
ADHD Quotes

There are 659 quotes

"People with ADHD can have a hyper-focus and incredible ability to focus on things that they really enjoy or are intrigued by."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having ADHD is not a barrier to creativity and, in fact, may actually be an enhanced portal to creativity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We know that people, kids, and adults with ADHD actually have a tremendous capacity to focus if they like what they're focusing on."
"Technology is selecting for and entraining a shorter attention span, which is one of the reasons why ADHD is getting worse."
"ADHD as a disorder of inhibition that disrupts the executive system and leads to failures in self-regulation."
"All attention deficit is not Attention Deficit Disorder, right?"
"It's really challenging for parents to have a child with ADHD...how hard it is to be a parent with a child with ADHD."
"Parenting style affects the severity of ADHD."
"Instead of being a disability, my ADHD was really my superpower."
"In the context of entrepreneurship, ADHD can be a severe advantage, quite possibly a superpower."
"Welcome to my ADHD, where I can't even just take this test without getting sidetracked."
"Having lived with undiagnosed ADHD for 47 years... there is a huge deficiency in it and your ability to... seek those dopamine dumps."
"There's an entire generation of women they've labeled 'The Lost Generation' who have struggled with ADHD their entire lives and never even knew it."
"It was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because I finally understood all the things that I'd struggled with for my entire life."
"Once I understood the impact of living with undiagnosed ADHD on women in particular, I couldn't help but reflect back on the past 47 years."
"ADHD is a chronic neurobiological disorder which affects the brain's structural and chemical capabilities."
"You know women and girls in your life and when you hear what I'm about to explain to you, this will help you understand and empower your sister, your partner, your daughter, your girlfriend, your niece."
"ADHD is not the inability to focus. ADHD is the inability to direct your attention in appropriate ways in appropriate settings."
"I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I sure as hell wish I would have known about this sooner."
"With ADHD, we see a disorder of attention, so what we see with ADHD is actually hyperfocus plus a lack of focus."
"ADHD is the most over-diagnosed and simultaneously the most under-diagnosed psychiatric illness."
"Hyperfocus can seem like a superpower... What hyperfocus actually feels like: 'Jesus Christ, was that your stomach? What, the Eye of Sauron dude? When's the last time you ate?'"
"ADHD can... generally speaking, a small percentage of people... grow out of it. The executive function comes from the frontal lobes and the frontal lobes develop until you're about 30 or 32."
"Hyperfocus, special interest, and hyperfixations are incredibly hard to explain to people who have never experienced the symptoms from having ASD or ADHD."
"If we share our special interests with you, it means that we care about you, and we want something to enjoy and bond with you over."
"ADHD isn't something you grow out of; it's a neurodevelopmental thing."
"It's not bad parenting or lack of discipline. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder."
"It's like your brain keeps switching between 30 different channels and somebody else has the remote."
"But seeing the positives in fellow ADHD brains helped me recognize and appreciate my own strengths."
"Being able to open up...making my first ADHD comic...that first storytelling comic going viral was really this big moment for me."
"If we are going to truly capitalize on the innovation and creativity of the ADHD mind, we have to see things differently."
"More than 8 million American adults are thought to have ADHD, but some studies have shown that up to 80 percent of them are unaware they have the disorder."
"I'm 33 years old and I still struggle with my ADHD sometimes."
"Because of all the challenges that we face, ADHD students are working harder than their neurotypical peers."
"The fact that he has ADHD doesn't mean that he's less-than or a failure. He's actually quite successful at what he does."
"Growing up with ADHD, especially untreated ADHD, shapes your life to be depressed later."
"If you know somebody who may be a parent who has a child with ADHD...More people need to know the truth about how to use food as medicine."
"ADHD or Attention Deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder which means it develops early on in childhood."
"You cannot self-diagnose... with something like ADHD, it is really extremely important that you're not self-diagnosed because it could be something completely different."
"ADHD is both the most over-diagnosed and under-diagnosed illness."
"Most of the adults that I've diagnosed with ADHD actually have very high IQ."
"ADHD when you are passionate about what you're doing: I've been working on this project for 10 hours straight. I've accomplished in one day what would take a normal person an entire week. Nothing can stop me; I'm a god."
"ADHD when you aren't passionate about what you're doing: Washing dishes is very hard."
"A lot of people with ADHD will be aware that their attention can sometimes get hyper-focused on a particular thing."
"ADHD is a diagnosis of disordered attention. Not only that you can't force your mind to focus on what you want it to and instead it gets distracted, but the opposite is also true."
"Hyper focusing is actually perseveration. You are unable to interrupt what you're doing when you should have shifted to doing something else."
