
Self-examination Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"The test is every day of your life. And most of us fail because we don't know why we're here because we don't go inward to say, oh. You gave me a lot of shit to fix, man."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is objective truth in the world that we can measure... but there's also internal truth, spiritual truth that you get to by self-examination."
"Look inside yourself, examine what is causing you to feel this way."
"Understanding ourselves requires a level of examination that is healthy."
"An examined life is worth living; question your own life and society."
"I think it's a great way to examine oneself because you're looking at yourself critically and comparing yourself to human characteristics."
"A belief that's not rooted in self-examination is ultimately very limiting."
"Journalists... have a responsibility to examine where we are on our own personal domain."
"Ask yourself, how is my identity producing this suffering that I'm experiencing right now in my life?"
"This process of uprooting, examining our own belief systems, our own thinking rationally, critically, it's a very good exercise."
"There's a strong moral impulse to even-handedness and also to self-correction, to examine yourself for your own faults."
"Kendrick has challenged himself to acknowledge the ugliest parts of his being."
"It's an opportunity for him to aggressively and confidently attack the things that made him who he thought he had to be."
"Can you slice through the psychological scar tissue of your programming so that the miracle of you can actually arise?"
"Examine your words and deeds, and you will soon see in what direction you are moving."
"Being a good person does not automatically excuse you from the critical examinations of your own actions and holding yourself accountable."
"If we want genuine equality, it's not enough to petition the society to end discrimination... we also have to examine the enemy within."
"As a Muslim who wants to have the most favorable position with Allah, you want to identify those traits in proportion and be deeply interrogating of yourself."
"In times of spiritual dryness, it's perfect to examine your heart because spiritual dryness reveals inordinate loves, false hopes."
"It is only through self-examination that we understand our place in the cosmos and on the Great Wheel."
"Love comes in so many forms; ask yourself where you need more."
"I think trying to confront your beliefs head-on like questioning why you think certain things is important."
"Building wealth has a hundred percent nothing to do with money. It has a hundred percent everything to do with you and your mindset towards money."
"You have no free will until you begin to investigate your own programming and heal anything that's creating a limitation."
"Use tough times for spiritual growth. Even if your meditations aren't deep, are you willing to look deeper at your anxieties and fears?"
"Unless you're tickety-boo in your life, start looking at where the problems are."
"We all have some gut checking to do... Get Loud guys and don't comply."
"Your dreams are asking for you to examine your circumstances from a different perspective."
"I think what it has done is it's gotten a lot of men to basically search their memories and see, are they the next ones to be called out on national television?"
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
"This is a liberating moment, a moment for us to look at our relationships, our projects, our self-worth."
"Even in cases where killing is justified, you must check your soul's response."
"There is something here that could feel quite internal like you're really processing, you're really in some depths of review really going into parts of your experience."
"It really is time for this party to re-examine what it stands for."
"The future will look different than the present."
"Our collective moral progress depends upon the extent to which we are able and, crucially, willing to examine our behavior and most cherished beliefs."
"Face your fears, make a change, question your own biases."
"There lies your evil, reference see your very face."
"What are the individual issues that hold me back as a person as opposed to what category am I in what box can I be put in?"
"For the unexamined life is not worth living for a human being"
"Let the Word of God search you through and through, carrying away every relic that ought to be taken from you."
"The evidence of conversion is not just your examination of your sincerity at the moment of your conversion, it is ongoing fruit in your life." - Paul Washer
"It's not about comparison, it's about examining our own actions." - Samuel Hurd
"Inner work has not been done yet, the inner work has not been done."
"It took a terrible family crisis happening in my early 30s... for me to take out my atheism, examine it, and finally decide to get comfortable with it."
"At least an understanding of what you're doing and why you're doing it. That's all I ask."
"Reflect on why you're drawn to certain things."
"The number one thing that will change your day today is if you meditate on the greatness of God and get a clear and real vulnerable view of your sin and lay it before the Lord."
