
Personal Identity Quotes

There are 3441 quotes

"You find it in the suck. And you find it repeatedly in the suck to the point where you know exactly who you are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You're not going to be remembered for who you married or the relationship you had, you're going to only leave a legacy and be remembered for what you've accomplished."
"The future is female. What does that mean for me as a boy?"
"I'm like Beluga caviar; I'm an acquired taste."
"I think there's different ways to be a man. Manhood isn't one singular thing."
"You don't have to use my method. You asked me what I do, and I said no. But I like it because people can agree or disagree, but this is who I am, and I'm not going to change."
"It's really essential for us to actually reconnect to ourselves and reconnect to who we truly are, our core selves, and our true selves."
"You can choose to define yourself however you want; people do that; that's all I'm advocating."
"You're finally expressing yourself the way that you truly are instead of pretending to be somebody that you're not."
"The right question is how can you help me know who I am and what can I do to become myself. Know who you are and figure out what the human experience means to you."
"I am very blessed. God is my source. I love being a woman, a wife, and a mother."
"Authenticity means being connected to ourselves."
"Authenticity isn't a fixed state; we're constantly in flux between being authentic and inauthentic depending on the situation."
"To leave a mark. That matters. To dare to do something that people will remember, that makes you who you are as a pillar of your being."
"If you want to build faith, ask the question: Who am I?"
"Makeup's just one part of me, but art is the part of my heart."
"I've always been into the music thing mainly; it was just a hobby for a long time and then in the last few years, I was just like this is way more than a hobby; this is a massive part of who I am as a person."
"You have to be specific about who you are and what you bring to the table."
"They're scared to be fully authentic, scared to be fully themselves."
"You are not what has happened to you; you are who you choose to become."
"Am I turning into my dad? What is happening?"
"It doesn't matter who you were; it only matters who you are in the here and now."
"If I do not learn to define myself from within myself, I will forever be defined by someone else."
"Self-image is our own conception of the sort of person I am."
"When a person is people-pleasing, they're literally just catering to what other people want... They get to walk through the world as the nice accommodating person."
"Your preferences, desires, limits, and deal breakers... those are the things that not only make up your boundaries, they also make up who you are."
"I want to be like you. I had a phase where I wanted to be like Steve Jobs, have one thing that I wear every day, like SpongeBob."
"It's important to be true to who you are as a person."
"The act of shaping our environment touches something really, really deep that gets to the essence of who we are."
"I'm a mix of them, but there's a little bit of myself in all of them."
"Circumstances don't make you what you are, they reveal what you are."
"If you don't know who you are, you don't know who belongs in your life."
"You first exist, then your essence is defined by your choices."
"Last year was one of the first times where I've worn something that clearly displayed Kelsey."
"Unless you understand your history in every way you possibly can, then you're an incomplete creature."
"How people live their lives as a result of the story they believe about themselves."
"I'm just comfortable with myself. I know I am the way that I am and I'm comfortable with that."
"You don't name your alters; your alters are their own people. They choose their names."
"Every moment of your life is a choice. How do you want to spend that moment? Who do you want to be?"
"Your life is literally mirroring who you are and who you were meant to be."
"You are a bomb-ass blank. Fill in whatever title that you want."
"I'm always going to be that person whether it's about Andrew Tate or not... I believe in accountability."
"There's limitless versions of yourself: the you in your mind, and the you in others' minds."
"Sexuality is the most complex thing in human beings, period bar none."
"I'm Griffin, and I don't identify as a man. I'm non-binary. I still have elements of my identity that are masculine, elements that are feminine."
"Your person is very authentic and who they are."
"What defines you is what you do with that pain."
"I think there's two things that make life valuable: I think consciousness, the ability to experience pain, senses, and stuff like that, and personal identity in particular, psychological continuity, identity."
"I want to be the type of person that you can smell coming, someone with a signature scent."
"Martin Luther importantly made a distinction between inner lives and outer lives. Our outer life is how we conceive of ourselves in relation to society, and our inner life is how we genuinely feel inside."
"Languages gave me a sense of purpose and identity and confidence."
"The more languages we speak, the more identities we can flow in and out of."
