
Interpersonal Relationships Quotes

There are 3274 quotes

"Rapport is the magic. It's kind of a magic component that changes everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Before diagnosing someone with depression, make sure they aren't just surrounded by assholes."
"I treat people with humanity, they at least engage me with humanity."
"Every single facet of your life is going to be influenced heavily by how other people view you and how social you are with others."
"Empathy is a lot more important than a rigid structure of morals."
"There's a spectrum that runs from noticing the other person to tuning into the other person to empathizing and understanding what's going on with them, and then, if they're in need and there's something we can do, compassion and maybe helping them."
"The people you're dealing with are weirder and more interesting than you could ever imagine."
"You are not responsible for somebody else's behavior."
"How do you let another human being have fun?"
"The relationship makes us, and the relationship is the dynamic between you and me."
"We have to understand that our ability to trust another person is always going to be a mirror to how well we can trust the self."
"You only know yourself through your interactions with others. The way I speak is influenced by the way you listen, the way I see myself is influenced by the way you see me."
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
"The book is trying to tell you that we're social animals, that our survival, our happiness, our sense of fulfillment depends on our ability to get along with other people."
"Trust but verify. Trust that the people are telling the truth but verify the claim."
"Requests are clear, positive, and concrete calls to have needs met. This is different from demands."
"Empathic people are mindful people. They are able to shift gears even when it doesn't work for them because an empathic person understands that someone needs them."
"You may not remember specifically what somebody said to you, you may not even remember specifically what someone did to you, but you will never forget how someone makes you feel."
"The value of consciousness becomes much easier to establish once you establish an interpersonal dimension."
"Instead of saying 'We need to talk,' say 'I need your help.'"
"Replace 'What's wrong with you?' with 'What's bothering you?'"
"It doesn't matter how jealous or hurt someone is, that never gives them a reason or excuse to destroy the lives of others."
"The worst label you can get is 'creep' because it means people don't want to spend time with you without a clear reason."
"I think a combination of text communication and face-to-face communication can be a great way to get through conflict."
"Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to."
"When we take the time when we're willing to look for and find the things we appreciate about the people around us and let them know, it's one of the greatest gifts we can give to them and it's a gift for us as well."
"The way people respond to us depends upon how much self-love we feel for ourselves."
"It's better we know each other's names, even if we fight."
"You're living every day through a really optimistic lens and it allows you to start seeing the best in other people."
"In order to be treated like a king or a queen, you have to treat people like kings and queens."
"We're to be patient with one another. And all of us have had to be patient with others and we've had people who had to be patient with us."
"If I don't feel good about myself, I want you to feel not so good about yourself."
"People feel like they can really get close to you when you're too strong; it pushes people away. It's like people want to feel like you need them in their life."
"Lying hurts people; that's why you shouldn't lie."
"You're not going to influence people if you're judging them."
"What would you sacrifice to protect those you care about?"
"People who love themselves treat other people well."
"Empathy is a magical thing and I think we forget that we are human beings working with human beings."
"Stop turning all the incredibly complicated interpersonal relationships and mannerisms of all the people around you... into a litany of excuses to doubt yourself and your validity as a person."
"Love yourself, be kind to yourself, and treat others the same way."
"Be very leery of people who are inflexible. If you know people that literally won't change their position when presented with facts, run away from those people."
"The outer world tends to match our inner world. How we view ourselves will determine how other people view us as well."
"When we love and accept ourselves, we allow others to love us. When we don't love and accept ourselves, not only will we not allow others to love us, but also deep down we won't believe anything good that they see or acknowledge about us."
"Narcissists are one-state machines programmed to extract narcissistic supply from other people."
"Self-esteem means how much you like yourself. When you like yourself, you also like other people too."
"Getting along with people and being successful and productive in that arena has more to do with accepting that people won't change as opposed to changing people."
"This person wants to get to know you right on a deeper level."
"Stop pretending to read people's minds and talk to them."
"We're all imperfect. However, we can support one another, we can model healthy behaviors, and we can model to others how we expect to be treated."
"People are pretty awesome when you love yourself and have some boundaries."
"The person who loves you the most is the only one who's going to tell you the harsh thing."
"Setting boundaries and sticking to them is crucial for healthy interactions."
"Be the giver of energy. If you're the kind of person that's taking, taking, taking, people are eventually not going to want to be around."
"I don't want to hurt you. I'm hurt, so I don't want to hurt you."
"Genuine connection happens between people, not between pieces of technology."
"Are you happy? Because I want you to be happy."
"Trust is primarily what this person wants, that shared mutual trust and understanding between each other."
"Treat every person as the most important person on earth."
"A man that hath friends must show himself friendly."
"Remember that I remember you, you make me stronger."
"It's often a sharing of the trivial day-to-day things between two people or through groups of people that leads to the feeling that people are really connected to one another."
"Every experience that you have with every person produces an emotion."
"We are creatures who have an enormous capacity for love and love fundamentally is giving; it’s giving to the other person not taking from them."