"Jesus didn't need to die on the cross, in fact, he says it's actually your false self that needs to die, not someone else."
"Quiet time, spend time alone to freely and honestly examine your life."
"Good news everyone, Activision has proven you can investigate yourself and declare yourself innocent."
"The book, the Scriptures, is a mirror that goes past your exterior."
"You guys are genuinely testing yourselves; you can see how much growth and learning is happening."
"Jesus wants us to see whether we're being and doing what he designed us to be."
"Regularly examine what you believe. We don't do this enough in life."
"Mental approach - examine life objectively, be more grounded, level-headed."
"Have you checked your balls lately? You need to, and you need to know how to. Learn more by visiting TCS."
"David prayed a dangerous prayer: 'Search me, God, and know my heart.'"
"Looking in the mirror is an exercise in getting to know yourself."
"You should treat this problem as an opportunity to examine your own behavior."
"When we’re suffering inside and we don't have inner peace, that’s when we get to take a look at ourselves and say, 'well, who are we and how can we move forward in a different way?'"
"Self-examination is needed for every believer, if you desire to grow spiritually."
"All you have to do is simply try, all you have to do is not look around but look inside."
"This is a very deep question and all of us need to introspect."
"It's a win-win thing to examine your beliefs objectively as a Jehovah's Witness."
"When it comes to that kind of pop culture definition of the word triggered, which we tend to use to describe having a very abnormally strong emotional response to something, that's usually a great opportunity to examine what might be in our shadow."
"People who are right a lot, they seek to disconfirm their most profoundly held convictions."
"Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked."
"He wondered why his body was so stiff as he started looking inside his mouth."
"Challenging your viewpoints can be uncomfortable and scary."
"You really can't focus on doing the work of building things unless you're willing to grapple with the things lying underneath the surface."
"See if there's any wicked way in me."
"Don't sit there and try to find sin in your life that's not there."
"Move on to Socrates. A couple of years later, 'An unexamined life is not worth living.' Once we get that far, we can say, 'We, at every instant, want to understand how the world works.'"
"The battle comes to an end as mitsuba slaps some sense into Ruka stating that he should reexamine himself if he is trying to be like another person."
"I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head."
"Examine yourself and see if you're in the faith. Are you living by faith? Are you walking in obedience?"
"Examine yourself to see whether you're in the faith."
"We need to examine our own practice in any way we can."
"One cannot live a fully human life if you don't examine your life."
"The endlessly examined life is not livable."
"Have you ever felt like God wanted more from you than you had to give?"
"The process of examining and re-evaluating your beliefs... it's like dissecting yourself while you're still alive."
"Reflection during these hours allows us to look inward, to examine our thoughts, our actions, and our intentions."
"At the end of the day, if you just, if you can't, then I think you need to ask yourself a different question. I think you got bigger worries."
"Examine yourself to see, are you really in the faith?"
"The amount of energy and time devoted to self-examination on that ground pays off, pays off better than anything else you could do with that time. Pays off in health and happiness and in actual Financial Security."
"These examples from the Bible are a great warning to examine our hearts to make sure we do not continue in the hardness of our hearts but to come before God in humbleness."
"Constant self-examination is a powerful tool for personal growth."
"Take care of your soul, test yourselves, and be prepared. We are not beyond falling away from faith."
"The only purpose for self-examination is not for condemnation, it's just to think where your weaknesses are."
"Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves."
"It's normal to occasionally feel one or multiple lumps, especially around that time of the month when your hormones are fluctuating."
"I don't want to be a splintered person I want to be somebody that examines the whole."
"Mustard the courage to critically examine yourself."
"Some of you could be really examining your health."
"Wisdom is the project of becoming a wise person, achieved through a process of self-transcendence and self-examination."
"The Bible says we are to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith."
"Have the courage to examine what has been submerged, allowing long-suppressed desires to surface."
"Examine yourself to see that you are in the faith, that you are not a self-deceived person resting on some vacuous decision from years ago."
