
Mental Strength Quotes

There are 2113 quotes

"Once you feed it the right conversation, the right mental nutrients, the right mental supplements, the right internal dialogue at the right time with the right proof of what you've done in the past, and you send that right to the right circuit, dude, you're a fucking beast."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The power of the mind is to become just happy, strong, and healthy."
"Resilience is the ability to tolerate and withstand negative things."
"If you're someone who has decided that this fitness thing is your hobby and that you want to spend hours into it because it makes you stronger physically but also mentally, that is a net positive."
"Thoughts are things. Man on this planet is the most powerful thinker."
"The highest level of masculinity is all mental, intellectual."
"It's okay sometimes to even sit out the big competitions to focus on yourself because it shows how strong of a competitor and person that you really are, rather than just battle through it."
"What I love about this technique is that it shows you just how weak our minds are in Western cultures."
"The question isn't can you handle the situation. The question is can you handle your mind?"
"It just shows how much the game is played in the minds as well as with the feet and the head."
"We've grown so much as a team in terms of mental strength, ability, and just the confidence."
"Perhaps even more so mentally than physically."
"I'm a big believer in doing something that sucks every single day of your life. It's a key component in strengthening your mind."
"You can only get so physically fit for a challenge, and at that point in time, your mind and your body have to come into alignment, and then the mind takes over."
"The hardest thing is just really getting yourself up mentally to really have to grind and fight through that adversity just to get to game day."
"When you're in suffer mode, and you say, 'I'm not going to quit,' you're forcing your brain to operate on a level it's not used to."
"Every time you confront and overcome some kind of mental barrier or you accomplish something that you didn't think that you could, that's like push-ups for the soul."
"Trauma and difficulty is extremely important because it's the building blocks for mental fortitude and physical fortitude."
"Go earn that [expletive]. Maybe it's over the top from the physical standpoint, but when you're in that cold plunge if you're just there physically, you don't exist in there like what is required of you to get in that cold plunge and to stay that cold plunge. You know, this is not an easy thing to do."
"Jail teaches you much. What it does is confirm everything you already know... You need to be physically strong so that you're not attacked by others and mentally strong so you're not attacked by yourself."
"Your brain is the most powerful weapon in the world. You have to master it, not let it master you."
"This battle is pure mind games. They're not just throwing punches but also trading deep philosophical ideas."
"Discipline isn't easy for anyone, so don't think if you see someone and they're just rocking it day in and day out, don't think that they don't have the mental battle every day."
"The key with the mental game is about knowledge, and it starts with self-knowledge."
"It's much more helpful to think about willpower as being a muscle that you can strengthen."
"Self-control seems to work like a muscle. So after you use it, it gets tired, but if you use it regularly, it does get stronger."
"The power of the mind is far more important than the size of your quads."
"Using a combination of cold immersion, breathing techniques, and mental focus, anyone can accomplish feats that were previously thought to be impossible."
"It's all about mental fortitude. It's like a battle of mentality as well."
"You better have the mental fortitude to be a pro player."
"When you win the mental game, your entire life will change."
"The mental resilience and fortitude for Top Esports."
"It's a mental game now, more or less. You need to be mentally very strong as a football player."
"You've got to believe in yourself physically and mentally."
"I think mental strength is actually quite an important part and aspect of League of Legends."
"Meaning is what's going to empower you. Mental strength based on motivation will not last long; mental strength based on meaning will."
"Reading books is so good for helping you to become more intelligent and mentally stronger."
"It takes a degree of strength to simply not destroy yourself with a wayward thought."
"You will learn the secret way in which your mind is tied to the source of all power."
"My successes in standing my ground wasn't really about my physical strength; it was about my mental conviction."
"I see why people wilt but I'm not one to quit. I'm strong mentally. I'm bulletproof in the brain."
"I'm not one to quit. I'm strong mentally. I'm bulletproof in the brain."
"We're building not just on your physical capability but on your mental resilience as well."
"There's a muscle in the brain related to focus. The stronger that muscle is, the more easily you can focus on what's important."
"This sport is very much a mental sport. If your head is not in it, you're gonna have a very hard time succeeding or even finishing."
"Mental strength does not mean being tough; it means having the ability to live authentically and cope with what life throws at you."
"Every time your mind wanders and you bring it back, you are actually becoming more buff mentally."
"Perseverance, you have many gifts. No problem can withstand the power of your mind. Never give up and good luck will follow."
"The power of the mind is you telling yourself I'm going to grow, I'm going to get stronger, I'm going to run faster, and you actually accomplish that."
"You're not actually mentally staying strong because you're using the thing to keep you strong; it's artificial."
"More than the physical strength, it was the mental strength."
"If you can't do it physically, do it mentally."
"I had the mental ability to continue to step up and respond as each challenge unfolded."
"The mental strength of these players... straight away to jump back on it, players like Mason Mount and Reece James... to put in such a mature performance."
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind."
"We used the power of our minds to beat this guy!"
"Mental toughness becomes an issue at this level. It's a marathon, not a sprint for climbing."
"It's all about that mental toughness, how tough are you, how strong are you, prove it to yourself."
