
Adversity Quotes

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"You find it in the suck. And you find it repeatedly in the suck to the point where you know exactly who you are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A lot of what is good for us makes us suffer."
"We are resilient and be proud because everything has been stacked against us to keep us down, and we just keep rising."
"The gravity of the battle means nothing to those at peace."
"Most of the time, the person that you are is the result of those moments, it's not the result of the easy parts."
"There's a real lesson here that comes out of it is that is that I've gotten up this up Kilimanjaro not because I was fighting everything because I just accepted it and I said okay we're going to do this and there was a calmness to it versus a relationship of adversary."
"When the going's tough, the tough get going."
"What is the good life to you? Each of us has to realize we are living our own best good life right now, despite the adversity, despite the challenges."
"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And weak men create hard times."
"Whatever that condition cost me, it also gave me an advantage... My pattern recognition is off the hook."
"The handicaps that God, the universe give us often give us an edge in another area."
"Stop focusing on the adversity... You're the only one that will make you successful."
"Resilience is the ability to tolerate and withstand negative things."
"If I was going to break, I'd a broken a long time ago 'cause I've been to hell and back and I'm still here."
"But as we all know, when shit happens, right, it kind of gives you a kick in the butt to do something bigger."
"We can choose to be the happiest and the most grateful we've ever been while we are going through the most difficult, painful, scary time in our lives."
"In the face of overwhelming odds, the true measure of a warrior is not victory, but the courage to stand firm."
"The battlefield is a crucible that forges legends in the fire of adversity."
"Have you ever felt powerless? Do you have a hard time bouncing back from struggles? Do you feel like you're drowning? You must face adversity to become strong."
"When you face adversity over a consistent period of time, you know how to manage it, how to withstand it. It makes you stronger, makes you more resilient."
"If you can just change your mindset to not think of adversity as a problem or as a negative thing, and to think of it as something that is helping you."
"When you're facing something, find solace in that this is actually making you a better problem solver."
"Nothing brings people closer together than undergoing shared trials."
"Nobody is more unhappy than the person who's never gone through adversity."
"Keep doing the right thing when the wrong thing's happening."
"When something is resilient, it is able to adapt in the face of adversity and it is able to withstand adversity."
"Many times, people who've walked through the fires can harness it in a way that actually can not only bring them to a fuller potential but benefit the people around them."
"There's a lot of success...isn't necessarily linear. It's not a straight line. There's a lot of adversities, a lot of different challenges and learnings and growth and evolving."
"Sometimes there has to be a fire before there is new life from the ashes."
"A lot of you guys, your true character and your true talents come out when you are met with obstacles and when you are met with roadblocks."
"Sometimes, even though you want that success, the reason you're not getting it is for your own good."
"No weapon formed against you shall prosper... they did not say the weapons will not form."
"By the time we pulled the sixth plug out of the boat, we're... I'm bailing like a maniac."
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity."
"Confidence is forged in fire. It's something that's within you."
"Innovation and solution in the face of the adversity that we have right now on the planet."
"You can't survive hell on Earth unless you believe in Paradise outside of it."
"Once you hit rock bottom, this is actually a really good sign because this is a sign that things are going to start looking up for you extremely quickly."
"We want to work this out because we want to be together. We overcame all this adversity in the beginning; we overcame hesitation, we overcame other people's opinions. Let's work through this."
"If you find yourself going through hell, keep going."
"It's very important to realize the importance of using the adversity that inevitably arises in everybody's life often on a personal level or on a collective level, to see, to recognize that as an opportunity for becoming more conscious instead of less conscious."
"The transcendent dimension is very important to have in your life; if you don't have that, then life is just a veil of tears."
"God is still on the throne, this truth...is our anchor in the storm."
"The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming."
"We stand up as Houstonians... we go through tragic moments, but we're going to stand up... like we always do."
"The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears."
"Like yes, we are at rock bottom, but... but that's where the hope is."
"The most valuable lessons come through the hardest of times."
"The pressing isn't meant to destroy you; it's meant to get the very best out of you."
"It is the pain of being you that creates the power of being you."
"Adversity is the price we pay for advancement."
"Even in the darkest of times, a spark of hope can ignite the flames of courage."
"With God at our side, we can confront the harshest of circumstances head-on."
"This life is not an easy one. I've made enemies, powerful enemies, put those I love in danger."
"Trying to find laughter in these situations then is a coping mechanism to deal with it all."
"Alicia managed to stand up despite going through a death fall."
"Seek new experiences, embrace adversity, and do so with awareness."
"These are women who show us a Christlike example of how to move forward in the face of intense adversity and setback."
"Elden Ring has this consistent theme where characters turn their curse into their strength."
"Fake friends are like shadows, always near at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour."
"We are defined in battle. The Greeks had a saying, a captain only shows during a storm."
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
"We are like blocks of stone out of which the sculptor carves the forms of men. The blows of his chisel, which hurt us so much, are what make us perfect."
