
Self-discovery Quotes

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"You find it in the suck. And you find it repeatedly in the suck to the point where you know exactly who you are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's actually about being really true to yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's that energy or that attraction to something that feels right that is your divining rod to find water. That's your tool."
"You have to be in sensory experience in order to find it."
"Once people learn about narcissism and they're given permission to call abusive behavior what it is, they're able to slowly but surely start coming back into themselves."
"It looks like you're moving more into your own authenticity by the end of the year, and you're kind of just being you."
"On the other side of this temporary pain you're going through, you get introduced to your other self, and this other self produces another life."
"I was trying to fit into a box that I couldn't. I was like a fly trapped in a jar... then entrepreneurship was realizing that the lid was off the jar the entire time."
"Discover your life's task. It's not easy, and I don't have a formula for it, but I lay out the process that could lead you to it."
"Therapy isn't about what another person is going to tell you about yourself; it's about what you can learn about yourself, from yourself."
"What if there is a world of untapped potential in all of us, just waiting to be released?"
"Having it all figured out is overrated because not only is it impossible to know how you feel or who you are going into things, but the more certain you are about who you are and what your brand is and what your plan is... the less opportunity there is for happy accidents."
"If you're a young man and you feel lost in life, go take on responsibilities... start to get to know yourself."
"Keep a dream journal because there's going to be a lot of signs in there for you."
"We were on a wild journey to discover who we really were."
"It's the first thing I've ever had that's just been totally mine. There's a fear of doing things on your own, but I've truly loved it."
"You are more than your current reality. It's time to embrace change and become the new version of you, the 2.0."
"Solitude is not a state to be feared but a condition to be sought. It's a crucible for self-transformation and the road to greatness."
"Figuring out your boundaries is an important thing to do."
"But believe it or not, with a lot of time and figuring yourself out, it's very manageable and can become one of the strongest tools you can use to become a really balanced, awesome, humble, incredible, super cool person."
"You can't possibly know your limitations if you never pushed yourself to your limitations."
"Happiness isn't something you can really chase; it's something that you find within yourself."
"All the answers to life that you seek out there somewhere are really all inside you."
"Play with who we want to be and who we want to grow into."
"The true source of happiness lies within you."
"To live your purpose... finding that, that's true greatness."
"Self-healing is the starting point for personal development and self-discovery."
"Courageously advancing towards personal growth requires sometimes inducing your own disintegration."
"You look deep enough into infinity, and you find your destiny. And that destiny is everything you could be."
"Being in tune with our natural selves is the ultimate way to experience freedom."
"Self-stimulation is the key to your pleasure, it's the key to your power."
"I've been found, I'm okay, and I will be collecting the reward. Probably a million bucks. The reward for finding myself."
"The deeper you go within yourself the clearer things will be...your soul has all the answers you're looking for."
"We become seekers. We start asking questions. We start getting curious."
"I feel like it's going to take me until I'm 40 before I'm like, actually very comfortable with doing whatever I want to do."
"That's why anybody watching this right now, if you're in your 20s and everyone's like, 'Time to figure out who you are in college,' you're not going to figure that out that quick."
"Vtubing is a tool for self-actualization I've used a lot; it's genuinely helped with self-discovery in the ways you're able to express yourself."
"What do you feel like for you, has been your single-handedly biggest lesson in this life?...You're not who you think you are."
"The point of life is simply to figure out who you are."
"You're going to be discovering new ways of filling up your energy to where you feel emotionally fulfilled."
"Relationships help you to become who you are."
"Your true self is not what you see in the mirror...your true self is immaterial and must be sought out."
"The deepest answers to life are not found in books or from other people; they're found inside yourself in moments of solitude and deep self-reflection."
"Nothing else really mattered to me anymore, other than returning to that state, figuring out how I can integrate that state of consciousness permanently."
"Ultimately, for me... shifting is just like a personal spiritual journey. It did help me learn a lot about myself."