"We always hear about how Socrates didn't write anything for publication, but how did he go about it? Well, since he couldn't always have someone at his side to subject his dogma or beliefs to examination, while he used to subject himself to examination, to test himself out."
"This self-examination is the hardest part of our journey towards self-discovery."
"You need to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50%? What's wrong with you?"
"Are we trying to be something, to do something, to think something, or in some way or other to let it be manifest that we are not to be overlooked? If so, there is great fear that we are not yet right with Heaven." - C.H. Spurgeon
"The man that walks humbly with God is a saved man; the man who does not walk humbly with God should question his condition before God." - C.H. Spurgeon
"The whole purpose of examining yourself is not to eliminate you from participation. It's not to disqualify you. The purpose of examining yourself is to discard the sin so that you can participate."
"Test yourselves to make sure that you're solid in the faith. Don't drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups...test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it."
"The Lord's table humbles us, levels us, calls us to self-examination."
"I think there are a lot of positives actually. I think we've all been forced to take a kind of sabbatical or go on a command retreat, and with more time for self-examination and thinking through about bigger questions."
"God is trying to teach us that none of us are qualified to do a thorough examination on ourselves."
"If I can't find what I'm thinking in the life of Jesus, then I gotta wonder why it's in mine."
"This book is about challenging the very foundations of your beliefs, your worldview, what you understand the priorities of your life to be."
"I'm asking for every soul in the television audience in this immediate room, don't let one human leave here today and don't let him leave that television set without examining that heart."
"Examine yourselves then whether you have been called, and may the love of Jesus be with you. Amen."
"Is thy heart right in the sight of God?"
"Fixing your goals may not be easy. It may even involve some painful self-examination. But it will be worth whatever effort it costs."
"We must not assume that the bulk of our thinking is godly just because we've thought like that all our life."
"If I'm telling the truth and you don't like it, maybe you should look at the truth and not me."
"A tree is known by its fruits and a fountain by the waters which issue from it, so the nature of your faith may be ascertained by a careful examination of what it is bringing forth."
"If you aren't departing from evil, if you are doing things that you know were wrong, then you don't fear the Lord."
"Looking at yourself, self-knowing, that's the start of it."
"Beloved, when I examine myself under the light of God's Spirit, I'm challenged by the life of Abraham."
"Let every man prove his own work."
"Are you walking in truth? Is your heart right?"
"Nurturing a healthy relationship with the Holy Spirit requires continuous self-examination and a desire to align our lives with God's truth."
"It's designed for the church for the believers and we're supposed to examine ourselves and confess sin before the Lord so that we don't take communion for granted."
"Every man, every woman needs to self-examine."
"The unexamined faith is not a faith worth living."
"When you begin to observe that thought, you're no longer the program, you're the consciousness observing the program."
"If you're getting anxiety, you're creating it. Find out why you're creating it."
"It's life's greatest test: Are you brave enough to be you?"
"Good drama encourages us to look inside."
"It's amazing how we can live a free life if we examine ourselves and how enslaved we are to the world."
"I tell you that to let no day pass without discussing goodness and all the other subjects about which you hear me talking and that examining both myself and others is really the very best thing a man can do."
"Examine and test and evaluate your own selves to see whether you are holding to your faith and showing the proper fruits of it."
"It's very important to examine yourself."
"Know my heart and remove all of the impurities, the unforgiveness, the hurt."
"You have to look down deep inside yourself and look down where the answer is."
"If you don't have bowels of compassion towards the hurts of others, that's a good cause to examine yourself."
"Anytime you confront hardness and bitterness in yourself where there should be love, I think that we would do a great service to our own lives to stop for a moment and say, 'Why do I feel this way? Why do I think this way?'"
"We must abandon all illusions, examine ourselves thoroughly without the influence of hatred, greed, or desire."
"Once in a generation, someone comes along and holds up a giant mirror and asks us to look at the totality of who we are as a country."
"Examine yourself to see whether you be in the faith."
"Heart check: What does your spiritual resume say about you?"
