
Stretching Quotes

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"Performing stretching at least five days a week for at least five minutes per week using static stretching may be beneficial to promote range of motion improvements."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Taking a few minutes out of your day to stretch is really going to benefit you."
"Static passive stretching, where you get to a certain point in the stretch and then hold for an extended period of time, tends to be the best for long-term improvements in flexibility."
"I don't know one single person who can't benefit from giving getting a couple of extra stretches in their day. For me, it makes me feel so revived and so refreshed."
"Nothing like a good stretch to bring out the best in each other."
"These stretches will definitely improve your posture and also prevent you from any degenerative change due to lifting and stress."
"Unlock your hips, stretch, and do diaphragmatic breathing."
"Big breath in, exhale to switch sides, stretching out your whole right side body."
"Pause on the stretch... helps engage more muscle fibers."
"Stretching, that's the first thing we gotta do."
"Make sure to stretch a ton before you do this dance."
"Stretching calf muscles helps relieve tension."
"Static stretching involves holding a stretch for roughly 30 seconds."
"It's really important to start your exercise program with two to three stretches to get your body warmed up."
"I think everybody should stretch when you wake up in the morning."
"Stretch those legs, feel it in the back of those thighs."
"Invest at least 10 minutes into some form of stretching, foam rolling, lacrosse ball, and all of the above."
"You have made it to your cool down, let's go into your cool down stretch."
"Reach up and then as you exhale, come all the way down to your child's pose."
"Stand up and reach your arms up as you soften your shoulders down."
"Stretching is very dependent on individual assessment. What the science shows actually is if you separate strength from endurance, endurance is much more protective for future back pain than strength is."
"Let's jump into your warm up. Wide stance, hands on your hips. We're going to bend right and left, stretching out your inner thigh. Let's go!"
"Stretch your arms and your legs long, and let's perform our roll-ups."
"Laughing is catching and hanging and stretching."
"Let's switch sides, inhale reach your left leg up to the sky."
"The more you do these stretches, obviously, the more flexible your hips are going to become, the less strain it's going to put on your lower back."
"If we have the ability to train a muscle from a more stretched position to a more contracted position, it should hypothetically result in Superior growth."
"Beautiful. Release your hands down to the mat, soft bend through your knees if that feels good for you, and just rock side to side, releasing any tension through your lower back."
"Keep it nice and open, just reaching over."
"Take your hands behind your back, interlacing your fingers, stretching through your arms, reach your hands towards your feet and on your inhale lift your chest off the mat, rolling your shoulders down and back."
"On your inhale press your feet in towards your hands, lifting your feet up towards the sky and lift your chest off the mat, feeling a really nice stretch and more intense stretch for your shoulders and your chest finding your bow position."
"...following on from the theme of this video where just stretching a tight soaz muscle on its own isn't enough to fix that and take away the need for it to want to be tight in the first place..."
"Reaching with that arm, open the shoulder. Try to keep your chest square so that your heart is opening up to the front of your mat. Breathe into the stretch, reaching and listening to what your body communicates back to you."
"You never want to skip your cooldown and stretch. So we're going to bring our heart rate down nice and slow, stretching out those muscles that we just worked."
"What a great way to start your day with a little bit of yoga and stretching."
"Focus on lengthening that tight piriformis to get some relief."
"Stretching is so smart when your muscles are really this warm."
"Good, come back through center, lower your knees, and then walk your hands forwards, let your chest sink down into puppy pose."
"Inhale, reach all the way up, big breath, big stretch."
"Inhale into the length on your right side body exhale cartwheel both hands down."
"Stretching is so important, you guys. Really, really important. I know I've been working out at home throughout the quarantine and I haven't been stretching nearly as much and I feel it."
"The stretch is coming, I promise."
"Stretching, aka the dessert, so important."
"Just enjoy this nice deep groin stretch as you breathe and move. Sounds like a very annoyed dog if you can hear that."
"Let's feel that stretch, feel your spine get a little compression here."
"Now you can really stretch your legs."
"I stretched that budget all the way to the dollar baby."
"Stretching is often neglected, but it's a huge part of health because we want to feel good."
"The core is stretching so much and there's nothing keeping this."