"If I wasn't treated early with ADHD, I wouldn't be where I am today."
"ADHD has nothing to do with how smart a person is. There's some people who have this who are like super, super, super smart. Others, high average, middle average, low average, slow. You could be anything along the IQ spectrum and still have ADHD."
"The problem with ADHD...is not so much a behavior problem but far more a problem with the brain's management system—its executive functions."
"ADHD is not simply a neuroscientific illness; it's actually a neuroscientific meets environment illness."
"Life after ADHD diagnosis: It's not like I was able to get this treatment and now I'm cured, but having that awareness just helps me to forgive myself when I'm not perfect."
"What they found is that when a kid has ADHD, it's very, very frustrating for the parent... and the parent actually will like yell a lot more."
"Our brains work differently. You can't expect somebody with ADHD to behave the way that somebody without ADHD would behave."
"Masking is when you try and suppress your natural state of being and your symptoms so that you can fit in."
"Rejection sensitive dysphoria is a term that was coined by Dr. William Dodson, based on the fact that we tend to be very sensitive to rejection."
"It affects self-regulation, it affects our ability to sleep, it affects our ability to set and achieve goals."
"A lot of people with ADHD don't know they have ADHD."
"All the characteristics of ADHD, which I'm going to be describing here, are things everybody has trouble with sometimes. It's just people with ADD have a lot more trouble with it."
"The problem with memory with ADHD is not with long-term storage memory. It's with short-term working memory."
"Being black and having ADHD, there are several different layers we battle."
"ADHD is characterized by underregulation, difficulty regulating attention. Whereas autism for me is characterized by overregulation, every bit of my attention is heavily regulated by my brain."
"People with ADHD: the world needs your ear and your innovations right now."
"If you want to get to know more about autism or ADHD, my number one piece of advice is, go out and meet not just one person, but many people with the condition and let them tell you what it actually means for them."
"The majority of women that start to present with anxiety in their late teens and early 20s actually had an underlining learning issue like ADHD."
"I can honestly say that [ADHD symptoms are] like 90% gone."
"ADHD and visual organizers need really simple solutions. We need a drawer that when we're done with the toothpaste, we just drop and glop the back into the drawer so it's simple to put away but it's simple to find."
"With the right challenge, ADHD can become a superpower."
"Exercise is one of the best tools for people with ADHD."
"When provided with the right support, ADHD can transform from a perceived hindrance to a formidable asset."
"People with ADHD have an essential role to play; they're creative, energetic, entrepreneurial, and love a challenge."
"ADHD embodies a set of seemingly paradoxical tendencies, such as lack of focus but at the same time, an extraordinary ability to super-focus."
"ADHD is not about your inability to focus. It is about the fact that focus and the ability to focus in appropriate ways requires two different neural networks in your brain."
"If you forbid criticism and if you start thinking that every time a person is uncomfortable something has gone wrong rather than right, a person is feeling uncomfortable because that's a natural process by which we get better."
"The number of people who are wildly successful with untreated ADHD is shocking, shocking."
"ADHD disrupts the executive system, causing severe time blindness."
"ADHD is a disorder of performance, not knowledge."
"Every kid would suffer. My ADHD became my superpower."
"I'm not only do I have attention deficit, I'm also a functioning hypochondriac."
"Children who were watching screens for more than two hours a day were 7.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD."
"Exercise is really important for ADHD brains."
"Kids with ADHD are often times brilliant, you just have to engage their mind in the right way."
"You must engage with your child when you teach them if they have ADHD."
"Grades don't really indicate Mastery they indicate like memory and like whether or not you have ADHD"
"I was just ADHD, it wasn't a case of being a naughty kid."
"Exercise and diet can help with ADHD symptoms."
"Fully one in five high school boys had been diagnosed with some form of hyperactivity disorder."
"Nothing pisses me off more than people who are not prescribed it and are not diagnosed with ADHD taking like Adderall or Ritalin."
"It's my ADHD. No, I'm trying to share that it's how my brain works."
"Children raised predominantly by dads are less likely to have ADHD."
"People with ADHD have temporal myopia, which means that they have difficulty looking into the future."
"You can't cure ADHD, huh? Just something wrong with my brain."
"There are some really brilliant people who are ADHD, you know? Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein."
"If you have ADHD which I don't actually know if you do I'm saying go get [__] tested and if you do have ADHD if you go on medication it will improve the vast amount of your life you will see changes in every facet of your life."
"Not every kid in first grade has ADHD. Sometimes they just have energy."
"ADHD got their natural speed Energizer Bunny."
