention you bring to it."
"You pay attention to things that you value, one way or another, and what that means is that the world tends to manifest itself in relationship to your value structure."
"Attention changes the brain. It changes it in seconds, not just in months or weeks or days or hours."
"I think your priority should be to devote whatever attention necessary to condone and set boundaries."
"Our attention is focused. We're salient to one another because this is what we've chosen."
"You never want to use color to make something colorful. But rather color, when used sparingly and strategically, can be one of your most powerful tools for drawing your audience's attention to where you want them to pay it."
"The most important resource while driving isn't your eyes, it's not your ears, and it's not your hands; the most important resource is your attention."
"Money follows attention. Whoever gets the most attention always wins the money game."
"Attention is the most basic form of love... simply giving someone your attention is the most basic form of love."
"The humble person is someone who has the ability to pay attention."
"When you pay attention, pay attention to people who can't pay you back."
"Attention is a moral act because it changes what actually is there in the world for us to find, and it also changes us."
"I assert that if you're not in the present moment you're running a program. Paying attention is being present and it's a skill, just like anything else. The more you practice it, the better you get at it."
"The stronger the emotions that we feel to certain problems and conditions in our life, the more we pay attention to them."
"Our biggest challenge is how to call our attention back from all the distractions and actually focus."
"During the love-bombing phase, when the narcissist is in some ways lavishing you with attention, it can feel as though you're being seen and heard in a way that you have never been seen or heard before."
"Every single dog starts out as a reactive dog. There's no reason for a dog to pay attention to us unless we set up the circumstances that make it productive for the dog."
"You can't go in looking at what you can get. If you are really trying to get to know someone, you have to pay attention to what's said and what's not said."
"You are garnering a lot of attention from a lot of different people all around the world."
"We have externalized our attention so much that we've lost touch with our inner voice."
"I'm like a bloody magnet; even haters will sit and watch me. It's great. Love it."
"They have a presence to them that turns heads."
"Your best defense against anything that's trying to hijack your attention is something like honesty."
"If you want to know life, you need attention. Very intense, keen, sustained attention."
"No one is threatened by a carpet-cleaning robot, but everyone pays attention when a robot wipes the floor with the world chess champ."
"The key to making a perfect YouTube video is to have a massive click-swallowing title that attracts the eyes and gobbles up your attention."
"Even though you are busy, you still remember to take care about me."
"What are you giving your attention to... that's the sole question."
"I see her do that in every room that she's in... just pick the person who isn't getting the attention and see them."
"The job is to capture your attention and make you think."
"I never looked exactly at chat because I want to give 100% of my attention to the person I'm talking to."
"You have my total attention now; I'm not quite sure if I've got yours though."
"Success, victory, being well known for what you do, or just getting a lot of people showing you attention."
"Being there for this type of person is critical – really being there, with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby, makes you feel truly special and loved."
"Can I just get your attention for two minutes? Just two minutes."
"Friendships definitely deserve the amount of attention we give to our romantic partners."
"The greatest gift you can give somebody is your attention."
"You should never be on your phone on a date."
"Twitter hijacks your attention span and your ability to take in long-form content."
"The only reason I give you so much attention is simply that I want to be with you."
"As a journalist, I've learned it's important to grab the reader's attention with a catchy headline. Here's mine: Local woman ruins own life."
"You need somebody's attention before you can tell them how good your thing is."
"The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished."
"Who you give your attention to matters so, so much."
"When you try and censor something, you draw attention to it."
"Nothing is free. You must give your attention, devotion, and loyalty to some subject, then you will get a response."
"The more that you pay, the more that you pay attention."
"I'm sorry for being on my phone, and I will pay more attention to Kayla."
"If you can't stop people's attention, you're never going to be able to hold their attention."
"If you suffer from nervousness or anxiety in your speaking, being attentive to the other person instead of being attentive to yourself will actually sort of decrease how nervous you get on test day."
"Now I'm going to say something that will really capture your attention, and this statement should really stir you up to seek the truth."
"I wanted people to fear me, but now, I realize there are better ways to get people's attention than over fear and anger."
"Full of ideas and typically at the center of attention."
"It's not really airing out dirty laundry if it seems like a cry for attention; it's because abuse merits our attention."
"If you practice spreading your attention and focusing it, you'll literally get better at life."
"If it bleeds, it leads. This takes advantage of human nature. You will have an easier time capturing people's attention with strife and trouble because people are naturally motivated by self-preservation."
