
Distraction Quotes

There are 2714 quotes

"The phone is so filled with access to dopamine and incredible things that we're just drawn to it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's easy nowadays to be exceptional because so many people are just distracted."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Democracy is hanging in the balance as Trump tries to run out the clock with baseless appeals and weapons of mass distraction."
"People need to nail down their motivation if they're going to take the kind of action that they want because you're wasting a lot of time with distraction which you're not even thinking about."
"We live in such an age of distraction... We don't set aside time when we're not multitasking."
"There's really no external barrier except these distractions, but differently, all the tools exist within most all of us to be able to create what we want to create."
"Every notification that you check costs you about 15 to 17 minutes of your progress."
"Don't be so distracted... It's the distraction that makes us miss the moment."
"Awareness is what we're fundamentally talking about. We live in a culture globally that's so intent on distraction."
"All of this stuff happened while America was distracted with Iraq, Afghanistan, and the larger Middle East issue."
"Avoiding distraction is the key to not living with regret. 90% of the time that we get distracted, it's not because of what's happening outside of us; it's because of what's happening inside of us."
"The consciousness gets distracted by those things... Deep spirituality deals with distractions."
"Even like the connection the music culture has to professional sports... they need the music to take their mind off of how long they have to do what they're doing to be that good at it."
"We're trying to provide entertainment and distraction, especially now when people need it the most."
"They're hoping that you'll follow the narrative, pick a side, and forget the fact that you're simply a pawn in this game, a delaying game."
"We are all going to die, and everything we do is a distraction up until that moment. Have a nice day."
"The more clarity I have, the better I do; the more distracted I am, the worst I do."
"Distraction is your friend. It's a great tool to use for most kinds of behavior problems."
"I'm distracted by how in love with you I am."
"God is going to do exceptional things in your life if you stop being distracted by the enemy."
"Why are people so distracted these days? Maybe it's because we live in a society filled with distractions."
"Facebook does not want you to love or to have a romantic relationship because it takes your eyeballs away."
"If you allow the disruption to become a distraction, you will think that solving the disruption is the victory."
"Most people can't handle disruption because they allow the disruption to become a distraction."
"But really, we were distracting ourselves from the truth."
"If you're already really good at what you're doing, it may help to find something else to distract you."
"I don't believe that there's an obsession about race in America. I believe that race is a distraction to hide the power, the wealth, and the access to it."
"I have a brilliant solution, just stub your toe really hard, and you won't even be able to think about your headache."
"Every single issue is so important and so grueling, but how do we maintain the right amount of attention on those issues so that we're not being distracted by new things?"
"Most of us are willing participants in our own distraction, and we need to be willing participants in our own focus."
"Don't let your victory get lost in the distractions. You are already winning. Everything you ask for is around you."
"The leading cause of distraction is not what is happening outside of us, but most distraction begins from within."
"We cannot call something a distraction unless we know what it is distracting us from."
"An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production."
"Society is a collective ego distraction. That's its function."
"Distraction is such a sneaky phenomenon. It will amaze you and horrify you once you see the full depth of it."
"Distraction Dad, the best distraction you've ever had."
"The people in positions of power, the institutions that are powerful benefit from us continually being distracted by these minor notes."
"Do something else. You feel like calling them out? I don't care if you go and pick up some yarn and start to crochet, write the Great American novel, take a walk, bake a cake, go to the garden, or binge-watch a show for the tenth time."
"You're distracting me from my art, and let me tell you, it's beautiful."
"When the enemy wants to distract your life, he sends people. But when God wants to bless your life, guess who He sends? People."
"Distraction makes us incapable of loving exactly."
"I mean there's nothing that I can say on it other than it is distracting and certainly inappropriate for the number one law enforcement officer in this state."
"We can never fully predict the future, we can recognize that spending all of our time going through 1500 pieces of paper only to reconfirm the rules that we are already abiding by is a colossal distraction from the challenges that we need to face in this country."
"I'm proud of what I've done in the past to distract people from the fact that the world can be a bad place."
"Never forget that no matter how much they try to distract you... they are unimaginably silly, they are ridiculous, they are so stupid, they are so so so stupid."