"See if there's anything in me that might be contrary to your will, and lead me in the way everlasting."
"When you spend that many hours looking at your face and investigating every single nook and cranny, it's inevitable that you're gonna do some kind of deeper exploration of who you are and what your identity is."
"Search me, O God, know my heart; try me and see if there is any destructive way in me."
"Be attentive to yourself, that is, observe yourself carefully from every side."
"...how am I going to live my life? Am I living my life the way I should be, the way I wanted to when I was younger?"
"Examine yourself, test yourself in light of scripture to see if you are in the faith."
"Test yourself to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don't drift along taking everything for granted."
"Self-neutrality is the willingness to just look at our lives, including the parts that we're very ashamed of, from a place of total detachment and objectivity."
"We should all go through that exercise for ourselves at some stage."
"Hold On Tight to your principles but be prepared to challenge them."
"Ask yourself some tough questions."
"I'm taking a look inside me for the glory of God."
"I felt my life with both my hands to see if it were there."
"The most difficult trial a Jedi must face is to look inside oneself."
"An uninvestigated life is not worth living."
"What's inside of me that needs to change?"
"It is an introspective exercise where you have to dig deep and look into yourself."
"...the important thing here is you can't look at the oppressor, you have to look in the mirror, see what it is that we are doing wrong, and try to find a way to correct it."
"We owe ourselves a long hard look in the mirror and ask ourselves how we achieve freedom from our own impulse to bend the knee."
"There's a period of introspection."
"Bad faith is finding comforting excuses; authenticity, on the other hand, means looking lucidly, freely, piercingly with that torch at every nook and cranny of myself and my life."
"The Bible is not a microscope for you to examine someone else; it is a mirror to look at your own life."
"Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts."
"I've been doing a lot of reflecting today."
"Sometimes you look yourself in the mirror and ask the tough questions."
"When we use the program to examine our own lives and to forward the growth of our lives, that is so much more powerful and trustworthy."
"Do not take it lightly, examine your motives, examine yourself."
"Search me, O God, and try me, and he will frequently set apart special seasons for self-examination to discover whether things are right between God and his soul."
"Examine your fears, especially the fear of difference, of the unknown, and of death."
"So much of living in integrity with ourselves is to look at our lives holistically."
"Turn him and turn him, for everything is in him."
"Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Test yourselves and see." - 2 Corinthians 13:5
"Examine our heart and rejoice when you find integrity there."
"Investigate your heart. What's really in my heart?"
"How will you be free if you don't look at yourself?"
"Look at your life truthfully, don't get rid of the hard parts."
"Never suffer sleep to close your eyelids, after you've gone to bed, until you've examined by thy reason all your actions of the day."
"Authenticity is interviewing yourself 100% and having those hard conversations."
"Let every person carefully scrutinize and examine and test his own conduct and his own work."
"Test yourselves to see whether you're in the faith."
"Whenever you take a loss in life, you don't point at anyone else before you look at yourself."
"Lord, what is it that I am not doing that's not pleasing to You?"
"Examine what you worship, examine what gets you excited, and discover the content of your soul."
"I can and will ask no less of myself."
"You witness silence and emptiness. What is your shape?"
"A lot of time I look at myself in the mirror and I say, 'Oh, is it I'm not dead? It's not the looks, it's what I did.'"
"When we ask God for a thing, such as that He would be pleased to raise up laborers for His harvest, the honest question to be put to our hearts should be this: Am I willing to go if He should call me? Am I willing to give according to my ability?"
"We really begin to just get really real and raw and honest with yourself."
"Hold up a mirror to yourself and examine your soul."
"Introspection and honesty are synonymous."
"The seeker for the examined life starts when life becomes a question."
"Test yourselves to see whether or not you're in the faith."
"You begin to question things you've always accepted, the routines you follow, the beliefs you've held, and the values you've never questioned."
"Self-reflection on your own behavior... that's how we grow."
"Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine. Test yourselves."
"You have to really look inside and take a very fresh examination within oneself to check one's intention and motivation."