"Samus's connection to her original power suit wasn't akin to the likes of normal armor; for her to remain connected, it required an unfathomable amount of mental energy ordinary people can't imagine."
"Mentality is so, so important in sports and in life as well."
"The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties."
"Life is more than just lifting weights reps and sets this course is gonna teach you how to become stronger mentally because without that without building that mental strength you can't add the discipline or determination to accomplish any goal."
"Strength has far more to do with your mind and emotions, than in your physical abilities."
"Remember when your brain is telling you you're done, you're only about 40% done."
"If you watch the lankybox, your brain is getting stronger."
"Mindfulness meditation strengthens attention and attention strengthens willpower."
"And upon strengthening them mentally, they worked to facilitate their recovery."
"Mentally strong is actually more important than being physically strong."
"Being mentally strong is actually more important than being physically strong."
"Fasting adds power to your ability to control your state."
"Thor has a strong will and has used it to control some things with his mind. He was able to take control of the Destroyer armor using only his mind in order to fight Hela and have the curse reversed."
"I felt strong mentally the whole way through this."
"A strong mind is the key to being the best version of yourself."
"God already knew that this was going to happen and he put me in a place where I was mentally stronger than I've ever been before."
"The truth is that women have the capacity to hold exceptional amounts of mental and emotional power over men."
"Kratos mental power matches his physical. He has incredible willpower and determination."
"A cell could hold my body but never my mind."
"Keep your head high, keep your mental strong, keep practicing."
"The mind is the strongest muscle in the body."
"While this fight was won by category in the physical arena it was won by Luffy in the psychological arena."
"a team can rally from behind... mentally momentum plays in"
"I'm not going to let them live in my head; I'm never going to be scared by these people."
"It's a mental game. You can't let it get you down."
"The secret of overcoming is in thought victory."
"The mind forces are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will."
"Survival is mental. It's having the right knowledge, knowing how to apply it, and having the will and desire to survive."
"They've shown up, they've shown a great mental strength this season."
"This is thug life at its best...a real strong mental game." - Florian
"It's all a mental game. Pretend that you won't feel pain. Pretend that you are Super Saiyan 3 Goku right now. You do not feel a single thing."
"Most of life's battles are won or lost in your minds."
"My skills got better over the years, but my mental side is what made the difference."
"It's not faith that saves you but your own mind."
"Ignore the pain. Your body is stronger than it lets on. Believe it first, have an achievement, set the goal, you know that you can, know that you will."
"Negativity can't penetrate my armor unless I allow it to."
"We showed again a lot of mental strength and in the clutch moments, especially in game five, we came through even though we did some mistakes like every game, of course. Everyone makes mistakes, but we managed to come out on top."
"Anxiety is there as an occasional power to be utilized."
"The willpower to like have shitty days and not let it affect you or the willpower to like you know to do what you have to do not do what you want to do."
"It really just boils down to your mental... the mental side of things are such a big part of the game."
"The second aspect would be understanding that mindset. It's really what's gonna push you to the next level."
"Fasting shows you have the mental and spiritual capacity to overcome struggles."
"A plank is you versus you, it's just your mental toughness, your mental strength."
"You have to have the mental capability to finish it through no matter what you have to do to keep going."
"It makes you a little bit mentally stronger."
"We have the power over our mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength."
"You need to fight this. This is a craving, this isn't hunger."
"What sets champions apart from the rest of the world is that they are mentally wired differently."
"This is the last two hours. Of course I'm gonna ride a bike again but in this moment lying to myself, dude, well then I just... Dude, just ride. Just put out two more hours and you can be done forever."
"When the devil can't cause you defeat, he makes you feel defeated."
"If your mental game is tight, then you're going to be able to do well." - Chandler Smith
"There is so much more of a mental element to this competition in this event than I think people really give it credit for."
"Tiger Woods' greatest weapon is his mind, his power of will and concentration."
"Pick up heavy shit, put it down, strengthen your body, strengthen your mind."
"To be able to leave somebody that you love that you like that you're lusting over takes a lot of mental strength."
"I believe in mentality more than I believe in anything else in sport."
"MLK really knew how to organize people and get stuff done."
"Mentally and spiritually, you're going to feel very strong, very powerful, and really careless about the things that were bringing it down."
"Weightlifting is not just about being strong, it's more about your mental attitude."
"Remember, your mind is a remarkable tool and your emotions are the fuel that can propel your dreams into reality."
"If you want to win anything in life, there's one battle you gotta win first: the battle inside your mind."
"Your fitness is 100% mental. Your body won't move if your brain doesn't tell it to."
"DC's mental wherewithal and composure were key to victory."
"A strong mind is the biggest asset during difficult times."
"A strong mind can carry a weak body, but a weak mind cannot carry a strong body."
"Imagine a world where you're living as the best version of yourself, mentally, and any flicker of self-doubt brushes off you like a light breeze."
"His hidden genius is his mental resilience and the fact that he's sharpened his mind so well that it's like a weapon."
"Resilience is a muscle that you can work it."
"What actually builds and measures your strength is your ability to do what you have to do regardless of how you feel."