"It's actually the question of relevance, and there's a whole branch of cognitive science now focusing on how in the world do you decide what you attend to when there's an almost infinite number of things to attend to."
"Emerging Neuroscience, psychology, and mind sciences are converging to reveal that every moment of our lives is shaped by how we focus our attention."
"Attention deficit is not a deficit when I'm working on my model railroad... I can hyper focus."
"If you want to give me your attention, I deserve your attention."
"You know me, you pay attention; to me, that matters most."
"Nothing is more valuable than attention. It's the only... I literally value attention equal to oxygen."
"What constitutes a good life is answered by what you're doing with your attention in each moment."
"Hey, listen up, I got something of extreme importance to show you."
"Your worthiness is not affected by the attention that you receive, and you are worthy of life and all of its sweetness just simply because you exist."
"Nobody would do this for attention; nobody would go through this much pain, this much suffering."
"I offer you my full attention but know that the currency of time is spent with care."
"Attention is at the heart of all human achievement."
"Art is attention. 'In the future, we’ll all be famous for 15 minutes,' Warhol said that."
"A baby's cry is biologically designed to grab our attention. When noises happen around us, we have an impulse to snap our attention towards them."
"It is only human attention which opens the doors of this universe."
"Fun fact: When somebody sees something that says 'fun fact,' they read what's after it."
"Attention is the number one currency in our society."
"Focus is key. What we give our attention to grows."
"People who get a taste of fame or get a little bit of attention start craving it. It's almost like a drug."
"Every single issue is so important and so grueling, but how do we maintain the right amount of attention on those issues so that we're not being distracted by new things?"
"But when I talked about the great plan of happiness our Father in Heaven has for us as His children, I had their attention."
"There is a difference between thinking and paying attention and of the two, paying attention is much more important."
"Complimenting something specific indicates a greater level of attention from you than just saying you're beautiful."
"If you pay attention to one life, one blade of grass, one grasshopper, one human being, something else will happen."
"It was really special to share that with him and he really paid attention during the entire fireworks show."
"We don't have an attention deficit disorder; we have an attention overload disorder."
"That's why turning the spotlight with a question is so powerful. Because it takes control of where the attention is."
"Human beings aren't built to deal with so much attention, so much feedback, so much comment, so much interactions all at once."
"If you simply change what you pay attention to, you've changed what you produce."
"It's like we're drowning in opportunity, and your attention is your most important asset."
"The more you can pay attention and have a clearer idea of how you want things to be, the easier your editing will be."
"If you're going to have text on screen, you should be willing to have the gameplay be ignored."
"I think we are not paying sufficient attention to the law of unintended consequences."
"Public speaking...means you're speaking to groups of people...and all the attention is on you. This is what makes it scary."
"When everyone's listening to you and looking at you, you have more influence. That's why people do public speaking."
"When you have attention, I think you have the ultimate currency."
"The true art of memory is the art of attention."
"The greatest gift you can give your child or your spouse or your client or your coworker is the gift of the fullness of your attention."
"You don't give sin the attention that it asks for."
"If you're not creating a negative response from somebody, you're not fascinating to anybody."
"The aim of love bombing is to deny the faculty of thought by occupying the target's entire attention span."
"It's the repetition of becoming aware that your mind has wandered and then just simply bringing it back to the task that you're doing."
"If you got up there and just spoke and you were comfortable, I think you would hold everybody's attention."
"If you don't explain your policy clearly and concisely, and you don't take seriously concerns, nobody is going to pay attention to you."
"We need an attention movement to reclaim our minds... We own our minds, we own our societies, and we can take them back if we want to."
"Our eyes gravitate to the brightest part of the image."
"Jesus was someone who got everyone's attention."
"Even when the war is over, the problems are not over. This is going to carry on for years to come and it needs a lot of attention."
"It's time we paid attention to the needs of working people."
"If someone really cares about you, you shouldn't have to bother them or feel like you're bothering them to pay attention to you or show you love."
"Listening is about giving that individual your undivided attention so that they really know that you're there for them."
"If something is terrifying you, pay more attention to it."
"The most valuable thing another individual can give you is their time and undivided attention."
"Everything's important, Mr. Steel. Everything."
"Attention and indeed one of the primal things about all the religious traditions and all the good practices is about paying attention to the world."
"The quickest way to regain someone's attention or to get their attention is to remove yours."
"Making an entrance is drawing attention to yourself."
"Mark my words, there's going to be one on the side that's showing you attention, too. So be prepared for two suitors in that year."