"Positions on especially important things like evolution or vaccinations or COVID-19 can become not just evaluations of truth but part of your identity."
"Knowledge of self is that study of who you are. Most people can't answer that question. Who you are? You ask a person how you doing, they're gonna be like good. You ask a person who you are, they get stopped for a second. Some people even get offended by the question, right, because they ignorant on themselves."
"Capitalism just funds your spirit. It's a tool for me; it doesn't change who I am."
"We do not get a reflection of what we want in life; we get a reflection of who we are being."
"The person is not the diagnosis. They don't suddenly stop being your mum, your dad."
"I took the person that I am, including all of the good and all of the bad, yes, and that's what allows me to be the person that I am."
"Whatever you do is an indication of the type of person you believe that you are, either consciously or non-consciously."
"Money is fuel; it's a tool. It amplifies who you are."
"In our leisure, we reveal what kind of people we are."
"I talk about coming out as gay and growing up in Mormonism and how that impacted my view of myself and my view of the world as I came to terms with my sexuality."
"My name is Willie Zilla. My dad is a rock star."
"I have allowed so many different influences to keep me from me."
"I think people really don't realize how we really lose ourselves in a relationship."
"The real you is brilliant, an important public servant."
"They acquired the right to personality, something alien to the highly patriarchal family structures of the old country."
"You tell me one person you know, and take 20 people who know that person, they're all going to give you different versions of what they think of that person."
"If you had offered me a pill to make me straight, I would have swallowed it before you had time to give me a sip of water."
"I am a Muslim, which is something I'm not going to lie, that's not the reaction I was expecting."
"I'm bigger than my job, and I'm bigger than my circumstances."
"It takes an army to actually put someone together, but it takes an Iman to put Tamisha together."
"I'm still an individual even inside a marriage."
"When I look in the mirror, I'm happy with the person I am as a fighter, as a husband, as a father."
"My name is Morgan K. Shanghai. I am an Anishinaabe Ojibwe living in Southern Ontario. I am a full status Indian under the Indian Act of Canada, which means I have any and all rights associated with being a full status indigenous person in Canada."
"Your race is not a significant feature of who you are. Who you are is your character, your value, and your skin color doesn't say anything about that."
"If you're not being defined by a vision of the future, then all you're left with is memories of the past."
"On Mondays she was a flapper from the 1920s, on Wednesdays a hippie from the 60s, and on Fridays, she was a goth girl from the 1990s."
"The feminist movement is what helped me feel empowered enough to be who I am."
"That trip will go down as one of the best trips I've ever gone on. It felt like it turned into a celebration of everything that makes me, me."
"I'm tired of people saying I'm a victim of my fame. I hate that."
"We used to be defined by what we loved, and now we're defined by what we're in opposition against."
"You will never see the best version of yourself until you can look yourself in the mirror and say, 'Yeah, I did that, but that does not define who I am.'"
"In life, you don't discover who you are; you decide who you are."
"Maybe it's other people's reactions to us that make us who we are."
"You are more than what you make. Let that sink in."
"There have been some big changes and smaller ones, but I love that our home still feels like us, just in a reimagined way."
"Grace actually inflames, frees, and then perfects that which we already were, or maybe to be a bit more New Testament biblical, that which we were always intended to be."
"You get to express your personal identity while you are being stripped of collective power."
"The conscious mind is the creative mind; it's the one that has your personal identity into it. It does the real thinking."
"When you love yourself for who you are instead of what you do, there you'll find peace."
"Of all the names, you chose the best one for you. It's good. I like it."
"This ledger of our data may be considered a Lamarckian epigenome, a constantly evolving representation of who we are."
"Everything we read into your story...is read as evidence of who you are and what kind of person you are."
"The ultimate question of man is not who we are but who we could be."
"I'm Bernard, although I insist you call me Bernie. Only the person who calls me Bernard is my wife, and even then, only when I've tracked elephant dung into the carpets."
"Before we get started, I want to make it clear that I am not a vegetarian or vegan."
"I don't let fans dictate where I can and can't go or what I can and can't do. I was this guy way before I was a famous guy."
"Don't assume you know someone because of their public persona."
"Reality is simply reflecting back to us who we are being."
"There is a level of integrity within yourself. It might be your fat, it might be your juice."