"Your brain's so much stronger than I think people understand. Like, I can start thinking of things and a couple weeks later I'm like, 'Hey, I heard I was just thinking about this the other day.'"
"There was a time in imagination where a firm persuasion removed mountains."
"Mindfulness is everything, it's like a superpower."
"It is the mental Journey because it really take a piece of your soul from fighting the injuries."
"I think his whole thing is like, just mentally push through it and eventually it'll all go away."
"Mind power stuff, it's powerful, it's potent, it's marvelous, it's profound."
"When your brain tells you you're done, you're really only forty percent done."
"Your mind is the most powerful weapon in the world."
"Turn that shower cold and stand there like strong."
"Life is always going to be difficult. Condition ourselves mentally to accomplish things regardless of what's going on."
"One of the greatest gifts it gives you: a very focused, strong, present mind."
"Every thought that you have that is false will weaken you."
"I get angry at myself and mentally broke through."
"Archery had become a demonstration of mental strength, a truly astonishing feat."
"Your mind is very powerful, you're very clear, focused, and determined."
"It takes a strong mind and headspace for a champion."
"I think it's where it should be as far as the collective thought is that it's an important part of growing yeah and it's asking for help which is actually a strength."
"Belief can be the difference between life and death."
"At the elite tennis level, the top 20 are all the same level in tennis, they can all beat each other. It's all mental."
"Health anxiety sufferers are some of the most powerful people on this planet."
"It's not always about Talent; Talent alone will not take you to the top. Talent needs mentality."
"Your mind over matter is stronger now in my 30s."
"There is a resilience about this Arsenal team and every time they do it I feel like their mental sort of strength grows."
"The word of God is more powerful than the devil's thoughts."
"Whenever the devil has a plot, God has a plan."
"Your mind is the most powerful tool that you have."
"Running is like that sh*t's so mentally like, bro, you're telling yourself, like, bro, your mind is telling you to like stop, like literally stop, like you, like give up, yeah, but like you don't want to, you know."
"Your mind, your faith, and your mouth are your weapons."
"Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind now you have to convince."
"Welcome your problems... problems are simply tough games for the athletes of the mind."
"I do not fear, I do not worry, affirm yourself when you do it."
"The most powerful tool we have against this virus is the power of your own mind."
"The mental is in a sense much more powerful than the physical in a subtler sense."
"They fold mentally and physically as we saw the great Klitschko do and as all these other bombs will do too in the end."
"I'm [] strong as [], not in a physical sense necessarily, but in a mental sense. That's everything."
"Being a juggernaut in business or in life is making the mental decision to have the fortitude that you can handle whatever's thrown at you."
"Marginal gains strategy: if you are a winner and you have a strong mentality and you improve on everything you're already doing by 1%, you will see major gains."
"He's got that winning mentality now, is a leader."
"Look at the intellectual strength and power that comes from focusing on that which one truly loves."
"The mind is so powerful, we have so many thoughts throughout our day."
"Your mind is the most powerful survival tool."
"That team is mentally and physically tougher."
"You must not underestimate the power of mentality in this process."
"Your mind will give up a thousand times before your body ever actually quits."
"Don't let all this [ __ ] just wear you down so much that you stop fighting."
"Just be strong man. It's all mental hold it down."
"Build the mental strength and endurance through physical strength and endurance so that you can make yourself a Survivor."
"A determined mind or a naked soul is more powerful compared to any resource."
"It's become a mental game and not only do the physically strong survive, it's the mentally strong."
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; worry empties today of its strength."
"I'm super proud of everything I've done. No one can shake me mentally knowing but myself."
"Just to get over that hump... it's huge mentally for us."
"Alpha males are not about the toughest, the strongest, it's just the mentally strong."
"You need to build inner strength, inner resources."
"Mental toughness is your ability to handle life's challenges and exploit them to your advantage."
"Honestly, it doesn't get easier but your mind gets stronger."
"My biggest advantage is my mental strength. I have a belief in my ability that nobody can pierce."
"The toughest part of survival is the psychological part."
"Real Madrid if they have something is that mental strength that brings the trophies and the titles when you least expect it."
"No metal can quantify the strength it takes to do that."
"Your mind is powerful beyond measure, and if you set your mind to something, it'll probably happen if it's something positive."
"Mind over man, if you guys are wondering why people don't stop these runs..."
"But he does have the heart to push through it."
"This is one of the most defeating moments of my life. The only thing that is keeping me from staying in that water is my own will and desire and pride."
"Addictions will go away. Try to meditate at least once a day, alright that's how you get strong ladies and gentlemen."
"You have to do what you're afraid of while you're afraid to see that your fear is a false alarm."
"Your power of your mind is going to be very strong."
"Your mind is super-powerful when you're working out."
"The greatest challenge in this game comes from the... mental challenge... do you have the fortitude to stand back up?"
"If you're so caught up in whether or not somebody likes you, then your mind is too weak to play the game of competitive economics."
"The gun did not win the day. Your mind won the day."
"The power of your thoughts is way more powerful than any drug in the world."
"It comes down to that mindset to be able to turn it off and turn it on."