
Loss Quotes

There are 14182 quotes

"You live long enough, you're gonna experience loss. You're gonna get kicked in the gut, and you're gonna see people you care about get kicked in the gut."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I wake up every morning since then just, I don't even make the conscious decision to allow my self to cry, I wake up crying."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The loss really also is making you realize how much that person, that dog meant to you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When there is loss and we don't feel it and grieve it, it converts into depression."
"Closure for me is finding my mom's body or finding just what happened."
"Play in life, and we've lost that, or we think we don't have that."
"The biggest challenge that I've ever had to overcome is a tragedy that actually took place this year. My father, mentor, and number one supporter had passed away suddenly from a heart attack."
"Then he meets her, and then she just sucks in and just takes him from me, and then with that, I lose my son, I lose the money, I lose my house, I go to jail."
"You don't know what you've got till it's gone."
"When you lose freedom, you lose everything. What do you have?"
"Losing your cell phone is like missing limb syndrome."
"We are all hurting. Our officers, our fire department, our families, all of our staff, our community. We're heartbroken."
"It's not that I can't go on and do something else... It's just not as beautiful as what we've been able to do together."
"My brother passed away September 4th of 2019...I just remember after he passed away, it was very devastating to my family."
"I lost...the love of my life, the one person that I've truly been in love with is not in my life anymore."
"Sometimes people leaving you is a blessing, and you cry and you hurt, but when you get through crying, you're going to be better."
"The scale of the destruction is unfathomable, and the loss of life is simply heartbreaking."
"The Buddha said, 'You only lose what you cling to.'"
"It's not the monsters in the forest that scare me; it's the thought of losing you."
"My heart goes out to you having lost children myself. I understand."
"Remember, if you make someone your everything, when they leave, you have nothing."
"The wonder is that you could start life with nothing, end with nothing, and lose so much in between."
"Although that was the worst experience of my life, it was also from this experience of just losing everything, because I lost everything, but, as cliche as it sounds, I gained everything, okay?"
"Our hearts are with the families that lost a home or loved ones. It's a very serious situation going on right now."
"The true original Declaration of Independence that was passed on July 4, 1776, is lost."
"What happens when you're gone? The people who love you will miss you."
"It's tough to see life leave something's body that you love so much."
"I guess it's just one of those things that you don't realize till it's gone."
"I'm no longer funny because I miss the way you laugh."
"That was the one good thing as a father I was going to do, but it's not going to happen anymore."
"I thought he was the best. My mom was long gone, so all we had was each other. He used to call me his little Moonbeam. As sappy as that is, when I was 14, he vanished and left me all alone. Never even said goodbye."
"Money doesn't mean shit when somebody you love the most in the world dies. And so this is perspective time."
"I didn't realize what I had until it was too late."
"You can’t stop putting yourself out into the world, you just can’t, otherwise the world loses two people over their death, not one."
"I heard about these pictures like they were yesterday. That's part of the reason why it's so hard to look back. I miss her every second of every day."
"Appreciate the things that you have before you lose them because you will lose them."
"Intelligent decision-making sometimes requires that you forget what you've lost."
"Life is hard... life is also very hard and challenging and it's filled with loss sometimes."
"It's not just about making myself famous; it's about what happens when you inevitably lose it."
"The tragic murder of 13-year-old Madeline Soto... she was found murdered days later."
"So many people have lost their GPS, that's what it is, the inner guidance system."
"One of the most heartbreaking things that people go through is the loss of their dogs."
"I held you in my arm and head till your last breath but I'll have my aching heart for you love always."
"He had his whole life ahead of him and he was so young when he was taken from this world."
"I can't believe Dad is gone. 'You too, Grandpa. He's always the best dad ever.'"
"Nothing is ever truly lost; energy just changes form."
"Remember, not all is lost. Sometimes certain people and certain things are taken out of our life for a reason."
"After the tragic loss of beloved newsman Tim Russert, his son went on a worldwide journey to find himself."
"I just want to encourage everyone that in the midst of loss, because the American people have been putting these mitigation measures into practice, there are families that are still together today."
"Leo Barnes realizes that revenge on his son’s killer will not make him feel better about the loss."
"Losing Peanut is what cost him the most sadness."
