
Emotional Regulation Quotes

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"Von Economo neurons... seem uniquely enriched in humans and probably perform essential roles in our ability to regulate our physiology and our emotional state."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Studies have been done on what sorts of music to listen to in order to make ourselves happy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If something upsets me, I now have the gap between stimulus and response to examine the emotion."
"We really don't know how much you have to concentrate on other people to be optimally situated in terms of your emotional regulation."
"The more you can manage those upsets, the more attentional capacity you have to hear what the teacher is saying."
"You can choose to change your breath to feel the way you want to feel."
"Be angry but sin not. He obviously knows you're going to be angry, but how are you going to deal with it?"
"I think if mum can start to manage her own emotions and regulate them, then she'll teach the kids to be able to do the same as well."
"Mindfulness... can become the difference between being angry all day long and being angry for ten seconds."
"This pathway between your emotional and rational brains is highly plastic."
"In a healthy environment, what you have happening is that as they both grow together, the child's mind begins to regulate and in a way harness the emotions."
"You're new every day, so it's a responsibility to cultivate that emotional regulation through thought and through certain behaviors for our whole life."
"Emotional regulation is at the center of our potential let's call it, sprouting of healthy brain activity and connections, and also healthy cells throughout the body."
"Gratitude snaps me right back in if I'm frustrated with something."
"Behind every substance addiction, there's an emotion that the person is doing their best to regulate."
"You could actually turn that hypnosis, that conditioning around, and not wait for the experience to produce the emotion but teach people how to self-regulate their emotional states."
"Stay cool, calm, and collected. Don't let someone else's freak out affect your composure."
"If you're able to control your breath and connect with it during times of stress or anxiety, you'll be tapping into a super effective strategy for emotional regulation."
"The number one skill... human beings should learn to master [is] emotional regulation."
"Expressing yourself actually can be very helpful with distress regulation."
"Patience is defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset."
"What we basically figured out is there are two things that severely severely drain your self-control: the first is emotional regulation, and the second thing which reduces self-control is stress."
"After meditating consistently for even a week, I was better at observing myself as a third person, like 'Oh look, Tim's getting angry about something really small. It's stupid,' as opposed to simply becoming angry."
"Big things, it's okay to give it time to respond."
"Physiological and emotional regulation is essential so you feel safe inside of your own body."
"For some people with CPTSD, what's needed is to self-regulate and get more control over emotions."
"Kids after they're kind of yelled at, in the absence of repair, they really only have two options for how to regulate and feel safe again: they can self-blame, 'It's all my fault,' which is why I feel like most adults when they have a hard time, they tell themselves like, 'It's my fault. I'm not good enough.' It's like the legacy of that story from childhood."
"If we're not dealing with the root cause of these issues, it can be very difficult to get over that impulse in the moment."
"Breathwork is really the bridge in my opinion between the mind and body connection and gives us choice in our emotional regulation."
"Imagine a world where you are so familiar with the feeling of love, you could regulate it to such a degree... that's a new consciousness."
"As you may be able to tell, we're at least keeping a level head in times of frustration."
"A story is a map of meaning, a strategy for emotional regulation and behavioral output."
"I have a really hard time controlling myself. It's almost like I black out."
"It's not rocket science, right? It's just like, 'Hey man, slow the [ __ ] down, take a few deep breaths, tell me what's going on.'"
"Your reaction determines the outcome. By reacting calmly, we can dim the flames and bring about a more positive outcome."
"Read more facts, be less emotional, think about it."
"Once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent, it acts as an amplifier and it drives an energy to the brain."
"The police are so inept and crap at their [__] job, they are being pushed to police people's feelings."
"Anger causes us to lose control, to do things we regret later."
"Don't make permanent decisions off of temporary emotion."
"Treatment of AVPD still makes sense, counselling is a good idea and there may be changes in someone's ability to regulate their feelings."
"Be a little bit nihilistic, care about the people around you, do the best you can, and look for truth."
"Alright, you're at like an 11, we need to get you down to a five, five and a half tops."
"First you stop the outward reaction then you learn to control the inner reaction."
"Conflict makes great TV after all, there's a reason reality show producers love casting people with poor emotion regulation."
"The ability to bring your focus and be in the moment and let go of worry about the future regret about the past and fantasy is like a massive power."