"If we're talking about interpersonal relationships here, a lot of our problems in interpersonal relationships do have... we do have an element like we're at least 50%."
"You get what you want from this person not through applying force, aggression, frustration, resentment, anger, expectation, commands... but by lovingly allowing them to feel vulnerable by giving them a safe space in which they can express themselves as and when they're ready."
"Pay attention to how you feel after being around someone."
"I never looked exactly at chat because I want to give 100% of my attention to the person I'm talking to."
"Morality is about the interactions with others, the relationships we form and respect."
"Genuine human connection is a part of what makes life worth living."
"It's about respect, yeah, it's about respect."
"People remember how you made them feel rather than what you said."
"I feel like the more you travel, the more people you meet, it's so hard to be narrow-minded."
"Assertiveness...You want to be direct and honest, not manipulative and hostile."
"The most charitable thing that someone can do for someone else is to just be honest with them."
"These days I'm just more interested in people without having some sort of agenda, you know, to convert them, but just to know them, to love them, to understand them, to get to know them, you know, to walk with them on this journey we call life."
"Ask her for a favor. It's counterintuitive, but we actually like somebody more when they do us a favor."
"Empathy... is a careful consideration of the mental space of another person, of how the other person sees the world."
"Give people some sort of closure because you don't realize how bad your actions could affect someone."
"We are wired for attachment; we're wired to some degree for emotional connection."
"Taking responsibility means not hurting other people."
"Beware of people who are already in relationships who have feelings for you."
"I always made it a point... to treat everybody very kind, very nice."
"Having your attention truly was a privilege."
"The more critical you are of other people, the more critical you are of yourself."
"Your relationship with people is going to shape your entire life experience."
"If we don't love ourselves, we can't love anybody else."
"Secure people don't lash out at other people."
"How you treat others and engage with others and build relationships is really important."
"Our freedom to cope in our own way with life's ordeals ends when our coping mechanisms become an added ordeal for other people to cope with."
"I actually prefer talking in person the most."
"Calmness feeds trust, confidence feeds respect, love feeds love, excitement feeds excitement."
"When there is peace and joy in your heart, the things and people you meet will give you peace and joy."
"People don't remember who you were; people remember how you made them feel."
"There's this kind of almost astonishingly simple experience of feeling comfortable with somebody or at peace with something."
"You're not emotionally available to yourself, so you can't be emotionally available to other people."
"Life is short, buddy. We got to be kind to each other."
"People will remember how you made them feel long after they forget your words."
"Listen and be present in a conversation. Show your interest in them. People like to talk about themselves."
"Every person I met was wonderful, just super hardworking, humble, and friendly."
"Take care and please remember to be gentle with yourself and those around you."
"Honestly, Applejack, I can't thank you enough."
"Be gentle with yourself and those around you."
"Happiness is the meaning of what happens between you and the others."
"There's tremendous power in unconditional respect and treating someone with respect, dignity, and fairness, especially when they don't expect it from you."
"It's not always what we say or what we don't say."
"Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says he has the capacity to create love between you and the one you hate."
"If you don't learn to deal with people's little traits and things, it's going to get to you."
"Treat others the way you want to be treated. That's basically what I'm saying."
"If you become a lover of people, you will draw crowds."
"Women will say really nice things to a girl to her face and then talk mad stuff about her behind her back."
"Being that person that people know that they can talk to and not be judged is really an amazing quality."
"My job in life is to love other people well."
"People like to deal with people they feel good around."
"Just because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you hate them."
"Whenever you meet somebody that you've admired for a long time, you hope that they're going to be warm to you, but you never really know."
"There's a difference between narcissism and self-love. Narcissism is when you want the spotlight for yourself. Self-love is where you shine and appreciate other people's shine too."
"Treat others at least two times better than you treat yourself."
"Real life is where the most important interactions happen."
"It's all about knowing when is the right time to try and connect if you want to, and knowing when you probably shouldn't do that."
"If you never heal from what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who never cut you."
"Don't introduce trauma into the next person's life."
"Expectations are resentments under construction."
"Childhood trauma can really damage a person's ability to connect with people and to communicate authentically."
"Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, to control, and to express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and with empathy."
"I just really want to get close to everyone and not feel like a burden."
"The most fulfilling part of life is interpersonal relationships with other people."
"Spending time with people and getting to know them, showing them kindness, helping improve their lives, and making each other laugh is the whole point."
"If you can't make yourself happy, how can you make another person happy?"
"You've got to laugh at yourself first, and then you've got to laugh at others."
"We are looking, 'Can I trust you? Are you on my side?'"
"Every single one of us is connected; we all have a connection to each other."
"I just want people to be nicer to each other."
"It is not of disharmony within the self; it is not of disharmony within peoples."
"They have a light around them; they have a very positive aura."
"Even if it's like fake-nice, you don't know if it's fake-nice, it doesn't really matter. Being fake-nice is still better than being a fucking dick."
