
Self-empowerment Quotes

There are 6668 quotes

"Once you feed it the right conversation, the right mental nutrients, the right mental supplements, the right internal dialogue at the right time with the right proof of what you've done in the past, and you send that right to the right circuit, dude, you're a fucking beast."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You're realizing that you have more control over your life than you previously thought."
"You have the power... we can change our mood, we can change our lifespan, we can change how we come into this world every day."
"No matter what type of circumstances that you have been raised in or have experienced you always have the ability to find a way out and create success for yourself."
"You have the power to create meaning in your life rather than passively look for it."
"Everyone, everyone has the key to their innovation engine. It’s up to them to turn it."
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
"You are stronger than you realize, and that inner power will come to light when you need it the most."
"I possess the power and free will to create my own happiness."
"You are so much more wise and empowered than you think you are."
"We develop character by facing the challenges that come along with life, by moving out of victim mode and more into 'I think I can, I think I can'."
"Stop making excuses, take control of your situation, and rise to your potential."
"Astrology doesn't dictate your life, you dictate your life."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself."
"You deserve to feel joyful. You can allow joy into your life, regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"The world may feel out of your control, but your happiness doesn't have to be."
"You are finally stepping into a more powerful role for yourself where you are feeling like the creator of your own life."
"You're finally taking back your power and taking back control to lead your life."
"Never ever ever let the phrase 'But I don't know how' stop you from doing something."
"The moral code that is never rewritten is just the integrity of your karma and knowing your truth and knowing that you are powerful within the authenticity of yourself."
"I hold the universe within me; I am the force of an ever-expanding love."
"We actually don't realize that we get to make the rules. If we all get comfortable with aging, we can debunk the system that is like putting these pressures out there."
"You are messy, you are beautiful, you are powerful."
"If your partner is telling you that in order for you to fully love them, you need to sacrifice the things that you need to feel safe and valued and empowered, that's a bad sign."
"Whatever I believe, I should make happen. It's that simple."
"Step into your import power and say, 'I create my own reality. I have the power to create the life that I want.'"
"You have a calling, but it's time to own it."
"Remember that you're the creators of your destiny; nothing is set in stone."
"You have got that inner fortitude, you have got that inner strength, you absolutely can do it."
"Recognizing your inner power is the key to unleashing your potential."
"You are the master and mistress of your own destiny."
"We are the beings of light that we have been waiting for."
"If other people are pushing you, you don't have to be pushed around. Be strong, find an advocate, find help."
"I am a powerful creator who can use my mind to heal my body."
"With my efforts, I'll build my financial dream and become My Future Self."
"There is nothing stopping you; the path is clear if you want it to be."
"None of us are oppressed. I think everyone has individual agency, every individual person can make their life as they want it."
"Fake it till you become it is expand, allow yourself to feel powerful enough to really understand who you are."
"Everything you ever needed to prosper is not out there; it's already in you."
"I found drive in my own insecurities and that's the most powerful thing in the world. When you can find drive in your own doubt, fear, insecurities, you become very unstoppable."
"I hiked a thousand miles this summer with little to no backpacking experience... Even though to some people's definition, I could be labeled as a failure and robbed of my achievements and accomplishments, in my book, I'm a badass."
"There is no cap on the human mind. You are your own hero, your own leader, your own master."
"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
"I feel good today; I'm not going to let you bring me down."
"At Priest Planet, we believe that you are a creator and a manifester of your own world, which makes everybody a priest."
"By imagination, we have the power to be anything we desire to be."
"Motivation is only a reminder of the greatness that already lies inside of you."
"Rule number 22: Stop waiting for permission."
"You create your reality. You create that body that best serves you."
"Opening up the door for yourself in terms of the opportunities that you're allowing yourself to see and take."
"You have everything it takes; you are the magician being awakened."
"The opportunity of this moment is to unlock the power that's inside you to create a better future for yourself, for your family, for your body, for your mind, for your spirit, for this country, for this world, for your community."
"You have all the power and the ability to create your entire world as far as your senses can reach based on your imagination."
"You are the Masters of your own universe; astrology does not dictate your life, it is merely a cheat sheet showing you what you can expect."
"Man holds the key to every situation and contains within himself that transformative and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills."
"You either let yourself do it, or you don't. There's no middle ground. There's no trying."
"It's a gift that only you can bestow upon yourself. I may offer you the gift, but you choose whether you accept it."
"Your destiny is determined by your decisions."
"Personal responsibility message because it's the antithesis of victimhood."
"Loving my life because I could not look to someone else to make me happy. If I gave someone else the power to make me happy, then I'm also giving them the power to make me sad."
"Your confidence should not come from the external. When you give your power to the external, you will always feel insecure because the external is out of your control."
"Your energy and your power and your light always travel with you; you're not losing anything."
"I am fearless and unstoppable. I am a warrior."
"What if you could choose every day to be blissful?"
"Your words can speak life into your own situation."
"We are greater than we think, we're more powerful than we know."
"I decided to get out from under that bus, pick myself up, and learn how to drive that bus!"
"It's so empowering to say this isn't serving me and walk away in peace."