"Everything that is a symptom of CPTSD only occurs if it gets triggered. You can't stop the world from triggering you, but you can learn to calm how you respond to triggers."
"What they really needed to do was control their emotions. If only they had some Mental Health Training, maybe they would have fared better."
"We cannot simply be governed by emotions or governed by simple rhetoric."
"If you feel this way often, doing a full body shake, whoo, when we start to feel it build, can give our nervous system the release that it so desperately needs."
"Nobody ever said, 'I sure am glad I panicked.'"
"This approach to healing is all about putting first the task of learning to re-regulate."
"The difference between excitement and anxiety is more or less just the framing it's just the story you're telling yourself."
"I've made myself laugh, which is all I can hope for."
"Someone who is in a conscious state... does not get angered easily."
"Meditation helps me observe and write about emotional disturbances without amplifying them."
"So once you are able to identify when you're dysregulated, it gives you a real opportunity to use that pause we all talk about between the impulse and the action."
"I can have rational boundaries and standards that don't always correlate to whether I feel good or bad because people feel bad all the time about things that are irrational."
"Your thoughts affect your feelings, you can control your thoughts."
"Distress tolerance skills help bring emotions down to a level so that it's easier to sit with them."
"I've been sober since December 2020. I've been regulating emotions and controlling myself and disengaging and setting boundaries since September 2021."
"Sora doesn't like to show this weakness around his friends because he doesn't want to be a burden on them."
"The absence of being sad or stressed... you just don't feel as... so you're not supposed to feel high at all."
"It's important to keep your emotions in check."
"When you can learn to identify the fight-flight-freeze response, you can learn techniques to calm yourself down."
"All addictions, without fail, exist to either sedate or control our emotions."
"Control that inner voice. You can change your feelings, flip your thoughts to be in control of the situation."
"When you feel so mad that you wanna roar, take a deep breath and count to four."
"Your job is to manage your own State of being in conflict situations when they have happen because they'll always happen."
"Just breathe and move on; freaking out will only make it worse."
"To control your emotions in front of a woman you need to have at least decent mental Health."
"A harmonious relationship will lead to less dysregulation."
"Connection is related to re-regulation, which makes change in this part of ourselves important and possible."
"When you're regulated, you're a lot less likely to lose your temper or have an anxiety attack. You have a way out of all that."
"A trauma is defined, not in the event, but a person's response, the overwhelm that happens after an event."
"Speaking up would be they're already so disregulated that they just, they are basically just spending all their time managing their symptoms."
"Music is probably one of the best tools that I use to shift my mood."
"Interrupting all of those self-loathing feelings that you have, all of those self-loathing thoughts that you have, all of those body sensations that take you to a low place of shame and regret and failure and feeling like you're not worth anything."
"Take a deep breath, step back, and try not to trigger anyone."
"Your temperament is going to calm down... you're going in a new direction."
"If I'm using a substance to numb my emotional state, my brain's ability to control and regulate my emotional state becomes less necessary."
"Discipline, risk management, and emotional control are key."
"The pleasures of being an angry [expletive] are overrated."
"Most things aren't personal, especially personal insults."
"It's like it doesn't work out you're kind of like okay like I'm still gonna be obsessed but just not as much as the last time right or like as we like to think."
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry."
"Sometimes they'll be disregulated without any outward signs."
"When we are in panic, our emotional response bypasses our thinking brain."
"Ranting helps your brain get control over chaotic emotions."
"Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, and breathe out."
"That's why you gotta be able to know how to sort of calm down yourself if there is a heightened reaction to something."
"An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure."
"The ability to stay calm is actually a superpower for you."
"Emotional immaturity is the inability to be with, process, navigate, regulate our emotions."
"You're just ready. You are ready. You are fully in your body. You feel emotionally regulated."
"We're teaching people how to self-regulate because if you're going to believe in that future that you're imagining with all of your heart, it better be open and activated."
"Most people, perhaps all people, use food to regulate their emotional state."
"Respiration is a powerful lever on state. Voluntary breathing can shift your emotions and your inner state."
"People that can regulate their state very well moment to moment are very, very powerful people in the world."
"Sometimes all you have is you, and it teaches how to regulate yourself."
"The healing of trauma depends on a lot of these different factors, but all of us can have much more of a being in the driver's seat when it comes to regulating our nervous system to a pretty high degree."
"At its most basic level, it's almost like an owner's manual for your nervous system that we were never given."