"You find yourself when you lose yourself in the service of others."
"I've never been more secure in who I am and who I am not than when I made the decision to start a family."
"I may never be a man," I tell him, "but I won't always be a girl either."
"So figure out what does make you happy and try to do more of that."
"If you want to know what you want, you have to spend time with yourself."
"As you start being bored, you will discover yourself."
"If you're not shining light, then you haven't gotten in touch with the light within you, and what will heal you is moving closer to that light."
"You don't know what you need in your life until you figure out who you are."
"The knowledge of the universe is already inside of you because you are the universe."
"Whatever that you see that you are attracted to in another person, you actually already have that within. This is about awakening that."
"Everything that you're looking for is within."
"You can face hard things, survive hard things, and that in learning more deeply about yourself, you are handed a moment where you can make a decision."
"The magical and unique qualities of your untapped potential are unfolding now."
"Get to know yourself, you are an entire universe."
"Supporting information is going to help you fast-track your results, stimulate new ideas, and help you stimulate a broader depth and dimension of understanding about yourself."
"Realization or enlightenment... it's not discovering something new, it's actually remembering something old."
"The abundance you seek already exists within you."
"A shower can be life-changing when we're struggling with depression or anxiety. It can feel almost like it washes off some of the difficulties that we're struggling with."
"You start to realize that you're stronger now than you ever were before."
"There's a very strong energy here of you learning to just be free and not have any expectations."
"You're shedding the old self and stepping into who you truly are."
"Through each other, you find missing pieces."
"You're going to meet your soulmate when you're finally so authentic and not scared of being authentic."
"Your ultimate happiness is here, and every time something doesn't quite go the right way or you get rejected or fail, you're getting closer and closer to finding yourself."
"That thing, that thing is embedded in your purpose. That's a good starting point."
"The right question is how can you help me know who I am and what can I do to become myself. Know who you are and figure out what the human experience means to you."
"We've been looking for ways to connect with our essence, ways to understand our story, but it's got to have the right language."
"You are stepping into your authentic self and stepping into your own power."
"Success starts when you are able to answer the following three questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?"
"The sun is inside, the light is inside, light will find you from inside, but not because it is only in your body but because the connection point to it is buried deep within you."
"There is something in you that is authentic to you. Ain't nobody going to outrun you."
"You're going to learn so much about yourself because this person's gonna reflect it back to you."
"In the end, finding out where I belong helped me discover where I came from."
"You're going to discover a whole new side of yourself that you didn't know existed."
"Tonight is the beginning of change for you. You're going to meet the most important person you've ever been in your life. You're going to meet you."
"True leadership is a study in self. It's discovering yourself. Who are you? What do you possess? What is your gift?"
"Self-discovery is the greatest discovery in history."
"The difference between prakriti and Purusha quickly becomes obvious in Samadhi. Once it's obvious, even when you're out of Samadhi, you know, although I'm fully mixed up in all of this, I am none of it."
"Once you figure out who you are, it becomes easier to do the things that match who you are."
"To live a good life, what you're gonna have to do is both learn and figure out how life works but also learn and figure out how you work and how you fit into life."
"They're going inwards, following their own path."
"By connecting to more of who we really are, we are creating what is called heart and head coherence."
"The journey to self-discovery is never wasted."
"The petals of this lotus blossom would open to reveal this unique essence, that is within us."
"Your soul is calling out to let you know to know your worth, to take time to get to know yourself in order to find your destiny."
"It's never too late to start loving yourself and to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing."
"Nature evolves and Brahman or the Atman, you, shine forth. The evolution of nature... reveals the real self within more and more."
"You're about to go through a big transformation, and this transformation is about you starting to really own who you are."
"You are realizing deeper about what your purpose is and who you are."
"The fundamental thing that happened, and the greatest calamity, is not that there was no love or support. The greater calamity...is that you lost the connection to your essence."
"I am stronger than I thought. And that's excellent."