"They were panicking, nervous, they needed a huge distraction and they're pushing this distraction."
"All of this is to try and get his eye off the ball get his eye off the prize make him stumble as he's trying to run for president."
"Forget the 9/11 truthers... they're a distraction from the real stuff."
"This is a distraction for a bigger, broader story."
"When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure." - Victor Frankel
"How can we keep the populace distracted from world issues while they sit at home?"
"The more you learn to concentrate, the more you can stop being distracted."
"If you get your eye off that ball, and it's very easy to do, people fall back on identity politics."
"People want distractions, and that's what we can give them. It's just distractions, man. That's all it is."
"That's not the only problem with a world war. The second, and he says equally as important, is that it will distract."
"And i try not to pay attention to the people who aren't paying attention."
"My problem is I spend too much time reading your liner notes."
"Crises are really, really good at distracting people from all the things that you don't want them to see."
"Actually, a lot of the people that are doing the change the world thing, they get co-opted or they get distracted."
"Most people who fall into it are checking one last time, checking this, posting that, liking this. Why? To keep them from doing important work."
"We are here to distract you from the anxiety of being alive in a dying world."
"It's like if I tried to make a phone call while sitting in the stands at a NASCAR race."
"The problem is, as a mom, when I give too much attention to Pinterest, then all of a sudden I'm struggling with mom guilt."
"Instead, it seems as if whatever your needs were this year as a means of distraction from the world around you, you were likely more than catered for."
"That guy was wearing orange, just going to lure them away."
"It's hard to stay focused... when right next to it is a giant glowing deer."
"Be distracted by the thing that's not hurting you."
"Fanatics have long used hatred of Israel to distract from their own failures."
"Your brain grabs on to the easy hedonistic shiny things and forgets that you give a [__] about abortion access or whatever."
"Satan has a powerful tool that he uses against good people. It is distraction."
"Beware of the magic of this world, for indeed it is a distraction."
"Sorry if I'm a little distracted, my mom had surgery today and she's she sounds like painkillers or something."
"Flank plays are always about distraction, not only about killing people. But you gotta get the enemy's attention on you."
"It's all about distraction. Flank plays are always about distraction."
"You can make the floating words 'you are a jerk' floating in the air and that's going to distract and confuse people to some extent."
"Just keep looking at the screen. Ignore that weird feeling and any noises you might hear. Everything's fine."
"Simply stay busy. When you are busy, your body just, you can't realize you're hungry."
"Raid Shadow Legends is great because it gets my mind off other things in life like ghosted without actually being ghosted."
"That should be the end of the story. Everything else is just noise." - Maricopa County Board of Supervisors chairman Jack Sellers
"He has realized that if I distract people and I own the libs all the time with these culture War issues and I do that non-stop I could distract people from thinking about the incredibly exorbitant rent prices."
"People like to blame China because it distracts attention from their own shortcomings and weaknesses."
"The group who was not distracted not interrupted scored 10 IQ points higher than the group that was."
"Stick by your decision. Distract yourself with friends, activities, and self-improvement."
"Escaping the moment is another way of saying distraction, isn't it?"
"So desperate to distract... Now you're trying to shift the focus by baselessly attacking Representative Bowman to score cheap political points." - "Ms. Ocasio-Cortez"
"A simple distraction during a critical phase of flight can quickly lead to an undesirable aircraft state."
"Pakistan believes that if we are distracted by conflict, we won't be able to focus on these existential threats of our time."
"It's very hard to convince someone that the hundreds of millions of dollars they spent on literally saving humanity was just a distraction."
"Get a hobby, get your mind off of what's going on."
"We are the most distracted generation that has ever lived."
"It's become a bit of a distraction more than a bit."
"I feel like that's a healthy way to deal with things it's just to distract yourself and obviously you're still going to think about it and it's gonna be hard but with time you're going to get over it and you're gonna move on."
"Interfaith dialogue serves as a distraction from actual issues."
"Forget about the news stories, forget about the impeachment for a second, forget about Emily Rakowski for a second, forget about the man in the giant hamster wheel crossing the Atlantic Ocean if you can."
"It serves a great purpose but... it also started to see it at the point that it crosses the line... to become a distraction."
"Don't let a new person distract you from the healing you need to do."
