
Habit Formation Quotes

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"Just one mental exercise of thinking through what are the sequence of steps required in order to perform this habit from start to finish can shift the likelihood of being able to perform that habit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more I did it, the more routine it became, and the less I was scared to do it. You just have to do it."
"Your most powerful and lasting memories and habits all arise during adolescence."
"The timetable makes your entire day into a habit."
"Keystone habits are so powerful that once you build them, they end up causing you to adopt a bunch of other good habits in your life without much effort."
"When people start small, they're able to make changes. But when they start too big and they aim too high, sure, they may do it for one week, for two weeks, for three weeks, but then on those days where they're unable to get motivated and do what they want to do, they fall off the wagon and they go completely back to zero."
"You need to make it easy, because even when your motivation drops, as it will, you'll still do it."
"It can take up to 254 consecutive days for a new habit to take root."
"If you make the behavior change tiny enough, it's very easy to repeat and make that become a habit."
"You have to spend time daily for at least 63 days, which is nine weeks, in order to make it a habit."
"The more that you practice gratitude, the more easy and almost more habitual it becomes."
"I believe when you get to 28 days, life just changed beyond belief."
"Making your resolution a part of your routine so there's something consistent reminding you to keep it up can increase your chance of success."
"Being productive is definitely a commitment that takes a degree of thought and effort...but then over time, it does become automatic."
"If you can rewire your brain to enjoy doing it, then that's even better."
"You can't get the benefits of meditation by just meditating once or twice; you have to make this a habit."
"Make unhealthy behavior harder, and healthy behavior easier."
"By the end of the year, you will have 24 habit changes... like snowflakes on a mountainside, you don't notice the accumulation until one day you have what I call an avalanche of success."
"Your thoughts turn into actions, your actions turn into habits, your habits turn into your destiny."
"A habit has to be established before it can be improved. Until you become the person who shows up every day, there's nothing to optimize."
"Temptation bundling...behaviors that are more likely to be performed will reinforce behaviors that are less likely to be performed if you can kind of combine them together."
"The rhythm of consistency is developed first in the mind."
"Unconsciously, we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature and some are those of a most undesirable nature."
"A habit must be established before it can be improved."
"A lot of it comes down to building good habits."
"Setting up those small daily promises is crucial because it's the consistency that heals and creates habits."
"Manifesting is a habit in my life. I close my eyes to really feel myself taking the actions."
"You have to renew your Paradigm, which is creating a new mindset, creating new habits."
"The more consistently you do it, the more manifesting becomes a habit. It becomes a way of thinking, it becomes a way of acting, and it becomes a skill that you can rely on to help you get absolutely anything."
"The five minutes is not a gimmick. It's small enough that even the busiest person feels that they can fit that into their day, but it's long enough that it's going to have an impact."
"If you create a habit, then you don't have to think about it."
"Self-control seems to work like a muscle. So after you use it, it gets tired, but if you use it regularly, it does get stronger."
"If you do something consistently for 21 days, it becomes a habit."
"Spend time with your family; it's probably one of the most important habits to develop."
"Replace your bad habits with good Keystone habits."
"By the end of day 30, you would be amazed how English has become your habit and how diverse the world of English is."
"Virtue is a habit, and habits are formed by repeated exercise."
"I developed that habit of let me read right quick man, let me spend an hour to read right quick. An hour of reading a day will change your life."
"The mind is plastic to a remarkable degree, and our persistence in having the same mediocre experience we had yesterday is a kind of habit."
"You can create other habits that are more inspiring and more useful."
"By decluttering a little bit each day instead of one massive swoop, you're actually developing a habit of decluttering."
"The vital thing in getting a habit to stick is to feel successful—even if it's in a small way."
"Motivation often comes after starting, not before."
"Language learning is seemed to be a process of habit formation. The more often the students repeat something, the stronger the habit and the greater the learning."
"Habit building: You want to do something every single day."
"Every year, millions of people try to build new habits."
