
Daily Practice Quotes

There are 1414 quotes

"Performing stretching at least five days a week for at least five minutes per week using static stretching may be beneficial to promote range of motion improvements."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Waking up app makes it extremely easy to learn how to meditate and to carry out your daily meditation practice in a way that's going to be most effective and efficient for you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
"What's something you look forward to each day? Honestly, praying and just speaking to God every single day."
"The act of doing this every single day is what we call blisscipline, the discipline of bliss."
"I start my day with thankfulness and gratitude."
"Why don't you just go and enjoy that feeling of being a winner for five minutes a day, and you will undeniably find that it will start to creep into your day-to-day life, and you will just start to act and believe and think exactly like that guy."
"You have to earn your self-respect every day."
"Hope is a discipline that she practices every single day."
"I have a formula for mental health: You do something for your mind, something for your body, and something for your soul every day."
"The essence of self-love and how we can come to embrace it every single day as fully as possible, not only internally but externally, not only in the mind but in the material world as well."
"When you have a daily practice and when you do a breath like that, it reconnects you to the truth of who you are."
"I am engaging in self-love each and every moment of each and every day."
"You have to find what you like because if you don't like it, you're not going to do it every day."
"Make one small promise to yourself that will get you further towards your goal, something you can keep every single day."
"Every day, if not once in a while, we must make a great first impression."
"Perform every day a simple act of love and I think you'll find yourself more on the path to God."
"I pray for protection and comfort every day."
"Gratitude, I try and find a way to be grateful for every single thing I have, every single day."
"Put God first in everything, not just in finances. If you put him first in your relationship, in your day, before you wake up and scroll on Instagram, just pray, just put him first."
"How important is it for people to feel what they want to manifest on a daily basis, then, as opposed to once in a while? I mean, look, I'm living proof that you can exponentially accelerate towards it if it's part of your focus."
"Every day, you got to feed and strengthen your mind."
"Every day, what I've come to believe, you're making your brain better or you're making it worse."
"Authenticity is a practice, and you choose it every day, sometimes every hour of every day."
"Paul could say, 'I die daily.' It is the daily dying to self in the little transactions of life that makes us Overcomers."
"The Hindu philosophy is not to try to solve the riddle of creation that happened long ago; it's to give thanks every day for the forces that allow us to be here and continue to sustain us."
"Confidence really isn't something you're born with; you're gonna teach yourself confidence. I teach myself confidence every day."
"No everything is found within you, and you have to validate that for yourself each and every day."
"Authenticity is key. Strive every day to be more authentic in your life."
"This is my Gratitude Log. I try to write down three items every day that I'm grateful for."
"The most important thing I do each day for my health, for my family's health, for my professional work, is a daily practice of solitude."
"Join me in doing one act of mercy every day."
"Believe in something that's bigger than you, do the right thing every single day, and your life will improve."
"Focus on your intention, make your intention something that you refine on a daily basis, that will guide your choices in a much easier way."
"Steve Jobs would look at himself in the mirror and ask if he was happy with what he was doing."
"Every single day you've got to feed and strengthen your mind."
"Try to do something that makes you happy every day. You deserve it, truly."
"If you recite the Quran every day... that is the best gift I have given to you in my life."
"The point is that yes, you can't spend all day in your yoga practice, you don't spend all day in your meditation, however, the point for the adept is to carry it with us when we go out into the world."
"Meditation is actually a really great thing to include in your everyday life."
"Whenever people ask me, Marina, what is the best way to learn English? I tell them, practice every day."
"Learning English is all about making it part of your life, maybe 20 minutes a day, 30 minutes a day, as long as it's consistent."
"Practice daily. If you practice everything for only one day, you won't retain the information you learned."
"To really integrate change and to allow a spiritual awakening to infiltrate us is to see everything we do as a spiritual practice."
"Practice speaking English every single day, even if it's for a few minutes."
"The best way to learn a language is to practice it every single day."
"Every day, start your day with a date with the divine. Show up without complaints or demands, but in love, matching your mind and will with the divine."
"I plead with you to make time for the Lord in your life each and every day."
"He will lead and guide you in your personal life if you will make time for Him in your life—each and every day."
"By decluttering a little bit each day instead of one massive swoop, you're actually developing a habit of decluttering."
"What is it in life you can really believe in? Find that, and then do that every single day, and don't make any excuses for why you can't."
"Mary asked to pray the rosary every day for peace in the world."
"Allow yourself moments to be happy every single day. Happiness isn't just a reservation for the weekend."
"I've had to embrace...a daily practice of gratitude."
"Never let a day go by without praising the Lord."
"Start your day out with a great big bowl of gratitude for breakfast, and you're on the right road."
"I find 10 things to be grateful for before my feet hit the ground."
"You need to create time and space to be organized every day."
"Recognizing God's authority each morning gives Him the rightful place in our lives and aligns our day with His Divine governance."
"Take time for yourself every morning and ask, what is the greatest expression of myself I can be today?"
"If you start your day with gratitude, you can't have a bad day."
"Say three beautiful things about yourself every single day."
