
Mental Exercise Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Just one mental exercise of thinking through what are the sequence of steps required in order to perform this habit from start to finish can shift the likelihood of being able to perform that habit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's a constant mental exercise. I have to kind of like force myself and pull this positivity out of me."
"The brain is like a muscle, and whatever part you work out more, the stronger those parts are going to get."
Dr. Sten Ekberg
"New learnings is big. Reading is to your mind what exercise is to your body."
"Through mental exercise, we can voluntarily enhance compassion."
"Mind is like a muscle; it's use it or lose it."
"I love the mental exercise of just having to do these gymnastics to figure out what's gonna happen."
"It's extremely important for you to train your brain. And there's no better exercise than counting."
"Wonder about a hundred things a day, not needing to know the answer."
"Think of your brain as a muscle being trained."
"The power of Tetris and I think a few other sudoku, you know, fits into that category."
"These puzzles are so great for training your mind."
"Focus on it until you can focus on it no more, whether it be three minutes or thirty minutes."
"The intellectual sort of strain, it's like going to the gym. This show, that in the most interesting way."
"Challenging your mind is one of the most important ways to keep your brain healthy in the long term."
"Even in moments of physical limitations, there's always something you can do to exercise your mind and well-being."
"Debating and discussing complex ideas... is a valuable form of intellectual exercise."
"Happiness and being content is really like a muscle you need to exercise."
"I think it's a good just mental exercise for you guys just to get you've been carrying around all this stuff that's equated to carrying around debts and just getting rid of some of it I think it's going to bring you a lot of peace."
"Juggling actually helps you to build better brains."
"Imagination is just like any other muscle in your body."
"It really helps you polish your brain never stop using your noggin."
"Read more; reading is to your mind what exercise is for your body."
"Reading books is weightlifting for the brain."
"I want you to visualize this. Close your eyes and visualize this."
"Remote viewing: trying to think really hard, like hernia hard."
"It's the idea of just letting your brain run with what this series is trying to do."
"Keep this little riddle at the back of your mind."
"By learning a new language, you’re strengthening your memory, improving problem-solving skills, and expanding your cognitive function."
"We can physically change our brain by using our mind."
"Exercise in your mind is exactly what the underlap is doing which to me is just as important as going out for a walk or going to the gym."
"It's a very powerful exercise and process to do."
"Never ever ever ever stop exercising your mind. Learning is going to be the thing that pushes you forward."
"I'm using words, not numbers, flexing your mind."
"They're actually brain games... they can stimulate and make you have those creative juices start oozing out of your ears."
"The mind is a muscle we use every single day."
"There is a lot of things that we can do to keep our brains in shape."
"Thought experiments are like mental gymnastics for the soul."
"Practice mental exercises to sharpen cognitive skills and promote neuroplasticity."
"Writing is fun, just open your brain up and try a new muscle."
"Your brain is literally a muscle...you gotta give your brain a brain day."
"Puzzles force you to use your mind in a clever and creative way."
"Your brain doesn't really know the difference between you imagining doing something and you physically do something."
"I think sometimes the intention of saying I'm gonna sit and read, which obviously takes a little bit of brain power, is an important place to introduce into your daily habits."
"It's just such a great way to work the muscle that is your mind."
"Maths is great. That is gymnastics for the mind."
"Astrology does serve as a wonderful mental gymnasium."
"Astrology is a fantastic mental exercise."
"Your imagination can be thought of as a muscle."
"Even searching online can be a form of mental exercise."
"Puzzles are like exercises for our brain."
"No matter how old you are, mental exercise will have a positive effect on your brain which will in turn have a positive effect on your life."
"The Faculty of your imagination becomes stale through disuse and alert through use."
"Your brain should feel like you had a great workout every single day of your life."
"Trivia is sports for the mind. It's something you can do with people without having to make conversation the whole time. It's like you're working together as a community."
"Feels like you've exercised your mind which we all know is just as important as normal exercise."
"Puzzles are toys, games, or problems that force you to use your mind in a clever and creative way."
"There should be people who learn languages as a form of regular mental exercise that they do."
"I'd like to encourage people to do that the way we do mental and physical and spiritual exercise."
"Meditation is just a sort of mental exercise."
"You lift weight is thinking heavy thoughts, making decisions, interrogating situations. That's what mathematics was doing to you in class."
"If we can engage in regular mental exercise to have the effects comparable to psychopharmacological interventions that are widely used, that's pretty powerful stuff."
"You have to work at being creative, and reading is like this mental gym."
"Join Mod's book club. Read a book, it'll be good for your brain."
"You pushed yourself to just, even though you may not have been asked that question yourself, you did the mental exercise."
"I found that you don't gain any weight as long as you burn calories by using your brain."
"Who needs mindless iPhone games when you got Babbel to keep your brain in check?"
"It's a cognitive gym that you get to work out in every single day."
"If you work out your body right, you should work out your mind too and like have these conversations we're just talking about."
"Mindfulness practice can develop your thinking muscle."
"Your brain is like any other muscle in your body. If you can activate it and use it, it'll get stronger and better."
"It's a little bit of a brain workout as well."
"How do you activate your brain power?"
"The key to detect the pattern here is to do mental calculations inside your head."
"It is important to use your mind, do different things. They say the mind is a muscle."