"Love each other and greet each other with greetings of love and unity."
"We're just nice to each other. We're just nice people and supportive of one another."
"If you're not getting from people what you need, there is some possibility that you're not approaching them in a manner that evokes a positive response."
"The people who hate your boundaries are the ones who benefited from you having none at all."
"You should never assume people to know what you want or think."
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
"Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough."
"In these last moments, BoJack just wants to be present with someone he cares about. 'How is your day? My day was good.'"
"One thing is true: we respect each other and we learn from each other."
"Now is the time to trust your intuition, now is the time to reach out to those around you, honoring, respecting, loving, sharing."
"I always will have a little bitterness to people who, in my eyes, I feel like kind of left me with no closure."
"You set the tone for how you allow people to treat you."
"I think the really thing that helps is empathy. Like, learned empathy."
"My conscience is my ability to love and is my ability to interact with other people and make them feel well."
"Human connection is the meaning. I think that it's a thing that our society probably systematically undervalues."
"Everyone should be on the lookout for their own Steven Libby in their group of friends."
"What goes around comes around; it's truly amazing how, if you're good to people, you can build up so much influence."
"What we are all beholden to do is find a way of dealing with one another compassionately."
"Don't try to fix people. There's a difference between helping and fixing."
"Jungkook's strongest pieces are between a speaker and another person, like not just me, but you and me."
"You seem like very nice people, so I wish you the absolute best."
"Most of us have never been listened to properly. It's not something that normally we know how to do."
"A narcissist will exploit you emotionally when they think they're losing an argument or they feel like they're losing control over you."
"You need to stop accepting every gift from people. Not everyone is sent from God nor has good intentions towards you."
"The reason we attract toxic people is because we lack self-love. We love others more than we love ourselves, and because we don't love ourselves properly, we are really not qualified to love others."
"Don't be overly clingy; a lot of people find clingy behavior intrusive and annoying."
"If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
"If you're already going in with a certain dislike of somebody, you're just waiting for them to say something you can pop off on."
"Kindness, compassion, and mercy are absolutely essential for how we treat each other."
"The most valuable thing another individual can give you is their time and undivided attention."
"Respect is huge and probably covers a lot of the areas really."
"We teach people how to treat us, and what we permit, we promote."
"Respecting people just because of what you can gain from them is exploitation."
"People are interested in people who are interested in them."
"It is, if done correctly, a good thing when people go out of their way to be considerate and spend extra effort clarifying their intent."
"I am a kind, gentle, loving person who enjoys connecting on a feelings level with my friends, family, and loved partners."
"If you talk to somebody and they gossip and talk s*** about every other person they know, they're talking s*** about you when they're not with you."
"If you want to avoid conflict, rule number one is to avoid people who are constantly involved with conflict."
"Mind reading is when you assume you know what the other person is thinking or feeling... assuming contributes to so much guilt."
"I may not act like I'm appreciative, but I really am. I love all y'all."
"Making someone laugh is a gift you can't buy with money, jewelry, or a gun. If you can make your mom laugh, that's a treasure beyond measure."
"Build rapport, intimacy... Share something about yourself, share life stories, share your passions."
"I like to make eye contact with people... to make sure that people feel like they are loved, that they are having one-on-one time with me."
"Peace is not the absence of something; it's the presence of someone."
"I like to find reasons to be thankful for people."
"Really, it is human conversations and that is what I do."
"A lack of empathy prevents people from understanding the impact they have on others, justifying wrongful actions."
"Miscommunication leads to tons and tons of problems... Assuming bad intent... creates a volatile situation where people are constantly blaming each other."
"Understanding and being respectful goes a long way."
"You're in a bad position if you're making people show you they don't care. 'Cause people don't care."
"When you love yourself, by default you'll love others."
"You guys know how to make the right connections with people, and you connect with people really easily."
"We're doing all this work to combat white supremacy, but we still haven't arrived at disentangling it from the way we love each other."
"This person is very protective of the people that they care about."
"This person is choosing to step up not to you, their connection. You understand me. There's a difference."
"I love you, you're my brother, but I don't know if you're ready."
"Gentleness creates bridges in relationships instead of destroying them."
"You need to be open, honest, and vulnerable, right?"
"A core problem with nice guy syndrome is nice guys tend to be unauthentic... trying to become something, hide something, and that tends to make them fairly dishonest, untrustworthy, frustrated, resentful, passive-aggressive."
"We don't have to work at getting the feminine to be attracted... As soon as you turn and go, 'Oh, it's here, how do I keep it?' you just blew it."
"I think prejudice is as strong as hate, yes. Oh, when there is somebody, if he has a prejudice, then the answer will be, I hate such and such."
"It's about designing your own commitments with the people around you"
"They still need to feel safe to open up to someone."
"Actions speak louder than words. Always. Doesn't matter what someone's saying. I think monitoring their actions over a long period of time are way more honest of anything than they could ever hope to say."
"We need each other, and life is so much more wonderful with each other."