"The mistake I see most often with this is people do a quad stretch here, and this actually isn't stretching your quad."
"Stretching consistently every single night."
"Just allow the head and neck to hang, feeling the stretch in the back of the left leg and the hamstrings."
"Stay with us just this couple of minutes, just lengthening your arms out in front."
"Take a long big breath, opening into the chest stretch to the sky and then opening the knees wide your chest in your chin reaching towards the floor in front of you."
"Lean into not only the physical feeling of the stretch but lean into the emotional, the mental feeling of the stretch."
"Make sure you don't get too dehydrated though, otherwise if you are, if this is your last routine for the day, do not forget to stretch or your muscles will be talking to you even more tomorrow."
"We're almost done with the workout, so when you stretch, place your right arm to the side, your left arm reaches into the sky."
"Don't skip your cool downs, don't skip your stretches."
"Go ahead and open up your arms right through here, you can do that little shift side to side."
"Stretch your legs out in front of you and take a stretch over your long legs."
"Pull your right knee up to your chest until you feel a stretch in your lower back."
"I love a good hip flexor stretch after all that."
"Big deep breath, exhale onto your stomach, gonna stretch those ABS out, hands are at the top of your mat, feet are off the bottom, drop your hips down and look up to the ceiling."
"When you get injuries doing advanced stretching, it's from pushing yourself where you think you should be rather than where you are."
"The best way to ease muscle tightness when stretching? So, what you want to do is create a contraction either in the muscle that's being stretched or the shortened antagonist muscle. So that will relax the stretchedness."
"Resistance training is at least as good, but better, usually better than the typical stretching forms of exercise."
"Moving towards growth, moving towards some degree of transformation, stretching yourself a bit."
"Breathe into the gentle stretch along the back of your neck."
"I'm starting to turn it again every muscle and any muscle that would be tight... is being pulled and stretched."
"Most animals don't stretch before they hunt but yeah they stretch."
"Flying lessons, helicopters or yeah, and I think it's that stretching yourself a bit and that's what racing does, doesn't it? Stretch you to the maximum."
"The key to stretching anything with a band is to find some kind of anchor point."
"I always feel so good stretching, why do we do it? Because high intensity interval training, strength training compresses our muscles."
"The Child's Pose with a lateral bend is going to be a static stretch so we're gonna stay here for 30 seconds."
"It's your stretch, whatever it pushes you today, I want you to go there."
"Gentle stretching without a lot of emphasis on extending or twisting are great choices."
"It's only when we become uncomfortable, it is only when we are stretched that extraordinary things will happen."
"Big inhale and let's lean forward, reaching out over those toes, straightening that right leg to feel a nice stretch all the way up the back."
"Stretching is really really really important just in general whether your goal is to become more flexible or just to maintain your body's limberness."
"So just a nice moment to just really gather, soften through the chest, coming back to the center, from there, stretching your right leg up towards the ceiling."
"Feel the stretch along the right side, exhale to come back to center."
"Hold this one for 20 to 30 seconds."
"Feeling that beautiful stretch through the front side of the body."
"For those of you that prefer something a little gentler, holding a butterfly stretch here is a great option to open up the hips."
"Try to push yourself; try to catch that toe and pull up into your butt until you feel a stretch through the front of your quads."
"Focus on a side stretch, from there I want you to start to lean back."
"You want control through the spine so that you can just really intensify this stretch in the quad."
"Any amount of stretch is good just so that you feel a stretch and you know that the yoga is doing its job, the blood is moving in circulation, toxins moving out."
"Feel the stretch in the right hip flexor and press the hips down."
"Relax your shoulder blades down into the ground, gazing over the right shoulder."
"Reach those arms long, big range of motion."
"Bring the ball behind your knee, bringing the knee forwards and backwards, keeping the spine long."
"Let's inhale, exhale, reach the fingers forward."
"Stretching the feeling of stretching in the body is fine but if you feel any sharp pain just stop what you're doing immediately."
"Give yourself a lovely big stretch."
"Hands come together as you take a twist, looking over right shoulder."
"An hour of stretching, you should feel open, balanced, and really comfortable in your skin."
"This is your best friend to reverse that, to really kind of lengthen the hamstrings and the hip flexors and make your body happy again."