"When there is calamity, when there is famine, when there is chaos, have faith."
"Amor Fati demands us to turn every negative experience into a positive one."
"Despite everything that happened last year with Michaela, she continued to grow."
"The darkest hour of night is just before the break of dawn, meaning that things or situations will be at their worst just before they get better."
"As bad as they say, it always gets darkest just before it goes pitch black."
"The state of mind can easily override those outer conditions; we can feel terrible in a little paradise and feel strong and joyful even in the face of adversity."
"Take heart, do not relent, press forward through the encroaching gloam, and face your fears."
"There's nothing like a prison camp that makes you realize you could still be happy with very, very little."
"Circumstances do not make the man, it reveals him to himself."
"Training reveals character; in the heat of the battle, true fighters are born."
"He taught them how to turn that disadvantage into an advantage, right here from New York City."
"In the face of adversity, we find not just the struggle but also the strength we never knew we had."
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances."
"When faced with adversity, your high self-esteem doesn't just protect you; it propels you forward."
"In the face of our darkest moments, true courage is to continue fighting, even when victory seems impossible."
"Behind every beautiful thing, there's been some kind of pain."
"If you don't learn how to flourish under fire, you will not flourish at all."
"Last time we went out there, it didn't end so well, boys."
"I think the work is cathartic and the idea of...adversity...that's the thing that pulls you across the dark cave floor of that kind of life."
"A bad situation is going to turn out to be a blessing in disguise here, Leo."
"We're taking this amazing group of young fantastic kids, who were just dealt a bad hand. It's no fault of their own."
"Our SEAL creed is just forged by adversity. You will either fail because of adversity or you will be forged by adversity."
"When you're broken, that's when you get to see what you're really made of."
"Adversity is just as destructive as too much adversity."
"The goal in adversity isn't always the adversity stopping; the goal in adversity is you looking like Jesus would if He was in your shoes."
"Every time they try to throw us to the wind, we thrive."
"Your disadvantages can become your best advantages."
"Be vigilant and watchful, for the devil goes about seeking someone to devour... It doesn't matter what the level of spiritual warfare, what the attack is, what the onslaught is... in the end, God is the Lord of history."
"The worst thing for any human being would be to be prevented from encountering adversity."
"Find the transcendent dimension within yourself, and then the rains and the floods come, but they won't devastate you."
"When you are rooted there, then the whatever it may be, the pandemic, the whatever, any form of illness or adversity, they still arise but they are not transformed into extreme suffering anymore."
"I thought the storm meant God had left me, I found out it meant that grace was on the way."
"Now I know who I am because the enemy only attacks what's valuable."
"If you're going through a storm right now, or if one happens to hit on Thursday morning, I want you to know that the storm is a sign that grace is on the way."
"Adversity comes for all of us, but for Jason Pierre-Paul, it's made a few trips."
"The hardest thing is just really getting yourself up mentally to really have to grind and fight through that adversity just to get to game day."
"Man looks into the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character, and that is what keeps him out of the abyss."
"Adversity is universal, that is, it plays no favorites."
"All adversity is not bad. It's a matter of how you look at it. It's a matter of how you respond to it."
"We are built to weather the storms that life throws at us."
"We can never allow our adversity to define who we are. We are who we are; adversity is just a footnote in our life journey."
"Adversity breeds success if you are willing to handle adversity well."
"You only really see what someone's made of when things are difficult."
"It's the paradox of adversities...it's also what Blizzard was trying to get at when they said, 'You think you do, but you don't.'"
"It's not what you're going through, it's what you're going to, that makes the difference."
"Adversity is opportunity to those who possess the attitude of divine fortitude."
"Nothing is impossible. Adversity leads to achievement."
"I had lost some IQ. I had lost my brain power... I was a straight-A student before the accident... now I was struggling for D's, and everything was hard."
"My grandmother used to say to me, 'Inky, either somebody is in the midst of adversity, or just came out of adversity, or won't be long before they head into adversity, so you need to be prepared either way.'"
"There's something beautiful about overcoming adversity."
"The quicker you can shift your perspective from yourself to others when you're in the midst of adversity, the quicker you'll get through it."
"The darkest and coldest part of every single night is right before the dawn breaks."
"Put yourself through a little adversity... it's going to help you grow as a human being."
"You judge the character of a person not by where they stand in times of comfort and convenience but by where they stand in times of challenge and controversy."
"It's seldom ever about how high you can go and how far you can go; it's all about what you do when you're down here, when you're at your worst."
"If you're going through hell, keep going. Why would you stop in hell?"
"Well, and also that wonderful cycle of the whole idea that out of something awful, something good comes out of it."
"Usually the most empathic and strong, and wise people I've ever known have gone through some serious dark nights of the soul."
"Trauma and difficulty is extremely important because it's the building blocks for mental fortitude and physical fortitude."
"The darkest times really mold us for the people that we're supposed to be."
"Having a life with no adversity is bad for you, but adversity in and of itself is not good for you. It has to be adversity that you have the tools to overcome."