"Every day, what did you do today to help someone? Because I just think that that's a really critical thing."
"I am just personally extremely grateful on a daily basis, and that manifests as positivity and happiness."
"The Bible is our nourishing, sustaining daily food from God; it's what nourishes us."
"Read the Bible every single day...it's God's word to you. He wrote this as a love letter to you."
"Invoking the Holy Spirit and the chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel is one that I pray every day."
"Learning's best done every day, and those daily challenges are an excellent way to warm up the brain and introduce you to exciting new topics."
"I'm not just a believer on Sunday morning; I'm a believer on Monday night, I'm a believer on Tuesday night... every day of the week."
"I make choices to improve my health every day."
"Being fully conscious of every single breath like a dolphin every day."
"Thoughts do become things. Write your thoughts down every day."
"Ask Jesus how you're supposed to live your life. Get up every day and say, 'Lord, I love you. I want to serve you today. I don't want to do anything to disappoint you. Lead me and guide me, show me the way.' And he will."
"Ultimately, only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace Christ Jesus."
"Learn how to be thankful and give thanks. Start your day out with being thankful and grateful for what God has already done."
"Play 'I wonder' at lunchtime for at least five minutes."
"Scientology demands that you put in two and a half hours a day minimum every day."
"Your mind is not your enemy if you make it your servant. Every single day realize your thoughts have power."
"Challenge yourself every day; make it a habit to love yourself, work on yourself because you care about your health, not because you hate what you see in the mirror."
"Neither is bathing, that's why you do it every single day."
"Study the Bible, write some verses down every day and read them."
"Religion is daily bread, not just cake on Sunday."
"You don't need to come to a prayer meeting. You are the prayer meeting. It's you and the Holy Ghost having a prayer meeting every day, all day."
"Every day is an opportunity to show up and continue developing this most important skill, which is discipline."
"It's just a daily practice, constantly trying to rewire the way you go about your day."
"Make the prophetic a normal part of your daily life."
"I wear these yellow wristbands willie every day practice the golden rule every day do unto others as you have done to you."
"If you're not reconnecting with your vision on an everyday basis, you're missing out on potential motivation."
"Practice, practice, practice and try and finish as many of these problems as possible with daily practice."
"I like dialectical behavioral therapy because there were things that I could work on in a daily basis."
"Dedicating even 10 minutes a day to just sit, breathe, and calm the mind will bring incredible benefit to your entire life."
"I'm still learning every day, I go there and I check and I still learn new things."
"Choosing each other every day, yeah, that practice, because it's easy to just be like, one day like I'm just going to choose me and do what I want to do."
"As you prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better decisions every day."
"Anything that you're focused on and you're being consistent, self-disciplined with, and doing it every day, that's gonna produce results."
"It's all about respecting women over here, that's what we do all day long."
"If contentment is something you struggle with, it's a daily decision that we have to make to be content."
"Step number two is to build something with those skills every single day."
"So, here's your homework: I want you to meditate for a minimum of five minutes a day for the next week."
"Meditation every day literally changes you as a person."
"It's important that you spend time in the word every day."
"Courage is a muscle. You only have courage because you're practicing courage every day."
"Crossing myself throughout the day if I need God or want to pray or don't know how to put my emotions into words."
"Confidence is like a muscle that you really have to work on every single day."
"We need to invest every day in the positive expansion of our consciousness and how we use it practically."
"You want to do this on a daily basis; it'll take you 10 minutes and that's going to help to build out your vocab."
"Draw enough every day to see real improvement."
"One quarter of the entire world are filled with people who every day they say 'Allahumma salli ala Muhammad.'"
"Learn to forgive and then forgive every single day."
"What is it to be an Orthodox Christian? It means to die daily, to live a life of repentance."
"Do the right thing every day and you constantly work and strive to be the best person."
"The best preparation for preaching on Sunday is to preach every day of the week."
"You have to learn how to create your own health on a daily basis."
"Bringing it into my body every day has been the best... It's done more for me than therapy ever could."
"Open the Bible read it and study it and keep reading that stay in that word daily because the Bible transforms us and protects us and informs us who Jesus really is."
"Plant the dream seed and commit to nurturing it each day."
"If you're not praying every day and sacrificing every day for good priests and bishops, you are part of the problem."
"Strive for holiness, be salty, pray the rosary every day."
"Make seeking him and talking to him a part of your daily walk."
"Christ taught us to pray this daily, to confess our sins and ask God to forgive us daily. If we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar and his word is not in us."
"God's in control he always has been and so we make sure that we have a verse of the day every single show."
"Abide in me, stay connected to me moment by moment, and you will live your purpose."
"It's not our mirror and god damn it that is all you have to do."
"Without the preaching of the cross, without preaching the cross to ourselves all day and every day, we will very very quickly revert to faith plus works as the ground of our salvation."
"Live like it's heaven on Earth that's also my favorite do that every day."
"What is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today? What is the greatest expression of myself?"
"Love like you've never been hurt that's my favorite do it every day."
"Read it daily, at least one chapter a day, and be filled with the knowledge that will build your faith and your relationship with Him."