"If you go after money, you're likely to lose everything, including your peace of mind."
"We're spared the crushing sadness of God finding the cold body of his beloved Otaku in the snow after they got separated in a chase, which is nice, I guess."
"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his very soul?"
"It's the story about wanting to hold on to things that are leaving us, and is why it's been told over and over again for almost a hundred years now."
"I held her hand, looking through her eyes as she left this world, and it was very difficult to process."
"The first one involves the acknowledgement and really the understanding that you don't want to disengage or dismantle your real attachment to someone, an animal, or a thing. That's a real thing."
"It does not mean dissociating from the attachment to the person, animal, or thing."
"It's absolutely heartbreaking to me that she feels like her entire life has been stolen from her."
"You don't appreciate what you have until it's gone."
"We are capable of achieving great attachments to animals as well. And while the loss of a thing, of an object, does not approximate the loss of a person or an animal, it would also be naive and unfair to suggest that things can't hold immense importance to us."
"If you lose something, something better's around the horizon, and that's going to be maybe revealed later."
"We go out to the edge of the world to gather wisdom, but on the way back, we lose it. We can't bring it back, or we can only bring back fragments of it."
"Rivian started selling these vehicles in 2021 knowing that they would lose money."
"I am grateful because this, especially this, this got taken away for a full year."
"These are names, these are someone who someone is still crying, still missing, heartbroken."
"Every choice comes with loss... there is no choice that doesn't have loss and therefore some grief attached to it."
"What hurt the most, though, wasn't saying their name but was saying how they died."
"It's the fantasy. I love the fantasy. So when you date someone... you're losing not only the person, you're losing the fantasy."
"You don't know what you got until it's gone."
"In a more subjective sense, the Japanese people had lost a large portion of their identity, replaced with images of desolation and despair."
"I hope Melon can see this from wherever he is at sea."
"We must not find our joy in what God says we are going to lose in the end."
"In some cases it's obvious, because we had a very close relationship to that person or animal, but in other cases, it's bewildering, because somehow, despite our best efforts, we are unable to reframe and shift our mind to the idea that the person or animal that at one point was here, and so very present, is now gone."
"COVID has literally messed up so many things, like people have been losing their loved ones, people have lost jobs."
"Grief is like the weight on your heart when somebody that you care about goes away. You carry them in your heart, and you've got to get used to carrying that new weight."
"The most important thing I learned is you realize the things you lose after you've already lost them."
"Loving people is like investing money; never invest more than you can afford to lose."
"Twin kill, twin kill little stars, robbed of wonder, torn and scarred."
"As much as I'm sure everyone watching this is excited for the discussion we're about to have, we all do so with a heavy heart for the loss of our dear friend and comrade Michael Brooks."
"Scarlet writes, 'Rest in peace, Brianna was one of the best people I've ever met and such an amazing friend. It is so sickening what got done to her.'"
"Gentle as a summer breeze, let us, left us, shall soon follow, and in heaven with joy may we greet thee."
"A precious one from us has gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home, which never can be filled."
"He'd had 16 close friends he used to see every week, now only four were left alive."
"A loss is not an end. We're not defined by a scoreboard, and the people who care about us the most won't base that care on a win-loss ratio."
"Take that from me, somebody who used to be [famous] until they lost it all."
"In a world where you could lose everything and never get it back, the floating islands event was not just a game."
"Modern relationships are a series of pyrrhic victories. You win the battle, but you lose the war."
"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."
"I have never lost anybody close to me that I could say, 'I'm hurt,' until now."
"Do you still ride? Yeah, he bought it to ride with his best friend who passed away."
"Something that should be there is suddenly missing."
"Every decision is a choice, and every choice involves loss."
"Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose."
"Kakashi reminds Sasuke that no matter how painful the losses of the past are, it would be worse to lose the friends he still has."
"It hurts to lose, but I'm proud of you, little buddy."
"You could tell he was a really well brought up, well-mannered kid that really missed his dad." - Reflecting on a poignant conversation with the son of a deceased diver, emphasizing the human impact of tragedy.
"Pretty rough when I found out my mom had died, but weirdly enough, my head actually feels clear now."
"I just want her back, whatever that means, just, I just want her back."
"Your heart still beats, you still feel love, you still feel joy, you just miss them."