"Hello and welcome to Only Connect, the quiz that's like a gym for the mind."
"Playing chess is an imperfect exercise but a good exercise nonetheless."
"It's work for your brain, as well as your body."
"Staying curious and doing things like solving puzzles is really good for you."
"I love to give us a workout for our brain as well as our body."
"Kickstart your smarts and massage your mind."
"Looks like we get to exercise our bodies and our minds, this is going to be a really good game for the mind."
"This is a workout for your brain as well as your body."
"It keeps me moving, it keeps my brain working, and I love that about genealogy."
"Exercise the muscle to exercise the brain."
"Playing smart games... it's going to strengthen your mind because it makes you think it makes you use different neurons in your brain that you haven't used otherwise."
"The mind is here to exercise, to stimulate you to transcend its influence."
"The brain acts like a muscle; the more we use it, the better it gets."
"There's nothing like chess to keep the brain smart and give it a workout."
"Think of your mind as a muscle, and you've got to exercise that."
"We're exercising our muscle, we're exercising our brain."
"Everything about your life improves when you exercise your brain."
"We get valuable mental exercise by playing complex music."
"The mind should be exercised in all healthy channels, do not introspect or reflect too much on your own inner mental conditions."
"Imagine a string from the top of your head pulling you upwards a little bit."
"Solving Sudoku is a surprisingly wonderful way of distracting the mind."
"Exercising brain, it can be hard, but it is rewarding."
"Adding mental exercises to your training plan will make a world of difference."
"Reading is such a fantastic thing; it trains your brain, it expands your vocabulary."
"It's kind of like I don't know, I've never played Sudoku, but like some math matter like chess, it's like some sort of mental patterning thing."
"These are good exercises because they develop our neuroplasticity and they develop our capacity to think rationally."
"It's a brilliant workout for the brain, this."
"Learning languages is so great because it's like weight lifting for your brain."
"I exercise my brain the way I exercise my body."
"Chess is a good game because it helps you stimulate your mind."
"Maybe just doing some Sudoku might be not just helpful to the puzzle but slightly therapeutic to the brain at this point."
"Mental stimulation will tire a dog far faster and far more effectively than physical stimulation."
"Visualization and contemplation... help to create the state of concentration."
"Section 2 spatial ability... focuses on folding objects in your mind."
"Are you ready for another brain workout today?"
"It was a real mental exercise for me at least, loved it though."
"You've got to exercise, you've got to eat right, and you've got to work the brain."
"It was like giving your brain a good puzzle to work on."
"Meditations like a bicep curl for the brain."
"It's like juggling, it makes you using both sides of your brain together, so it raises the concentration."
"The imagination is like a muscle; you've got to work at it."
"Exercising your arm muscles keeps your arm muscles strong; exercising your brain keeps your brain going."
"Your brain is like a muscle, and you have to stretch it sometimes."
"It's one of those things where I really enjoy the mental challenge."
"Hey, looks like we get to exercise our bodies and our minds. This is gonna be a really good game for the mind."
"Creative is hard; you gotta stretch your brain muscles."
"The most important sport is thinking."
"What's the point? The point is it's a great memory exercise."
"Sudoku is such a good way to get your mind going."
"If in doubt and you're trying to get your brain up to speed again, try and do some Sudoku. It's a good idea."
"Sometimes you got to flex the old brain muscle, the prefrontal cortex."
"Memorizing is aerobics for the brain."
"I just have some me time to just unwind, give my brain a little bit of an exercise, but the fun kind of exercise."
"This is an exercise for our body but also our mind because this certainly requires a lot of coordination."
"Make your brain work; it will sweat. It's the sweating of the brain that makes things work."
"Exercise your brain. Play games, do puzzles, converse, especially with positive people."
"We just have to learn for the sake of learning, for the sake of having fun, for the sake of exercising our brain in many different ways."
"It's just for fun and also to exercise your mind in a fun way."
"Meditation-- it's an exercise for the mind. It makes the mind your friend."
"Every few days we look at the gas puzzles, the genuinely approachable sudoku puzzles."
"It's more so about the mental stimulation that these dogs need."
"It's also one of those games that get your brain working, which of course is always good."
"Let's stop playing with our minds, let's study history."
"Best Fiends gives me an endless source of fun and mental stimulation that I can access anytime, right there on my phone."
"We're exercising our brains with fun puzzles and cute characters."
"Some people would agree with the statement because reading is like exercise for the mind."
"Reading is like exercise for the mind."
"It's like going to the mind gym for conceptualization."
"That's why this game of pool is so beautiful, because your mind will be exercised a lot about those kind of things."
"Use your imagination, that's what it's there for."
"The mind really is like a muscle, you have to keep exercising it, you have to keep it up."
"It always keeps me mentally focused."
"I love doing puzzles and sudoku's, word searches, that kind of thing, and jigsaws as well."
"At any point in time, I see mathematics as a way of exercising our minds so we can do more."
"It's a brainteaser; it's good for everything - the brain and the body."
"Neurobics is like aerobics for your mind."
"We're really good at our mental cardio, aren't we? That analysis paralysis."
"If you can use your knitting as a way to focus yourself in that moment, then you're gonna do a lot for your brain."
"Doing puzzles can target the mental health, the brain health benefits."