"Great leaders are always weird. If they would have fit, they would have fit. They found themselves by not fitting."
"Find your inner peace. Find where your peace lies within you."
"This is about you sensing the light, moving towards that, creating movement, taking that a step at a time."
"Your soul is coming through right now about who you really are, and who you really are has been trying to emerge."
"Have the curiosity to know yourself, but once you know yourself, you need the courage to be yourself."
"Know that it's within you, you already have it, there's nothing to get."
"Spiritual growth is not just a journey toward God discovery; it is also a journey toward self-discovery."
"You can only find yourself in the present moment."
"Spiritual awakening begins with the realization that there is more to you than your form identity."
"By its light, everything is lit up. What is that? It is you, the I am."
"Spirituality is discovering a dimension within yourself that is either deeper or higher than the continuous movement of thinking."
"You can have a great discovery within yourself. There's a really great treasure, we have unlimited discovery within ourselves."
"You have to intend to become your true self."
"When you have a daily practice and when you do a breath like that, it reconnects you to the truth of who you are."
"Being focused on your inner growth, your inner development, and this spiritual shadow side of yourself reflects a journey of profound self-discovery."
"You're walking out of that gate and you're walking towards freedom, and you're going to be out in the open and completely shine and be in your bliss."
"Rerouting yourself a little bit in the month of July and figuring out more of what is your destiny."
"You're made of the sea and the stars, and one day you're going to find yourself again."
"It's like some shackles you never knew you had are being broken."
"His self discovery is very much through the lens of this boy, Alberto, who is more confident than him. He's really cool. He's really like knowledgeable. And Luca has a crush, basically."
"If you want to change your life, sign up for an ultramarathon...you will meet yourself in a way you never have before, and there will be a tremendous amount of suffering, but there is a joyous aspect to that because it's a journey of self-discovery."
"The only way to escape the maze is self-discovery."
"Speed is an act of self-discovery as well as self-expression."
"Wasted time is the price of figuring it out."
"If you are struggling to figure out what your passion is, this coffee talk is for you."
"Passion isn't in a person, it isn't in a place, and it isn't in a thing; it's something inside of you."
"Your desires are your soul's wings, and it's time to take flight."
"In being yourself, you're going to realize so much transformation, it's going to be beautiful."
"The longest journey we have to make is from our head to our heart."
"The only way to maintain enthusiasm is to continually study who you are."
"Human beings were created, and this set them on a path: humanity stepped into a new beginning, free of slavery, and into a journey of self-discovery."
"Finding your best self means the difference between freedom and the compulsions of conformity."
"I think that's the journey of life is like the self-knowing journey, self-acceptance journey."
"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks."
"The purpose is always there. The purpose never leaves us because the very purpose is you."
"This week's skill is individuality. What makes you special?"
"How are you going to know what you want if you don't know who you are?"
"Sunny, it's time to become the god of one of these elements."
"Now it's time for you to come into your own individuality and create your own dreams."
"Rediscover yourself and rediscover your passions."
"So, how can you go about discovering your own self-worth? You need to ask yourself: 'How am I enough?'"
"You're going to discover a whole lot about yourself when you start trading with real money."
"This journey of self-discovery is a disaster; I'm discovering little about myself other than the fact that I find this game to be very odd and strangely alluring."
"Tarkovsky taught us to look inwards, for it may be the only place where the true you resides."
"Discover your gifts and maximize them for impact."
"You are truly free. This is a time for you of self-discovery, self-expression, and a lot of amazing opportunities are right on your doorstep."
"Your intuition has been opening up like never before."
"How many gifts have you left unopened? They're still wrapped up. You got them, and you have access to them, but they are still unopened because you're scared of what somebody else will think about it."
"Focus on fulfilling your soul's purpose, your soul's mission."
"In order to know your own country, you have to live in another one."
"A huge epiphany that's going to come about for you... is that you haven't reached the end; you haven't reached your peak."
