
Life Purpose Quotes

There are 3351 quotes

"The test is every day of your life. And most of us fail because we don't know why we're here because we don't go inward to say, oh. You gave me a lot of shit to fix, man."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"My purpose in life at this point in my life is to collect, organize, and disseminate health and science information."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The purpose of life, the meaning of life, is to be of service, is to help other people."
"Pursue your passions with everything that you have to leave it all out on the field like your life depends on it."
"The meaning of life is to deconstruct all meaning and to surrender all meaning, and then to take it all back through infinite meaning and love, and then enjoy your life."
"Happiness is all we have. That's the only question we need to answer, and that's the only thing we really need to fulfill in our life."
"We're gonna rediscover...it's the depth and quality of your local relationships that define your actual sense of meaning and purpose in life."
"People want to grow, they want to be happy, they want to have meaning in their lives, and they want abundance."
"The purpose of a man's life is not happiness but worthiness."
"Your life is not about you. Rather, your life is about the lives of everyone you touch."
"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?"
"The meaning of life is to make meaning, to leave the world slightly better, and to marvel at the wonder of the world."
"Passive income can keep you from pursuing your life purpose."
"Meditation, enlightenment, your life purpose, learning or education, slow deliberate mindful action, contemplation, and being."
"Your highest commitment in this life: paying respect to your own self, into your life, into the miracle of existence."
"The greatest sin you can do to God is to waste the potential that you've been given."
"We weren't taught how to gain meaning and purpose in life. We weren't taught how we as human beings work."
"The goal of raising one's awareness is the objective of human life."
"Our lives should be a worship to the Creator every day."
"Release those people or they're forcing you to release those certain people because now is the time to focus on your life purpose."
"You were put on this planet for a purpose, and it was to be fruitful and multiply."
"You guys are gifted and your life purpose involves some sort of spiritual career. Share your knowledge."
"Your unique qualities are an important part of your life's purpose... it's okay to feel and be different from others."
"This life purpose of yours, doing this, will bring you so much success, victory, success, fame, reputation."
"Your life purpose is going to bring you a lot of luck, happy coincidences, rewards, good fortune."
"Your life purpose is to bring transformation to the world, to mother earth."
"Your life purpose involves you being very concerned about the well-being of how everything's looking on the planet right now."
"Your life purpose is enhanced by yoga, stretching, and exercising."
"I am a naturopath, a Reiki Master, and a medium... I have made it my life's purpose to try to help others with truth and honesty."
"Learning how to love the world and oneself is the only work in the universe of any value."
"Get serious about life. Get metaphysically serious about life. Figure out what life is, figure out why you're here, figure out what it's all about."
"You make sure that when you leave this earth, God won't be able to say to you, 'I gave you this in life... What did you do with it?'"
"Each person comes into this life with a unique energetic signature."
"Greatness is to live consciously, to embody Consciousness in this lifetime."
"It's almost time for Yuki to start looking for a career, but he begins to wonder if that's all there really is to life."
"Yuki snaps out of his depressive state of mind and assures himself that there is something more out there."
"Existentialism means that there is no meaning in life, but that we can create our own purpose."
"My life purpose and mission is to find an answer to suffering and one that I can convey. Now, I realize that this is a lofty goal, but I am going to be the person who is an advocate for the idea of daring to dream."
"He decided that he wanted to dedicate his life to doing good for the world."
"Meaning is the why of your life, a combination of coherence, purpose, and significance."
"Life has become more stressful and complex since finding our life purpose, but equally more fulfilling."
"When you find your calling in your life, you're going to feel home. You'll feel like it's right where you belong."
"What is your life purpose? This is a question that everybody should be asking."
"I didn't want to waste my life, because I knew that it would be disrespectful to my two friends who would never have the opportunities that I had."
"For some people that's a heavy burden, but for me, I took that as like that's my mission to not waste my life, to not waste my gift, to not waste my blessings."
"Man's search for meaning... is about finding the why or finding that source of meaning that helps us to endure not just large sufferings but also the daily hassles of life."
"By your 50s and 60s, you should focus on what you're retiring to, not just what you're retiring from, to ensure fulfillment and purpose in later life."
"Living purposefully is about having goals, about growing."
"Aristotle said happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the entire aim and end of human existence."
"Live life with a due sense of responsibility, not as those who don't know the meaning of life, but as those who do."