"It's impossible to become a capable man or a man of my capability without struggling, without facing serious adversities, without trying to overcome often insurmountable odds."
"The best things that ever happened to me are the worst things that ever happened to me."
"I'm just a smiling girl, nothing bad's ever happened to me except everything."
"You know, when things like this happen, you tend to see people for who they are."
"The best way to bring unity is success. Success brings unity, and we were there. And then we got hit with the plague."
"Adversity in itself, while you're going through it, can be an extremely negative, stressful experience, but if you come out on the other end as a survivor, then later in life you look back at that longingly, not for the adversity itself but for the fact that you've overcome it."
"It was a harsh year and a half; I didn't finish 2019, 2019 finished me."
"Never allow anybody or any misfortune to shake your belief in yourself."
"It's a story about love and Redemption, all placed into the harshest possible scenario."
"A life isn't always gonna be rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes, in order to grow, you need to go through difficult times."
"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble."
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
"I relish doubters. They fueled a fire within."
"You're probably going to face adversity... but it just takes one yes to change everything."
"Adversity is a wonderful opportunity because adversity forces you to go deeper."
"Adversity forces you to awaken to the deeper dimension of who you are."
"You don't know how grateful you should be for your life until it's almost taken away from you."
"It is in moments like these, where we maintain our integrity and our courage in the face of impossible odds, that legends are born."
"Let's try to find a silver lining in our situation."
"Self-pity is our worst enemy, and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world."
"Satan, being aware of this, means that whenever there is trouble, you draw close to God."
"I know how humbling it is not to have anything."
"What we went through does not excuse or exempt you or keep you out of the race towards greatness."
"A soul is placed in the dark so that it can see... a soul is stripped, emptied so that it can be filled."
"Every Christian on their way to God must pass through a dark night."
"For some...this became a scandal, but for those familiar with the stages of spiritual growth, what Mother Teresa went through was an extreme testimony to her holiness."
"Judge a person not by what they accomplish but what they had to overcome for their accomplishment."
"It's about finding energy and strength when you have none."
"You don't build your inner strength when you're winning. It's like steel; it's forged in fire."
"It will sometimes happen that where there is the most sorrow in the experience, there will be the most pleasure in the outcome."
"When you're going through a hard time, you forget all the hard times you've endured. Remind yourself of your strength."
"To be your best on your worst day, you cannot think with a normal mindset."
"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them."
"Whenever things are looking down, there's always a rainbow at the end of the tunnel."
"We all just recently, and currently still are, going through that... we need to give ourselves some grace."
"If it doesn't kill me, it makes me stronger."
"Your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages."
"Going through adversity builds confidence, and getting out the other side and being alive and thriving builds confidence."
"The hard thing brought me through hell, but also to that which exists on the other side."
"No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity, for he is not permitted to prove himself."
"Adversity is me getting planted; it's never me getting overwhelmed, it's never me getting buried."
"JK Rowling created a whole new world for an entire generation all at the same time while her own reality wasn't the best."
"Every negative situation, you want to try to find a positive. You want to try to get back to neutral."
"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places."
"Even in the darkest depths, a flicker of hope remained."
"The world's gonna be tough, but it's how you embrace it and how you fight it."
"2020 has been an absolute chaotic, miserable year."
"He's lost at the highest level a lot of times, and I think those moments, those really tough moments, make it so that these moments are maybe just a little bit less daunting."
"Bravery does not happen in safe places. Bravery happens in the presence of real danger."
"The only way that you will begin to respect yourself is by going through hard stuff. There's no way around it."
"Suffering introduces a man to his highest self."
"In the face of adversity, we must be ready to defend our principles and our people with courage and determination."
"Something good is going to come out of this."
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
"Our marriage got so much stronger because of it."
"Sometimes it's almost like it takes something really difficult to make you realize how good life can be."
"The highest quality steel is forged from the hottest fires."
"During the low period in your life, it teaches you a lot."
"Stand tall and maintain your dignity no matter what."
"Confidence is born from adversity. Everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"Stoicism is staying calm while everything around you is falling apart."
"Being uncertain and scared and powerless is so often where you learn the most."
"Vision came in the valley. God trusts people with vision in the valley."
"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to things."
"These terrible experiences do become a teacher."
"The power of Eman allows a person to withstand a tsunami and not be destroyed by it."
"If you look for the valuable lesson or the seed of an equal or greater advantage or benefit in every difficulty, you will find it."
"You don't become successful or the person you want to be without tough stuff happening to you."
"There is a lesson and a blessing in every negative situation."
"The night is always darkest before the dawn."
"We have to prepare for bad times during the good times."
"Y'all have the privilege of dealing with it now...it's not such a bad thing that y'all are going through this; this is the grace of God."
"What's most real might be what's there when the times are hardest. That's how you define the reality of a friendship or a love affair."
"For if God be for us, who can be against us?"
"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."
"The greatest people in history are the ones who had great suffering and did something amazing."