"Grief is a natural response to loss...the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away from you."
"How do you keep living? How can you be there for someone who has lost something and how can you be there for yourself when you've lost something?"
"Grief itself is the natural reaction to loss. It's the body and mind's way of healing wounds caused by loss of something precious."
"Particularly hard when you've gone through a lot of death, whether it's the death of loved ones or the death of things in your life that you thought would always be there."
"On that last day, my dad was going to build a snowman... Oh, we never got to finish it. That's what's sad."
"I know that no amount of regret can ever bring back the lives we have lost. I know that well. It is like patching up a tear with a different material. Things can never be as they were."
"If you've experienced loss, it means you've experienced love. Yes, I miss him, and yes, of course, I wish he was there...but the fact that I can experience that I miss someone means that I just had something really special."
"The biggest space we lose ourselves is often in romantic relationships."
"They didn't just take a son; they took a brother, a nephew, a grandchild."
"So many beautiful lives lost and just the bravery and the courage of those children and the teachers."
"Nothing compares to the loss of those who lost loved ones."
"Nancy was a light. She absolutely was... This world is a darker place without her in it."
"I had to teach myself how to breathe again in a world without you."
"I'm very fortunate in a situation where I'm not lonely, but imagine having somebody you wake up to every day of your life and just having that ripped away from you overnight."
"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
"It ended on this really profound note about love and life and how to move on from loss."
"All of my hopes, all my dreams, and they're just they were just taken."
"At the core of all of this are actual people that are losing their lives or have gone missing, and family members and loved ones that are dealing with the loss of someone."
"Gon is unable to use Nen, which results in his father advising him to seek out what he is able to do now that he has lost his powers."
"You're focused on the wrong things. You need to focus on why you lost her."
"It is always such a bummer to see actual things that people worked on for years just zapped from existence."
"Better to have loved and lost my ass. Losing friends hurts a lot, especially if it's your fault from your shitty actions."
"The ones that love us never really leave us."
"When you lose someone, pay attention to what you gain in their absence."
"There's a hole that has to be plugged and a hole in my heart that never will be."
"Sometimes you don't miss something until it's been taken away."
"Sorry is not going to bring my mom back. Your carelessness took away my mom."
"You have to have hope that you'll see them again, or at least that you'll know the truth."
"During the funeral, it was seen that Princess De An's condition worsened due to depression, and she always missed Li Zheng."
"Grieving the loss of a child is a process. It begins on the day that your child passes and ends the day the parent joins them."
"Even if there is justice at the end of the day, our loved one is gone, and we would rather have them here than anything."
"You lose a part of yourself when somebody that close to you passes. You're never the same."
"This is a woman who's lost everything... she's looking ahead and very unsure."
"Losing loved ones is moments where you realize that you're an adult."
"We have 15 families that have lost loved ones today, and it's extraordinarily painful."
"This sweet girl had come so close to a chance at love and care, but it was taken from her when she was taken from them."
"I think people really don't realize how we really lose ourselves in a relationship."
"I think no better example can be given than the recent devastating news than the loss of Rick May, who was the voice actor for the soldier class in Team Fortress 2."
"He was the most positive person I knew and I know that he would want us to be enjoying it."
"It's been said, when you call a place Paradise, kiss it goodbye."
"I visit my daughter in a cemetery because of it; it's not okay."
"Be okay and understand and know that you will lose people on that journey to the top. You can't bring everybody with you, and it's perfectly fine."
"We weren't blaming each other for the death, which made our marriage stronger."
"The judge stated, 'She was a sparky girl; she was full of life. But you took that life from her. All that lay ahead of her - a career, loves, a family of her own - will now never be, and the loss of her has been devastating for her mother, her father, and all of her relatives and her friends.'"
"The stories in your family... What are the stories that you carry? What have been the sources of strength and resilience that you have learned?"
"When Allah takes something away, it is to give you something better."
"Their will is all the more precious because their visions have been taken from them."
"The miracle is not in what you lost; the miracle is in what you have left."
"The leftovers, the remnants, that which remains, is more valuable than that which was lost."
"You seek to prevent loss, but have you considered all you are losing by remaining here in stasis for all eternity?"
"Individual ambition is inherently incompatible with eternity. What you might not realize is that all too often, people have far more to lose by chasing their dreams."