"Do you have to be so angry all the time? Just chill."
"Even if they get super riled up, they can cool down fast and just get back to work."
"One of the best things you can do is just tell your brain say thank you thank you I hear you you're trying to figure this out thank you I appreciate you and then drop down into how you feel."
"Notice your feelings and then set them free if they're not useful, and use them if they are."
"Emotional balance is about maintaining a steady and even-tempered approach to life's ups and downs."
"Act confidently, act the way that you aspire to be, and let the feelings follow."
"The opposite nature of anger is compassion, telling yourself, 'Oh, if this thing is not working, it doesn't matter.'"
"Not everything in the world is solved by anger."
"The lesson for him after this scandal is to control emotions, think before speaking and acting. Words and actions can cause serious harm to others and negatively impact oneself."
"If you're stressed or you're angry or frustrated, just take a moment, a few deep breaths in the belly."
"I want to feel, I want the regulation of that, I want to be in a relationship where we've got that co-regulation."
"You want to normalize what you feel, and then that helps us to calm down."
"Knowing when to turn off demon mode and when it's safe to push yourself."
"It slows down my desire to react and instead I respond to him... it helps me connect to like my inner child..."
"I'm learning to calm my triggers so that the world can just be the world."
"Step into your wisdom, calm yourself, be more rational about the situation."
"How cool would it be to stay calm and tranquil, regardless of external circumstances?"
"When you learn to re-regulate, you can go back to school, you can try your hand at romance, you can tell your story without flying out of your body and collapsing into a crying mess every time."
"You can't control anyone else; you can only control yourself and how you feel about yourself from within."
"Every time I still dialogue and if I'm upset, it always regulates my system."
"Hard to regulate your nervous system especially if you're very very very empathic because we constantly like a radar like trying to pick up on energies."
"It's just not worth it. Getting riled up about these games, it's just in the long term, it's just not worth it."
"You can take control, in a sense, not in a tight sense but in the easy-going sense of what's going on inside you."
"Mental and emotional control, the self-control of thoughts, feelings, and words is something very necessary and urgent in today's world."
"Relationships are emotion regulators. They're stress regulators."
"Dialectical behavior therapy's main goals are to teach people how to live in the moment, cope healthily with stress, regulate emotions, and improve relationships with others."
"One of the most important skills we have to learn in life is the ability to regulate our emotions."
"Breathing mindfulness meditation and progressive muscle relaxation can help calm the physiological arousal associated with strong emotions."
"Don't react, regulate and respond."
"We very seldom have an extreme reaction outwardly; we don't get triggered so easily."
"Be self-accountable and hold yourself to a standard to not just move out of emotion."
"It's really on you to do the deep dive and say, 'Am I entitled? Am I poor regulating my emotions?'"
"Mindfulness dropped Sharon into the space between her ego and her unwanted emotion."
"If you lean more avoidant... you might pride yourself on how many strong emotions you do not feel."
"You have the choice to be stressed, nervous or easily upset; you also have the choice to be calm, relaxed, and at ease in your environment."
"Attach your happiness and your emotions to your intentions."
"Sex can be a very regulating experience when you are feeling particularly stressed."
"Emotional regulation is about setting rules and regulations for yourself. It's not about numbing your emotions but controlling when it is appropriate to express them."
"Consider a life where your reactions to traffic jams, challenging colleagues, or unexpected bills are met with a calm measured response."
"Change your thoughts, your feelings will follow, through your thoughts creating the new feelings you have a new state, a new version of you that you're embodying, which is your higher self version who is in the relationship of their [__] dreams."
"Crying for me is really good way to regulate my nervous system. It's a very easy access to crying."
"To me, the real crux of it is regulation and nurturance. On the regulation side, it's to be really careful when you're getting hijacked by, let's say, that three-year-old anxious insecure on steroids module inside."
"Adjusting the volume of anger: picture a big dial or a remote control and just imagine turning the volume down on your anger."
"Use your daily practice twice a day to keep discharging fearful and resentful thoughts."
"Accept what is in your control and that which isn't."
"It's very easy to go kind of off the rails and feel emotions very deeply that are not productive."
"When a child is hungry they are dysregulated they cry the parent comes rocks them with a rhythm connects sues them and meets their need feeds them it activates another system a reward system."
"Children internalize the ability to regulate their own emotions after a three-year period of nurturing."