"The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life without a purpose."
"Having meaning and purpose in your life is a benefit as great as eliminating heart disease and cancer from the face of the earth."
"The biggest problem humans make is probably asking the wrong questions like, 'What's the purpose of my life?' as if it was externally imposed."
"My life has whatever meaning and purpose I give it."
"I don't care what he thinks my the purpose of my life should be; my life is mine."
"Do not die full. You want to die empty, with everything that you could potentially have done on this earth accomplished."
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing to help other people?"
"The meaning of life is to be found in the adoption of individual responsibility."
"Life is not, we may say, for mere passing pleasure, but for the highest unfoldment that one can attain to, the noblest character that one can grow, and for the greatest service that one can render to all mankind."
"I believe that life, the purpose of it, is to learn, and it's a struggle, and it is to suffer. I don't think that we are put on the planet to be happy. I actually genuinely believe we're upon the planet to learn things and to struggle and to genuinely suffer."
"Fear God, keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."
"This sense of purpose, sense of living to our potential, this self-realization that there is more to us than sleeping, eating, and working/career."
"You are fully supported as you devote yourself to your divine life's purpose."
"My role is to teach a spiritual truth...to awaken people to how, in whatever place you are in your life, to become as much of an empowered person as you can."
"If you love what you're doing and believe in it and nothing else could possibly be what you wanna be doing with your life, that gets you out of bed in the morning."
"Working with flowers opens your heart and brings blessings to others through your life purpose."
"The hardest thing in life is figuring out who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life."
"Life purpose is the most important personal development change that you can make, both for your fulfillment levels and also for your success in life."
"Everybody has a highest soul's purpose; it is a lie from the system that we are meant to be worker slaves doing things that in the long term are pointless and meaningless."
"In April, you're really going to have an idea about what your life purpose is, and it involves creativity."
"You have a strong bond with fairies and your life purpose involves helping Mother Nature."
"There is no pre-given and predetermined purpose to things; what we make of this life is up to us."
"A dream focuses my energy. I'm not shadowboxing, not playing around with my life."
"The purpose of life is to raise your consciousness."
"Another purpose of life is to raise your capacity to love, to embrace the full spectrum of experience."
"The fourth purpose of life is to feel alive every day, to live proactively, to not have a single day where you're just going through some boring motions."
"Provide massive value to mankind. This is part of living a good life and finding your life purpose."
"God created you good enough. You are exactly who you need to be when you need to be where you need to be."
"Don't ask what the meaning of life is; ask what is the meaning of your life."
"Life is too short for taking critics seriously, and you have a life purpose to accomplish."
"Focus on self-reliance, on independence, focus on creating massive value for the world through your life purpose."
"If you become the most powerful, rich, wealthy person in the world but you don't know the purpose of your creation, you failed."
"I think of physical life as a theater of experience that we're here to learn lessons, to grow and develop, and in some way to perfect and improve ourselves."
"The goal is to have a vision for your life such that, all things considered, that justifies your effort."
"Your life is literally mirroring who you are and who you were meant to be."
"This is your calling, this is your life's path, this is your life's purpose."
"Life was never intended to be about just paying bills and being here."
"You need to define your purpose. What is your purpose in life?"
"The life purpose of Aquarius is service, always pouring this big pot that is full of water, knowledge, love, compassion."
"Your spiritual mission is a primary focus of this life journey."
"When you live with purpose and direction, it's a beautiful thing."
"At the very end, we're going to ask: Did I live? Did I love openly and honestly? Did I matter?"
"It's not paper chasing anymore, Michael. It's purpose chasing."
"It's so much about having that we forget living. You know, living is what life is for."
"Living is not meant simply for having. Having is a part of life, correct, but living is what life is for."
"Why Are You Alive Right Now? Do You Know or Are Others Deciding for You?"
"Life is not about maximizing happiness; it's about accomplishing something meaningful."
"Is our life's purpose to pursue the most secure, highest-paying job, or is it to pursue our passions? Or is it possible to do both?"
"Searching for some broad sense of fulfillment and trying to balance it out with happiness is probably the meaning of what you should be trying to do."
"If you don't have Jesus Christ, nothing else really matters, certainly not in this life, but even more so in the life to come."
"The goal of human life isn't to win the game; the goal of human life, in some sense, is to win the set of all possible games."
