
Work Ethic Quotes

There are 13319 quotes

"All you can do is outwork the man or woman in you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learning how to attach internal rewards to the process... is how to ensure that once you succeed, you don't lose the ability to keep working."
"The story is not over yet, and I'm still doing a lot of work and trying to get as much done as I can."
"A little bit above and beyond pays incredible; it segregates you from your competition."
"Doing the work changes our story about the work."
"This is about working smart first, then working hard."
"Inspiration will find you eventually, but it has to find you working."
"Work smart and hard because lots of people are working smart. If you have five people working smart, and the one who works hardest, he's going to win."
"You need to work on the right thing and work smart first. Working smart puts you on the starting line, then you got to work hard to win the race."
"People who actually work on their work with the outcome and the intent in mind as they work on it produce much higher quality work."
"Most people drastically underestimate the amount of work that it takes for them to get the result that they desire."
"You've got to find what you like doing because you're going to end up working so much. It's so much easier to work hard when you like what you're doing."
"It's okay to work hard, it's okay to hustle, it's okay to be productive. All those things make you a better person in my opinion."
"I need you to put in a thousand percent every single day. Get hungry, stay hungry."
"We shouldn't construe work as simply a result of sin or a punishment for sin; work is the exercise of your powers."
"It's about building something you believe in, it's about serving other people, it's about work ethic, it's about showing up and working, and I value myself for that."
"Don't complain about where you're at if you're not willing to put in the work."
"Being consistent is about work ethic. It's about tenacity."
"It's essential to have our values aligned and our work ethic aligned and to communicate about expectations."
"You deserve to live a good life. I mean, yes, you got to work for it. That's hard, yes. That's the system we're in."
"I work hard and I think that's what the American people should expect."
"He is the perfect example of how gifted talent can only take you so far; what makes the difference in the NBA is not just raw skill, but having a passion for the game and a hard work ethic to go along with it."
"It helped with my work ethic the most. Watching Kobe and seeing like, oh, it is possible for somebody to work out that much."
"Your purpose can't afford for you to be lazy."
"Society actually doesn't care about how hard somebody's job is."
"When you work for your money, you feel humble because you know the grind."
"Those who are willing to make the sacrifices, stay up late, work longer, are more focused, pay the price, and get the job done, are the ones that will succeed."
"The people that I respect the most are people that get in the grind and do everything and really like really really understand it."
"Productivity is not hours worked; it's about the economic value of the output."
"Even if you are powerful, you should never stop working and grinding and trying to be the best person you can be."
"You ain't got to respond to your haters. Let your work speak for you."
"Talent does not win championships; work ethic does."
"Don't you stop. I'm going to sleep, but don't stop working."
"If every day, my favorite days are the days that I get into bed and I'm exhausted but proud of the work that I've done, I've left it all on the field."
"The truth about productivity is that it's not really about the apps, it's not really about having a perfect system or about being disciplined or motivated more than anyone else."
"I want to see people taking pride in what they do."
"If we aren't teaching people to work for what they want, to be responsible, then why would they appreciate anything else?"
"The highest performers in the world didn't get there because they were lucky. They worked at it longer than everyone else."
"You’ve got to put in the perspiration to get the inspiration."
"Never mistake habit for hard work. That's my favorite because people think because they do something over and over they're working hard, but the majority of the time they're doing it out of habit."
"The world works for those who work for themselves."
"You're going to have to work. It's so easy once you know what you're supposed to be doing but so hard being disciplined."
"There's no get-rich-quick scheme. It's common sense. You work, you make money, and then you put that money to work, and then you, hopefully, one day use the money that money makes."
"If you put the work in... it's always going to pay off."
"Never get outworked. If you outwork every person in the room, then you should be alright."
"Work ethic is something that not everybody has."
"The idea that kids should not do any kind of labor at all until they graduate college is an extremely modern, extremely Western notion."
"Having a conversation about our challenges makes me more eager to work and more excited to film."
"If you want something nice...you want a higher standard of living, you want that video game, you want that bicycle, you want that car, go earn it."