"You are defined by the decisions that you make; the decisions that you make project the values that you hold to the world around you."
"I enjoy being a man. I enjoy going out there and working and paying bills and everything. That's just the type of person I am."
"The more you try and control them, the more they possibly can rebel against that ideal you're trying to push them towards."
"It feels really nice because I now know who I am and who I was meant to be."
"Everyone has a mental concept for themselves, a self-concept. We all like to believe that we are good."
"Identify with what you want to be, who you want to be, the experiences you want from the world."
"We human beings want to perceive ourselves as competent, compassionate, and well, as good people."
"Gender is a social construct and a matter of identity."
"When we talk about the Higher Self, we're really looking at your authentic self, your true self, the person that you are at your core."
"If you say you can't, then you can't. If you say you can, you can. Anything you say, good or bad about yourself, that's what you are."
"Don't reject yourself or hate yourself because others did. What people have said about you is not who you are. Only you know who you are."
"It's not about what's on the outside, it's about what's on the inside."
"You have to realize that what has happened to you as a person does not define who you are."
"The most important thing I've done... 'I'm not a role model.'"
"I've always been kind of a tree hugger in a way."
"You don't become self-confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but rather by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are."
"Never lose your identity for another person's sake. Never compromise your character for anyone."
"It's not that I have some secret dark academia Tumblr account or consider myself part of the community, but because I lived in the supposed heart of this aesthetic."
"Dem tell me, dem tell me what they want to tell me... but now I checking out my own history, I carving out my identity."
"This is how I express my gender as someone who's non-binary."
"I'm just an adult human female. I'm a mother, I'm a wife, I'm a subject of the United Kingdom. I'm just a person."
"Bro was put on this Earth to be a high octane gamer."
"Facial harmonization surgeries...are part of my gender transition."
"I feel like I can't explain my youth to the people that I interact with on a regular basis because they don't know about straight edge, they don't know about hardcore, they don't know about veganism."
"Your value as a human being should be about who you are as a person, not ticking off certain boxes."
"For me, northern life is where about three-quarters of my soul sits non-stop. That is my heaven, that was my calling of life."
"I'm not going to change, but I want people to see the entire person that I am."
"You're allowed to say whatever you want about me because at the end of the day, you don't really know me. I know me."
"A Honkai person is one who finds a heart that does not flee. They are not just strong, but strong and pure."
"Our characters are shaped by the past, they're shaped by our culture, they're shaped by our national experiences, and the attempt at obliterating it or overriding it invariably leads to disaster."
"Become a plant person. I'm a plant person, amen."
"The contents of my phenomenal self-consciousness form a coherent whole."
"Bernie Sanders is exactly the same human being he was at 39 and at 78."
"Identity is fluid; you get to form your identity however you see fit."
"An individual's DNA is more identifying than a name, a social security number, or even a fingerprint."
"I don't focus more on that being representing my ethnicity, I focus on being better than all the other people."
"Your true self at some point is going to fight to come out; you can't suppress it forever."
"I believe in diversity, I'm strong, I'm proud, I'm a daughter of immigrants, I'm a woman of color, I'm perfectly made. I'm proud of me."
"You don't have to be me. You don't have to be your father. But be your best self."
"One of the core themes pushed at us is to treat people for who they truly are."
"The real you is better than anything you might pretend to be."
"What I think I really admire about Poison is that you really sense that she owns herself. Poison loves who she is, she's comfortable in her own skin, and she wants everyone to know it."
"I used to wanna rap like Jay-Z until I finally realized that wasn't me. I took my time to jot down every line that's quotable."
"People probably buy too much... It's really trying to understand what pieces reflect you."
"For a woman, the hijab just pretty much stands for being modest with your appearance, and letting people see you for who you are, your personality and not just your looks."
"Memory is key to personal identity, how power can reshape the definition of truth itself, and why helplessness is so important if you want to become a dictator."
"You never allow people to define you who did not create you."
"Let Messiah set you free and be a called out one that is separate from the false ways and the mindsets of this world."
"The biggest question in life is 'Who am I?' and 'What gets me so excited that I jump out of bed every day and I can't wait to go to work?'"