"Do not use a new connection to distract you from past heartache."
"Art is therapeutic, takes your mind off troubles. It's just a way to kind of focus what you're up to and just forget the fact that the world's slowly falling apart in a fireball nightmare."
"Cancel culture doesn't exist, it's a distraction play."
"Honestly, it's when you think about it, comes on. We distract ourselves."
"Celebrities are engineered personalities designed to either sell you a lie or distract you from the truth."
"Left versus right, red versus blue, straight versus gay, black versus white - I think all of those are diversions to keep us from looking at them and to stop us from looking at who the real enemies are."
"Even if I'm rhyming off, the words are so fat that it distracts from the problem."
"Maybe it's all just one big distraction from Joe Biden's domestic failures."
"First of all, if you notice the mysterious figure aka the other guy taps the victim... on the left shoulder and then the guy turns around and looks over his right shoulder."
"At least I distracted him. That's all that matters. Distracted this fool, don't miss, miss, oh this, oh this, this, damn it!"
"The war is not a matter of the enemy defeating you, he's just hoping if I can distract you enough, maybe you'll quit."
"Doom was there for me when I needed it most... It was a comforting presence, and because I actually had to use my brain and reflexes to play well, it took all of my focus away from what was worrying me."
"It's all distractions, it's maddening. So this is a great point about that particular story."
"All I want to do is watch Man United play because at least when they're playing we're not analyzing the situation."
"You're not willing that any should perish but that all should come to eternal life."
"I can't believe that when I have nothing going on or when there's nothing to distract me, my mind keeps wandering towards this fantasy, towards this future."
"The mainstream media manipulates to distract from real issues."
"A lot of that stuff's put out there to distract you... They want to distract you from the real issues."
"I can't get you off my mind, you constantly distract me."
"Distraction can be understood or reframed as alternative attraction."
"It's like trying to say that Henry Cavill wearing leather pants in the Witcher made it difficult to focus. It's a massive understatement."
"If you're not careful, the offense will become a distraction from the calling."
"The distraction patterns: when they show you something, look the opposite way."
"Why are we spending time on this when it's a right-wing attack point to distract us?"
"God's word has spoken, that's right, we get so distracted by all of these things that are happening on this plane here when this right here is what matters the most, the vertical is what matters."
"The cancer at the core of the fight over Joe Rogan is both a distraction from real problems and a symptom of how much the nation has been poisoned against itself."
"What if all of this is one massive distraction to keep you away from chasing God's purpose?"
"It was almost like someone had told him reading a book is a good way to make sure you're not paying attention."
"It's intended to be a diversion into useless philosophical discussions."
"This is all a public relations game to distract attention from potentially very serious violations of law."
"You're so busy focusing on people, you miss God."
"It's all a distraction. No one wants to get to the real problem."
"It's mighty convenient that not only did impeachment distract from all of this, it turned out the FBI had all this for over a year, knew there was potential money laundering, everything else, did nothing with it, tried to bury it."
"The screen is the distraction you're trying to prevent people from being distracted by."
"She's on her phone 24/7, you're talking to her and she does not listen."
"It's a distraction, has actually hampered what was really going well."
"It just made us chuckle inside because it caused them to be distracted away from the primary goal."
"Technology always being at our fingertips, right? It can be a distraction but it can also be a very, very helpful tool."
"We don't want you to focus on that. Look over here, don't look over here. That's pretty."
"The distraction of human sexuality is largely minimized."
"We might be all over the place, we might not, you know. But one thing they can't do is they can't distract me."
"The person really loves doing these things; you constantly find yourself forgetting everything you've planned."
"The [] we have to distract us is the best [] ever. I mean, it's the [__] coolest."
"RussiaGate was designed to distract us from the real causes of why Donald Trump became president."
"We shouldn't be focusing on this time of changing things like the internal election of the leader... It's a complete distraction."
"I must have been distracted the rest of the night because I just couldn't get it out of my head."
"Certainly I distracted you from the realities of your broken heart and it made you feel, you know, all nice and gooey."
"It's hard to listen to what he's saying when he looks like such a fool."
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
"I got food on the way, what were you saying bro?"
"The devil will use any tool he can to distract you from God."
