
Internal Dialogue Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Most people are missing something because they don't know who they are. They never examined themselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our internal dialogue, our internal narratives are extremely important."
"Your biggest enemy, the most important conversation you will ever have in your life, is the one you have with yourself. You wake up with it, you walk around with it, you go to bed with it."
"Mindfulness is first of all, discovering the simple fact that there is a voice in your head that continuously comments on your life."
"Your internal monologue is the result of certain brain mechanisms that cause you to hear yourself talk in your head without actually speaking and forming sounds."
"There's a self-compassion, a change in the way they speak to themselves internally."
"I have a very active imagination, I have a very active inner dialogue."
"Criticism is like a dialogue taking place from two different people in your mind."
"Your self-talk around love and your self-talk altogether, okay, so what you believe, your voices are in your head."
"Establishing a healthier communication with oneself is just as important."
"What story are you telling yourself in the silence?"
"Despite everything, the little internal optimist that lives in my brain is still telling me that things are going to work out."
"Learning to be present and not react to the words of others as well as to be present with the little voice inside your head."
"The greatest sermon starts within you. And what you are saying to yourself will either make or break what you are doing with your life."
"It's rare that the voices I hear in my head are actually my own."
"Your choice of narrator not only impacts what they notice and think, but also the structure of their internal dialogue—their syntax, diction, and dialect."
"Belief in order and justice is restored by a constructive, loving inner dialogue."
"That's why the conversation about internal reparations is so important for us as a race."
"You are good enough... but you gotta unwire what that voice inside of you is saying."
"What is he doing right now in this dark night of the soul that you're describing? What he's doing is he's saying to himself, what got me here? The big fight I want to have is a fight with this guy Jim Comey."
"Your TOA is basically just part of your mind, they are basically another person living in your body."
"Reinvention begins with changing your internal dialogue."
"And maybe that's an important consequence or important aspect of our intelligence is conversation that we carry on with ourselves."
"Developing a stronger internal caring committee."
"I'm not gonna lie, I am playing it cool, and on the inside, I am so excited."
"It creates this internal parent of 'I should do this, I should do this, I should do this.'"
"Words aren't always verbal. They could be internal and silent."
"Things are only fearful if you let them fester, right? It's that internal dialogue."
"Hearts stopping and starting, even though it's about me. Shut up, Amber. Shut up."
"Prayer in the spirit is the Holy Spirit having a prayer meeting on the inside of you."
"It's just a constant conversation internally, right, with yourself."
"Maybe that's why he started having conversations with her in his head."
"Half of crafting is arguing with yourself."
"And you have... this conversation that's going on inside of me while this conversation's going on."
"There's always the conversation you're privy to, you're a part of, and I want. There's a secondary conversation, internal dialogue that my face is reacting to."
"Our enemy is our chattering brain, which if we give it so much as an Nan second, will start producing excuses, alibis, transparent justifications, and a million reasons why we can't, shouldn't, won't do what we know we need to do."
"I was like wee, but I just said that inside my head so no one else heard it but me."
"...when you put it in the third person, it completely changes the way you think about it, it literally disassociates you from it and it changes the way you feel about the entire internal dialogue."
"How we talk to ourselves is largely determined by the underlying programming we have."
"Our internal dialogue naturally becomes more gentle, more kind, more compassionate, more fulfilled, we become more optimistic."
"Some things get lost when internal conversations are structured for external consumption."
"She was always having internal dialogues about how she understood herself but also how she was perceived by other people."
"Be kind to yourself, then it's easy to be kind to others. Just start with your own internal dialogue."
"Internal dialogue is kind of like the backbone to the character you will be establishing."
"How does a brain work if there's no internal dialogue?"
"You can't shut it off, oh yeah, that sucks. My internal monologue is just me talking to myself."
"We human beings are not these unified selves; we have lots of different voices talking in our heads."
"That internal dialogue is really important and you work with it and you make it more positive and effective."
"You are trying to drown out your internal dialogue which is even worse because that means there is zero introspection happening in your life."