"Focus not on never failing, but on never letting failure become a habit of its own."
"Once you put all this together and make it into a daily habit, it's not intimidating; it comes easily."
"If you want to wake up early, you have to get into the habit of doing it."
"The four laws of behavior change... make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying."
"The Sorites Paradox... is one habit going to change your life? One percent increase is that going to do it? Well no and yes, if you aggregate and compound a thousand of those."
"Building these habits are like having superpowers; they're usually harder to build but they can be life-changing because they also help make other habits easier to learn."
"I never rely on motivation. The trick is to just make it a habit."
"Habit is a matter of acquiescence. You hear people say, 'He comes by this or that naturally, a chip off the old block,' meaning that he is only doing what his parents did. This is quite often the case, but there is no reason for it, for a person can break a habit just the moment he masters the 'I will'."
"Develop a bedtime routine. Our brain likes habit."
"The more consistently you do something, the more of a certainty it becomes that you're going to be able to keep doing it."
"Journaling also a great way to condition yourself to new habits."
"Building a personal style that feels like you is a habit, and just like any other habit, you have to a) want to and b) work on it, just like muscles that you would go to build in a gym."
"The process of getting a new habit can take up to 254 days but on average it takes around 66 days for a new habit to become automatic."
"The habit of learning is key, and that means regularity."
"With day trading, it's extremely important that you don't form bad habits in the beginning and instead work on your form or, in this case, a strategy and a plan that you do each and every time, no matter what."
"Change your life with repetitions of new information."
"Once systems are refined, they become automatic, routine, and normal to you."
"Daily work is the number one thing. If you can develop that habit, everything else falls into place."
"Automaticity... in the beginning, it will take discipline and conscious action for you to rewire certain parts of your brain but what actually happens over time is that those neural pathways become your natural way of being."
"Force yourself into patterns that improve your life."
"One day can't change a lifetime of habits but one day can inspire somebody."
"It's really about setting a habit, creating a routine, and then turning the routine into a habit."
"School can be made fun if you can set up these habits... it's all just figuring out how you can get to game day."
"Once we keep checking them off the list, we build a habit."
"That's one of those powerful things about habit change is the changing of the environment."
"Success is the project of daily habits, not once in a lifetime transformations."
"Imagine if we all did it together, just 66 days."
"It takes 30 days to break a habit or 30 days to make a habit."
"Training your fasting muscle makes it easier over time."
"You start doing that, it becomes who you are and then it seeps into whatever the hell it is you want to do."
"It takes 21 days to establish a habit. The 30-day no spend challenge changes the way you think and act."
"Forming habits is important because it means that you're no longer having to exert willpower, which is sort of you only have so much willpower to use. So if it's just automatic, that's where these alternate."
"Huge change takes many days of consistently doing slightly better until your habits compound to where you want them to be."
"Scientifically, it takes 66 days to form a new habit."
"The trick to success is to choose the right habit and bring just enough discipline to establish it."
"You need about two months of constant action to build a new habit."
"Educate yourself, create a habit, and do it until it becomes second nature."
"Walking is amazing. It's good for your thinking. I'm just trying to get into the groove of walking every day and I've been doing it. It's a lot more peaceful."
"It's really the only way to retrain our brain is to do it. Pick a simple thing something that's really easy but stick with it."
"There's no delineation between Hal and Green Lantern. Ryan's a perfect Hal Jordan. He is Hal Jordan."
"Try to get in the habit of staying rooted in reality."
"When you want to encourage a good habit, make the cue obvious, the craving attractive, the response easy, and the reward satisfying."
"Building good habits is gonna take care of some of the bad ones as well."
"Fabulous makes it easy for anyone to develop and stick to healthy habits."
"The older you are like the harder it is to change habits."
"If you continually push through and persevere when you want to quit, it becomes a habit."
"Make gratitude an unbreakable habit." - Paul M. Brunette
"Decluttering one thing every day helps to build a habit and turns me into someone who declutters."
"Expanding these practices beyond one moment in time to our daily habits and patterns."