"Static stretching improves mobility okay but on a time constraint we can get the same thing from a dynamic corrective movement and actually strengthen."
"Doesn't have to be very far, so we're not trying to get the nose towards the knee."
"Inhale arms reach, exhale right arm down and reach over towards your right side."
"Inhale reaching up tall, exhale left arm down reach your right arm up and over to stretch through the side body."
"It doesn't have to take 15 minutes, five minutes just to cool down, do a couple of stretches, and then call it a day."
"Combined static stretching is gonna give us that nervous system because of autogenic and reciprocal inhibition and it's going to give us allow us to see imprint improvements and changes in the connective tissue itself which will actually lead to change in the position."
"The faster you dip and drive the more muscle spindle activation we get, the higher your jump, right? So we're using muscle spindles to our advantage by putting the hamstrings and glutes on a quick stretch."
"Stretching is easy to do, doesn't have to take long, and does wonders for how you feel."
"This is called reciprocal inhibition now what does this have to do with PNF and stretching now while this process does happen automatically we can also kind of Leverage this process to help lengthen and stretch the muscles more."
"Stretch away the tension and embrace mobility."
"Great combination of stretching and at the same time a lot of breath work as well. Definitely coming back."
"If you get a good stretch in the morning, you're starting your day right."
"This is a very good stretch, say yes and lean into it."
"Wake up, get up, stretch my legs."
"I always think it's good to have a little stretch when you wake up in the morning, or even before you go to bed."
"I think we don't have to be perfect to do stretching or to do anything really."
"Invest just one hour of your time and I'm confident you won't look at stretching the same way again."
"The goal with any stretching is to bring you to your limit right and then back off a little bit right and where that limit is will change with care with massage and adjustments."
"Every breath you take today, I want you to try to push a little bit further into your stretch, just outside of what is comfortable."
"This stretch will be great for you as you've got 20 minutes any pocket in the day where you've got 20 minutes to stretch."
"Big deep breath and let it go that is our 20-minute upper body stretch I don't know about you guys but I feel so much better in my neck my shoulders my chest my back."
"Stretching them out, working through both sides."
"Opening up that torso, big stretch through the spine."
"Make sure you incorporate this stretch at least three times this week either post-workout or as your morning wake-up routine."
"You need to take this time at least once a week just to stretch on one day."
"Slow flow to the next stretch, but we're pushing in the stretches here because I want you to get the most out of this time with me, always."
"So, I'm very proud of you today. Thank you for spending this time with me to stretch."
"Stretching and the recovery day letting your muscles heal repair from the work that we've done this week it's so important."
"A lot of times when people have pain in their joints, it can be helped, I won't say cured, but it can be helped by making sure you're stretching the muscles around it."
"Everyone is an athlete, so this stretch is for everyone."
"Stretching here is really helpful."
"This stretch is really beneficial for digestion."
"We're stretching out your lats a little bit here."
"This one, you're stretching out the quads and the hip flexors."
"Leave this stretch feeling good today, that's the goal for you."
"Hopefully you got a really great stretch and today I feel a lot better personally."
"Stretching that hip flexor... it'll bring you up and give you better posture."
"Don't leave before we stretch. The cooldown is just as important as the warm-up."
"Let's gently pull the leg towards us, feeling that stretch going all the way down the back of the leg."
"That was brilliant, Rachel. A super stretch just what I needed for my tight hips. You've set me up for the day, thanks."
"Love stretching exercises, they do feel good, don't they?"
"Simple stretches... can make a huge difference in your mobility."
"Give yourself a really nice big stretch, extend your arms and legs, reach out long, stretch your toes away."
"Give yourselves a really nice big good morning stretch."
"Find that stretch where it feels nice in your body."
"Very, very good stretch to those of you who get really tight in the hips and in the glutes and the thighs."
"Feel as if every time you're releasing to the side, you're getting more stretch in the body."
"Feel a nice stretch at the sole of the foot, maybe going a little bit further into that movement with the toes."
"This is a great stretch after a long day, especially if we've been doing a lot of carrying, shopping, maybe cooking, cleaning as well."
"If we can aim for a stretch that's medium intensity, that's actually going to allow you to go deeper into the stretch."