"Work comes before the belief. You don't believe first and then do the work."
"80% of your success... comes from just 20% of your work."
"The job is not worth doing for what they pay; it's not worth doing for the grief. But it is worth doing for the principle."
"Difference between talking about an idea and actually doing all the work."
"You're the exact recipe that the universe loves to work with because you're not afraid of the work, you actually enjoy it."
"Kim Kardashian on work ethic: 'Growing up, Kim learned about hard work from her parents... these days Kim is making sure her kids know the value of work ethic.'"
"Nothing beats just good old-fashioned hard work."
"I think that God generally wants us to just do our best, work hard at things, and accomplish things, and not rely on him to do everything for us through miracles."
"I care a lot about my work, I care about you guys, I am really, really proud of everything I've accomplished."
"It's more important to do this right than to do it fast."
"Here's my two cents on this, I think kids should go work for people for free, and keep it humble, for the first three years."
"You have to understand, if you tell me, 'I don't wanna work,' I wanna see how you're working those other sixteen hours."
"My mother definitely believed in hard work... No matter what you did, if that's what you want to do then put yourself into it and actually do it to the best of your ability."
"He'd feel pain but he'd work through it, he'd feel tired but he'd work through it."
"When you're doing good work, you have a moral obligation to put in a firm bit of effort."
"We've got to keep our heads down and just do our job."
"A job is a job—that is what we have to remember."
"In all labor there is profit, but idle chatter leads only to poverty." - Proverbs 14:23.
"I got to have fun with what I'm doing because if I'm not enjoying myself, I check out."
"There is honor and virtue and accomplishment in working with your hands."
"If you're conscientious and you work hard, you can start to see that that's paying off."
"If it's not fun, then we work on it until it is."
"Wealthy people aren't bad, evil, greedy people; they're actually hardworking people that have certain habits."
"Focus on what you have at hand and put in the work."
"Work hard, bro, because if you want things in life, you got to work for it."
"We're the ones that are most interested actually in finding ways to make sure that we can go to work and feed our families."
"Hard work alone is definitely not enough... you have to work hard but you also have to work smart."
"Hard work works, and in fact, the degree to which hard work works is actually one metric of the health of a society."
"You can find joy and work if you decide to do it well."
"Work is not always just labor; work is expansion of one's self."
"The work never stops. You always got to keep going. Always."
"You're not paid based on effort but based on results."
"You need to work harder; you need discipline."
"You're looking cute today... You're just so hardworking, you are the perfect candidate for a partner."
"You get what you work for, not what you wish for."
"You have to be able to hustle; you have to be able to get out and earn the dollars that are there."
"A good work ethic is one of the best predictors of success."
"If you're coming to my team and watching my work ethic, following what I'm doing, I'm giving you the example to be a better player."
"Work like someone's trying to take it all away from you."
"The one thing my father gave me, which was really key, was that work ethic."
"You just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. If other people are putting in 40 hour workweeks and you're putting in 100 hour workweeks, then even if you're doing the same thing, you know that you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve." - Elon Musk
"A blue-collar lifestyle is not necessarily subservient at all because you can be master of your trade's domain."
"God loves people who work hard and try hard."
"The burnout is real, but the payoff is realer."
"You never get better if you're not willing to put in the time. I still grind."
"Basketball is very similar to the game of life. There are going to be challenges, but if you put in the work and you constantly put in the work, that's the only way you're going to grow."
"People knew them (Michael Jordan and LeBron James) for their work ethic. Talent will not win the game; it's the work ethic that will win the game."
"You will not outwork me. It's not about being the best motivational speaker in the world; it's about being the most consistent."
"It's not enough to simply be willing to do the hard work, you have to find a way to love it."
"Most scholarships reward academia, athleticism, talent and of course, need, right? We're affirmatively trying to reward work ethic by simply identifying a person who any company would love to hire."
"I always thought it was cool to try really hard."
"I didn't used to, and my entire life changed when I changed my work ethic."
"We're going to be humble and kind and we'll just go do the work."