"Understand the power of daily meditation practice, how much that can profoundly change your life."
"Every day Kwanzaa. It's not about the 26th through the next seven days. It's about every day."
"Seeking God daily is a practice that invites the presence of the Lord into our daily lives and sets the tone for a life filled with purpose and meaning." - Unknown
"I already manifested for the day. I'm gonna trust now in God or the Divine."
"I highly recommend making art every day. It can really make a big difference, not just in your skills but in your life."
"By His grace and by His presence in the spirit, you and I are invited every day to open our ears."
"Being good with money is not about how smart you are or where you went to school, it really just comes down to applying basic fundamentals day in and day out."
"Every day stand guard at the door of your mind."
"Spend time with those that you love every single day."
"Prayer should be as natural to your spiritual being as breathing is to your natural being."
"Guys, you've got to be thankful. I mean, obviously, you could just write stuff down you're grateful for every single day."
"It doesn't take a lot of time, just a little bit each day."
"Have a resilient spirit, bounce back, challenge yourself every day."
"This could be a reminder to keep doing the best you know every day to prepare for a beautiful future."
"It's all about reentering yourself and practicing this every single day because this is going to be your superpower Aries."
"The only way you can create a connection is for daily practice."
"No more compartmentalizing. My Christianity is not on a Sunday morning. It's every single day."
"Keep the faith, armor up according to Ephesians 6 every day."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself... make this a daily affirmation in your life."
"I practice it every single day I am I am in the somodome meditation pod like feeling what I want to happen seven days a week almost never miss a day."
"Loving Jesus is a lifestyle, not just a feeling."
"Every morning you get up, you got to stay in the spirit of prayer, spirit of humility, walk in his presence, be sensitive to him."
"Prayers every day: grateful for my life, my health, and my sobriety."
"Cultivating contentment through trust involves daily surrender to God."
"True success comes when you take the time every single day to work on yourself internally."
"Success can't escape you when you do the right things every single day."
"Imagine the ideal version of you and embody that every single day."
"Yoga and meditation... it's here for you every day."
"Saying 'Om' every single day can be a very powerful vibrational hack."
"The masses only see opportunities on Black Friday; successful people train their mind to see opportunities every day."
"Consistency is key, even if it's just 15 minutes a day."
"Resolve yourself to die, do not aspire to exalt your psychological 'I,' resolve to psychologically die completely every day."
"Every day that you get onto your mat is a good day, even if the rest of your day you have challenges and difficulties that arise."
"The breakthrough happens by conditioning your mind every day."
"God is first... and I pray every single day."
"Practice every day, make language practice part of your everyday routine."
"Examine yourself daily, ask what could I change about myself?"
"Set positive intentions each day to attract what you desire."
"Inject optimism into my life every single day."
"I chose happiness every morning and every night, tuning out all negative energy and focusing only on positive wishes."
"If you can maintain a love for something after doing something so continuously every single day and becoming a part of your identity in many sorts I think that says a lot about that pursuit or that hobby."
"I've taken, like so many other near-death experiencers, a little piece of heaven back into what I do in my daily practice with patients."
"We should pray every day, start with 10 minutes."
"Being positive... is just a choice every day."
"Focus on your own inner peace, cultivate inner peace on a daily basis, and quiet meditative moments."
"Intentions are necessary. Setting your intention every single day, it's really necessary for anything to come into existence."
"Confidence is something you don't just have. You have to put it on like lipstick several times a day."
"Trusting God is a daily choice to believe in His promises and guidance."
"Don't ever let a day go by without telling your family you love them."
"Cultivation is a daily practice... it's actions put into words put into motion and that becomes reality."
"If you feel like the world is beating up on you... ask, are you working on the thing that you want to be great at every single day?"
"Justification is even a daily event. So, we wouldn't just speak of justification in the past tense but even in present tense."
"I probably talk about Jesus every single day with somebody."
"Ultimately, there is only one way to financial peace: to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus."
"Goals must be revisited daily, experiencing the feelings of achieving them."
"Keeping the gratitude flowing. One day at a time."
"Education is not some abstraction. It's something to be enacted every day."
"The primary offensive weapon given to us is scripture. Get it into your daily life."
"Reaching Enlightenment is an ongoing evolution, we work towards it every day."
"Drop the awareness and move on with your day, building good beliefs, to see success."
"Be nice today. It's always the right answer."
"If you want something different, you must do something different every single day."
"The solution is to breathe right as much as possible throughout the day."
"Carry on with your meditative practice, it's for free, you can do it every day."
"Islam for me means it's a lifestyle, it's not just something that I do in the Masjid or in Ramadan."
"Every day we need to recognize God's goodness in our lives and express gratitude for all he's done for us."
"You should have supernatural experiences every day! Often! Every day!"
"Show up as the person you want to be every day or try to. Now obviously no one's perfect."
"Our Lady of Fatima says pray the rosary every day."
"If you know you have to write something every single day, even a paragraph, you will improve your writing."
"Empathy is to walk in someone else's shoes, and that's all we do all day long."
"Find something to be happy for and grateful for each day."