"We have to be able to name it if we want any chance of regulating it."
"After that, it's probably best I leave my emotions off."
"I still get sad. I still get angry. I still get stressed out. That's fine. A lot less than before. And then it's a lot more appropriate to reality versus triggered stress, triggered fear, triggered anger."
"Central to the secret of resilience is the practice of mindfulness and emotional regulation."
"I'm able to calm myself, not react so drastically to the elements that pop up in life. I can feel my whole body aligning, repairing itself, being at peace."
"Just that half a second of stepping back and going, is this a real emotion?"
"When she starts to get emotional, she thinks about the people she loves most in the world and manages to calm down."
"Being able to control your breath is a massive part of your anxiety levels."
"Instead of me being mad about it, it's like okay, welcome."
"No matter how negative I feel it, no matter how intense I feel it, it will never change the outcome. All it's doing is eating me up inside."
"I learned to bring myself back to happiness, I learned to bring myself back to calm."
"The narcissist is focused on obtaining narcissistic supply because he uses the supply to regulate his internal environment."
"Now, what I trained myself to do: The simple practice was to write out the negative condescending, antagonistic post or email, and then I would save it."
"And the next day, when I'd wake up with a clear head, I would reread what I wrote."
"So what I feel myself in that state, what I do is I wait a day to respond, okay? Or I wait until the negative energy or the charge is gone."
"... a five-minute window of calm each morning that she was intentional about, almost showed her how she could feel, what emotions it was possible to experience."
"Discipline your emotions, which is not the same thing as nuking your emotions or insulting your emotions or not having them."
"We can do both. We can help a kid in a good way but every time she presses that button, she's learning the skills she would need to soothe herself."
"If you really struggle with being highly emotionally reactive, even to seemingly small things, or you don't know how to regulate big emotions when they come up, then this talk is going to be for you."
"You can't learn to regulate a feeling you don't allow yourself to have."
"Dogs are wonderfully therapeutic, and that's a huge part of what our dogs do for us, and help people with their emotional regulation."
"It's like being able to release those emotions in a regulated way, like emotional regulation. There's such a powerful skill set to have as a guy."
"Dysregulation often begins with an emotional flood."
"The best way to change undesirable feelings is to change our mental diet."
"I know this is bad. I know. And I have a feeling it's gonna get worse. But we have got to reel it in. We gotta keep our cool."
"You shouldn't worry or get angry so much."
"Emotional control means that you are able to internally process your emotions while remaining calm outside."
"Step back from the situation and tell yourself because I am triggered, I'm not going to engage right now."
"I'm fine, I'm fine, just needed a minute."
"Your feelings must go away when it comes to wanting to be better."
"Is it possible when painful feelings come up... to relax into the awareness of those sensations?"
"You don't let your negative emotions run all over the place unchecked."
"The prefrontal cortex acts as the 'brakes' of the brain, while the amygdala acts as the 'engine' driving emotional responses."
"Opposite action isn't about denying or pretending an emotion isn't happening, rather it is about regulation."
"Pornography addiction is essentially an emotional regulation technique."
"People with BPD first need to learn how to safely deal with their intense feelings. They need to feel safe in the container that is their body."
"They've never been taught how to self-soothe."
"Emotion dysregulation is when it really does get you so upset that you can't think straight."
"A securely attached person doesn't run away from emotions but they're also not overly emotional."
"Learning to notice dysregulation and the triggered state in ourselves, that's a huge piece of what I teach."
"If you can start to notice when you're triggered, you can change the course of your life."
"In moments of crisis... it's oftentimes much better to be surrounded by those who you trust so that when your emotions are leading you to dangerous places and destructive behavior, they can be the voice of reason which walks you back from the ledge."
"You're triggered in some sense... but on the outside, you're really calm, cool, collected, trying to center yourself."
"When you're disregulated, the gates open for this oversized reaction."
"When triggers happen, you have space between how you feel and what you do."
"Express yourself when calm, find a gentle, polite way to postpone intense conversations."
"Regulating emotions is like keeping the airplane on the ground."
"Control that impulse to go to the extreme shutdown block because what that is to make a threat that you're ending the relationship when that's not really what you mean is emotional abuse."
"Emotional wisdom is really loud right now so definitely one of the practices I would suggest is something around giving yourself some space to feel your emotions."
"What are you doing? Are you responding or are you reacting?"