"ADHD has an intersectional relationship with relationships."
"ADHD has moments of brilliance and productivity."
"I have ADHD, so apologies in advance if anything I say tends to just go in a fucking weird direction."
"People with ADHD are omni-potential; they really can do anything."
"Rejection sensitivity dysphoria is one of the three fundamental features of ADHD."
"ADHD is not a special education disability."
"The last D in ADHD stands for disorder; it's not a choice."
"As someone with ADHD, I definitely like to get my hands on new things."
"Among those with ADHD, about 12 to 18% of people also have at least some traits of autism spectrum disorder."
"ADHD can be recognized as a developmental impairment of executive functions of the brain."
"People who have ADHD nervous systems lead intense passionate lives; their highs are higher, their lows are lower, and all of their emotions are much more intense."
"Emotional dysregulation is a basic feature of ADHD, is almost universal in ADHD, and it should be considered as a core symptom of ADHD that ought to be evaluated in every initial evaluation."
"People with ADHD are much brighter than the general population; they are world-class problem solvers."
"ADHD is a very heterogeneous, very diverse condition."
"ADHD is essentially a problem in those aspects of brain which function as the conductor of the brain symphony in daily life."
"ADHD equals the developmental impairment of the brain's self-management system, its executive functions."
"Middle-aged women with ADHD face all of the typical challenges of aging, plus a wide range of ADHD-related complications."
"ADHD is not really about attention... it's more a dysregulated attentional system."
"ADHD impacts every aspect of our life... this thing we now call adulting is much harder to do when you have ADHD."
"ADHD impacts women differently than men... females are wired differently, we are wired to socially connect."
"ADHD is ego dystonic for females, meaning that the very things that the world expects us to be good at, we're having trouble doing."
"This kind of social connection and social acceptance is one of the most healing experiences that we can have as a woman with ADHD."
"We don't do a good enough job of tracking what ADHD looks like over time."
"ADHD is really a hidden gift if society just got its act together, people with ADHD can thrive."
"The stigma surrounding ADHD is pretty often stronger for women, which can delay diagnosis, can delay treatment."
"Girls with ADHD truly have impairment... ADHD is a serious thing, the impairments are real."
"ADHD was pretty widely considered a condition for boys... we really now know that girls and boys are at equal risk for developing attention deficit disorder."
"Knowing the facts about ADHD, how symptoms present in children and adults, what the treatment options are, is really the key to managing this condition."
"Some of the reasons for this poor follow-through have to do with the nature of ADHD itself."
"They may also be reluctant to take ADHD medication because of persistent myths surrounding its safety and side effects."
"These techniques make the difference between success and failure for the majority of people being treated with ADHD."
"ADHD is a second nervous system; it's not really a disorder."
"ADHD is a lifetime disorder; it doesn't go away."
"If you have untreated ADHD, your life expectancy is 13 years less than it is for somebody else in your family who doesn't have ADHD."
"Successful clinicians, successful parents, are going to make sure that they've chosen the very best medication and dose for each individual child with ADHD."
"The medications at the right molecule, right dose, do not produce an artificial state; it's a return to normative functioning."
"ADHD is among the most treatable psychiatric disorders we know of."
"ADHD arises largely from genetic and other neurological factors."
"There's a network in the brain that is responsible for self-control and executive functioning, and ADHD adversely affects that network."
"ADHD is a disorder not just of attention or of hyperactivity but of executive functioning and self-regulation."
"We have more treatments that help more people and improve their disorder and impairments to a greater degree in the field of ADHD than we have in any other psychiatric disorder."
"ADHD represents simply the more severe lower end of a dimension of normal human functioning."
"ADHD is a highly persistent disorder into adulthood where symptoms may persist enough to produce impairment in life activities."
"Having ADHD and setting a routine for myself has been such a game changer for my mental health."
"People say ADHD it's all negative, but for me, this a superpower."
"I've recently learned to use my ADHD as an advantage."
"What we're dealing with is not laziness or immaturity or greed or malicious intent; this is a symptom of ADHD."
"The D in ADHD stands for disorder; this is not a choice, it's a disorder."
"Notable side effect of ADHD: forgetting to eat."
"I'm neurodivergent and probably have some type of ADD ADHD, and notes help me."
"So my reaction to the diagnosis was, I was actually kind of excited about it because if I did actually have ADHD, then it was something that I could maybe manage."
"ADHD affects about 5% of the population."
"Symptoms usually start to show up when kids are between 3 and 6 years old, and can continue into adulthood."
"Like so many other complex neurological conditions, it's not totally clear what causes ADHD."