"The homeless population should be the population that you pay the most attention to during a public health crisis."
"Attention is a valuing process and what that essentially means is that the way the world makes itself manifest to us is in accordance with our aim, our attention, and our values."
"Attention is a moral act because it involves an underlying hierarchy of value."
"There's something about the will of the people that we need to pay attention to."
"I make videos because I love doing it, and if a video happens to catch a lot of people's attention, then hey, that's really cool, but to me, it's not about the attention, it's about sharing something I made with other people."
"We have to be paying attention... Nobody wants to deal with anybody, but you have to care about the people who live in your community."
"The way I'm becoming the life of the party is ironically by putting the spotlight on other people."
"Understanding that attention is the true currency of the internet."
"If we give our attention to something completely, instead of to the idea that that something is preventing you from getting what you really want, it becomes interesting."
"Did you hear that? Pay attention, he's quick, I heard it."
"Contemplating the brevity of life brings some perspective to how we use our attention...it's not so much what we pay attention to, it's the quality of attention."
"Hey, what's up, you want some attention? I'll give you a brush pet."
"If somebody walks into the room with a cape, I'm listening."
"Your power of attention is the greatest, most important valuable thing that you have."
"Would you agree? That's half the battle right there. We are preoccupied generation and God is trying to get our attention."
"The instinct for meaning is a genuine instinct, and it underlies even our attention. It's unbelievably deep, it's the deepest thing about us."
"A dress covered in sequins should draw attention to the wearer for all the right reasons."
"I think we have to be very attentive to who we make the arbiter of the truth."
"I get people showing you attention from all areas, like not just one person, but more than one."
"You have God's attention, and it's a big deal."
"You guys are gonna get the best reading... this offer that's coming in is going to gain you a lot of attention and it's going to be very successful and very passionate."
"When someone says I'm going to give a billion dollars in the next 2 years like that catches everybody's attention."
"It's like 50 minutes and you are the center of attention...we're trying to someone else is trying to make sense of everything."
"Your attention's all I need, don't let it slip."
"This person wants to impress you, they're constantly thinking about new things to catch your eye."
"You're going to be turning heads, receiving more compliments."
"They're working it, they're out. There are plenty of spouses who love when their spouse is the center of attention."
"Love is about paying attention. Love is about I'm paying attention, I want to please you."
"Complacency kills you guys, accidents are caused by not paying attention."
"Somebody from your past has got their eyes on you."
"Once you get a little bit of taste of that real class A fame and all the attention that comes with it, you thirst for it more."
"Thanks for giving me your undivided attention."
"Do things that get attention beyond the people who are watching the moment in which you do it."
"Be sure to watch all the way through, so you don't miss what might be your favorite new strategy game."
"The biggest gift you can give your children is your time and attention."
"Sometimes we focus on one thing. And we miss what's right in front of us."
"Your ability to win other people's attention will be a direct reflection of your ability to earn significantly more money."
"It's like listening to somebody whisper a word in a busy café. It can be difficult to make out the word or even be sure if someone whispered in the first place."
"You gotta pay attention... otherwise your girl is going to fall out of love with you."
"This person still keeps an eye on you, Gemini."
"Attention matters because if we can't pay attention, we..."
"You're gonna get a lot of attention from different types of people."
"Anyone who threatens the American national interest... is going to have my full attention."
"People love attention, it's the biggest drug on the planet."
"The more that you pay attention to him the more that you become aware of synchronicities the more that they will happen in your life."
"Hell on Earth is where you go if you don't pay attention."
"Love him or hate him, but you gotta watch him."
"They want to give you attention and success."
"Attention is a precious commodity and it's like a vote that we're voting with every single day."
"God desperately desires to have you to himself. He desperately seeks to gain your attention that you would of your own absolutely free will choose him, trust him, hope in him, have faith in him, believe in him, that you will come around yourself."
"I've played this game once and I didn't really give it the attention that it deserved."
"Fasten your [ __ ] seat belt and keep your eyes on the road."
"The writing's on the wall, the red flags there's something here that's trying to get your attention it's trying to get you to wake up."
"Chance the rapper, he tried to be slick because when he found out that Kanye was running, oh he was team Kanye we get it."
"It's a massive event. It's the biggest female fight of all time."
"The biggest mistake women make is they stop paying attention."
"All that Rodney wanted was the night guard's attention. So whenever they heard the sound of laughter, they would need to look at Rodney."
"Who better than Henry Cavill? I think this casting more than anything else would bring attention to the character."