"The grief blinded me to how brightly they shone in their final moments."
"As a parent, no one should ever go through that no parent should have to deal with that heartbreak."
"Everyone has a fentel story...we've all lost someone or know someone who's lost someone."
"Grief is often a recognition of something beautiful being taken from us. Without any beauty or goodness, there is no sadness in the loss of that thing."
"We lost our dog Princessa, and ever since then, my wife has been devastated."
"Sell your lives cheaply, forwards only, forwards. We're about to lose. Half a million men died."
"The crown is broken in pieces, but there's more in my possession."
"It's been devastating since I lost my best friend and my mom. We talked every day and we had so many plans left unfulfilled."
"Sometimes losing those people might have been the best thing that could have happened to you."
"Her presence is everywhere. Every day I look at her pictures, but eventually, that's it. There are no more pictures to be made, there are no more memories."
"Her pictures are going to fade, just like everything else. She'll be forever 19."
"The day after she passed, a ladybug came to me and didn't leave me for a few hours... so I know when I see them, it is her visiting me."
"Thank you for being my guardian angel. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom. No matter how short our time together on Earth, becoming a mother, your mother, was the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you now, I love you still, always have, always will."
"Sometimes we don't realize what the [ __ ] we had until it's not there."
"The potential of life that was thrown away before it even had a chance to grow is just a completely heartbreaking situation."
"More and more of our kind began to believe that Sauron was but a memory, and some things that should not have been forgotten were lost."
"Cyril's heart sinks at the thought of retrieving such poignant mementos from the fallen, recognizing the weight and emotional value they hold."
"Banishes: Ghosts of New Eden is a game with a very well-written story about loss."
"Grace loses her golden mask, foreshadowing her losing her identity."
"Standing up for yourself means you're going to lose something, and that's the power that they have over you."
"You don't realize what you had until it's gone."
"The world's a little less cool without Scott in it."
"Love and prayers of every American continue to be with our fellow citizens who have lost a cherished friend or family member to the virus."
"When you get Alzheimer's disease, you lose everybody and everything that ever mattered to you."
"The city itself has been almost entirely destroyed."
"He was so beautiful; why did they have to die?"
"We never forget that behind this number, behind each one, is a name, a loss, and a family that will never be the same again."
"Uncle Ben meant the world to us, but he wouldn't want us living one second with revenge in our hearts."
"When your mom and dad die, you're burying the past; when your son and daughter die, you're burying your future."
"Everything I loved is gone, and I am left with one purpose: to deliver a message, to testify to the truth."
"The most shameful loss is the loss due to carelessness."
"Adoption is born from loss...it's so important to always realize that there is some kind of loss at the root of it...a child is losing their biological family, their birth family...recognizing that that is a loss and that there will be issues and things that arise from that loss."
"As a result of his arrest, Mr. Bryant has lost his home, his car, his job, he's been separated from his family, his friends, and his fiancee."
"You never truly appreciate something until it's gone."
"Sometimes you don't know what you got until it's gone."
"It is a story about an ordinary man who makes profound sacrifices and suffers through intense loss in order to achieve the impossible."
"Having disintegrated his opponent, Gohan transforms back to normal before falling to his knees to mourn his lost daughter."
"I lost everything that ever mattered to me, and if we quit now, that's for nothing."
"Loss is a collaborative art between the people who leave us and those who remain. We dance with the shadows of their absence."
"The thing that has strengthened me the most is how I have seen the goodness of God even in my loss."
"There's gifts in loss. If we took on a God perspective, we can see that there are gifts in loss."
"The scream of a parent who had found who they had been looking for, their child, is guttural, primal, the deepest purest form of pain."
"Others say that losing their loved one to Alzheimer's was like losing them twice."
"Sacrifice is tied into all things. Once innocence is lost, what are you willing to let go of in order to achieve your goals?"
"They had to kind of lose you to realize how much they actually loved you."
"I lost everything. My father made me happy, my son made me happy, and I used to think all these materialistic things would make me happy."
"Whatever ends or causes you grief, really you dodge a bullet in the long haul."
"Losing things is emotional; it's powerful. It sets up the stakes for later on."
"This happens to everyone at some point: you lose something in the space between the seats when you're driving."