"Make sure you're making this a habit and constantly looking for new ways to study."
"Willpower doesn't really work, rituals work."
"Usually good habits lead to more good habits."
"Habits are just very, very simple. They are made up of three distinct things that happen: there is a trigger or a cue of some sort that kicks that routine off, that kicks the habit off, that habit then gives you some sort of a reward."
"Keep the habit until it's a habit, keep that one promise until that becomes a habit."
"Habits are literally everything in everyday life."
"This is probably the best opportunity of your life to lock in habits."
"You can be anything you please if you will make the conception habitual."
"Cheeky is fun to say and so I say it, and now I can't stop saying it."
"You're not trying to be this new person, you're gonna sleep with the beliefs on and then go about your day and let it go."
"Changing your life isn't about having some crazy breakthrough, it's all about those small little habits."
"The more you practice awareness and consciousness, the more natural it becomes."
"Positive thinking is a habit... and we learn to improve our positive thinking abilities."
"Turn decision-making into a habit. And when you do that, everything changes."
"Motivation starts things, but habits and discipline make you."
"Reading every single day has absolutely changed my life."
"Virtue is a habit. You have to put it into your body, not just think about it." - Michael Knowles
"You need to have fun if you don't like it at first keep trying it and see what changes can you make to learn to love the exercise."
"Atomic in this sense means small, it's the small little changes, the choices that you make on a daily basis that change the trajectory of your life."
"Intermittent fasting is one of those atomic habits for me that has completely changed my life."
"It's all about manifestation, so set intentions, create new habits or routines, and elevate your thoughts."
"But I've done the right thing over and over enough to where it's like working out, it doesn't hurt as bad."
"You can change your beliefs, habits, and attitude in 30 days. It will change your life."
"Behavioral psychology stresses upon the fact that all behaviors are acquired through learning and practicing."
"Once you get started, it is so hard to stop."
"The high five habit is profoundly simple. It's going to change your life the second you're done brushing your teeth."
"Once you get used to it, after a couple of days, it becomes easier and you start seeing the results."
"Control your environment. If you learn to control your environment, you can learn to control your habits."
"The profound impact that the five-second rule is a starting ritual has had on millions of people's lives helping them move from thinking to doing."
"The high five habit is an even bigger deal with more profound change."
"This is the Mack Daddy of all habits. You master this habit, you improve the relationship you have with yourself."
"Padlock is the first system designed to help you build good habits and break bad ones."
"Find an accountability partner...and just get started. Before you know it, you'll be back into a routine."
"Make a decision that you're going to come back to church and come to church regularly."
"These little changes bit by bit, these small changes become our new habits."
"Dieting is kind of like riding a bike. Once you learn what to do, it becomes easier each time."
"Your routines in your day-to-day life are going to improve; you're going to build some really strong habits this year."
"Become the most productive person, which takes a lot of repetition, becomes a habit."
"Consciously force yourself to do this until slowly over time it becomes so habitual in your life."
"The high five habit moves you from a bias towards thinking to a bias towards action."
"Most people focus on the results and build a plan, but if you start with the identity and build the habits to reinforce that, then the results just come on their own."
"Do the hard work now so you can really, after that, be second nature to you."
"Behavior repeated becomes habits, and this is ultimately the crux of the issue because you ultimately want to create success habits."
"Focus on creating healthy habits for the long haul."
"Never miss more than once. Go on, go on. Friday, get right back on. And then if you miss on Monday again, go back on Wednesday. You know what I mean, at least."
"Being consistent overall with picking up something when you're walking by it."
"It's not easy, but it's even better to make it a habit."
"Most people end up falling off a week or a month later. Why do you think that happens?"
"Start with just one habit and commit yourself to actually doing that thing for 30 days."
"We are building healthy habits that are going to help us tomorrow."
"Do something every day that is small and manageable, that you can safety clip or paperclip to other behaviors."
"Consistency is key, even if it's just 15 minutes a day."
