
Pain Tolerance Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Your ability to improve flexibility and, indeed, to engage in specific stretching exercises can actually be used to powerfully modulate your ability to tolerate pain, both emotional and physical pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The pain tolerance of yoga practitioners was double or more to that of non-yoga practitioners."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is a really important study because it's long been known that in longer days or in bright light environments, we tolerate emotional and physical pain better."
"The pain threshold of a Shaolin monk is their most deadly weapon."
"Your threshold for pain and tolerance comes from mental discipline, mental strength, mental resilience, but also practice."
"The woman who feels no pain... she didn't require painkillers following a major operation."
"He is not just having a good chin, he is just undeterred by pain."
"This guy loves the pain, guys. There's actually no four stars that he needs."
"This is where it gets interesting because he's taking those blows and not feeling anything."
"Monks endure extreme pain to build resilience and desensitize vulnerable areas of the body."
"Shaolin monks display remarkable pain tolerance, resting their bodies on sharp spears without apparent discomfort."
"Everybody's banged up, in fact, I had Julian Edelman on my FS1 show today, the former Patriot great 12-year Pro three rings, and he's like, 'Come on, you're everybody's hurt, you just have to have pain tolerance and get through it.'"
"Your level of impact and influence will only be equivalent to the level you choose to tolerate pain."
"Every single one of these riders after two weekends is banged up, but they're feeling no pain."
"Imperial Fists have a strategy literally called 'Pain is a lesson.' You know they like their stuff."
"You are super cool you are a warrior and you have like the coolest pain tolerance."
"It's not bad, it means they've got lower tolerance."
"Tolerance for pain may be high but it is not without limit. Eventually everyone begins to recognize however dimly that there must be a better way."
"People with light-colored eyes, blue or green, are better at tolerating pain than those with dark eyes."
"I'm the type of person that's always down to get through a little pain to compete."
"I don't think they would look good on me, but I would go through the pain."
"The only way I would want a healing factor is if I also couldn't feel pain."
"I'm not scared of pain. I think I've got quite a high pain threshold."
"Screaming does not hurt when done properly."
"If I stood in front of somebody, I need those guys, and I had them punch me as hard as they could. That way, I could tell. But I didn't do that."
"I love weightlifting, I love time in the gym. I love that feeling of pain, of like how can I push, how much can I hurt and still recover from it?"
"Maybe it was the adrenaline of this whole experience, but I don't remember this hurting at all."
"Fear wasn't in his vocabulary, and pain had no meaning."
"Definitely a success. It's definitely not painful at all. It's just really, really annoying."
"He just has a pain threshold that is above and beyond anybody in the world."
"Wow, you know what, clipping nails doesn't hurt one bit!"
"You get what you pay for, it depends on what your threshold for pain is."
"What's another ding or like this person's pain tolerance is so high."
"Everybody got a low tolerance to pain."
"sometimes you just got to like accept the fact that you're going to be in pain and just like try to push through it"
"I waxed. I got it. But you know what? A little bit doesn't hurt."
"You have to embrace the pain! You have to accept the pain. You have to make the pain your friend, your ally to help you get stronger."
"I can usually override most pain."
"Pain I guess. I did give birth naturally several times and would do it again."
"Oh my god, that woman's pain threshold is like insane insane."
"Women are better about pain than men like a tattoo artist always say that men typically are the ones who are like also men should stop breathing like they should go extinct."
"I took the pain very well she didn't take the pain very well so she needs more special than me I only need two more my scar should be okay keep up my Faja on but he said don't close it not yet."
"It's worth it even though it's painful."
"If I'm getting hit in my shins I don't feel anything anymore."
"So Hogan's going off about how he and his crew and they all had a camel gear and face paint on and Hulk said they had drank several gallons of Agent Orange bad idea they were now impervious to pain."
"This is why I wanted to do it young, you know, grateful my mom did it because when I was like 10, 12, and all these girls were like, 'I need to go get my ears pierced,' and I was like, 'I have a really low pain tolerance and I'm terrified of that.'"
"My ability to endure pain is greater than 95% of the pro guys."
"Endurance is how much pain can your body take and still perform close to its maximum effort at a hundred percent, while stamina equals how long can your body take that pain and still perform close to 100% of your max."
"Vader possessed an incredible tolerance for pain and injury."
"Listen, I've hurt myself so much that pain doesn't really hurt anymore, you get used to things, you'll be surprised of what the human body can get used to."
"Of course there's an established fact that women have a higher threshold of pain."
"The longer you can take this kind of pain and the more often you can do it in one day, the better bike racer you'll be."
"I think that women have a higher pain tolerance because from a young age we're used to grooming."
"Everybody has different pain tolerance."
"Only you know how much pain you can handle, only you walk in your shoes."
"I think my most daring thing was to give birth five times without any anesthesia."
"Humans can only tolerate pain up to 45 del, and women experience childbirth on 57 del."