"It's a hard, hard job, and anyone that tells you otherwise is either having an exceptional experience or they're not being honest."
"Work enthusiastically for the Lord, and whatever you do, is never ever done in vain."
"He put the work in which is why he received good results."
"The biggest misconception was that if you just work hard, the rewards will come to you. No, absolutely not."
"For too many people in this country no matter how hard they work, there are structural barriers working against them."
"I learned far more from him than I think that I taught him. I learned so much more from him in terms of just mentality, work ethic. It was an awesome experience for me because it was educational."
"What separates guys like Kobe Bryant, the Kawhis, the KDs of the world, it's the work that they put in, how meticulous they are with that work, relentless with that work. There is a true gap."
"The man who is too big to do little things is too little to ever do big things."
"Adam's grind and dedication to be great must not be understated."
"Do more than you are paid for, and soon you will be paid for more than you do."
"Financial freedom is the real desire which actuates men in their labors for the dollar."
"If you wake up and do the work every single day...how can I not have hundreds of millions of dollars?"
"Work hard, be honest...you can be king of bling, diamond boy, too. Easy."
"It will purge the rottenness out of the system. People will work harder, lead a more moral life."
"It's grind season, homie. It's not about today; it's about the future. You do the work now."
"Creativity is an action, not a feeling. Your work is too important to be left to how you feel today."
"Women have to feel empowered to go out, work, do what you have to do to get what you want to get in life, and not need some savior like a Meghan Markle to tell you that you have a voice."
"The world owes you nothing. You better work for everything you have."
"My parents always...instilled in us as young men to be hard workers."
"You don't have to be perfect to do a great job."
"If you don't seem like you care about your work, why should I?"
"Cafes have sanctity of space. I don't go to a cafe to go on my phone or go on social media. When I go to a cafe, I am doing work."
"You're getting paid to do a job. My dumb Huckleberry ass could figure out that no, you don't do that."
"Millions and millions of those jobs are not for like hedge fund managers or chemical engineers. A lot of jobs where the main qualification is showing up on time every day not stoned."
"You need to do the work because it's only through your actions that you will accomplish what you want."
"Maybe Tech employees are worshiping work because they feel work has become worthy of worship."
"Hard work works. Working really hard is what successful people do."
"The more you treat it like a job, the more productive you'll be."
"Visualizing it leads you to doing the work, and it's only through actions that you will get the result that you want."
"You got to do the work because it's only through your actions that you will accomplish what you want."
"I don't think anybody deserves anything... I think I have to work hard to earn it."
"The outcome is only as good as the work that you put into it."
"It's very hard to do perfect work; it almost never happens."
"Those who are able to work and refuse the opportunity should not expect society's support."
"It was important just to keep doing the work. Just do the good work and stay out of the results."
"Our opportunity is to say I have a practice; in my practice, I do this work and I do it the best I can."
"Whatever job you're in, whatever you're doing, if you do a good job at it, then loads of good things will happen."
"If somebody is giving you a paycheck and you're accepting it, you need to kill it for them. Do more than what's expected. Overdeliver."
"If you're oriented toward the future, delay gratification, hard work, rugged individualism, a belief in data and science, like these are the preconditions to success in a free country."
"When you're willing to put in the work, when you're willing to take control of your environment and put yourself through the stressors required for adaptation, you literally can become anything."
"I love my job. I would work as long as I can."
"If you work hard and you produce, you'll get ahead. If you don't, you got to go."
"Cultivate profound dissatisfaction with your work... the work is the only thing that matters."
"Everything's cumulative in this game. The more work you put in over the years and you continue to, you're going to get better and better at these things."
"Giving work instead of giving handouts is absolutely incredible."
"Of course, we know these startup companies are run on coffee."
"Act your wage or only do what's expected for the salary that you're given."
"Men are expected, societally, to work hard, to not complain about their status."
"It's not about how hard you work until you're tired, it's about how hard you work after you're tired."
"Highly competitive people and those who have achieved some success aren't in love with the glamour; they're in love with the grind."
"Don't ever work harder for somebody else than you're gonna work for yourself."