"Determine what the questions you're going to ask at the end of your life are going to be, live each day intentionally so you're happy with the answers at the end."
"Don't you want to know that you did something here on this earth?"
"The most rewarding thing you can do with your life is to answer profound questions because you have been gifted to be born as the most advanced, most conscious life form that we know of."
"Success and accomplishments are not the ultimate purpose of life; facing death shows what's truly important."
"What's the point of life if you don't do it with people you can't live without?"
"The greatest work we can ever do in our life is the work we do on ourselves."
"You know God's existence is the most decisive issue of life because the answer you give to that one question sets an irrevocable course for everything that follows."
"Our time on this planet is finite... let's really make sure every day there's something that's happening that makes you feel like you're either moving the needle closer toward your goal, or that you are somehow feeling really good about the day's work."
"What we're all here to do, baby, authenticity."
"Don't walk away from your dreams. You know exactly what it is you need to be doing for your life purpose."
"There are only two reasons why we are alive, and if we strip away the accessories and the trinkets that the world sells to us, we realize joy, peace, and freedom is a million times more valuable than fame, fortune, and applause."
"Choose love, because that's what this whole gig is about."
"What if instead of only harvesting meaning from life around us, we try to help other people find it too?"
"The eternal salvation of a single soul is more important than anything else you will ever achieve in life."
"The purpose of your life is to enjoy it, to make your life an act of love and passion in every area that is important to you."
"I want to spend my night mending broken people; I want to spend my life removing pain."
"Your life is going to be a life if you understand the analogy of the Quran... you are going to be the means by which the world will be a better place."
"Living a life that's more than yourself, feeling like because I live, somebody else's life is significantly better, is priceless."
"Rediscovering myself is the whole point in life."
"Life is meaningless if it is not lived for the purpose of happiness and passion. And disappointment is nothing but a ditch in the road of life."
"Without the purpose of life, in a way, we don't have any life."
"What is success to you if you take money out of the equation? What would you be doing in this world?"
"Your life is too valuable, your calling too great, and your God too good to waste your life on stuff that does not last."
"It didn't mean his life didn't have purpose, and in Donny's eyes, that's something to smile about."
"God put us on this earth to be the fullest expression of ourselves, not just to pay bills and die."
"I really feel like a lot of you are meant to be teachers or meant to travel as a job or a life purpose."
"If you're true to your nature then the impact that you have on the world is what the universe put you here for."
"You are going to be divinely supported... into pursuing your life purpose and attracting abundance."
"Your unique qualities are an important part of your life purpose. It's okay to feel different from others."
"I'm gonna lay down my life for you and I'm gonna allow you to live your life through me."
"Everything in your past was getting you ready for what you're about to do in your life."
"The greatest work any human could ever do is not how much money you make, it is not how much cool stuff you can own, it is the work that you do on yourself to self-actualize."
"This life is important for us. Why? Because every life is seeing how to find its full potential."
"My job in life is to love other people well."
"The main reason why this person was brought into your life is because there is something better waiting for you out there."
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of being, is the only end of life."
"All we can ever really hope for life is that we'll live on when we're gone, that there's more to our story than just how it ended, and that the good of our legacy will outweigh our shortcomings."
"Jesus Christ said to me, 'My son, I'm coming soon. What are you going to do with your life?'"
"Asking yourself bigger questions about how do I want to leave my footprint in the world."
"You are meant to accomplish much in this lifetime, you are powerful."
"The whole point of life in general, getting away from all the conspiracies and the agendas, is really just to be here to learn, to experience, to grow, to get challenged, to move forward."
"The purpose of life is not to get your goals, the purpose of life is who you become to achieve your goals."
"The Purpose Of Life. A human being regardless of who they are or where they are or what they do will have this curiosity that want to know why am I here? How did I get here? And do I have a purpose if so then what is it?"
"The importance of meaning and purpose to life is so central."
"The ultimate purpose of life: Being yourself and allowing yourself to add to the expansion of existence."
"What's the point of the whole thing? Just to get a job, then get married, have kids, paying taxes and bills, and everything?"
"My life's work, your life's work, all of our life's work, is to live a life that is pleasing to us alone, our path, our authenticity, our truth."
"If this is the end of your life, were you a good guy? Did you accomplish something that was for the common good?"
"The best thing you could do with your life is try to better other people's lives."
"In March 2019, you are gonna know exactly what your divine life purpose is."