"As you exhale, you're relaxing your hips, you're relaxing your shoulders, telling your body, 'Hey, this stretch is okay; we're gonna be fine.'"
"If you find that your hip flexors are tight, I want to show you a series of stretches to help with those."
"It took you literally seconds to change your flexibility with no static stretching."
"Our back is an arch." "Oh, that feels good."
"Big opening through the shoulder blades, upper back, all the way down the spine into the lower back."
"Think about reaching through your fingertips, reaching through your toes, and extending and lengthening through your entire body."
"Take some deep breaths, really feel the spine lengthening, feel the stretch in the backs of your legs, Achilles, calves, and hamstrings."
"I definitely need to do stretching every day."
"Mobility work, the things that do not look sexy, they do not look dynamic, and they have you whether it's actively stretching for a little bit or for long periods of time, it's not sexy, but these are the qualities that are going to prolong your life."
"Feel a stretch along the front of your body, stretching out your core muscles."
"Feel a nice stretch and an opening through the front of your shoulder and chest."
"Really thinking about the stretch that we're getting, not working hard."
"We are doing a glorious, glorious stretch today."
"I think that was like the universe's sign to me last week; actually, this year I'm not going to get away with being as lazy with my stretching."
"I say this a lot in my videos, a comfortable place for stretching where you should be an effective place for stretching."
"Stretching not only does it feel good, but it's actually good for us."
"In this first downward dog, go ahead and pedal out those legs."
"So don't worry about the heels coming to the ground, step those feet back and have a nice long stretch."
"I like to think of these early morning stretches as being just like you would do when you wake up first thing and you come up and you stretch and you move and you adjust, and it feels good."
"Shake it out, bend your knees right and left, relax your neck, relax your shoulders."
"Stretch your fingers to send a signal to the rest of the arms and the upper body to also stretch."
"Breathe in as you reach those arms up, breathe out as you hinge the hips, feel the center, feel the length as you come down towards the feet."
"The wider your feet are, the more intense the stretch you're going to feel in the inner thighs."
"Try to melt your chest towards your thighs as much as you can, using your hands as much or as little as you need."
"As you start to deepen the breath, perhaps you can let those fingertips walk a little further away from you, starting to feel that extra length in the side body."
"Feel the lengthening, the sensations in the back of that right thigh."
"Think of reaching your sitting bones up towards the ceiling, spread them apart in a forward fold like this."
"On your next deep inhale reach both of your arms all the way up towards the sky."
"If you start stretching... you can notice a difference in just a couple of weeks."
"You are amazing, do not forget to get a stretch because it is going to be much needed."
"Allow that left sit bone to anchor into the floor as you reach that left arm away and just enjoy a nice little broadening effect across your left waist, the left ribs, and your left lat muscle as well."
"Do not forget to get your stretch; the stretch is gonna feel so good."
"With every breath out, we're going to go deeper into the stretch."
"Big side body stretch feels so good."
"Reach energy through the heels and the palms like you're being pulled in two directions."
"Reach your left arm up, and breathe."
"Feel that nice side stretch, feels so good."
"Inhale, send everything long, stretch all the muscles tense, and release."
"Feel the lengthening in the back of the legs, also feel the length in the upper body from your tailbone to the crown of your head."
"Keep reaching and reach all the way forward."
"Keep your toes curled under, it is a really good stretch for your feet."
"Just relax here for a second, arms and legs in opposite directions, and you can kind of wiggle back and forth."
"It's more about feeling into the body, really tuning into it, creating as much space and length in the whole front body and the back body as possible."
"Beautiful lift the head up nice and tall, and from here let's lengthen the legs out, squeezing them together, sitting up nice and tall in those sit bones."
"Embrace these moments of stretching and find that breath right here."
"Stretching through the neck, that little stretch there, we don't do enough."
"Sit tall, take your head up and over to that left side, feeling that stretch through the right side of your neck."
"Reach those fingers away from you, feel that stretch through the right side of the body."
"PNF stretching stands for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation."
"Feel the lengthening through the right side and add a big inhale to get extra volume."
"Wherever you are, pull your forehead down toward your mat. Breathe, fold, stretch."
"Stretching out through the knees over the toes to get that beautiful opening in your hips."