"If you want to create a habit, far better to reward the behavior with an uncertain and variable reward rather than a fixed reward."
"Just rip the band-aid off...just get in the habit of a new thing that you're doing."
"Making those little changes and habits are going to impact the rest of your life."
"Motivation ebbs and flows. Strong habits will get you further."
"If you've been doing it for five years... your self-control is good."
"Atomic Habits: Tiny changes, remarkable results."
"I think just trying to build the habit of meat free being the go-to um instead of the exception would be an incredible Habit to build."
"Building a habit of questioning how your actions impact the ecosystem around you is a great Habit to have."
"Make it easy. Make the habit easy and accessible. Make it fun for you."
"Good habits are worth being fanatical about."
"Getting the life that you want really reflects your identity."
"If you make changes that are small and easy to do and you layer them on top of each other like units in a larger system, then you end up with some really powerful or remarkable results in the long run."
"Fall in love with boredom. Can you speak about that in the broader context of forming a habit?"
"Start small. Five minutes, ten minutes. That's enough."
"Develop good habits now, not later when it's too late."
"Once you understand the pressures that drive this behavior then you sort of have the framework for reversing that and creating new habits."
"Developing good habits and sticking to what has worked in the past is the easiest path upwards."
"Building habits is the most difficult thing to do... sometimes it just doesn't align with."
"Your little daily choices add up, you become what you do. So it's important to Choose Wisely."
"Our biggest crisis is a crisis of habits. Our life is defined by habits."
"Good habits will often yield other perhaps unforeseen benefits."
"You start like small and so you make it so that way you have to at least confront your dumbbells or your rower to brush your teeth."
"You've got to practice to turn something into a base instinct. And it doesn't matter how hard it is right now. If you practice it enough and you do it enough times over a long enough period of time, it will become a habit."
"Once it becomes an instinct, that is when you're dangerous. That's when you're powerful because you no longer have to think."
"Once you start, you're not going to want to stop."
"Kindness is a muscle, kindness is a habit that you need to exercise."
"This is a chance for you to be unshackled, to let go of old habits, to create better ones."
"You start with one and you build a small habit."
"Success becomes inevitable by adopting a daily habit for each pillar of your life."
"Your thoughts affect your actions, and your actions become habits."
"An accountability buddy is statistically one of the best ways to keep up with a new habit."
"Every habit has three components: a cue, a routine, and a reward."
"The thing you won't stop doing will become the thing you can't stop."
"Take the time and nurture that and develop this, or you'll have to take the time later and going backwards retraining yourself to undo a habit is not easy."
"Ramadan is a time of it's not just a season where you do good things and then you drop off after the season, right? It really should be used as a catalyst to build better habits."
"Forget inspiration habit is more dependable habit will sustain you whether you're inspired or not."
"I learned a lot of things about productivity but what really stuck out the most to me was the idea of building systems of habits that align with the person who you want to be."
"Habits and systems are the real way you're going to upgrade your life in the long term."
"The only thing that matters: it's what habits you choose that most people refuse to choose."
"The Seinfeld strategy... creating a streak was like a psychological hack."
"Small measurable attainable chunks of behavior change create a dopamine surge that becomes habit."
"If you want to make a behavior happen more often, make it easy."
"Adversity is a tool... It breaks the old habits that led to this failure and wipes the slate clean to start new habits."
"Marge changed one habit and she literally changed her life."
"Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going."
"Just do it, keep at it, and it'll feel more natural eventually, I promise."
"Every choice, every decision, every habit that we build along the way, we're going to begin with the ending in mind."
"I think this app definitely helps with creating new good habits."
"Follow the seven habits and you're on the right path to success."
"Willpower alone doesn't work. You actually have to develop the habits, develop the routine, develop a system, be an ecosystem, an environment that supports it."
"It takes 66 days to create a positive habit in your life."
"Fasting becomes easier the more you do it; the more you practice, the better you adapt."
"Any new habit that you formed first started with you having that self-belief that you're capable to do so."