
Daily Challenge Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The test is every day of your life. And most of us fail because we don't know why we're here because we don't go inward to say, oh. You gave me a lot of shit to fix, man."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm a big believer in doing something that sucks every single day of your life. It's a key component in strengthening your mind."
"I believe we must lean into the pain every day; otherwise, pain is going to lean into us."
"If I'm not going out there and getting rejected on a daily basis, I'm actually rejecting myself."
"Whether you are a gazelle or a lion, when the sun comes up, you better be running."
"What a lot of people don't realize is that not just the work that goes into doing the show every single day, but also the fact that it's a chemistry that you have."
"Experiment a lot, try a different art style every day."
"Literally loving yourself and feeling confident and completely who you are every single day when you have an insecurity is literally a daily battle."
"Have a resilient spirit, bounce back, challenge yourself every day."
"I like to win, man. I have to get up and try to win every day, and if I don't, it just... I see why people die after they retire."
"Every day that the challenge goes on, it gets harder because I'm like, 'Alright, it's another day, okay, let's get it.'"
"You gotta fight this flesh every single day and crucify it."
"I look at healthy eating as such a priority in my life that I find time again this is not every day, I'm not succeeding every day but I'm doing the best I can."
"Every single day, new puzzle, new answer, new number."
"It's getting up every day to do it that's the hard part."
"Every day the world is going to expand and we have to survive."
"Imagine being greeted with that intent every single day."
"Walking around is seriously the worst thing ever."
"I bet on myself just by being in there. I'm betting on myself every single day."
"You have to become very aware of your power to move past all those distractions every single day."
"I want to do a computer science interview question video every day to help people become better computer scientists."
"Every single day you do one thing that makes you uncomfortable, that is growth."
"Once I acknowledged that fear I could coexist with it and and and do it right on every day."
"You have to prove yourself every single day."
"Entrepreneurs are people that decide to disrupt the status quo. An entrepreneur is someone that always has to prove their value day after day."
"I'm gonna fight tooth and nail every single day."
"Challenge of the day: be nice to each other."
"It's like stepping into the fray every day. You got to face it every day. The courage, it's just you got to face it every day."
"Appreciate where you are and accept the challenge to better yourself whatever that looks like every single day."
"Every conscious person that overcomes it will tell you that I overcome this every single day, it is in our DNA."
"31 days of May, 31 days of daily drawing prompts to help spark your creativity."
"You want to be your best, that's how you have to compete every single day."
"You will face this every day and every time you are called upon to perform such a task; you must be strong for this, both in here and in here," she said, lightly tapping their head and heart.
"Every day is a World Series in New York."
"Doing something brave every day is challenging yourself."
"Walk with me, help me get through today, give me the strength to do that."
"Every day is a new Kaggle competition."
"A daily challenge gives you days and days of trial and error, so that by the end of it, you've worked out all the kinks and have a solid flow through whatever the project is."
"He's got quite a competitive edge. He's trying to prove himself every day."
"The internet is like a team sport, and every day is a new game."
"This parenthood, I got a whole new respect for people who can pull this off every single day."
"Every single day is a challenge... but what separates myself is like I try to do I always go above and beyond."
"Every single day, something for a regular TikTok; it's like a little challenge I have for myself."
"It's very easy to be toxic and negative every single day; that is easier than working to be positive and uplifting."
"These daily packs are personalized with your name on them and a daily challenge such as 'Have your favorite thing for lunch today'."
"I'm not motivated every day and that's just where discipline has to come into play."
"I really enjoy doing these daily challenges and vlogging it."
"I've been trying my best to do daily uploads; it's a little difficult, but I think it's paying off because you guys seem to be really enjoying it."
"All the greatest men have demons and have to face them every single day."