"You're getting an insight into yourself that seems to be more than you could have managed on your own, and that I perceive as part of that divine connection."
"You also can't align yourself with your authentic self when you don't understand who you authentically are."
"Your true talents are being revealed to you."
"What is my purpose? What is my true purpose? These are the questions that lead us forward."
"It's therapy and medication and help and just like... discovering who I am as a person. It's now coming back out of me."
"What do you love to do? Find the love in it and just do it."
"Manifesting is a rebirth where you're coming into parts of yourself that have always been there but have been lying dormant."
"The kingdom comes not from without, but from within, always."
"This little book is an attempt to explain what each soul must discover for himself, that he stands in the midst of an eternal creative power which presses itself around his own thought, and casts back to him glorified all that he thinks."
"What is your life purpose? This is a question that everybody should be asking."
"You are really just setting yourself free in a lot of ways."
"Living in the future, not having anxiousness of what's gonna happen, but remembering that this is a journey truly and it's a journey to find who you are."
"Your strength and courage are going to amaze you."
"The most important experiment of all is the experiment of you."
"I think being alone is not as scary as you think it is. And you should be alone and experience all of it."
"What you have to understand is that when you begin to travel the path of your passion, you begin to find your voice."
"Your main blessing is self-discovery; you're really getting to know yourself and being selfish in a good way."
"I became the person I was supposed to be just doing my own thing."
"Realizing who we really are allows us to express ourselves and find that uniqueness within."
"This is about finding our vibration and then stepping into that purpose."
"You're going to be learning so much about yourself and transforming on such a deep level."
"Don't try to be perfect, don't try to be like everybody else. Embrace your unique self as an artist and that's when you're going to discover who you are."
"Power-ups without this narrative layer tend to fall flat, and the shakiest cases tend to take two specific forms: 'the true power was friendship' and 'the true power was within you all along.'"
"The antidote to the false self is the authentic self. Radical honesty is a way to get there."
"You have so much inner power and potential... it's about discovering that and seeing that for yourself."
"Finding your life's work... is a life-changing moment."
"Every day is a new opportunity to test your strength and discover something new."
"Anyone who discovers who God made them to be will never want to be anyone else."
"Entrepreneurship became way more than just a patch for my problem; it actually was a journey of personal self-discovery."
"When you become an entrepreneur, you find out about your unique gifts that you have."
"It's about returning to who you are, carrying this person with you all the time. It's not about finding; it's about returning."
"What am I supposed to be here? Am I supposed to be here?"
"And I believe that if you take the time to get to know yourself and let God speak, he will transform and change your life."
"The real goal in life is for you to be able to say, 'This is who I am.'"
"I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away. I don't know where my soul is."
"All the answers are right inside me, and I touched many of them during the darkness."
"You set a prisoner free and then you discover the prisoner you set free was you."
"You can't go there, it doesn't let you in unless the door opens, and the door can only open by you putting yourself aside and allowing it to emerge."
"We are all channeling something; you are discovering how powerful you are, how powerful your soul is."
"Finding my spot in a lateral arrangement of different people with different strengths, different life purposes trying to figure out where should I be."
"On the other side of temporary pain, you get introduced to your other self."
"When we are given something imposed on us in such a stringent way, it stops us from discovering who it is we are."
"You sort of learn a lot about yourself in difficult moments."
"You sort of learn a lot about yourself in difficult moments and how you can get through them."
"Realizing that you are magic, you hold that within you."
"This is also about finding who you are as well, because you're someone who's very unique."
"When you're broken, that's when you get to see what you're really made of."
"You're learning how to find your authentic self."
"I used to believe that entrepreneurs are made, but now I think some of us are actually born to be entrepreneurs."
"If you could do anything, what would it be? The answer dwells in your heart, not in your mind, for the heart is the gateway to the soul."
"Being lost is the first sign of being in the right place."
"Understand that the keys to your kingdom lie within yourself."
"The more you discover and integrate your desires, the better your life experience will get."