"Be bold, rise up and stand tall. Feel the fire in your soul."
"Never forget that everything you want isn't inside of you. You have access to that infinite potential that lives within you."
"You're really becoming the magician of your own life."
"You're gonna have almost this awakening in the self-empowerment of like, I want to create a beautiful life for myself rather than live in something that is toxic for me."
"This makes me feel capable, like I can go out and run today, even though I was going to basically not run today."
"We deserve a good future, we deserve it, and we can give it to ourselves."
"Keep the truth within your own soul, lift your own self above the confusion of life."
"Be the hero in your own story; don't let your life pass you by."
"I am magical. Everything that you find fascinating and magical... think of you already embodying that."
"The high five habit...will build the habit of self-empowerment, self-respect, self-worth, self-encouragement, self-love. This is powerful stuff."
"Knowledge is power, but knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment."
"The message that we espouse is empower yourself."
"You can't control the things that trigger you and the fact that you're going to feel afraid and you're going to feel doubt and you're going to feel uncertain, but you can always interrupt that feeling and take control in the moment."
"Agency plus gratitude, right? Including gratitude for having a self that could leave a situation."
"I am powerful enough to overcome all negative aspects that present themselves in my life."
"Freedom is not something that's given to you; freedom is something that you have to take."
"Destiny may be a tapestry of many colors, but each of us has the power to choose which thread we follow."
"The form of self-empowerment that comes with the root chakra is the knowing that you actually do have the capacity to find the people places and things that do meet your needs."
"Don't hope for light, be that light you're hoping for."
"You are capable of creating great things and attracting a lot of abundance into your life. You have a lot of personal power."
"I am brave. Anything that I put my mind and heart into, I can overcome."
"I am strong. Yes, please practice saying this out loud if you can."
"You are a badass being full of life and possibilities."
"You may not be able to alter the position of the stars, to stop the earth from revolving, to cause the winds to blow or the sea to calm, but what you can choose is what you'll think."
"If you can have the courage to decide and claim what you want, you can create it for yourself."
"It’s actually a time to really rest in your authentic power and bring that to the surface."
"Your greatest power is your power to choose."
"You are the master of your own destiny and have the power to create your own future."
"You don't know how strong you are. You are more powerful than you think."
"Say to yourself, 'I give myself permission to do something extraordinary on planet earth.'"
"By high-fiving yourself, your brain activates positive programming. It silences the critic, making it neurologically impossible to think anything but positive thoughts."
"If you can't freaking high-five your reflection, how the hell are you going to make things happen in your life?"
"He recognizes that he was the one causing the moon to reflect light, and that he actually embodies the sun within him."
"I choose me. Choose yourself. Speak yourself all the time."
"But you don’t need her, when you can be the swan queen you were born to be."
"Write out all the limiting beliefs... and then start to write out opposing, more empowering beliefs."
"Always remember, you are God picturing; your God intelligence directing; you are God power propelling."
"Understanding that you truly are the creator is a powerful component to removing limiting beliefs."
"Now is the time to be the main character in your movie and to take this happiness as the leading role."
"Don't rely on destiny. You create your own destiny."
"Change is always possible, so you make your own destiny."
"You have control; you have agency. It doesn't have to be too complicated."
"Recognize that you have all the resources you need to manifest your dreams; this is the year to unleash your inner magician."
"Other people's beliefs and limits are irrelevant. Just do you. Do your own thing."
"Life is happening for you, not to you. Suddenly, everything is brighter; you're not a victim anymore."
"I've been picking up, picking up, picking up, strength from within."
"Consider the possibility that you are a powerful and creative, compassionate, and loving spirit."
"Remember, you are the CEO of your job search."
"We've gotten so far off course, we don't even realize that we're giving so much of our health power away."
"No one else has the key, my beautiful beings of light."
"Learn to trust your own knowing is a large step in empowering yourself."
"Our lives are our strongest weapons, and with these weapons, we revolt against the outside world."
"I didn't go to the gym five times a week so Brad would look at me and be like 'Oh, yeah. She's fit. I want to f_ck her.' No!!! I don't care!!"
"I am strong. I am confident. I am capable of absolutely anything."
"Focus on you and also, you know, don't let anybody else control your life."
"Let me own my passions, let me own my desires, and let me go after it because I am done feeling out of place."
"If we're out here talking about how powerful we are as beings and how we have the power to manifest and all this kind of stuff, and we can't manifest a light bill, then we're not applying that knowledge."
"Don't become a victim of yourself. It's possible to become a victim of tragedy, it's possible to become a victim of gossip, but here's the most important thing: don't become a victim of yourself."
"I am not going to let my mindset stop me. I'm not going to let these negative thoughts run me down."
"We are not meant to live our lives small and to dim our lights; that is not at all where we are evolving to as a collective."
"You have to remind fear that you're in the driver's seat."
"Life is your reality in terms of you create the reality that you want through the actions that you take."
"Don't let somebody take your time. You got to reclaim your time."
"You are a powerful being in charge of your own life, and it's up to you to make decisions and choices that reflect who you truly are."