"Man has free will to the extent that he knows who he is. Not otherwise."
"I believe that the most important goal for me is to show people that I may be incarcerated, but that does not necessarily mean that I am a monster or a villain."
"There's no right or wrong way to be a woman, there's no right or wrong way to be a person - well, murder is bad."
"Your identity is made up of several parts of yourself, there are many facets to people."
"Under the oppression depicted in these games, everything is resistance, every small human action, every act of kindness, every effort to set yourself apart from the reich's cultural zeitgeist makes you less of a Nazi and more of a person."
"If I want to be free, I've got to be me. I better know who me is."
"I just think what he represents for youth culture totally goes way beyond footwear. It's something about being your authentic self unapologetically."
"My name's Wyatt Earp, present profession: saloon keeper."
"I think the biggest confirmation is just being yourself."
"They don't want that to be the center of this show, but for Ebony like she said, this is my life's work. This is what I do and this is who I am."
"This thing takes you to your nature, to get to know who you are."
"You have a very definite spiritual gift with your name on it given to you by Almighty God."
"Respect the guy... his belief is founded in fact... respect how he defines himself."
"I'm not a guru, I'm not a motivational speaker."
"Just because you do something bad, doesn't mean you are a bad person."
"You kind of open up, you kind of let your guard down, you become who you really are."
"Our ancestors are the verifiable confirmation of your remarkable existence."
"I never wanted people to know what I looked like, and I just thought it had nothing to do with whether or not I wanted credit for it or anything like that."
"My passion for wildlife, my passion for animals."
"Arizona, this is exactly where I need to be, this is what I do, I'm the Destroyer."
"Keep making the thing... make that thing true to who you are."
"I was pretending to be a bodybuilder all those years. I was really a strength athlete."
"This person is Gerald he's the person I collab with on insta he's taken total control and he's gay he's using my face to gain clout and he's using gay stands for their followers he also tries to say that I'm gay LMFAO I would never just say."
"Who are you? Ask yourself. Go deep, question things. What's my purpose? I always wondered this."
"If I'm phonetic, it's just razorque, you know? I feel like roswork's done so much this year."
"A man is defined by his actions, not his memories."
"Increasingly, I became uncomfortable with people who would come to me and say, 'This is the only kind of person I can love.'"
"It's core to people. Your sexuality is not a trivial part of who you are."
"Get wild, let loose, let that wild side out, and just let yourself be you, however that ends up being."
"Fragrances create a very personalized representation... Positive and Powerful connections to others."
"Who do you see when you look at me? The boy whose shoes you used to tie every morning? The teenager you drove to his first date? While you're here every night, I am out there, the only thing between the innocent and the predatory."
"I've come to realize that there's just people who choose not to understand me or listen to me based off of their own assumptions of my character and that's okay you don't have to like me but you don't have to be gross about it."
"I think the right thing to do is to let your kids play with what they want because, guess what, that's who they are."
"I stand before you as Speaker of the House, as a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a devout Catholic, a proud Democrat, a great grandmother, American, a citizen of the greatest Republic in history, an Italian woman of color."
"The word home I think it is where you are at the moment."
"It's terrifying granted it kind of sounds like they were cheering my name when I first heard it since we shared the same vowel and name structure but the point still stands this is the sound of true rivals giving it their all."
"I never really wanted to be a superstar. I just wanted to be myself."
"Names do matter; they can really impact a person's whole life, so you should be kind."
"I am Legoshi the gray wolf and I'm friends with the spotted seal."
"Maintaining your identity or masculine identity is probably the best advice that I can give you."
"I'd say South Floyd, I represent the whole thing."
"This is home, where I belong. I always say, like, this is where I live."
"I don't want to be Malcolm X or Martin Luther King Jr."
"When I'm playing good golf is when I feel most like myself."
"Everything I've experienced tells me that gender or gender presentation is no indication into the condition of a person's soul."
"Whether your house is clean or dirty, it doesn't change who you are."
"I think integrity means who I am in public is going to is the same as who I am in private."
"If you're really passionate about a thing, you're probably not that political."
"It's hard to think that one little signature can be so important but in today's world your signature means a lot."
"You are not two people, you are not one person. You are an experience. Make sure you're a good experience."