"One of the reasons we know that ADHD is a real condition is that doctors have been studying it for a while now."
"Medication is another effective treatment for ADHD."
"The biggest difference I've noticed is that I'm far more relaxed."
"Building a habit for someone with ADHD is like digging a well for water; the first 9 ft you dig is effort with no reward, the 10th foot and you suddenly have a ton of water."
"Women with ADHD are much more likely to go through divorce than men, and why is it? It's because of the societal expectations of women, which are impossible to meet or very difficult to meet if you have ADHD."
"The biggest problem in ADHD is misdiagnosis."
"The problems that someone with ADHD has are different, and so we need tailored solutions to those problems."
"That's how you turn ADHD from this negative thing into a freaking superpower."
"Children with ADHD, when they get at least four grams of omega-3s daily, you see an improvement in their executive function, you see an improvement in their behavior."
"ADHD is not an attention deficit. It's about attention regulation."
"At its highest level ADHD and anxiety can keep people from actually completing the tasks."
"If we don't know whether this is anxiety or ADHD I would start with an anxiety regulation technique."
"Folks with ADHD are usually terrible guessers. Find out how long things really take."
"If you feel confident that you can have an impact in the world, and it can be on your own terms, that's about as good as it gets, and ADHD will not stand in the way of that."
"Individuals with ADHD have sleep disturbances."
"Exercise is one of the most helpful things for ADHD brains."
"Make sure you don't miss future attitude webinars ADHD expert articles or important research updates by signing up to receive our free email newsletters at attitudemag.com newsletters."
"Time management is one of the major deficits in ADHD."
"If you put time in these arrangements, you are going to disable the person with ADHD because you are demanding more and more of the time binding function of the frontal lobe, and they can't deliver on that as well as other people can."
"Once we understand the problem, we can help compensate for it."
"ADHD can be as effective and successful as other people in those situations."
"The best solution is to do both: medication and accommodations."
"The combined type has both impairment associated with inattention and hyperactivity impulsivity."
"ADHD is the most treatable psychiatric disorder we know of. It's a very rewarding specialty to be in because so many people respond so well to the variety of interventions that we have available."
"In order to live well with ADHD, you have to stop trying to fix yourself."
"...struggling to follow through, struggling to meet commitments, struggling to live up to what other people tell us is their potential."
"Self-doubt is probably one of the biggest saboteurs of ADHD success."
"ADHD is highly hereditary, so those who were never diagnosed in their younger years are most likely still struggling with it in their 50s, 60s, and 70s."
"ADHD is a clinical diagnosis; there are no brain scans or psychological tests that will make this diagnosis in the absence of a comprehensive clinical interview."
"ADHD treatments are effective for older adults just as they are for younger adults."
"The key to success is to work with your ADHD brain, not against it."
"ADHD has an extremely long history going back more than 250 years to its first description in the medical literature around 1770 to 75 in Germany."
"ADHD is a problem with executive functioning, so technically it really is EFDD because it's interfering with all seven of the executive systems."
"Reframing ADHD is so important as a wiring difference and not a deficiency."
"If people can go for it and have enough activity and love and things that they're pursuing in their life, then they may not need medicine. It's up to them, it's up to figuring out how much this difference is affecting their lives."
"In terms of practically working with ADHD, there were three things that we emphasized during the conversation."
"And I would just encourage people who are listening to this, who themselves maybe have ADHD or if you're somebody like me who's the partner of somebody with ADHD, to really think about ADHD in that way."
"I just have really bad impulsivity because of ADHD and I usually act on them, but that's like the fun part."
"I have ADHD so let me trap myself in an empty room for 8 hours."
"Technology is impacting people's ability to focus, and adult ADHD is clearly upon us."
"The emotions that people with ADHD have are no different from the emotions that most everybody else has."
"Often people with ADHD report they have a lot more difficulty in recognizing some of their emotions."
"I think that many people with ADHD have a lot more trouble than most other people do in being able to manage and respond to those kinds of emotions."
"It's not about fixing your ADHD, it's about linking arms with it, holding it close, and saying, 'You know what, I can be friends with this.'"
"ADHD is basically a developmental impairment of the brain's management system."
"Do you think you can't get any work done because you have ADHD or do you think you can't get any work done because you don't believe in yourself?"
"ADHD medication, it's not a miracle worker but it does make your life easier."
"The hallmark symptoms: short attention span, easily distracted, disorganized."
"The writer's room was just made up of [ __ ] with ADHD."
"Coping with ADHD isn't a skill we were born with, but we've been practicing and learning it."
"Preparing for game sessions can be tough for DMs with ADHD because we often struggle with executive function."