"Motivation is crap. It comes and goes. It's how you feel. If you're good at work, you're motivated. I like the guy whose life is imploded and says, 'I still got to go after it today.'"
"Anyone can be anything they want to be if they put their mind to it, especially if they love it because then it's never work."
"If you are the hard worker, the diligent worker, the one that is trustworthy, you will stand out in this field of mediocrity."
"The reason that I'm working my ass off right now is so when I do have a family and do have kids, I have money and success."
"It's your job to find value in your work, to strive for more than you have, to bring good to yourself and the people around you, and to live as a free person as you see fit."
"It's less about [views] and more about doing good work."
"At the end of the day, we just have to focus on our work and let that stand on its own."
"Professionalism, for me, always comes down to this simple statement: It is doing what is expected of your job, turning up at the right time, putting in the right effort, and providing a certain level of quality."
"There's too many people out there that...want the lifestyle. They don't actually want to do the hard work."
"Social media, if you keep hustling, if you keep working, the success can happen and can come."
"In any job, being dependable is not just about showing up; it's about being there when you're really needed."
"Know thyself, know the nature, do the work, add value, get the results."
"Tiana is my favorite Disney princess... I just love her work ethic."
"You've got to put in the work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days."
"My strengths include my ability to learn things very quickly and to work alone, unsupervised, to a high standard."
"Work gave him the opportunity to become someone else. However, millions fell in love with Bruce Willis for his cynicism, charisma, brutality, and eternal desire to save the universe."
"Work harder than everyone else and be as creative as possible."
"Photography is a popular choice of profession for many people, but despite the perception of it being a glamorous career, in actual fact, it requires a lot of hard work, time, and effort."
"Filmmaking takes an enormous amount of work. People underestimate that. It's extremely complicated to have something be successful because it has so many elements of luck involved and reception and so forth."
"I don't understand how there could be this idea of sitting around and relaxing. I despise relaxing."
"I've always done my job primarily for the paycheck... I've always done my job as a means to take care of myself, my responsibilities."
"Companies that excel at marketing not only survive but they grow in value. But marketing is hard work; it's a world of ambiguity and constant challenge."
"You got to put the reps in. You can't cheat it."
"Work in silence; let your results be the noise."
"Extraordinary results require extraordinary work."
"If something's worth doing, it's worth doing well."
"Popularity is not political; it is in the work they do."
"At Rocket Lab, we measure everybody, whether they're an executive or an intern, on one statement: Did you do what you said you were going to do?"
"I wouldn't have changed anything if I could go back. I wouldn't have answered the phone because I'm working. I am who I am."
"I watched my mama hustle. I grew up amongst hustlers."
"People just see like I'm talented and I'm focused and I work hard, and I could make them a lot of money."
"People have these unrealistic expectations when it comes to long-term projects... the truth is, it's a lot of work."
"Focus on the work, not on the reward or the outcome."
"The only thing that you can really control is your work. The work will dictate the output."
"Your amount of money or amount of wealth equals how much work you put it in."
"Work, teamwork, that's what makes the dream work. Accountability."
"I don't think anybody goes into video game development and sits through 80 hours of crunch time just to release a game that's trash."
"His work ethic is legendary, his leadership is phenomenal."
"I'm telling you now, the American dream is a fraud. You can come and get it if you want, but you are gonna work till you're dead."
"Passion without the work isn't a whole lot; it's a dream, it's a wish, it's a fantasy."
"To pull one's own weight means to do the job that you're assigned to do."
"If you did, you would not have any motivation problems. You would be working your ass off every day, waking up early, working on your life, building the kind of life you want."
"I had a great mother and father in the home. My dad was a corporal in World War Two. My mother worked with the Marine Corps headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia."
"You cannot have a great life without developing work ethic."
"Hard work pays off, and that's all I've been doing, just being consistent, grinding every day trying to get better."
"Your ability to create value, whether you're the owner of the company or you work inside the company, is going to be determined by how good you are, not how many hours you put in."
"Long story short, you should be working smarter, not longer."