"We are the powers that be because we are creating our own reality."
"Once you realize that you are the architect of your own reality, it liberates you."
"The kingdom of God is within you, a kingdom of intelligence, wisdom, power, and beauty."
"I command every cell in my body to line up with the Word of God."
"You have to take ownership of every single thing in your life."
"Choosing that narrative is just a ridiculously powerful thing."
"If you expect disappointment, it's crucial that you prove to yourself that you create your own reality."
"Never forget that you are the master of your own reality."
"In every phrase 'impossible,' there is a sentence that is spelled out: 'I am possible.'"
"Your future is in your hands, and this is what sets your life up to be worth the potential that you deserve."
"Don't let anyone else live it for you. You have this; you have this under control."
"I'm the lightning, I'm the thunder, I'm the rain, I'm the storm, I'm the hurricane."
"You are in charge of your life; you are in the driving seat of your life."
"No one has more power than you do to create your own reality, but you gotta know that."
"If we know we have the power to supersede anything they can throw at us in this illusionary reality, then that is how we step up in the authority of the power we have from the universe."
"Prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free."
"I am a limitless being and I can manifest whatever I desire in the physical reality."
"That responsibility is never given; it's taken. And if you choose to take responsibility, all these doors open up."
"We only help and empower the doctor within." - Dr. Albert Schweitzer
"Imagine having the full boat, understanding all of it, and being able to at will enforce and utilize the power of your own conscious thought."
"The magician is a conscious creator, and you are being called to embody this archetype right now."
"Just take a nice deep breath and own your divinity."
"I've got this. I can do this. I can conquer this."
"You are already a being of immense power. You have everything you need to master your current state and life, and then unlock the next."
"We create our own future, we create our own limitations, we create our own expansive abilities."
"Learning that she can define herself and her own power and then set her own limits to push past rather than having to accept the definitions and limitations that are given to her by other people, which in and of itself is also kind of a motto that the rest of the team will end up going by."
"Instead of sitting around and blaming what happened to you on everybody else, say, 'Hey, that's how things turned out, now I'm going to turn things around.'"
"Remember who the [] you are and how [] awesome you are and how you are just going to be just fine."
"You can take charge; you can do some things that will make a difference for yourself."
"I want people to realize like they have everything inside of them to do whatever they need to do."
"When you accept responsibility for your life and the choices you make, you begin to tap into the power of your own spirit."
"You are the source of your abundance and money through working with your feelings, thoughts, and intentions."
"If everyone else can make money off of me, why can't I make money off of me?"
"You have the power to surround yourself with beautiful people and love."
"You have the ability to create your next advantage."
"You must reject that notion of sickness... and prove your worth to yourself."
"You feel like you have everything within you to manifest and achieve what it is that you desire."
"We need to let go of the victim mentality to move forward."
"Don't just act, don't wait around for someone to cast you. Learn how to write, learn how to shoot, learn how to edit."
"You alone set your own destiny. Remember, you are the captain of your ship."
"You got enough grit, you've got enough grace, you've got enough faith, you've got enough courage to stand up."
"It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."
"Take control of the opportunities, believe in yourself, and know that it is not over for you."
"We will not be overcome. Do not waste my potential."
"You have all the tools in front of you to make all of your dreams happen. You just needed to change the perspective of who you are to actually utilize them."
"If we show up with enough faith, if we show up without fear, then I believe that the universe and the prophecy will do everything that we can't do."
"If you don't believe in magic, just look at the stars and remember who the [__] you are."
"A picture is worth a thousand words... create better imagery for yourself."
"The best thing you can do for somebody is tell them that they have opportunity in the United States, take hold of it with both hands."
"Your capacity cannot be limited by somebody else's opinion of who they think you are."
"Our greatest fear is to be rejected, but the truth is you cannot be rejected unless you give someone else permission to do so."
"You are your own light; you don't need anybody."
"You need to reclaim your own independence here."
"You have to take your life into your hands and become responsible and stop blaming everybody for your condition."
"You're very much the co-creator of your life, and if you are creating change, it's up to you to invite this and to attract this into your life."
"Act as if all your dreams have come true and then challenge your reality to catch up."
"It's time to take a stand and take full control of your life."
"You are the creator of your own destiny, and you can change anything at any time."
"You have free will; you are in charge of your destiny."
"You are way more powerful than you know you are if you went crazy psycho obsessed laser focused on anything."
"Never let anyone dim your star. Be fierce and protect that spark at all costs because many people's lives are better for having you in the world."
"Should you desire, you possess the power to manifest a miracle within yourself."
"Find the confidence, find the confidence to do this. Unstoppable."
"We are the pioneers; we are the explorers. Nobody stops us from realizing our maximal potential."
"It's all about mindset. If you have a positive mindset, you can make positive things happen."
"Nothing is happening to me, everything is happening for me."
"My mission is to get this information to as many people as possible and to help them to take back control of their health."
"Stop saying 'I can't.' You CAN. Whenever I say 'I can't do this,' I catch myself. It's not 'I can't,' it's 'I won't' or 'I don't prefer to.'"