"Nothing distracts a man like a little unprovoked aggression, huh?"
"You're missing something right, you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing, you're focusing on some sort of imaginary thing."
"The mainstream media's initiative is to keep people distracted."
"Mission accomplished that's exactly what he wanted he wanted to distract the whole country and now if you watch cable news you will see all of them debating whether Biden should have showed up instead of debating the actual regulations Bingo."
"Give them bread and circuses and they won't care."
"It's a very superficial issue and it's a lot of noise and America is missing the point."
"Sometimes helping other people is a good way to distract yourself from your own problems."
"Social media is ultimately a trap to keep our minds distracted from the truth."
"The heart of the Republic is under attack, and we're wasting our time going to fungus world!"
"The media has been awesome. It's actually been a good distraction because it's been keeping me so busy."
"Yesterday was one of those days, I'm not gonna lie, where I could not get off my phone."
"As humans, how easily we can get distracted with the mundane things of the world."
"When you ask God for your destiny, the devil's here too. He sends you a distraction that looks like destiny."
"We are controlled, manipulated, and distracted by a society awash in electronic hallucinations."
"I know there's another super coming in here and there it is. Alright, off subject a little bit..."
"We put them to work, making ham sandwiches, and that kept their daughter, that was 200 miles away, off of their mind. They had a sense of purpose there."
"He was distracted. Soon to be Lightless. If I wasn’t— Unmasked?" - Osiris
"Don't be distracted by the big obvious plays because those are usually diversions."
"Sometimes we need a distraction from all of the very real things in life so that we can laugh and joke about something that's actually not so serious so that we feel better and we're distracted if only for a moment."
"Every time a notification goes off it distracts us... my goal in those situations and in those settings is to be fully present in the moment."
"What the heck was that? Someone was yelling at me, good, I got distracted."
"Soundness is of a necessity today because there's many things out there pulling the people of God out to it that's not worth nothing. That's right."
"We've buried our heads so deeply, we're sort of all playing our own little mini games."
"Distraction can be defined as thinking about something unrelated to what you're doing."
"If I can offer a little bit of a distraction, that'd be great."
"I'm doing this as much for myself as for you guys, to take my mind off of everything if it's possible."
"We got some entertainment to take our minds away from everyday life."
"You have a chance to make a big splash while others are engaged in nonsense."
"Visuals matter, but they're overrated... It can be a distraction."
"One of the perennial temptations in prayer is distraction."
"This is how we began actually collaborating on work... but it also puts you in that state of constant distraction which makes it hard to do work."
"If one completely distracts us, then that is the opportune time for the other to get set off."
"Humans want to find meaning in life, to feel less alone, to distract ourselves."
"Those fingers, dude! I couldn't even focus on the point because look at that hand. Oh my God, it's so detailed!"
"For all her lies, Priscilla Ashvane spoke one truth: the war between the Alliance and Horde has kept us distracted."
"I don't think you need to, wow, the lights are on."
"Always be on the lookout for what they are pushing out in the chaos while we're all looking over here."
"When you're stressed out, it's better to do something that helps get your attention away from what's bothering you."
"It's just so much easier to just go focus on something else."
"Most people are focused on things that aren't their real goal, their focus on things that have nothing to do with their passion."
"He was talking a lot and I felt like he was throwing me off of it."
"Roman Reigns' music hit, that distracted Kevin Owens, and he lost after a big splash."
"Both parties push culture war to distraction."
"Sometimes it can be helpful to do the opposite of meditating...watch some freaking TV anything to get your mind off it."
"This is a welcome distraction from root canal pain."
"The idea that we are spending our lives distracted, not accomplishing what we're trying to do, is just painful and crazy."
"David Moseman had driven that stretch of road dozens of times before. He said he must have taken his eyes off the road as he approached the curb."
"Why would they make such a big deal about that and claimed that it was but one of the great crimes of the decade may I tell you may I tell you family it is a distraction mechanism it is a distraction mechanism."
"You've gotta get that, that's a side issue. The rest of this stuff's still sitting there."
"Some of us are defeated simply because we're distracted."
"The enemy's going to use agitation and distraction."
"It's like a low-level distraction that's not like, you know, intense."