"Every single one of us is born with natural strengths and abilities... these strengths and abilities are supposed to help us with our divine life purpose."
"We only have one life, so why not use it to make the world a better place?"
"I am going to leave this world empty-handed and I need to leave this planet better than I found it."
"You are beautiful and you're here for a reason; nothing about you was a mistake."
"You didn't get put on this planet to please anyone else; you didn't get put on this planet to live your life according to others' expectations of you."
"Be a force for good in the world, and that'll be the adventure of your life."
"If I find in myself a desire for an experience which nothing in this world can satisfy, the most likely explanation is that I was made for another world."
"Living a meaningful, purposeful life is often about doing the hard stuff for the benefit of your future or someone else's future."
"If you had more purpose in your life, you live longer. Who knew? Purpose is life."
"Trust the signs and your inner guidance, leading you to fulfillment and divine life purpose."
"It's about how even when confronted with such enormous tragedy, they find a reason to live. Hope never dies."
"It means I'm going to devote my life to see that those around me rise."
"It's the belief that work not only is necessary to economic production but also the centerpiece of one's identity and life's purpose."
"You're not down here surviving; you're down here qualifying for your next position."
"We've all got problems... but at the end of the day, if you actually have a dream, if you really don't be like, 'Oh, I'd love to be this one day. I want to do this.' No, no, no, there's good wanting and like, like you feel it in you feel it. And if you feel it and you're not giving it your all, whatever it is, then you're not in the position that you believe you should be in. So you're not taking action on it. It's just, what are you doing? You're wasting your life."
"Hearing this news gave me a moment of absolute clarity about what my life is about."
"You don't want to waste your life, you don't want to waste your light, you don't want to waste your love."
"Life can't just be about solving problems; there have to be things that inspire you, that move your heart when you wake up in the morning."
"It doesn't matter how much you invest into all this other stuff but if you don't have a good reason as to why you're living, what's your bigger purpose."
"My life purpose, my mission, my role has been exposed and turned out to be quite unexpected... The fulfillment you will have when your purpose is unraveled before your eyes is totally worth it."
"Life is about the pursuit of something, you just have to figure out what that blank will be."
"You were born to do something great with your life. I am no different than you. No man or woman is different than you. We're the child of the same God."
"We in actual fact are here to be tested. It is a testing ground."
"Having a purpose and life direction is fantastic for you."
"The meaning and purpose of my life are mine. Why would I want it any other way?"
"What if the purpose of your life was actually to be yourself?"
"The purpose of life, I totally feel like it's to enjoy everything in every way and also to fully connect with everything that's here."
"We need to take the time to consider our purpose in life."
"The purpose of life, as far as I can tell... is to find a mode of being that's so meaningful that the fact that life is suffering is no longer relevant."
"It's something I talk about in mastery... discovering what it is that you were meant to do in life, which I think is the most important thing for anybody's life."
"The purpose of life is to be happy, for an organism to be happy."
"The adventure of their life is to bring someone into the world who would be a net force for good rather than evil."
"Every little thing that we do should be imbued with a higher vision, which is possible if you have that higher vision."
"I feel like your life purpose involves expressing yourself creatively."
"The essence of life is to serve others and do good."
"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"
"The goal of God in your life is not prosperity; it's not health, it's not wealth, and it's most certainly not your best life now. God's goal, if you belong to Him as a child, is to make you holy, to conform you to the image of Christ."
"I'm looking for a 'Well done' not because I necessarily pleased people, but because He is pleased with my life."
"What's the point of living a long life if you didn't really live?"
"I've done everything in life that God wanted me to do. I'm just waiting for him to call me home."
"I have something to live for. I have siblings, I have family."
"Do something with your life that adds to the quality of other people's lives, and then you'll see that's the real reward."
"We're all here for a reason and it isn't to buy a phone upgrade every two years, it's to learn about ourselves and to grow spiritually."
"I believe that we were put on this earth to unleash our potentials as human beings so that we can give back more than we receive."
"Because if you don't put meaning into your life, you'll find that life does become quite meaningless."
"Your baby is a gift from the Lord, that baby has an assignment, God has a plan."
"God doesn't hate you, He loves you, He's for you, He has a plan for your life."
"You have this time between your birth and your death, so the question is, what do you want to do with that time?"
"The purpose of human life is not to toil endlessly. Living can be so much more."